// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const IBus = imports.gi.IBus; const Lang = imports.lang; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const St = imports.gi.St; const Gettext = imports.gettext; const IBusManager = imports.misc.ibusManager; const KeyboardManager = imports.misc.keyboardManager; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const SwitcherPopup = imports.ui.switcherPopup; const Util = imports.misc.util; const INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_XKB = 'xkb'; const INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_IBUS = 'ibus'; var LayoutMenuItem = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'LayoutMenuItem', Extends: PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem, _init: function(displayName, shortName) { this.parent(); this.label = new St.Label({ text: displayName }); this.indicator = new St.Label({ text: shortName }); this.actor.add(this.label, { expand: true }); this.actor.add(this.indicator); this.actor.label_actor = this.label; } }); var InputSource = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InputSource', _init: function(type, id, displayName, shortName, index) { this.type = type; this.id = id; this.displayName = displayName; this._shortName = shortName; this.index = index; this.properties = null; this.xkbId = this._getXkbId(); }, get shortName() { return this._shortName; }, set shortName(v) { this._shortName = v; this.emit('changed'); }, activate: function(interactive) { this.emit('activate', !!interactive); }, _getXkbId: function() { let engineDesc = IBusManager.getIBusManager().getEngineDesc(this.id); if (!engineDesc) return this.id; if (engineDesc.variant && engineDesc.variant.length > 0) return engineDesc.layout + '+' + engineDesc.variant; else return engineDesc.layout; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(InputSource.prototype); var InputSourcePopup = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InputSourcePopup', Extends: SwitcherPopup.SwitcherPopup, _init: function(items, action, actionBackward) { this.parent(items); this._action = action; this._actionBackward = actionBackward; this._switcherList = new InputSourceSwitcher(this._items); }, _keyPressHandler: function(keysym, action) { if (action == this._action) this._select(this._next()); else if (action == this._actionBackward) this._select(this._previous()); else if (keysym == Clutter.Left) this._select(this._previous()); else if (keysym == Clutter.Right) this._select(this._next()); else return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; }, _finish : function() { this.parent(); this._items[this._selectedIndex].activate(true); }, }); var InputSourceSwitcher = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InputSourceSwitcher', Extends: SwitcherPopup.SwitcherList, _init: function(items) { this.parent(true); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) this._addIcon(items[i]); }, _addIcon: function(item) { let box = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true }); let bin = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'input-source-switcher-symbol' }); let symbol = new St.Label({ text: item.shortName }); bin.set_child(symbol); box.add(bin, { x_fill: false, y_fill: false } ); let text = new St.Label({ text: item.displayName }); box.add(text, { x_fill: false }); this.addItem(box, text); } }); var InputSourceSettings = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InputSourceSettings', Abstract: true, _emitInputSourcesChanged: function() { this.emit('input-sources-changed'); }, _emitKeyboardOptionsChanged: function() { this.emit('keyboard-options-changed'); }, _emitPerWindowChanged: function() { this.emit('per-window-changed'); }, get inputSources() { return []; }, get mruSources() { return []; }, set mruSources(sourcesList) { // do nothing }, get keyboardOptions() { return []; }, get perWindow() { return false; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(InputSourceSettings.prototype); var InputSourceSystemSettings = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InputSourceSystemSettings', Extends: InputSourceSettings, _BUS_NAME: 'org.freedesktop.locale1', _BUS_PATH: '/org/freedesktop/locale1', _BUS_IFACE: 'org.freedesktop.locale1', _BUS_PROPS_IFACE: 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties', _init: