/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const Big = imports.gi.Big; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const Signals = imports.signals; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell'); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const Button = imports.ui.button; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PANEL_HEIGHT = 26; const TRAY_HEIGHT = PANEL_HEIGHT - 1; const DEFAULT_PADDING = 4; const PANEL_ICON_SIZE = 24; const BACKGROUND_TOP = new Clutter.Color(); BACKGROUND_TOP.from_pixel(0x161616ff); const BACKGROUND_BOTTOM = new Clutter.Color(); BACKGROUND_BOTTOM.from_pixel(0x000000ff); const PANEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); PANEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR.from_pixel(0xffffffff); const SN_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); SN_BACKGROUND_COLOR.from_pixel(0xffff00a0); const TRANSPARENT_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); TRANSPARENT_COLOR.from_pixel(0x00000000); // Don't make the mouse hover effect visible to the user for a menu feel. const PANEL_BUTTON_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); PANEL_BUTTON_COLOR.from_pixel(0x00000000); // Lighten pressed buttons; darkening has no effect on a black background. const PRESSED_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); PRESSED_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR.from_pixel(0x324c6ffa); const DEFAULT_FONT = 'Sans 16px'; const TRAY_PADDING = 0; // See comments around _recomputeTraySize const TRAY_SPACING = 14; const TRAY_SPACING_MIN = 8; // Used for the tray icon container with gtk pre-2.16, which doesn't // fully support tray icon transparency const TRAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); TRAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR.from_pixel(0xefefefff); const TRAY_BORDER_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); TRAY_BORDER_COLOR.from_pixel(0x00000033); const TRAY_CORNER_RADIUS = 5; const TRAY_BORDER_WIDTH = 0; function AppPanelMenu() { this._init(); } AppPanelMenu.prototype = { _init: function() { this._metaDisplay = Shell.Global.get().screen.get_display(); this._focusedApp = null; this._activeSequence = null; this._startupSequences = {}; this.actor = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing: DEFAULT_PADDING, y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER }); this._iconBox = new Big.Box({ width: PANEL_ICON_SIZE, height: PANEL_ICON_SIZE, x_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER, y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER }); this.actor.append(this._iconBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); let labelBox = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL, y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER }); this._label = new Clutter.Text({ font_name: DEFAULT_FONT, color: PANEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, text: "" }); labelBox.append(this._label, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND); this.actor.append(labelBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this._startupBox = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL, y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER }); this.actor.append(this._startupBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); Main.overview.connect('hiding', Lang.bind(this, function () { this.actor.opacity = 255; })); Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, function () { this.actor.opacity = 192; })); this._metaDisplay.connect('notify::focus-window', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); let appMonitor = Shell.AppMonitor.get_default(); appMonitor.connect('startup-sequence-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); // For now just resync on application add/remove; this is mainly to handle // cases where the focused window's application changes without the focus // changing. An example case is how we map Firefox based on the window // title which is a dynamic property. appMonitor.connect('app-added', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); appMonitor.connect('app-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); this._sync(); }, _sync: function() { let appMonitor = Shell.AppMonitor.get_default(); let focusWindow = this._metaDisplay.get_focus_window(); let focusedApp; if (focusWindow == null) { focusedApp = null; } else { focusedApp = appMonitor.get_window_app(focusWindow); } let lastSequence = null; if (focusedApp == null) { let sequences = appMonitor.get_startup_sequences(); if (sequences.length > 0) lastSequence = sequences[sequences.length - 1]; } // If the currently focused app hasn't changed and the current // startup sequence hasn't changed, we have nothing to do if (focusedApp == this._focusedApp && ((lastSequence == null && this._activeSequence == null) || (lastSequence != null && this._activeSequence != null && lastSequence.get_id() == this._activeSequence.get_id()))) return; this._focusedApp = focusedApp; this._activeSequence = lastSequence; this._iconBox.remove_all(); this._iconBox.hide(); this._label.text = ''; if (this._focusedApp != null) { let icon = focusedApp.create_icon_texture(PANEL_ICON_SIZE); this._iconBox.append(icon, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this._iconBox.show(); this._label.text = focusedApp.get_name(); } else if (this._activeSequence != null) { let icon = this._activeSequence.create_icon(PANEL_ICON_SIZE); this._iconBox.append(icon, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this._iconBox.show(); this._label.text = this._activeSequence.get_name(); } this.emit('changed'); } } Signals.addSignalMethods(AppPanelMenu.prototype); function Panel() { this._init(); } Panel.prototype = { _init : function() { this.actor = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL }); let backgroundGradient = Shell.create_vertical_gradient(BACKGROUND_TOP, BACKGROUND_BOTTOM); this.actor.connect('notify::allocation', Lang.bind(this, function () { let [width, height] = this.actor.get_size(); backgroundGradient.set_size(width, height); })); this.actor.add_actor(backgroundGradient); this._leftBox = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL, y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER, spacing: DEFAULT_PADDING, padding_right: DEFAULT_PADDING }); this._centerBox = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL, y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER }); this._rightBox = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL, y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER, padding_left: DEFAULT_PADDING }); /* This box container ensures that the centerBox is positioned in the *absolute* * center, but can be pushed aside if necessary. */ this._boxContainer = new Shell.GenericContainer(); this.actor.append(this._boxContainer, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND); this._boxContainer.add_actor(this._leftBox); this._boxContainer.add_actor(this._centerBox); this._boxContainer.add_actor(this._rightBox); this._boxContainer.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, function(box, forHeight, alloc) { let children = box.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let [childMin, childNatural] = children[i].get_preferred_width(forHeight); alloc.min_size += childMin; alloc.natural_size += childNatural; } })); this._boxContainer.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, function(box, forWidth, alloc) { let children = box.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let [childMin, childNatural] = children[i].get_preferred_height(forWidth); if (childMin > alloc.min_size) alloc.min_size = childMin; if (childNatural > alloc.natural_size) alloc.natural_size = childNatural; } })); this._boxContainer.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, function(container, box, flags) { let allocWidth = box.x2 - box.x1; let allocHeight = box.y2 - box.y1; let [leftMinWidth, leftNaturalWidth] = this._leftBox.get_preferred_width(-1); let [centerMinWidth, centerNaturalWidth] = this._centerBox.get_preferred_width(-1); let [rightMinWidth, rightNaturalWidth] = this._rightBox.get_preferred_width(-1); let leftWidth, centerWidth, rightWidth; if (allocWidth < (leftNaturalWidth + centerNaturalWidth + rightNaturalWidth)) { leftWidth = leftMinWidth; centerWidth = centerMinWidth; rightWidth = rightMinWidth; } else { leftWidth = leftNaturalWidth; centerWidth = centerNaturalWidth; rightWidth = rightNaturalWidth; } let x; let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); childBox.x1 = box.x1; childBox.y1 = box.y1; childBox.x2 = x = childBox.x1 + leftWidth; childBox.y2 = box.y2; this._leftBox.allocate(childBox, flags); let centerNaturalX = Math.floor((box.x2 - box.x1) / 2 - (centerWidth / 2)); /* Check left side */ if (x < centerNaturalX) { /* We didn't overflow the left, use the natural. */ x = centerNaturalX; } /* Check right side */ if (x + centerWidth > (box.x2 - rightWidth)) { x = box.x2 - rightWidth - centerWidth; } childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); childBox.x1 = x; childBox.y1 = box.y1; childBox.x2 = x = childBox.x1 + centerWidth; childBox.y2 = box.y2; this._centerBox.allocate(childBox, flags); childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); childBox.x1 = box.x2 - rightWidth; childBox.y1 = box.y1; childBox.x2 = box.x2; childBox.y2 = box.y2; this._rightBox.allocate(childBox, flags); })); /* left side */ this.button = new Button.Button(_("Activities"), PANEL_BUTTON_COLOR, PRESSED_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR, PANEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, DEFAULT_FONT); this.button.actor.height = PANEL_HEIGHT; this._leftBox.append(this.button.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); // We use this flag to mark the case where the user has entered the // hot corner and has not left both the hot corner and a surrounding // guard area (the "environs"). This avoids triggering the hot corner // multiple times due to an accidental jitter. this._hotCornerEntered = false; this._hotCornerEnvirons = new Clutter.Rectangle({ width: 3, height: 3, opacity: 0, reactive: true }); this._hotCorner = new Clutter.Rectangle({ width: 1, height: 1, opacity: 0, reactive: true }); this._hotCornerEnvirons.connect('leave-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerEnvironsLeft)); // Clicking on the hot corner environs should result in the same bahavior // as clicking on the hot corner. this._hotCornerEnvirons.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerClicked)); // In addition to being triggered by the mouse enter event, the hot corner // can be triggered by clicking on it. This is useful if the user wants to // undo the effect of triggering the hot corner once in the hot corner. this._hotCorner.connect('enter-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerEntered)); this._hotCorner.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerClicked)); this._hotCorner.connect('leave-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onHotCornerLeft)); this._leftBox.append(this._hotCornerEnvirons, Big.BoxPackFlags.FIXED); this._leftBox.append(this._hotCorner, Big.BoxPackFlags.FIXED); let appMenu = new AppPanelMenu(); this._leftBox.append(appMenu.