/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const Lang = imports.lang; const Signals = imports.signals; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const St = imports.gi.St; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Config = imports.misc.config; const ExtensionState = { ENABLED: 1, DISABLED: 2, ERROR: 3, OUT_OF_DATE: 4 }; const ExtensionType = { SYSTEM: 1, PER_USER: 2 }; // Maps uuid -> metadata object const extensionMeta = {}; // Maps uuid -> importer object (extension directory tree) const extensions = {}; // Arrays of uuids var disabledExtensions; var enabledExtensions; // GFile for user extensions var userExtensionsDir = null; // We don't really have a class to add signals on. So, create // a simple dummy object, add the signal methods, and export those // publically. var _signals = {}; Signals.addSignalMethods(_signals); const connect = Lang.bind(_signals, _signals.connect); const disconnect = Lang.bind(_signals, _signals.disconnect); // UUID => Array of error messages var errors = {}; /** * versionCheck: * @required: an array of versions we're compatible with * @current: the version we have * * Check if a component is compatible for an extension. * @required is an array, and at least one version must match. * @current must be in the format ... * is always ignored * is ignored if is even (so you can target the * whole stable release) * and must match * Each target version must be at least and */ function versionCheck(required, current) { let currentArray = current.split('.'); let major = currentArray[0]; let minor = currentArray[1]; let point = currentArray[2]; for (let i = 0; i < required.length; i++) { let requiredArray = required[i].split('.'); if (requiredArray[0] == major && requiredArray[1] == minor && (requiredArray[2] == point || (requiredArray[2] == undefined && parseInt(minor) % 2 == 0))) return true; } return false; } function logExtensionError(uuid, message) { if (!errors[uuid]) errors[uuid] = []; errors[uuid].push(message); global.logError('Extension "%s" had error: %s'.format(uuid, message)); } function loadExtension(dir, enabled, type) { let info; let uuid = dir.get_basename(); let metadataFile = dir.get_child('metadata.json'); if (!metadataFile.query_exists(null)) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'Missing metadata.json'); return; } let metadataContents; try { metadataContents = Shell.get_file_contents_utf8_sync(metadataFile.get_path()); } catch (e) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'Failed to load metadata.json: ' + e); return; } let meta; try { meta = JSON.parse(metadataContents); } catch (e) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'Failed to parse metadata.json: ' + e); return; } let requiredProperties = ['uuid', 'name', 'description', 'shell-version']; for (let i = 0; i < requiredProperties.length; i++) { let prop = requiredProperties[i]; if (!meta[prop]) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'missing "' + prop + '" property in metadata.json'); return; } } if (extensions[uuid] != undefined) { logExtensionError(uuid, "extension already loaded"); return; } // Encourage people to add this if (!meta['url']) { global.log('Warning: Missing "url" property in metadata.json'); } if (uuid != meta.uuid) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'uuid "' + meta.uuid + '" from metadata.json does not match directory name "' + uuid + '"'); return; } if (!versionCheck(meta['shell-version'], Config.PACKAGE_VERSION) || (meta['js-version'] && !versionCheck(meta['js-version'], Config.GJS_VERSION))) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'extension is not compatible with current GNOME Shell and/or GJS version'); return; } extensionMeta[meta.uuid] = meta; extensionMeta[meta.uuid].type = type; extensionMeta[meta.uuid].path = dir.get_path(); if (!enabled) { extensionMeta[meta.uuid].state = ExtensionState.DISABLED; return; } // Default to error, we set success as the last step extensionMeta[meta.uuid].state = ExtensionState.ERROR; let extensionJs = dir.get_child('extension.js'); if (!extensionJs.query_exists(null)) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'Missing extension.js'); return; } let stylesheetPath = null; let themeContext = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); let theme = themeContext.get_theme(); let stylesheetFile = dir.get_child('stylesheet.css'); if (stylesheetFile.query_exists(null)) { try { theme.load_stylesheet(stylesheetFile.get_path()); } catch (e) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'Stylesheet parse error: ' + e); return; } } let extensionModule; try { global.add_extension_importer('imports.ui.extensionSystem.extensions', meta.uuid, dir.get_path()); extensionModule = extensions[meta.uuid].extension; } catch (e) { if (stylesheetPath != null) theme.unload_stylesheet(stylesheetPath); logExtensionError(uuid, e); return; } if (!extensionModule.main) { logExtensionError(uuid, 'missing \'main\' function'); return; } try { extensionModule.main(meta); } catch (e) { if (stylesheetPath != null) theme.unload_stylesheet(stylesheetPath); logExtensionError(uuid, 'Failed to evaluate init function:' + e); return; } extensionMeta[meta.uuid].state = ExtensionState.ENABLED; _signals.emit('extension-loaded', meta.uuid); global.log('Loaded extension ' + meta.uuid); } function init() { let userExtensionsPath = GLib.build_filenamev([global.userdatadir, 'extensions']); userExtensionsDir = Gio.file_new_for_path(userExtensionsPath); try { userExtensionsDir.make_directory_with_parents(null); } catch (e) { global.logError('' + e); } disabledExtensions = global.settings.get_strv('disabled-extensions', -1); enabledExtensions = global.settings.get_strv('enabled-extensions', -1); } function _loadExtensionsIn(dir, type) { let fileEnum; let file, info; try { fileEnum = dir.enumerate_children('standard::*', Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, null); } catch (e) { global.logError('' + e); return; } while ((info = fileEnum.next_file(null)) != null) { let fileType = info.get_file_type(); if (fileType != Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY) continue; let name = info.get_name(); // Enable all but disabled extensions if enabledExtensions is not set. // If it is set, enable one those, except they are disabled as well. let enabled = (enabledExtensions.length == 0 || enabledExtensions.indexOf(name) >= 0) && disabledExtensions.indexOf(name) < 0; let child = dir.get_child(name); loadExtension(child, enabled, type); } fileEnum.close(null); } function loadExtensions() { _loadExtensionsIn(userExtensionsDir, ExtensionType.PER_USER); let systemDataDirs = GLib.get_system_data_dirs(); for (let i = 0; i < systemDataDirs.length; i++) { let dirPath = systemDataDirs[i] + '/gnome-shell/extensions'; let dir = Gio.file_new_for_path(dirPath); if (dir.query_exists(null)) _loadExtensionsIn(dir, ExtensionType.SYSTEM); } }