// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GObject = imports.gi.GObject; const Lang = imports.lang; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Dialog = imports.ui.dialog; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; var FROZEN_WINDOW_BRIGHTNESS = -0.3 var DIALOG_TRANSITION_TIME = 0.15 var CloseDialog = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'CloseDialog', Extends: GObject.Object, Implements: [ Meta.CloseDialog ], Properties: { 'window': GObject.ParamSpec.override('window', Meta.CloseDialog) }, _init(window) { this.parent(); this._window = window; this._dialog = null; }, get window() { return this._window; }, set window(window) { this._window = window; }, _createDialogContent() { let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); let windowApp = tracker.get_window_app(this._window); /* Translators: %s is an application name */ let title = _("ā%sā is not responding.").format(windowApp.get_name()); let subtitle = _("You may choose to wait a short while for it to " + "continue or force the application to quit entirely."); let icon = new Gio.ThemedIcon({ name: 'dialog-warning-symbolic' }); return new Dialog.MessageDialogContent({ icon, title, subtitle }); }, _initDialog() { if (this._dialog) return; let windowActor = this._window.get_compositor_private(); this._dialog = new Dialog.Dialog(windowActor, 'close-dialog'); this._dialog.width = windowActor.width; this._dialog.height = windowActor.height; this._dialog.addContent(this._createDialogContent()); this._dialog.addButton({ label: _('Force Quit'), action: this._onClose.bind(this), default: true }); this._dialog.addButton({ label: _('Wait'), action: this._onWait.bind(this), key: Clutter.Escape }); global.focus_manager.add_group(this._dialog); }, _addWindowEffect() { // We set the effect on the surface actor, so the dialog itself // (which is a child of the MetaWindowActor) does not get the // effect applied itself. let windowActor = this._window.get_compositor_private(); let surfaceActor = windowActor.get_first_child(); let effect = new Clutter.BrightnessContrastEffect(); effect.set_brightness(FROZEN_WINDOW_BRIGHTNESS); surfaceActor.add_effect_with_name("gnome-shell-frozen-window", effect); }, _removeWindowEffect() { let windowActor = this._window.get_compositor_private(); let surfaceActor = windowActor.get_first_child(); surfaceActor.remove_effect_by_name("gnome-shell-frozen-window"); }, _onWait() { this.response(Meta.CloseDialogResponse.WAIT); }, _onClose() { this.response(Meta.CloseDialogResponse.FORCE_CLOSE); }, vfunc_show() { if (this._dialog != null) return; this._addWindowEffect(); this._initDialog(); this._dialog.scale_y = 0; this._dialog.set_pivot_point(0.5, 0.5); Tweener.addTween(this._dialog, { scale_y: 1, transition: 'linear', time: DIALOG_TRANSITION_TIME, onComplete: () => { Main.layoutManager.trackChrome(this._dialog, { affectsInputRegion: true }); } }); }, vfunc_hide() { if (this._dialog == null) return; let dialog = this._dialog; this._dialog = null; this._removeWindowEffect(); Tweener.addTween(dialog, { scale_y: 0, transition: 'linear', time: DIALOG_TRANSITION_TIME, onComplete: () => { dialog.destroy(); } }); }, vfunc_focus() { if (this._dialog) this._dialog.grab_key_focus(); } });