/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; -*- */ const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Main = imports.ui.main; const OVERLAY_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); OVERLAY_COLOR.from_pixel(0x00000044); const BOX_BACKGROUND_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); BOX_BACKGROUND_COLOR.from_pixel(0x000000cc); const BOX_TEXT_COLOR = new Clutter.Color(); BOX_TEXT_COLOR.from_pixel(0xffffffff); const BOX_WIDTH = 320; const BOX_HEIGHT = 56; function RunDialog() { this._init(); }; RunDialog.prototype = { // Event handlers that can be set by the caller. on_run : null, on_cancel : null, _init : function() { let global = Shell.global_get(); // All actors are inside _group. this._group = new Clutter.Group(); global.stage.add_actor(this._group); this._overlay = new Clutter.Rectangle({ color: OVERLAY_COLOR, width: global.screen_width, height: global.screen_height, border_width: 0, reactive: true }); this._group.add_actor(this._overlay); let boxGroup = new Clutter.Group(); boxGroup.set_position((global.screen_width - BOX_WIDTH) / 2, (global.screen_height - BOX_HEIGHT) / 2); this._group.add_actor(boxGroup); let box = new Clutter.Rectangle({ color: BOX_BACKGROUND_COLOR, reactive: false, width: BOX_WIDTH, height: BOX_HEIGHT, border_width: 0 }); boxGroup.add_actor(box); let label = new Clutter.Label({ color: BOX_TEXT_COLOR, font_name: '18px Sans', text: 'Please enter a command:' }); label.set_position(6, 6); boxGroup.add_actor(label); this._entry = new Clutter.Entry({ color: BOX_TEXT_COLOR, font_name: '20px Sans Bold', reactive: true, text: '', entry_padding: 0, width: BOX_WIDTH - 12, height: BOX_HEIGHT - 12 }); // TODO: Implement relative positioning using Tidy. this._entry.set_position(6, 30); boxGroup.add_actor(this._entry); let me = this; this._entry.connect('activate', function (o, e) { me.hide(); me._run(o.get_text()); return false; }); // TODO: Detect escape key and make it cancel the operation. // Use me.on_cancel() if it exists. Something like this: // this._entry.connect('key-press-event', function(o, e) { // if (the pressed key is the escape key) { // me.hide(); // if (me.on_cancel) // me.on_cancel(); // return false; // } else // return true; // }); global.focus_stage(); global.stage.set_key_focus(this._entry); }, _run : function(command) { if (command) { var p = new Shell.Process({'args' : [command]}); try { p.run(); } catch (e) { // TODO: Give the user direct feedback. log('Could not run command ' + command + '.'); } } if (this.on_run) this.on_run(); }, show : function() { this._group.show_all(); }, hide : function() { this._group.hide(); }, destroy : function(){ this._group.destroy(); } };