/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Cairo = imports.cairo; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const St = imports.gi.St; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell'); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const Calendar = imports.ui.calendar; // in org.gnome.desktop.interface const CLOCK_FORMAT_KEY = 'clock-format'; // in org.gnome.shell.clock const CLOCK_SHOW_DATE_KEY = 'show-date'; const CLOCK_SHOW_SECONDS_KEY = 'show-seconds'; function DateMenuButton() { this._init(); } function on_vert_sep_repaint (area) { let cr = area.get_context(); let themeNode = area.get_theme_node(); let [width, height] = area.get_surface_size(); let found, margin, gradientHeight; [found, margin] = themeNode.lookup_length('-margin-vertical', false); [found, gradientWidth] = themeNode.lookup_length('-gradient-width', false); let startColor = new Clutter.Color(); themeNode.lookup_color('-gradient-start', false, startColor); let endColor = new Clutter.Color(); themeNode.lookup_color('-gradient-end', false, endColor); let gradientHeight = (height - margin * 2); let gradientOffset = (width - gradientWidth) / 2; let pattern = new Cairo.LinearGradient(gradientOffset, margin, gradientOffset + gradientWidth, height - margin); pattern.addColorStopRGBA(0, startColor.red / 255, startColor.green / 255, startColor.blue / 255, startColor.alpha / 255); pattern.addColorStopRGBA(0.5, endColor.red / 255, endColor.green / 255, endColor.blue / 255, endColor.alpha / 255); pattern.addColorStopRGBA(1, startColor.red / 255, startColor.green / 255, startColor.blue / 255, startColor.alpha / 255); cr.setSource(pattern); cr.rectangle(gradientOffset, margin, gradientWidth, gradientHeight); cr.fill(); }; DateMenuButton.prototype = { __proto__: PanelMenu.Button.prototype, _init: function() { let item; let hbox; let vbox; //this._event_source = new Calendar.EmptyEventSource(); this._event_source = new Calendar.FakeEventSource(); // TODO: write e.g. EvolutionEventSource PanelMenu.Button.prototype._init.call(this, St.Align.START); this._clock = new St.Label(); this.actor.set_child(this._clock); hbox = new St.BoxLayout({name: 'calendarHBox'}); this.menu.addActor(hbox); // Fill up the first column // vbox = new St.BoxLayout({vertical: true, name: 'calendarVBox1'}); hbox.add(vbox); // Date this._date = new St.Label(); this._date.style_class = 'datemenu-date-label'; vbox.add(this._date); this._event_list = new Calendar.EventsList(this._event_source); // Calendar this._calendar = new Calendar.Calendar(this._event_source, this._event_list); vbox.add(this._calendar.actor); // Add vertical separator // item = new St.DrawingArea({ style_class: 'calendar-vertical-separator', pseudo_class: 'highlighted' }); item.set_width(25); // TODO: don't hard-code the width item.connect('repaint', Lang.bind(this, on_vert_sep_repaint)); hbox.add(item); // Fill up the second column // // Event list hbox.add(this._event_list.actor); // Whenever the menu is opened, select today // this.menu.connect('open-state-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(menu, is_open) { if (is_open) { let now = new Date(); this._calendar.setDate(now); } })); // Done with hbox for calendar and event list // // Add separator item = new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem(); this.menu.addMenuItem(item); // Add button to get to the Date and Time settings item = new PopupMenu.PopupImageMenuItem(_("Date and Time Settings"), 'gnome-shell-clock-preferences'); item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this._onPreferencesActivate)); this.menu.addMenuItem(item); // Track changes to clock settings this._desktopSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema: 'org.gnome.desktop.interface' }); this._clockSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema: 'org.gnome.shell.clock' }); this._desktopSettings.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._clockSettingsChanged)); this._clockSettings.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._clockSettingsChanged)); // Start the clock this._updateClockAndDate(); }, _clockSettingsChanged: function() { this._updateClockAndDate(); }, _updateClockAndDate: function() { let format = this._desktopSettings.get_string(CLOCK_FORMAT_KEY); let showDate = this._clockSettings.get_boolean(CLOCK_SHOW_DATE_KEY); let showSeconds = this._clockSettings.get_boolean(CLOCK_SHOW_SECONDS_KEY); let clockFormat; let dateFormat; switch (format) { case '24h': if (showDate) /* Translators: This is the time format with date used in 24-hour mode. */ clockFormat = showSeconds ? _("%a %b %e, %R:%S") : _("%a %b %e, %R"); else /* Translators: This is the time format without date used in 24-hour mode. */ clockFormat = showSeconds ? _("%a %R:%S") : _("%a %R"); break; case '12h': default: if (showDate) /* Translators: This is a time format with date used for AM/PM. */ clockFormat = showSeconds ? _("%a %b %e, %l:%M:%S %p") : _("%a %b %e, %l:%M %p"); else /* Translators: This is a time format without date used for AM/PM. */ clockFormat = showSeconds ? _("%a %l:%M:%S %p") : _("%a %l:%M %p"); break; } let displayDate = new Date(); let msecRemaining; if (showSeconds) { msecRemaining = 1000 - displayDate.getMilliseconds(); if (msecRemaining < 50) { displayDate.setSeconds(displayDate.getSeconds() + 1); msecRemaining += 1000; } } else { msecRemaining = 60000 - (1000 * displayDate.getSeconds() + displayDate.getMilliseconds()); if (msecRemaining < 500) { displayDate.setMinutes(displayDate.getMinutes() + 1); msecRemaining += 60000; } } this._clock.set_text(displayDate.toLocaleFormat(clockFormat)); /* Translators: This is the date format to use */ dateFormat = _("%B %e, %Y"); this._date.set_text(displayDate.toLocaleFormat(dateFormat)); Mainloop.timeout_add(msecRemaining, Lang.bind(this, this._updateClockAndDate)); return false; }, _onPreferencesActivate: function() { Main.overview.hide(); this._spawn(['gnome-control-center', 'datetime']); }, _spawn: function(args) { // FIXME: once Shell.Process gets support for signalling // errors we should pop up an error dialog or something here // on failure let p = new Shell.Process({'args' : args}); p.run(); } };