const Format = imports.format; const Gettext = imports.gettext; const GLib =; const GObject =; const Gio =; const Gtk =; const Lang = imports.lang; const Pango =; const Soup =; const WebKit =; const _ = Gettext.gettext; const Config = imports.misc.config; const PortalHelperResult = { CANCELLED: 0, COMPLETED: 1, RECHECK: 2 }; const INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 30000; //ms const CONNECTIVITY_RECHECK_RATELIMIT_TIMEOUT = 30 * GLib.USEC_PER_SEC; const HelperDBusInterface = '<node> \ <interface name="org.gnome.Shell.PortalHelper"> \ <method name="Authenticate"> \ <arg type="o" direction="in" name="connection" /> \ <arg type="s" direction="in" name="url" /> \ <arg type="u" direction="in" name="timestamp" /> \ </method> \ <method name="Close"> \ <arg type="o" direction="in" name="connection" /> \ </method> \ <method name="Refresh"> \ <arg type="o" direction="in" name="connection" /> \ </method> \ <signal name="Done"> \ <arg type="o" name="connection" /> \ <arg type="u" name="result" /> \ </signal> \ </interface> \ </node>'; const PortalWindow = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'PortalWindow', Extends: Gtk.ApplicationWindow, _init: function(application, url, timestamp, doneCallback) { this.parent({ application: application }); if (!url) { url = ''; this._originalUrlWasGnome = true; } else { this._originalUrlWasGnome = false; } this._uri = new Soup.URI(url); this._everSeenRedirect = false; this._originalUrl = url; this._doneCallback = doneCallback; this._lastRecheck = 0; this._recheckAtExit = false; this._webView = new WebKit.WebView(); this._webView.connect('decide-policy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDecidePolicy)); this._webView.load_uri(url); this._webView.connect('notify::title', Lang.bind(this, this._syncTitle)); this._syncTitle(); this.add(this._webView);; this.maximize(); this.present_with_time(timestamp); }, _syncTitle: function() { let title = this._webView.title; if (title) { this.title = title; } else { // TRANSLATORS: this is the title of the wifi captive portal login // window, until we know the title of the actual login page this.title = _("Web Authentication Redirect"); } }, refresh: function() { this._everSeenRedirect = false; this._webView.load_uri(this._originalUrl); }, vfunc_delete_event: function(event) { if (this._recheckAtExit) this._doneCallback(PortalHelperResult.RECHECK); else this._doneCallback(PortalHelperResult.CANCELLED); return false; }, _onDecidePolicy: function(view, decision, type) { if (type == WebKit.PolicyDecisionType.NEW_WINDOW_ACTION) { decision.ignore(); return true; } if (type != WebKit.PolicyDecisionType.NAVIGATION_ACTION) return false; let request = decision.get_request(); let uri = new Soup.URI(request.get_uri()); if (!uri.host_equal(this._uri) && this._originalUrlWasGnome) { if (uri.get_host() == '' && this._everSeenRedirect) { // Yay, we got to gnome! decision.ignore(); this._doneCallback(PortalHelperResult.COMPLETED); return true; } else if (uri.get_host() != '') { this._everSeenRedirect = true; } } // We *may* have finished here, but we don't know for // sure. Tell gnome-shell to run another connectivity check // (but ratelimit the checks, we don't want to spam // for portals that have 10 or more internal // redirects - and unfortunately they exist) // If we hit the rate limit, we also queue a recheck // when the window is closed, just in case we miss the // final check and don't realize we're connected // This should not be a problem in the cancelled logic, // because if the user doesn't want to start the login, // we should not see any redirect at all, outside this._uri let now = GLib.get_monotonic_time(); let shouldRecheck = (now - this._lastRecheck) > CONNECTIVITY_RECHECK_RATELIMIT_TIMEOUT; if (shouldRecheck) { this._lastRecheck = now; this._recheckAtExit = false; this._doneCallback(PortalHelperResult.RECHECK); } else { this._recheckAtExit = true; } // Update the URI, in case of chained redirects, so we still // think we're doing the login until gnome-shell kills us this._uri = uri; decision.use(); return true; }, }); const WebPortalHelper = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'WebPortalHelper', Extends: Gtk.Application, _init: function() { this.parent({ application_id: 'org.gnome.Shell.PortalHelper', flags: Gio.ApplicationFlags.IS_SERVICE, inactivity_timeout: 30000 }); this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(HelperDBusInterface, this); this._queue = []; }, vfunc_dbus_register: function(connection, path) { this._dbusImpl.export(connection, path); this.parent(connection, path); return true; }, vfunc_dbus_unregister: function(connection, path) { this._dbusImpl.unexport_from_connection(connection); this.parent(connection, path); }, vfunc_activate: function() { // If launched manually (for example for testing), force a dummy authentication // session with the default url this.Authenticate('/org/gnome/dummy', '', 0); }, Authenticate: function(connection, url, timestamp) { this._queue.push({ connection: connection, url: url, timestamp: timestamp }); this._processQueue(); }, Close: function(connection) { for (let i = 0; i < this._queue.length; i++) { let obj = this._queue[i]; if (obj.connection == connection) { if (obj.window) obj.window.destroy(); this._queue.splice(i, 1); break; } } this._processQueue(); }, Refresh: function(connection) { for (let i = 0; i < this._queue.length; i++) { let obj = this._queue[i]; if (obj.connection == connection) { if (obj.window) obj.window.refresh(); break; } } }, _processQueue: function() { if (this._queue.length == 0) return; let top = this._queue[0]; if (top.window != null) return; top.window = new PortalWindow(this, top.uri, top.timestamp, Lang.bind(this, function(result) { this._dbusImpl.emit_signal('Done', new GLib.Variant('(ou)', [top.connection, result])); })); }, }); function initEnvironment() { String.prototype.format = Format.format; } function main(argv) { initEnvironment(); Gettext.bindtextdomain(Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, Config.LOCALEDIR); Gettext.textdomain(Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE); let app = new WebPortalHelper(); return; }