function() { this._layouts = ''; this._variants = ''; this._options = ''; this._reload(); Gio.DBus.system.signal_subscribe(this._BUS_NAME, this._BUS_PROPS_IFACE, 'PropertiesChanged', this._BUS_PATH, null, Gio.DBusSignalFlags.NONE, Lang.bind(this, this._reload)); }, _reload: function() { Gio.DBus.system.call(this._BUS_NAME, this._BUS_PATH, this._BUS_PROPS_IFACE, 'GetAll', new GLib.Variant('(s)', [this._BUS_IFACE]), null, Gio.DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1, null, Lang.bind(this, function(conn, result) { let props; try { props = conn.call_finish(result).deep_unpack()[0]; } catch(e) { log('Could not get properties from ' + this._BUS_NAME); return; } let layouts = props['X11Layout'].unpack(); let variants = props['X11Variant'].unpack(); let options = props['X11Options'].unpack(); if (layouts != this._layouts || variants != this._variants) { this._layouts = layouts; this._variants = variants; this._emitInputSourcesChanged(); } if (options != this._options) { this._options = options; this._emitKeyboardOptionsChanged(); } })); }, get inputSources() { let sourcesList = []; let layouts = this._layouts.split(','); let variants = this._variants.split(','); for (let i = 0; i < layouts.length && !!layouts[i]; i++) { let id = layouts[i]; if (!!variants[i]) id += '+' + variants[i]; sourcesList.push({ type: INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_XKB, id: id }); } return sourcesList; }, get keyboardOptions() { return this._options.split(','); } }); var InputSourceSessionSettings = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InputSourceSessionSettings', Extends: InputSourceSettings, _DESKTOP_INPUT_SOURCES_SCHEMA: 'org.gnome.desktop.input-sources', _KEY_INPUT_SOURCES: 'sources', _KEY_MRU_SOURCES: 'mru-sources', _KEY_KEYBOARD_OPTIONS: 'xkb-options', _KEY_PER_WINDOW: 'per-window', _init: function() { this._settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: this._DESKTOP_INPUT_SOURCES_SCHEMA }); this._settings.connect('changed::' + this._KEY_INPUT_SOURCES, Lang.bind(this, this._emitInputSourcesChanged)); this._settings.connect('changed::' + this._KEY_KEYBOARD_OPTIONS, Lang.bind(this, this._emitKeyboardOptionsChanged)); this._settings.connect('changed::' + this._KEY_PER_WINDOW, Lang.bind(this, this._emitPerWindowChanged)); }, _getSourcesList: function(key) { let sourcesList = []; let sources = this._settings.get_value(key); let nSources = sources.n_children(); for (let i = 0; i < nSources; i++) { let [type, id] = sources.get_child_value(i).deep_unpack(); sourcesList.push({ type: type, id: id }); } return sourcesList; }, get inputSources() { return this._getSourcesList(this._KEY_INPUT_SOURCES); }, get mruSources() { return this._getSourcesList(this._KEY_MRU_SOURCES); }, set mruSources(sourcesList) { let sources = GLib.Variant.new('a(ss)', sourcesList); this._settings.set_value(this._KEY_MRU_SOURCES, sources); }, get keyboardOptions() { return this._settings.get_strv(this._KEY_KEYBOARD_OPTIONS); }, get perWindow() { return this._settings.get_boolean(this._KEY_PER_WINDOW); } }); var InputSourceManager = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InputSourceManager', _init: function() { // All valid input sources currently in the gsettings // KEY_INPUT_SOURCES list indexed by their index there this._inputSources = {}; // All valid input sources currently in the gsettings // KEY_INPUT_SOURCES list of type INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_IBUS // indexed by the IBus ID this._ibusSources = {}; this._currentSource = null; // All valid input sources currently in the gsettings // KEY_INPUT_SOURCES list ordered by most recently used this._mruSources = []; this._mruSourcesBackup = null; this._keybindingAction = Main.wm.addKeybinding('switch-input-source', new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: "org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings" }), Meta.KeyBindingFlags.NONE, Shell.ActionMode.ALL, Lang.bind(this, this._switchInputSource)); this._keybindingActionBackward = Main.wm.addKeybinding('switch-input-source-backward', new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: "org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings" }), Meta.KeyBindingFlags.IS_REVERSED, Shell.ActionMode.ALL, Lang.bind(this, this._switchInputSource)); if (Main.sessionMode.isGreeter) this._settings = new InputSourceSystemSettings(); else this._settings = new InputSourceSessionSettings(); this._settings.connect('input-sources-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._inputSourcesChanged)); this._settings.connect('keyboard-options-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._keyboardOptionsChanged)); this._xkbInfo = KeyboardManager.getXkbInfo(); this._keyboardManager = KeyboardManager.getKeyboardManager(); this._ibusReady = false; this._ibusManager = IBusManager.getIBusManager(); this._ibusManager.connect('ready', Lang.bind(this, this._ibusReadyCallback)); this._ibusManager.connect('properties-registered', Lang.bind(this, this._ibusPropertiesRegistered)); this._ibusManager.connect('property-updated', Lang.bind(this, this._ibusPropertyUpdated)); this._ibusManager.connect('set-content-type', Lang.bind(this, this._ibusSetContentType)); global.display.connect('modifiers-accelerator-activated', Lang.bind(this, this._modifiersSwitcher)); this._sourcesPerWindow = false; this._focusWindowNotifyId = 0; this._overviewShowingId = 0; this._overviewHiddenId = 0; this._settings.connect('per-window-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._sourcesPerWindowChanged)); this._sourcesPerWindowChanged(); this._disableIBus = false; }, reload: function() { this._keyboardManager.setKeyboardOptions(this._settings.keyboardOptions); this._inputSourcesChanged(); }, _ibusReadyCallback: function(im, ready) { if (this._ibusReady == ready) return; this._ibusReady = ready; this._mruSources = []; this._inputSourcesChanged(); }, _modifiersSwitcher: function() { let sourceIndexes = Object.keys(this._inputSources); if (sourceIndexes.length == 0) { KeyboardManager.releaseKeyboard(); return true; } let is = this._currentSource; if (!is) is = this._inputSources[sourceIndexes[0]]; let nextIndex = is.index + 1; if (nextIndex > sourceIndexes[sourceIndexes.length - 1]) nextIndex = 0; while (!(is = this._inputSources[nextIndex])) nextIndex += 1; is.activate(true); return true; }, _switchInputSource: function(display, screen, window, binding) { if (this._mruSources.length < 2) return; // HACK: Fall back on simple input source switching since we // can't show a popup switcher while a GrabHelper grab is in // effect without considerable work to consolidate the usage // of pushModal/popModal and grabHelper. See // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695143 . if (Main.actionMode == Shell.ActionMode.POPUP) { this._modifiersSwitcher(); return; } let popup = new InputSourcePopup(this._mruSources, this._keybindingAction, this._keybindingActionBackward); if (!popup.show(binding.is_reversed(), binding.get_name(), binding.get_mask())) popup.destroy(); }, _keyboardOptionsChanged: function() { this._keyboardManager.setKeyboardOptions(this._settings.keyboardOptions); this._keyboardManager.reapply(); }, _updateMruSettings: function() { // If IBus is not ready we don't have a full picture of all // the available sources, so don't update the setting if (!this._ibusReady) return; // If IBus is temporarily disabled, don't update the setting if (this._disableIBus) return; let sourcesList = []; for (let i = 0; i < this._mruSources.length; ++i) { let source = this._mruSources[i]; sourcesList.push([source.type, source.id]); } this._settings.mruSources = sourcesList; }, _currentInputSourceChanged: function(newSource) { let oldSource; [oldSource, this._currentSource] = [this._currentSource, newSource]; this.emit('current-source-changed', oldSource); for (let i = 1; i < this._mruSources.length; ++i) if (this._mruSources[i] == newSource) { let currentSource = this._mruSources.splice(i, 1); this._mruSources = currentSource.concat(this._mruSources); break; } this._changePerWindowSource(); }, activateInputSource: function(is, interactive) { KeyboardManager.holdKeyboard(); this._keyboardManager.apply(is.xkbId); // All the "xkb:..." IBus engines simply "echo" back symbols, // despite their naming implying differently, so we always set // one in order for XIM applications to work given that we set // XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus in the first place so that they can // work without restarting when/if the user adds an IBus input // source. let engine; if (is.type == INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_IBUS) engine = is.id; else engine = 'xkb:us::eng'; this._ibusManager.setEngine(engine, KeyboardManager.releaseKeyboard); this._currentInputSourceChanged(is); if (interactive) this._updateMruSettings(); }, _updateMruSources: function() { let sourcesList = []; for (let i in this._inputSources) sourcesList.push(this._inputSources[i]); this._keyboardManager.setUserLayouts(sourcesList.map(function(x) { return x.xkbId; })); if (!this._disableIBus && this._mruSourcesBackup) { this._mruSources = this._mruSourcesBackup; this._mruSourcesBackup = null; } // Initialize from settings when we have no MRU sources list if (this._mruSources.length == 0) { let mruSettings = this._settings.mruSources; for (let i = 0; i < mruSettings.length; i++) { let mruSettingSource = mruSettings[i]; let mruSource = null; for (let j = 0; j < sourcesList.length; j++) { let source = sourcesList[j]; if (source.type == mruSettingSource.type && source.id == mruSettingSource.id) { mruSource = source; break; } } if (mruSource) this._mruSources.push(mruSource); } } let mruSources = []; for (let i = 0; i < this._mruSources.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < sourcesList.length; j++) if (this._mruSources[i].type == sourcesList[j].type && this._mruSources[i].id == sourcesList[j].id) { mruSources = mruSources.concat(sourcesList.splice(j, 1)); break; } } this._mruSources = mruSources.concat(sourcesList); }, _inputSourcesChanged: function() { let sources = this._settings.inputSources; let nSources = sources.length; this._currentSource = null; this._inputSources = {}; this._ibusSources = {}; let infosList = []; for (let i = 0; i < nSources; i++) { let displayName; let shortName; let type = sources[i].type; let id = sources[i].id; let exists = false; if (type == INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_XKB) { [exists, displayName, shortName, , ] = this._xkbInfo.get_layout_info(id); } else if (type == INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_IBUS) { if (this._disableIBus) continue; let engineDesc = this._ibusManager.getEngineDesc(id); if (engineDesc) { let language = IBus.get_language_name(engineDesc.get_language()); let longName = engineDesc.get_longname(); let textdomain = engineDesc.get_textdomain(); if (textdomain != '') longName = Gettext.dgettext(textdomain, longName); exists = true; displayName = '%s (%s)'.format(language, longName); shortName = this._makeEngineShortName(engineDesc); } } if (exists) infosList.push({ type: type, id: id, displayName: displayName, shortName: shortName }); } if (infosList.length == 0) { let type = INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_XKB; let id = KeyboardManager.DEFAULT_LAYOUT; let [ , displayName, shortName, , ] = this._xkbInfo.get_layout_info(id); infosList.push({ type: type, id: id, displayName: displayName, shortName: shortName }); } let inputSourcesByShortName = {}; for (let i = 0; i < infosList.length; i++) { let is = new InputSource(infosList[i].type, infosList[i].id, infosList[i].displayName, infosList[i].shortName, i); is.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this.activateInputSource)); if (!(is.shortName in inputSourcesByShortName)) inputSourcesByShortName[is.shortName] = []; inputSourcesByShortName[is.shortName].push(is); this._inputSources[is.index] = is; if (is.type == INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_IBUS) this._ibusSources[is.id] = is; } for (let i in this._inputSources) { let is = this._inputSources[i]; if (inputSourcesByShortName[is.shortName].length > 1) { let sub = inputSourcesByShortName[is.shortName].indexOf(is) + 1; is.shortName += String.fromCharCode(0x2080 + sub); } } this.emit('sources-changed'); this._updateMruSources(); if (this._mruSources.length > 0) this._mruSources[0].activate(false); // All ibus engines are preloaded here to reduce the launching time // when users switch the input sources. this._ibusManager.preloadEngines(Object.keys(this._ibusSources)); }, _makeEngineShortName: function(engineDesc) { let symbol = engineDesc.get_symbol(); if (symbol && symbol[0]) return symbol; let langCode = engineDesc.get_language().split('_', 1)[0]; if (langCode.length == 2 || langCode.length == 3) return langCode.toLowerCase(); return String.fromCharCode(0x2328); // keyboard