/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const Big = imports.gi.Big; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Gdk = imports.gi.Gdk; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Pango = imports.gi.Pango; const Signals = imports.signals; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Tidy = imports.gi.Tidy; const Button = imports.ui.button; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const Link = imports.ui.link; const ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR.from_pixel(0xffffffff); const ITEM_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); ITEM_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION_COLOR.from_pixel(0xffffffbb); const ITEM_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); ITEM_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR.from_pixel(0x00000000); const ITEM_DISPLAY_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); ITEM_DISPLAY_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR.from_pixel(0x4f6fadaa); const DISPLAY_CONTROL_SELECTED_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); DISPLAY_CONTROL_SELECTED_COLOR.from_pixel(0x112288ff); const PREVIEW_BOX_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); PREVIEW_BOX_BACKGROUND_COLOR.from_pixel(0xADADADf0); const HOT_PINK_DEBUG = new Clutter.Color(); HOT_PINK_DEBUG.from_pixel(0xFF8888FF); const ITEM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 50; const ITEM_DISPLAY_ICON_SIZE = 48; const ITEM_DISPLAY_PADDING_TOP = 1; const ITEM_DISPLAY_PADDING_RIGHT = 2; const DEFAULT_COLUMN_GAP = 6; const LABEL_HEIGHT = 16; const PREVIEW_ICON_SIZE = 96; const PREVIEW_BOX_PADDING = 6; const PREVIEW_BOX_SPACING = 4; const PREVIEW_BOX_CORNER_RADIUS = 10; // how far relative to the full item width the preview box should be placed const PREVIEW_PLACING = 3/4; const PREVIEW_DETAILS_MIN_WIDTH = PREVIEW_ICON_SIZE * 2; const INFORMATION_BUTTON_SIZE = 16; /* This is a virtual class that represents a single display item containing * a name, a description, and an icon. It allows selecting an item and represents * it by highlighting it with a different background color than the default. * * availableWidth - total width available for the item */ function GenericDisplayItem(availableWidth) { this._init(availableWidth); } GenericDisplayItem.prototype = { _init: function(availableWidth) { this._availableWidth = availableWidth; this.actor = new Clutter.Group({ reactive: true, width: availableWidth, height: ITEM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT }); this.actor._delegate = this; this.actor.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, function() { // Activates the item by launching it this.emit('activate'); return true; })); let draggable = DND.makeDraggable(this.actor); draggable.connect('drag-begin', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragBegin)); this._bg = new Big.Box({ background_color: ITEM_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR, corner_radius: 4, x: 0, y: 0, width: availableWidth, height: ITEM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT }); this.actor.add_actor(this._bg); let global = Shell.Global.get(); let infoIconUri = "file://" + global.imagedir + "info.svg"; let infoIcon = Shell.TextureCache.get_default().load_uri_sync(Shell.TextureCachePolicy.FOREVER, infoIconUri, INFORMATION_BUTTON_SIZE, INFORMATION_BUTTON_SIZE); this._informationButton = new Button.iconButton(this.actor, INFORMATION_BUTTON_SIZE, infoIcon); this._informationButton.actor.x = availableWidth - ITEM_DISPLAY_PADDING_RIGHT - INFORMATION_BUTTON_SIZE; this._informationButton.actor.y = ITEM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 2 - INFORMATION_BUTTON_SIZE / 2; // Connecting to the button-press-event for the information button ensures that the actor, // which is a draggable actor, does not get the button-press-event and doesn't initiate // the dragging, which then prevents us from getting the button-release-event for the button. this._informationButton.actor.connect('button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, function() { return true; })); this._informationButton.actor.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, function() { // Selects the item by highlighting it and displaying its details this.emit('select'); return true; })); this.actor.add_actor(this._informationButton.actor); this._informationButton.actor.lower_bottom(); this._name = null; this._description = null; this._icon = null; this._previewIcon = null; this.dragActor = null; }, //// Draggable object interface //// // Returns a cloned texture of the item's icon to represent the item as it // is being dragged. getDragActor: function(stageX, stageY) { this.dragActor = this._createIcon(); // If the user dragged from the icon itself, then position // the dragActor over the original icon. Otherwise center it // around the pointer let [iconX, iconY] = this._icon.get_transformed_position(); let [iconWidth, iconHeight] = this._icon.get_transformed_size(); if (stageX > iconX && stageX <= iconX + iconWidth && stageY > iconY && stageY <= iconY + iconHeight) this.dragActor.set_position(iconX, iconY); else this.dragActor.set_position(stageX - this.dragActor.width / 2, stageY - this.dragActor.height / 2); return this.dragActor; }, // Returns the item icon, a separate copy of which is used to // represent the item as it is being dragged. This is used to // determine a snap-back location for the drag icon if it does // not get accepted by any drop target. getDragActorSource: function() { return this._icon; }, //// Public methods //// // Shows the information button when the item was drawn under the mouse pointer. onDrawnUnderPointer: function() { this._informationButton.show(); }, // Highlights the item by setting a different background color than the default // if isSelected is true, removes the highlighting otherwise. markSelected: function(isSelected) { let color; if (isSelected) { color = ITEM_DISPLAY_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR; this._informationButton.forceShow(true); } else { color = ITEM_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR; this._informationButton.forceShow(false); } this._bg.background_color = color; }, /* * Returns an actor containing item details. In the future details can have more information than what * the preview pop-up has and be item-type specific. * * availableWidth - width available for displaying details * availableHeight - height available for displaying details */ createDetailsActor: function(availableWidth, availableHeight) { let details = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL, spacing: PREVIEW_BOX_SPACING, width: availableWidth }); let mainDetails = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing: PREVIEW_BOX_SPACING, width: availableWidth }); // Inner box with name and description let textDetails = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL, spacing: PREVIEW_BOX_SPACING }); let detailsName = new Clutter.Text({ color: ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR, font_name: "Sans bold 14px", line_wrap: true, text: this._name.text}); textDetails.append(detailsName, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); let detailsDescription = new Clutter.Text({ color: ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR, font_name: "Sans 14px", line_wrap: true, text: this._description.text }); textDetails.append(detailsDescription, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); mainDetails.append(textDetails, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND); this._ensurePreviewIconCreated(); let largePreviewIcon = this._createLargePreviewIcon(availableWidth, Math.max(0, availableHeight - mainDetails.height - PREVIEW_BOX_SPACING)); if (this._previewIcon != null && largePreviewIcon == null) { let previewIconClone = new Clutter.Clone({ source: this._previewIcon }); mainDetails.prepend(previewIconClone, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); } details.append(mainDetails, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); if (largePreviewIcon != null) { let largePreview = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL }); largePreview.append(largePreviewIcon, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); details.append(largePreview, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); } return details; }, // Destoys the item. destroy: function() { this.actor.destroy(); }, //// Pure virtual public methods //// // Performes an action associated with launching this item, such as opening a file or an application. launch: function() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, //// Protected methods //// /* * Creates the graphical elements for the item based on the item information. * * nameText - name of the item * descriptionText - short description of the item */ _setItemInfo: function(nameText, descriptionText) { if (this._name != null) { // this also removes this._name from the parent container, // so we don't need to call this.actor.remove_actor(this._name) directly this._name.destroy(); this._name = null; } if (this._description != null) { this._description.destroy(); this._description = null; } if (this._icon != null) { // though we get the icon from elsewhere, we assume its ownership here, // and therefore should be responsible for distroying it this._icon.destroy(); this._icon = null; } // This ensures we'll create a new previewIcon next time we need it if (this._previewIcon != null) { this._previewIcon.destroy(); this._previewIcon = null; } this._icon = this._createIcon(); this.actor.add_actor(this._icon); let textWidth = this._availableWidth - (ITEM_DISPLAY_ICON_SIZE + 4) - INFORMATION_BUTTON_SIZE - ITEM_DISPLAY_PADDING_RIGHT; this._name = new Clutter.Text({ color: ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR, font_name: "Sans 14px", width: textWidth, ellipsize: Pango.EllipsizeMode.END, text: nameText, x: ITEM_DISPLAY_ICON_SIZE + 4, y: ITEM_DISPLAY_PADDING_TOP }); this.actor.add_actor(this._name); this._description = new Clutter.Text({ color: ITEM_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION_COLOR, font_name: "Sans 12px", width: textWidth, ellipsize: Pango.EllipsizeMode.END, text: descriptionText ? descriptionText : "", x: this._name.x, y: this._name.height + 4 }); this.actor.add_actor(this._description); }, _setDescriptionText: function(text) { this._description.text = text; }, //// Virtual protected methods //// // Creates and returns a large preview icon, but only if we have a detailed image. _createLargePreviewIcon : function(availableWidth, availableHeight) { return null; }, //// Pure virtual protected methods //// // Returns an icon for the item. _createIcon: function() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, // Ensures the preview icon is created. _ensurePreviewIconCreated: function() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, //// Private methods //// // Hides the information button once the item starts being dragged. _onDragBegin : function (draggable, time) { // For some reason, we are not getting leave-event signal when we are dragging an item, // so we should remove the link manually. this._informationButton.actor.hide(); } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(GenericDisplayItem.prototype); /* This is a virtual class that represents a display containing a collection of items * that can be filtered with a search string. * * width - width available for the display */ function GenericDisplay(width) { this._init(width); } GenericDisplay.prototype = { _init : function(width) { this._search = ''; this._expanded = false; this._width = width; this._maxItemsPerPage = null; this._list = new Shell.OverflowList({ width: this._width, spacing: 6.0, item_height: ITEM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT }); this._list.connect('notify::n-pages', Lang.bind(this, function (grid, alloc) { this._updateDisplayControl(true); })); this._list.connect('notify::page', Lang.bind(this, function (grid, alloc) { this._updateDisplayControl(false); })); // map where Object represents the item info this._allItems = {}; // an array of itemIds of items that match the current request // in the order in which the items should be displayed this._matchedItems = []; // map this._displayedItems = {}; this._selectedIndex = -1; // These two are public - .actor is the normal "actor subclass" property, // but we also expose a .displayControl actor which is separate. // See also getNavigationArea. this.actor = this._list; this.displayControl = new Big.Box({ background_color: ITEM_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR, spacing: 12, orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL}); this._availableWidthForItemDetails = width; this.selectedItemDetails = new Big.Box({}); }, //// Public methods //// // Sets dimensions available for the item details display. setAvailableDimensionsForItemDetails: function(availableWidth, availableHeight) { this._availableWidthForItemDetails = availableWidth; this._availableHeightForItemDetails = availableHeight; }, // Returns dimensions available for the item details display. getAvailableDimensionsForItemDetails: function() { return [this._availableWidthForItemDetails, this._availableHeightForItemDetails]; }, // Sets the search string and displays the matching items. setSearch: function(text) { this._search = text.toLowerCase(); this._redisplay(true); }, // Launches the item that is currently selected and emits 'activated' signal. activateSelected: function() { if (this._selectedIndex != -1) { let selected = this._findDisplayedByIndex(this._selectedIndex); selected.launch() this.emit('activated'); } }, // Moves the selection one up. If the selection was already on the top item, it's moved // to the bottom one. Returns true if the selection actually moved up, false if it wrapped // around to the bottom. selectUp: function() { let count = this._list.displayedCount; let selectedUp = true; let prev = this._selectedIndex - 1; if (this._selectedIndex <= 0) { prev = count - 1; selectedUp = false; } this._selectIndex(prev); return selectedUp; }, // Moves the selection one down. If the selection was already on the bottom item, it's moved // to the top one. Returns true if the selection actually moved down, false if it wrapped // around to the top. selectDown: function() { let count = this._list.displayedCount; let selectedDown = true; let next = this._selectedIndex + 1; if (this._selectedIndex == count - 1) { next = 0; selectedDown = false; } this._selectIndex(next); return selectedDown; }, // Selects the first item among the displayed items. selectFirstItem: function() { if (this.hasItems()) this._selectIndex(0); }, // Selects the last item among the displayed items. selectLastItem: function() { let count = this._list.displayedCount; if (this.hasItems()) this._selectIndex(count - 1); }, // Returns true if the display has some item selected. hasSelected: function() { return this._selectedIndex != -1; }, // Removes selection if some display item is selected. unsetSelected: function() { this._selectIndex(-1); }, // Returns true if the display has any displayed items. hasItems: function() { return this._list.displayedCount > 0; }, // Updates the displayed items and makes the display actor visible. show: function() { this._list.show(); this._redisplay(true); }, // Hides the display actor. hide: function() { this._list.hide(); this._filterReset(); this._removeAllDisplayItems(); }, // Returns an actor which acts as a sidebar; this is used for // the applications category view