// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Main = imports.ui.main; const { loadInterfaceXML } = imports.misc.fileUtils; const MAG_SERVICE_PATH = '/org/gnome/Magnifier'; const ZOOM_SERVICE_PATH = '/org/gnome/Magnifier/ZoomRegion'; // Subset of gnome-mag's Magnifier dbus interface -- to be expanded. See: // http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-mag/tree/xml/...Magnifier.xml const MagnifierIface = loadInterfaceXML('org.gnome.Magnifier'); // Subset of gnome-mag's ZoomRegion dbus interface -- to be expanded. See: // http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-mag/tree/xml/...ZoomRegion.xml const ZoomRegionIface = loadInterfaceXML('org.gnome.Magnifier.ZoomRegion'); // For making unique ZoomRegion DBus proxy object paths of the form: // '/org/gnome/Magnifier/ZoomRegion/zoomer0', // '/org/gnome/Magnifier/ZoomRegion/zoomer1', etc. let _zoomRegionInstanceCount = 0; var ShellMagnifier = class ShellMagnifier { constructor() { this._zoomers = {}; this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(MagnifierIface, this); this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, MAG_SERVICE_PATH); } /** * setActive: * @activate: Boolean to activate or de-activate the magnifier. */ setActive(activate) { Main.magnifier.setActive(activate); } /** * isActive: * @return Whether the magnifier is active (boolean). */ isActive() { return Main.magnifier.isActive(); } /** * showCursor: * Show the system mouse pointer. */ showCursor() { Main.magnifier.showSystemCursor(); } /** * hideCursor: * Hide the system mouse pointer. */ hideCursor() { Main.magnifier.hideSystemCursor(); } /** * createZoomRegion: * Create a new ZoomRegion and return its object path. * @xMagFactor: The power to set horizontal magnification of the * ZoomRegion. A value of 1.0 means no magnification. A * value of 2.0 doubles the size. * @yMagFactor: The power to set the vertical magnification of the * ZoomRegion. * @roi Array of integers defining the region of the * screen/desktop to magnify. The array has the form * [left, top, right, bottom]. * @viewPort Array of integers, [left, top, right, bottom] that defines * the position of the ZoomRegion on screen. * * FIXME: The arguments here are redundant, since the width and height of * the ROI are determined by the viewport and magnification factors. * We ignore the passed in width and height. * * @return The newly created ZoomRegion. */ createZoomRegion(xMagFactor, yMagFactor, roi, viewPort) { let ROI = { x: roi[0], y: roi[1], width: roi[2] - roi[0], height: roi[3] - roi[1] }; let viewBox = { x: viewPort[0], y: viewPort[1], width: viewPort[2] - viewPort[0], height: viewPort[3] - viewPort[1] }; let realZoomRegion = Main.magnifier.createZoomRegion(xMagFactor, yMagFactor, ROI, viewBox); let objectPath = `${ZOOM_SERVICE_PATH}/zoomer${_zoomRegionInstanceCount}`; _zoomRegionInstanceCount++; let zoomRegionProxy = new ShellMagnifierZoomRegion(objectPath, realZoomRegion); let proxyAndZoomRegion = {}; proxyAndZoomRegion.proxy = zoomRegionProxy; proxyAndZoomRegion.zoomRegion = realZoomRegion; this._zoomers[objectPath] = proxyAndZoomRegion; return objectPath; } /** * addZoomRegion: * Append the given ZoomRegion to the magnifier's list of ZoomRegions. * @zoomerObjectPath: The object path for the zoom region proxy. */ addZoomRegion(zoomerObjectPath) { let proxyAndZoomRegion = this._zoomers[zoomerObjectPath]; if (proxyAndZoomRegion && proxyAndZoomRegion.zoomRegion) { Main.magnifier.addZoomRegion(proxyAndZoomRegion.zoomRegion); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * getZoomRegions: * Return a list of ZoomRegion object paths for this Magnifier. * @return: The Magnifier's zoom region list as an array of DBus object * paths. */ getZoomRegions() { // There may be more ZoomRegions in the magnifier itself than have // been added through dbus. Make sure all of them are associated with // an object path and proxy. let zoomRegions = Main.magnifier.getZoomRegions(); let objectPaths = []; let thoseZoomers = this._zoomers; zoomRegions.forEach (aZoomRegion => { let found = false; for (let objectPath in thoseZoomers) { let proxyAndZoomRegion = thoseZoomers[objectPath]; if (proxyAndZoomRegion.zoomRegion === aZoomRegion) { objectPaths.push(objectPath); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // Got a ZoomRegion with no DBus proxy, make one. let newPath = ZOOM_SERVICE_PATH + '/zoomer' + _zoomRegionInstanceCount; _zoomRegionInstanceCount++; let zoomRegionProxy = new ShellMagnifierZoomRegion(newPath, aZoomRegion); let proxyAndZoomer = {}; proxyAndZoomer.proxy = zoomRegionProxy; proxyAndZoomer.zoomRegion = aZoomRegion; thoseZoomers[newPath] = proxyAndZoomer; objectPaths.push(newPath); } }); return objectPaths; } /** * clearAllZoomRegions: * Remove all the zoom regions from this Magnfier's ZoomRegion list. */ clearAllZoomRegions() { Main.magnifier.clearAllZoomRegions(); for (let