'-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN'
  <interface name="org.gnome.Shell.SearchProvider">
          The interface used for integrating into GNOME Shell's search

    <method name="GetInitialResultSet">
            Called when the user first begins a search.
      <arg type="as" direction="in">
              Array of search terms, which the provider should treat as
              logical AND.
      <arg type="as" direction="out">
              An array of result identifier strings representing items which
              match the given search terms. Identifiers must be unique within
              the provider's domain, but other than that may be chosen freely
              by the provider.

    <method name="GetSubsearchResultSet">
            Called when a search is performed which is a "subsearch" of
            the previous search, e.g. the method may return less results, but
            not more or different results.

            This allows search providers to only search through the previous
            result set, rather than possibly performing a full re-query.
      <arg type="as" direction="in">
              Array of item identifiers
      <arg type="as" direction="in">
              Array of updated search terms, which the provider should treat as
              logical AND.
      <arg type="as" direction="out">
              An array of result identifier strings representing items which
              match the given search terms. Identifiers must be unique within
              the provider's domain, but other than that may be chosen freely
              by the provider.

    <method name="GetResultMetas">
            Return an array of meta data used to display each given result
      <arg type="as" direction="in">
              An array of result identifiers as returned by
              GetInitialResultSet() or GetSubsearchResultSet()
      <arg type="aa{sv}" direction="out">
              A dictionary describing the given search result, containing
              'id', 'name' (both strings) and either 'icon' (a serialized
              GIcon) or 'icon-data' (raw image data as (iiibiiay) - width,
              height, rowstride, has-alpha, bits per sample, channels, data)

    <method name="ActivateResult">
            Called when the users chooses a given result. The result should
            be displayed in the application associated with the corresponding
      <arg type="s" direction="in">
              A result identifier as returned by GetInitialResultSet() or