<schemalist> <enum id="MouseTrackingMode"> <value nick="none" value="0"/> <value nick="centered" value="1"/> <value nick="proportional" value="2"/> <value nick="push" value="3"/> </enum> <enum id="ScreenPosition"> <value nick="none" value="0"/> <value nick="full-screen" value="1"/> <value nick="top-half" value="2"/> <value nick="bottom-half" value="3"/> <value nick="left-half" value="4"/> <value nick="right-half" value="5"/> </enum> <schema id="org.gnome.accessibility.magnifier" path="/desktop/gnome/accessibility/magnifier/" gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@"> <key name="show-magnifier" type="b"> <default>false</default> <_summary>Show or hide the magnifier</_summary> <_description> Show or hide the magnifier and all of its zoom regions. </_description> </key> <key name="mouse-tracking" enum="MouseTrackingMode"> <default>'centered'</default> <_summary>Mouse Tracking Mode</_summary> <_description> Determines the position of the magnified mouse image within the magnified view and how it reacts to system mouse movement. The values are - none: no mouse tracking; - centered: the mouse image is displayed at the center of the zoom region (which also represents the point under the system mouse) and the magnified contents are scrolled as the system mouse moves; - proportional: the position of the magnified mouse in the zoom region is proportionally the same as the position of the system mouse on screen; - push: when the magnified mouse intersects a boundary of the zoom region, the contents are scrolled into view. </_description> </key> <key name="screen-position" enum="ScreenPosition"> <default>'bottom-half'</default> <_summary>Screen position</_summary> <_description> The magnified view either fills the entire screen, or occupies the top-half, bottom-half, left-half, or right-half of the screen. </_description> </key> <key name="mag-factor" type="d"> <default>2.0</default> <_summary>Magnification factor</_summary> <_description> The power of the magnification. A value of 1.0 means no magnification. A value of 2.0 doubles the size. </_description> </key> <key name="lens-mode" type="b"> <default>false</default> <_summary>Enable lens mode</_summary> <_description> Whether the magnified view should be centered over the location of the system mouse and move with it. </_description> </key> <key name="scroll-at-edges" type="b"> <default>false</default> <_summary> Scroll magnified contents beyond the edges of the desktop </_summary> <_description> For centered mouse tracking, when the system pointer is at or near the edge of the screen, the magnified contents continue to scroll such that the screen edge moves into the magnified view. </_description> </key> <!-- Cross-hairs --> <key name="show-cross-hairs" type="b"> <default>false</default> <_summary>Show or hide crosshairs</_summary> <_description> Enables/disables display of crosshairs centered on the magnified mouse sprite. </_description> </key> <key name="cross-hairs-thickness" type="i"> <default>8</default> <_summary>Thickness of the crosshairs</_summary> <_description> Width of the vertical and horizontal lines that make up the crosshairs. </_description> </key> <key name="cross-hairs-color" type="s"> <default>'#ff0000'</default> <_summary>Color of the crosshairs</_summary> <_description> The color of the the vertical and horizontal lines that make up the crosshairs. </_description> </key> <key name="cross-hairs-opacity" type="i"> <default>169</default> <_summary>Opacity of the crosshairs</_summary> <_description> Determines the transparency of the crosshairs, from fully opaque to fully transparent. </_description> </key> <key name="cross-hairs-length" type="i"> <default>4096</default> <_summary>Length of the crosshairs</_summary> <_description> Determines the length of the vertical and horizontal lines that make up the crosshairs. </_description> </key> <key name="cross-hairs-clip" type="b"> <default>false</default> <_summary>Clip the crosshairs at the center</_summary> <_description> Determines whether the crosshairs intersect the magnified mouse sprite, or are clipped such that the ends of the horizontal and vertical lines surround the mouse image. </_description> </key> </schema> </schemalist>