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); /* center */ this._clock = new Clutter.Text({ font_name: DEFAULT_FONT, color: PANEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, text: "" }); this._centerBox.append(this._clock, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); /* right */ // The tray icons live in trayBox within trayContainer. // The trayBox is hidden when there are no tray icons. let trayContainer = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL, y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.START }); this._rightBox.append(trayContainer, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); let trayBox = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL, height: TRAY_HEIGHT, padding: TRAY_PADDING, spacing: TRAY_SPACING }); this._trayBox = trayBox; // gtk+ < 2.16 doesn't have fully-working icon transparency, // so we want trayBox to be opaque in that case (the icons // will at least pick up its background color). if (Gtk.MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && Gtk.MINOR_VERSION < 16) { trayBox.background_color = TRAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR; trayBox.corner_radius = TRAY_CORNER_RADIUS; trayBox.border = TRAY_BORDER_WIDTH; trayBox.border_color = TRAY_BORDER_COLOR; } trayBox.hide(); trayContainer.append(trayBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); this._traymanager = new Shell.TrayManager({ bg_color: TRAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR }); this._traymanager.connect('tray-icon-added', Lang.bind(this, function(o, icon) { trayBox.append(icon, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); // Make sure the trayBox is shown. trayBox.show(); this._recomputeTraySize(); })); this._traymanager.connect('tray-icon-removed', Lang.bind(this, function(o, icon) { trayBox.remove_actor(icon); if (trayBox.get_children().length == 0) trayBox.hide(); this._recomputeTraySize(); })); this._traymanager.manage_stage(global.stage); let statusbox = new Big.Box(); let statusmenu = this._statusmenu = new Shell.StatusMenu(); statusmenu.get_icon().hide(); statusmenu.get_name().fontName = DEFAULT_FONT; statusmenu.get_name().color = PANEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR; statusbox.append(this._statusmenu, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); let statusbutton = new Button.Button(statusbox, PANEL_BUTTON_COLOR, PRESSED_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR, PANEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR); statusbutton.actor.height = PANEL_HEIGHT; statusbutton.actor.connect('button-press-event', function (b, e) { if (e.get_button() == 1 && e.get_click_count() == 1) { statusmenu.toggle(e); // The statusmenu might not pop up if it couldn't get a pointer grab if (statusmenu.is_active()) statusbutton.actor.active = true; return true; } else { return false; } }); this._rightBox.append(statusbutton.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); // We get a deactivated event when the popup disappears this._statusmenu.connect('deactivated', function (sm) { statusbutton.actor.active = false; }); // TODO: decide what to do with the rest of the panel in the Overview mode (make it fade-out, become non-reactive, etc.) // We get into the Overview mode on button-press-event as opposed to button-release-event because eventually we'll probably // have the Overview act like a menu that allows the user to release the mouse on the activity the user wants // to switch to. this.button.actor.connect('button-press-event', function(b, e) { if (e.get_button() == 1 && e.get_click_count() == 1) { Main.overview.toggle(); return true; } else { return false; } }); // In addition to pressing the button, the Overview can be entered and exited by other means, such as // pressing the System key, Alt+F1 or Esc. We want the button to be pressed in when the Overview is entered // and to be released when it is exited regardless of how it was triggered. Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.button.actor.active = true; })); Main.overview.connect('hiding', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.button.actor.active = false; })); Main.chrome.addActor(this.actor); Main.chrome.setVisibleInOverview(this.actor, true); // Start the clock this._updateClock(); }, startupAnimation: function() { this.actor.y = -this.actor.height; Tweener.addTween(this.actor, { y: 0, time: 0.2, transition: "easeOutQuad" }); }, // By default, tray icons have a spacing of TRAY_SPACING. However this // starts to fail if we have too many as can sadly happen; just jump down // to a spacing of 8 if we're over 6. // http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590495 _recomputeTraySize: function () { if (this._trayBox.get_children().length > 6) this._trayBox.spacing = TRAY_SPACING_MIN; else this._trayBox.spacing = TRAY_SPACING; }, _updateClock: function() { let displayDate = new Date(); let msecRemaining = 60000 - (1000 * displayDate.getSeconds() + displayDate.getMilliseconds()); if (msecRemaining < 500) { displayDate.setMinutes(displayDate.getMinutes() + 1); msecRemaining += 60000; } /* Translators: This is a time format. */ this._clock.set_text(displayDate.toLocaleFormat(_("%a %l:%M %p"))); Mainloop.timeout_add(msecRemaining, Lang.bind(this, this._updateClock)); return false; }, _onHotCornerEntered : function() { if (!this._hotCornerEntered) { this._hotCornerEntered = true; if (!Main.overview.animationInProgress) { Main.overview.toggle(); } } return false; }, _onHotCornerClicked : function() { if (!Main.overview.animationInProgress) { Main.overview.toggle(); } return false; }, _onHotCornerLeft : function(actor, event) { if (Shell.get_event_related(event) != this._hotCornerEnvirons) { this._hotCornerEntered = false; } return false; }, _onHotCornerEnvironsLeft : function(actor, event) { if (Shell.get_event_related(event) != this._hotCorner) { this._hotCornerEntered = false; } return false; } };