glyph }, _ibusPropertiesRegistered: function(im, engineName, props) { let source = this._ibusSources[engineName]; if (!source) return; source.properties = props; if (source == this._currentSource) this.emit('current-source-changed', null); }, _ibusPropertyUpdated: function(im, engineName, prop) { let source = this._ibusSources[engineName]; if (!source) return; if (this._updateSubProperty(source.properties, prop) && source == this._currentSource) this.emit('current-source-changed', null); }, _updateSubProperty: function(props, prop) { if (!props) return false; let p; for (let i = 0; (p = props.get(i)) != null; ++i) { if (p.get_key() == prop.get_key() && p.get_prop_type() == prop.get_prop_type()) { p.update(prop); return true; } else if (p.get_prop_type() == IBus.PropType.MENU) { if (this._updateSubProperty(p.get_sub_props(), prop)) return true; } } return false; }, _ibusSetContentType: function(im, purpose, hints) { if (purpose == IBus.InputPurpose.PASSWORD) { if (Object.keys(this._inputSources).length == Object.keys(this._ibusSources).length) return; if (this._disableIBus) return; this._disableIBus = true; this._mruSourcesBackup = this._mruSources.slice(); } else { if (!this._disableIBus) return; this._disableIBus = false; } this.reload(); }, _getNewInputSource: function(current) { let sourceIndexes = Object.keys(this._inputSources); if (sourceIndexes.length == 0) return null; if (current) { for (let i in this._inputSources) { let is = this._inputSources[i]; if (is.type == current.type && is.id == current.id) return is; } } return this._inputSources[sourceIndexes[0]]; }, _getCurrentWindow: function() { if (Main.overview.visible) return Main.overview; else return global.display.focus_window; }, _setPerWindowInputSource: function() { let window = this._getCurrentWindow(); if (!window) return; if (window._inputSources != this._inputSources) { window._inputSources = this._inputSources; window._currentSource = this._getNewInputSource(window._currentSource); } if (window._currentSource) window._currentSource.activate(false); }, _sourcesPerWindowChanged: function() { this._sourcesPerWindow = this._settings.perWindow; if (this._sourcesPerWindow && this._focusWindowNotifyId == 0) { this._focusWindowNotifyId = global.display.connect('notify::focus-window', Lang.bind(this, this._setPerWindowInputSource)); this._overviewShowingId = Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, this._setPerWindowInputSource)); this._overviewHiddenId = Main.overview.connect('hidden', Lang.bind(this, this._setPerWindowInputSource)); } else if (!this._sourcesPerWindow && this._focusWindowNotifyId != 0) { global.display.disconnect(this._focusWindowNotifyId); this._focusWindowNotifyId = 0; Main.overview.disconnect(this._overviewShowingId); this._overviewShowingId = 0; Main.overview.disconnect(this._overviewHiddenId); this._overviewHiddenId = 0; let windows = global.get_window_actors().map(function(w) { return w.meta_window; }); for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; ++i) { delete windows[i]._inputSources; delete windows[i]._currentSource; } delete Main.overview._inputSources; delete Main.overview._currentSource; } }, _changePerWindowSource: function() { if (!this._sourcesPerWindow) return; let window = this._getCurrentWindow(); if (!window) return; window._inputSources = this._inputSources; window._currentSource = this._currentSource; }, get currentSource() { return this._currentSource; }, get inputSources() { return this._inputSources; }, }); Signals.addSignalMethods(InputSourceManager.prototype); let _inputSourceManager = null; function getInputSourceManager() { if (_inputSourceManager == null) _inputSourceManager = new InputSourceManager(); return _inputSourceManager; } var InputSourceIndicator = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InputSourceIndicator', Extends: PanelMenu.Button, _init: function() { this.parent(0.0, _("Keyboard")); this._menuItems = {}; this._indicatorLabels = {}; this._container = new Shell.GenericContainer(); this._container.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._containerGetPreferredWidth)); this._container.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._containerGetPreferredHeight)); this._container.