getNavigationArea: function () { return null; }, //// Protected methods //// /* * Displays items that match the current request and should show up on the current page. * Updates the display control to reflect the matched items set and the page selected. * * resetDisplayControl - indicates if the display control should be re-created because * the results or the space allocated for them changed. If it's false, * the existing display control is used and only the page links are * updated to reflect the current page selection. */ _displayMatchedItems: function(resetDisplayControl) { // When generating a new list to display, we first remove all the old // displayed items which will unset the selection. So we need // to keep a flag which indicates if this display had the selection. let hadSelected = this.hasSelected(); this._removeAllDisplayItems(); for (let i = 0; i < this._matchedItems.length; i++) { this._addDisplayItem(this._matchedItems[i]); } if (hadSelected) { this._selectedIndex = -1; this.selectFirstItem(); } // We currently redisplay matching items and raise the sideshow as part of two different callbacks. // Checking what is under the pointer after a timeout allows us to not merge these callbacks into one, at least for now. Mainloop.timeout_add(5, Lang.bind(this, function() { // Check if the pointer is over one of the items and display the information button if it is. let [child, x, y, mask] = Gdk.Screen.get_default().get_root_window().get_pointer(); let global = Shell.Global.get(); let actor = global.stage.get_actor_at_pos(Clutter.PickMode.REACTIVE, x, y); if (actor != null) { let item = this._findDisplayedByActor(actor); if (item != null) { item.onDrawnUnderPointer(); } } return false; })); }, // Creates a display item based on the information associated with itemId // and adds it to the displayed items. _addDisplayItem : function(itemId) { if (this._displayedItems.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) { log("Tried adding a display item for " + itemId + ", but an item with this item id is already among displayed items."); return; } let itemInfo = this._allItems[itemId]; let displayItem = this._createDisplayItem(itemInfo, this._width); displayItem.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, function() { // update the selection this._selectIndex(this._getIndexOfDisplayedActor(displayItem.actor)); this.activateSelected(); })); displayItem.connect('select', Lang.bind(this, function() { // update the selection this._selectIndex(this._getIndexOfDisplayedActor(displayItem.actor)); })); this._list.add_actor(displayItem.actor); this._displayedItems[itemId] = displayItem; }, // Removes an item identifed by the itemId from the displayed items. _removeDisplayItem: function(itemId) { let count = this._list.displayedCount; let displayItem = this._displayedItems[itemId]; let displayItemIndex = this._getIndexOfDisplayedActor(displayItem.actor); if (this.hasSelected() && (count == 1 || !this._list.visible)) { this.unsetSelected(); } else if (this.hasSelected() && displayItemIndex < this._selectedIndex) { this.selectUp(); } displayItem.destroy(); delete this._displayedItems[itemId]; }, // Removes all displayed items. _removeAllDisplayItems: function() { this.unsetSelected(); for (itemId in this._displayedItems) this._removeDisplayItem(itemId); }, // Return true if there's an active search or other constraint // on the list _filterActive: function() { return this._search != ""; }, // Called when we are resetting state _filterReset: function() { this.unsetSelected(); }, /* * Updates the displayed items, applying the search string if one exists. * * resetPage - indicates if the page selection should be reset when displaying the matching results. * We reset the page selection when the change in results was initiated by the user by * entering a different search criteria or by viewing the results list in a different * size mode, but we keep the page selection the same if the results got updated on * their own while the user was browsing through the result pages. */ _redisplay: function(resetPage) { if (!this._list.visible) return; this._refreshCache(); if (!this._filterActive()) this._setDefaultList(); else this._doSearchFilter(); if (resetPage) this._list.page = 0; this._displayMatchedItems(true); this.emit('redisplayed'); }, //// Pure virtual protected methods //// // Performs the steps needed to have the latest information about the items. _refreshCache: function() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, // Sets the list of the displayed items based on the default sorting order. // The default sorting order is specific to each implementing class. _setDefaultList: function() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, // Compares items associated with the item ids based on the order in which the // items should be displayed. // Intended to be used as a compareFunction for array.sort(). // Returns an integer value indicating the result of the comparison. _compareItems: function(itemIdA, itemIdB) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, // Checks if the item info can be a match for the search string. // Returns a boolean flag indicating if that's the case. _isInfoMatching: function(itemInfo, search) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, // Creates a display item based on itemInfo. _createDisplayItem: function(itemInfo) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, //// Private methods //// _getSearchMatchedItems: function() { let matchedItemsForSearch = {}; // Break the search up into terms, and search for each // individual term. Keep track of the number of terms // each item matched. let terms = this._search.split(/\s+/); for (let i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { let term = terms[i]; for (itemId in this._allItems) { let item = this._allItems[itemId]; if (this._isInfoMatching(item, term)) { let count = matchedItemsForSearch[itemId]; if (!count) count = 0; count += 1; matchedItemsForSearch[itemId] = count; } } } return matchedItemsForSearch; }, // Applies the search string to the list of items to find matches, // and displays the matching items. _doSearchFilter: function() { let matchedItemsForSearch; if (this._filterActive()) { matchedItemsForSearch = this._getSearchMatchedItems(); } else { matchedItemsForSearch = {}; for (let itemId in this._allItems) { matchedItemsForSearch[itemId] = 1; } } this._matchedItems = []; for (itemId in matchedItemsForSearch) { this._matchedItems.push(itemId); } this._matchedItems.sort(Lang.bind(this, function (a, b) { let countA = matchedItemsForSearch[a]; let countB = matchedItemsForSearch[b]; if (countA > countB) return -1; else if (countA < countB) return 1; else return this._compareItems(a, b); })); }, // Displays the page specified by the pageNumber argument. _displayPage: function(pageNumber) { this._list.page = pageNumber; }, /* * Updates the display control to reflect the matched items set and the page selected. * * resetDisplayControl - indicates if the display control should be re-created because * the results or the space allocated for them changed. If it's false, * the existing display control is used and only the page links are * updated to reflect the current page selection. */ _updateDisplayControl: function(resetDisplayControl) { if (resetDisplayControl) { this._selectedIndex = -1; this.displayControl.remove_all(); let nPages = this._list.n_pages; let pageNumber = this._list.page; for (let i = 0; i < nPages; i++) { let pageControl = new Link.Link({ color: (i == pageNumber) ? DISPLAY_CONTROL_SELECTED_COLOR : ITEM_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION_COLOR, font_name: "Sans Bold 16px", text: (i+1) + "", height: LABEL_HEIGHT, reactive: (i == pageNumber) ? false : true}); this.displayControl.append(pageControl.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); // we use pageNumberLocalScope to get the page number right in the callback function let pageNumberLocalScope = i; pageControl.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function(o, event) { this._displayPage(pageNumberLocalScope); })); } } else { let pageControlActors = this.displayControl.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < pageControlActors.length; i++) { let pageControlActor = pageControlActors[i]; if (i == this._list.page) { pageControlActor.color = DISPLAY_CONTROL_SELECTED_COLOR; pageControlActor.reactive = false; } else { pageControlActor.color = ITEM_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION_COLOR; pageControlActor.reactive = true; } } } }, // Returns a display item based on its index in the ordering of the // display children. _findDisplayedByIndex: function(index) { let actor = this._list.get_displayed_actor(index); return this._findDisplayedByActor(actor); }, // Returns a display item based on the actor that represents it in // the display. _findDisplayedByActor: function(actor) { for (itemId in this._displayedItems) { let item = this._displayedItems[itemId]; if (item.actor == actor) { return item; } } return null; }, // Returns and index that the actor has in the ordering of the display's // children. _getIndexOfDisplayedActor: function(actor) { let children = this._list.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i] == actor) return i; } return -1; }, // Selects (e.g. highlights) a display item at the provided index, // updates this.selectedItemDetails actor, and emits 'selected' signal. _selectIndex: function(index) { let count = this._list.displayedCount; if (this._selectedIndex >= 0) { let prev = this._findDisplayedByIndex(this._selectedIndex); prev.markSelected(false); // Calling destroy() gets large image previews released as quickly as // possible, if we just removed them, they might hang around for a while // until the actor was garbage collected. let children = this.selectedItemDetails.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) children[i].destroy(); this.selectedItemDetails.remove_all(); } if (index < count) { this._selectedIndex = index; if (index >= 0) { let item = this._findDisplayedByIndex(index); item.markSelected(true); this.selectedItemDetails.append(item.createDetailsActor(this._availableWidthForItemDetails, this._availableHeightForItemDetails), Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this.emit('selected'); } } } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(GenericDisplay.prototype);