<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC '-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN' 'http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd'> <node> <!-- org.gnome.Shell.Screencast: @short_description: Screencast interface The interface used to record screen contents. --> <interface name="org.gnome.Shell.Screencast"> <property name="ScreencastSupported" type="b" access="read"/> <!-- Screencast: @file_template: the template for the filename to use @options: a dictionary of optional parameters @success: whether the screencast was started successfully @filename_used: the file where the screencast is being saved Records a screencast of the whole screen and saves it (by default) as webm video under a filename derived from @file_template. The template is either a relative or absolute filename which may contain some escape sequences - %d and %t will be replaced by the start date and time of the recording. If a relative name is used, the screencast will be saved in the $XDG_VIDEOS_DIR if it exists, or the home directory otherwise. The actual filename of the saved video is returned in @filename_used. The set of optional parameters in @options currently consists of: 'draw-cursor'(b): whether the cursor should be included in the recording (true) 'framerate'(i): the number of frames per second that should be recorded if possible (30) 'pipeline'(s): the GStreamer pipeline used to encode recordings in gst-launch format; if not specified, the recorder will produce vp8 (webm) video (unset) --> <method name="Screencast"> <arg type="s" direction="in" name="file_template"/> <arg type="a{sv}" direction="in" name="options"/> <arg type="b" direction="out" name="success"/> <arg type="s" direction="out" name="filename_used"/> </method> <!-- ScreencastArea: @x: the X coordinate of the area to capture @y: the Y coordinate of the area to capture @width: the width of the area to capture @height: the height of the area to capture @file_template: the template for the filename to use @options: a dictionary of optional parameters @success: whether the screencast was started successfully @filename_used: the file where the screencast is being saved Records a screencast of the passed in area and saves it (by default) as webm video under a filename derived from @file_template. The template is either a relative or absolute filename which may contain some escape sequences - %d and %t will be replaced by the start date and time of the recording. If a relative name is used, the screencast will be saved in the $XDG_VIDEOS_DIR if it exists, or the home directory otherwise. The actual filename of the saved video is returned in @filename_used. The set of optional parameters in @options currently consists of: 'draw-cursor'(b): whether the cursor should be included in the recording (true) 'framerate'(i): the number of frames per second that should be recorded if possible (30) 'pipeline'(s): the GStreamer pipeline used to encode recordings in gst-launch format; if not specified, the recorder will produce vp8 (webm) video (unset) --> <method name="ScreencastArea"> <arg type="i" direction="in" name="x"/> <arg type="i" direction="in" name="y"/> <arg type="i" direction="in" name="width"/> <arg type="i" direction="in" name="height"/> <arg type="s" direction="in" name="file_template"/> <arg type="a{sv}" direction="in" name="options"/> <arg type="b" direction="out" name="success"/> <arg type="s" direction="out" name="filename_used"/> </method> <!-- StopScreencast: @success: whether stopping the recording was successful Stop the recording started by either Screencast or ScreencastArea. --> <method name="StopScreencast"> <arg type="b" direction="out" name="success"/> </method> <signal name="Error"> <arg type="s" name="message"/> </signal> </interface> </node>