objectPath in this._zoomers) { let proxyAndZoomer = this._zoomers[objectPath]; proxyAndZoomer.proxy.destroy(); proxyAndZoomer.proxy = null; proxyAndZoomer.zoomRegion = null; delete this._zoomers[objectPath]; } this._zoomers = {}; } /** * fullScreenCapable: * Consult if the Magnifier can magnify in full-screen mode. * @return Always return true. */ fullScreenCapable() { return true; } /** * setCrosswireSize: * Set the crosswire size of all ZoomRegions. * @size: The thickness of each line in the cross wire. */ setCrosswireSize(size) { Main.magnifier.setCrosshairsThickness(size); } /** * getCrosswireSize: * Get the crosswire size of all ZoomRegions. * @return: The thickness of each line in the cross wire. */ getCrosswireSize() { return Main.magnifier.getCrosshairsThickness(); } /** * setCrosswireLength: * Set the crosswire length of all zoom-regions.. * @size: The length of each line in the cross wire. */ setCrosswireLength(length) { Main.magnifier.setCrosshairsLength(length); } /** * setCrosswireSize: * Set the crosswire size of all zoom-regions. * @size: The thickness of each line in the cross wire. */ getCrosswireLength() { return Main.magnifier.getCrosshairsLength(); } /** * setCrosswireClip: * Set if the crosswire will be clipped by the cursor image.. * @clip: Flag to indicate whether to clip the crosswire. */ setCrosswireClip(clip) { Main.magnifier.setCrosshairsClip(clip); } /** * getCrosswireClip: * Get the crosswire clip value. * @return: Whether the crosswire is clipped by the cursor image. */ getCrosswireClip() { return Main.magnifier.getCrosshairsClip(); } /** * setCrosswireColor: * Set the crosswire color of all ZoomRegions. * @color: Unsigned int of the form rrggbbaa. */ setCrosswireColor(color) { Main.magnifier.setCrosshairsColor('#%08x'.format(color)); } /** * getCrosswireClip: * Get the crosswire color of all ZoomRegions. * @return: The crosswire color as an unsigned int in the form rrggbbaa. */ getCrosswireColor() { let colorString = Main.magnifier.getCrosshairsColor(); // Drop the leading '#'. return parseInt(colorString.slice(1), 16); } }; /** * ShellMagnifierZoomRegion: * Object that implements the DBus ZoomRegion interface. * @zoomerObjectPath: String that is the path to a DBus ZoomRegion. * @zoomRegion: The actual zoom region associated with the object path. */ var ShellMagnifierZoomRegion = class ShellMagnifierZoomRegion { constructor(zoomerObjectPath, zoomRegion) { this._zoomRegion = zoomRegion; this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(ZoomRegionIface, this); this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, zoomerObjectPath); } /** * setMagFactor: * @xMagFactor: The power to set the horizontal magnification factor to * of the magnified view. A value of 1.0 means no * magnification. A value of 2.0 doubles the size. * @yMagFactor: The power to set the vertical magnification factor to * of the magnified view. */ setMagFactor(xMagFactor, yMagFactor) { this._zoomRegion.setMagFactor(xMagFactor, yMagFactor); } /** * getMagFactor: * @return an array, [xMagFactor, yMagFactor], containing the horizontal * and vertical magnification powers. A value of 1.0 means no * magnification. A value of 2.0 means the contents are doubled * in size, and so on. */ getMagFactor() { return this._zoomRegion.getMagFactor(); } /** * setRoi: * Sets the "region of interest" that the ZoomRegion is magnifying. * @roi Array, [left, top, right, bottom], defining the region of the * screen to magnify. The values are in screen (unmagnified) * coordinate space. */ setRoi(roi) { let roiObject = { x: roi[0], y: roi[1], width: roi[2] - roi[0], height: roi[3] - roi[1] }; this._zoomRegion.setROI(roiObject); } /** * getRoi: * Retrieves the "region of interest" -- the rectangular bounds of that part * of the desktop that the magnified view is showing (x, y, width, height). * The bounds are given in non-magnified coordinates. * @return an array, [left, top, right, bottom], representing the bounding * rectangle of what is shown in the magnified view. */ getRoi() { let roi = this._zoomRegion.getROI(); roi[2] += roi[0]; roi[3] += roi[1]; return roi; } /** * Set the "region of interest" by centering the given screen coordinate * within the zoom region. * @x The x-coord of the point to place at the center of the zoom region. * @y The y-coord. * @return Whether the shift was successful (for GS-mag, this is always * true). */ shiftContentsTo(x, y) { this._zoomRegion.scrollContentsTo(x, y); return true; } /** * moveResize * Sets the position and size of the ZoomRegion on screen. * @viewPort Array, [left, top, right, bottom], defining the position and * size on screen to place the zoom region. */ moveResize(viewPort) { let viewRect = { x: viewPort[0], y: viewPort[1], width: viewPort[2] - viewPort[0], height: viewPort[3] - viewPort[1] }; this._zoomRegion.setViewPort(viewRect); } destroy() { this._dbusImpl.unexport(); } };