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._containerAllocate)); this._hbox = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'panel-status-menu-box' }); this._hbox.add_child(this._container); this._hbox.add_child(PopupMenu.arrowIcon(St.Side.BOTTOM)); this.actor.add_child(this._hbox); this._propSeparator = new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem(); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._propSeparator); this._propSection = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection(); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._propSection); this._propSection.actor.hide(); this.menu.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this._showLayoutItem = this.menu.addAction(_("Show Keyboard Layout"), Lang.bind(this, this._showLayout)); Main.sessionMode.connect('updated', Lang.bind(this, this._sessionUpdated)); this._sessionUpdated(); this._inputSourceManager = getInputSourceManager(); this._inputSourceManager.connect('sources-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._sourcesChanged)); this._inputSourceManager.connect('current-source-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._currentSourceChanged)); this._inputSourceManager.reload(); }, _sessionUpdated: function() { // re-using "allowSettings" for the keyboard layout is a bit shady, // but at least for now it is used as "allow popping up windows // from shell menus"; we can always add a separate sessionMode // option if need arises. this._showLayoutItem.actor.visible = Main.sessionMode.allowSettings; }, _sourcesChanged: function() { for (let i in this._menuItems) this._menuItems[i].destroy(); for (let i in this._indicatorLabels) this._indicatorLabels[i].destroy(); this._menuItems = {}; this._indicatorLabels = {}; let menuIndex = 0; for (let i in this._inputSourceManager.inputSources) { let is = this._inputSourceManager.inputSources[i]; let menuItem = new LayoutMenuItem(is.displayName, is.shortName); menuItem.connect('activate', function() { is.activate(true); }); let indicatorLabel = new St.Label({ text: is.shortName, visible: false }); this._menuItems[i] = menuItem; this._indicatorLabels[i] = indicatorLabel; is.connect('changed', function() { menuItem.indicator.set_text(is.shortName); indicatorLabel.set_text(is.shortName); }); this.menu.addMenuItem(menuItem, menuIndex++); this._container.add_actor(indicatorLabel); } }, _currentSourceChanged: function(manager, oldSource) { let nVisibleSources = Object.keys(this._inputSourceManager.inputSources).length; let newSource = this._inputSourceManager.currentSource; if (oldSource) { this._menuItems[oldSource.index].setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.NONE); this._indicatorLabels[oldSource.index].hide(); } if (!newSource || (nVisibleSources < 2 && !newSource.properties)) { // This source index might be invalid if we weren't able // to build a menu item for it, so we hide ourselves since // we can't fix it here. *shrug* // We also hide if we have only one visible source unless // it's an IBus source with properties. this.menu.close(); this.actor.hide(); return; } this.actor.show(); this._buildPropSection(newSource.properties); this._menuItems[newSource.index].setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.DOT); this._indicatorLabels[newSource.index].show(); }, _buildPropSection: function(properties) { this._propSeparator.actor.hide(); this._propSection.actor.hide(); this._propSection.removeAll(); this._buildPropSubMenu(this._propSection, properties); if (!this._propSection.isEmpty()) { this._propSection.actor.show(); this._propSeparator.actor.show(); } }, _buildPropSubMenu: function(menu, props) { if (!props) return; let ibusManager = IBusManager.getIBusManager(); let radioGroup = []; let p; for (let i = 0; (p = props.get(i)) != null; ++i) { let prop = p; if (!prop.get_visible()) continue; if (prop.get_key() == 'InputMode') { let text; if (prop.get_symbol) text = prop.get_symbol().get_text(); else text = prop.get_label().get_text(); let currentSource = this._inputSourceManager.currentSource; if (currentSource) { let indicatorLabel = this._indicatorLabels[currentSource.index]; if (text && text.length > 0 && text.length < 3) indicatorLabel.set_text(text); } } let item; switch (prop.get_prop_type()) { case IBus.PropType.MENU: item = new PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem(prop.get_label().get_text()); this._buildPropSubMenu(item.menu, prop.get_sub_props()); break; case IBus.PropType.RADIO: item = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(prop.get_label().get_text()); item.prop = prop; radioGroup.push(item); item.radioGroup = radioGroup; item.setOrnament(prop.get_state() == IBus.PropState.CHECKED ? PopupMenu.Ornament.DOT : PopupMenu.Ornament.NONE); item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, function() { if (item.prop.get_state() == IBus.PropState.CHECKED) return; let group = item.radioGroup; for (let i = 0; i < group.length; ++i) { if (group[i] == item) { item.setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.DOT); item.prop.set_state(IBus.PropState.CHECKED); ibusManager.activateProperty(item.prop.get_key(), IBus.PropState.CHECKED); } else { group[i].setOrnament(PopupMenu.Ornament.NONE); group[i].prop.set_state(IBus.PropState.UNCHECKED); ibusManager.activateProperty(group[i].prop.get_key(), IBus.PropState.UNCHECKED); } } })); break; case IBus.PropType.TOGGLE: item = new PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem(prop.get_label().get_text(), prop.get_state() == IBus.PropState.CHECKED); item.prop = prop; item.connect('toggled', Lang.bind(this, function() { if (item.state) { item.prop.set_state(IBus.PropState.CHECKED); ibusManager.activateProperty(item.prop.get_key(), IBus.PropState.CHECKED); } else { item.prop.set_state(IBus.PropState.UNCHECKED); ibusManager.activateProperty(item.prop.get_key(), IBus.PropState.UNCHECKED); } })); break; case IBus.PropType.NORMAL: item = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(prop.get_label().get_text()); item.prop = prop; item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, function() { ibusManager.activateProperty(item.prop.get_key(), item.prop.get_state()); })); break; case IBus.PropType.SEPARATOR: item = new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem(); break; default: log ('IBus property %s has invalid type %d'.format(prop.get_key(), type)); continue; } item.setSensitive(prop.get_sensitive()); menu.addMenuItem(item); } }, _showLayout: function() { Main.overview.hide(); let source = this._inputSourceManager.currentSource; let xkbLayout = ''; let xkbVariant = ''; if (source.type == INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_XKB) { [, , , xkbLayout, xkbVariant] = KeyboardManager.getXkbInfo().get_layout_info(source.id); } else if (source.type == INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_IBUS) { let engineDesc = IBusManager.getIBusManager().getEngineDesc(source.id); if (engineDesc) { xkbLayout = engineDesc.get_layout(); xkbVariant = engineDesc.get_layout_variant(); } } if (!xkbLayout || xkbLayout.length == 0) return; let description = xkbLayout; if (xkbVariant.length > 0) description = description + '\t' + xkbVariant; Util.spawn(['gkbd-keyboard-display', '-l', description]); }, _containerGetPreferredWidth: function(container, for_height, alloc) { // Here, and in _containerGetPreferredHeight, we need to query // for the height of all children, but we ignore the results // for those we don't actually display. let max_min_width = 0, max_natural_width = 0; for (let i in this._inputSourceManager.inputSources) { let label = this._indicatorLabels[i]; let [min_width, natural_width] = label.get_preferred_width(for_height); max_min_width = Math.max(max_min_width, min_width); max_natural_width = Math.max(max_natural_width, natural_width); } alloc.min_size = max_min_width; alloc.natural_size = max_natural_width; }, _containerGetPreferredHeight: function(container, for_width, alloc) { let max_min_height = 0, max_natural_height = 0; for (let i in this._inputSourceManager.inputSources) { let label = this._indicatorLabels[i]; let [min_height, natural_height] = label.get_preferred_height(for_width); max_min_height = Math.max(max_min_height, min_height); max_natural_height = Math.max(max_natural_height, natural_height); } alloc.min_size = max_min_height; alloc.natural_size = max_natural_height; }, _containerAllocate: function(container, box, flags) { // translate box to (0, 0) box.x2 -= box.x1; box.x1 = 0; box.y2 -= box.y1; box.y1 = 0; for (let i in this._inputSourceManager.inputSources) { let label = this._indicatorLabels[i]; label.allocate_align_fill(box, 0.5, 0.5, false, false, flags); } } });