/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const Big = imports.gi.Big; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Pango = imports.gi.Pango; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Lang = imports.lang; const Signals = imports.signals; const St = imports.gi.St; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain('gnome-shell'); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const AppFavorites = imports.ui.appFavorites; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const GenericDisplay = imports.ui.genericDisplay; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Search = imports.ui.search; const Workspace = imports.ui.workspace; const APPICON_SIZE = 48; const WELL_MAX_COLUMNS = 8; function AllAppView() { this._init(); } AllAppView.prototype = { _init: function(apps) { this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true }); this._grid = new WellGrid(true); this._appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); this.actor.add(this._grid.actor, { y_align: St.Align.START, expand: true }); }, _removeAll: function() { this._grid.removeAll(); this._apps = []; }, _addApp: function(app) { let App = new AppWellIcon(this._appSystem.get_app(app.get_id())); App.connect('launching', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.emit('launching'); })); App._draggable.connect('drag-begin', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.emit('drag-begin'); })); this._grid.addItem(App.actor); this._apps.push(App); }, refresh: function(apps) { let ids = []; for (let i in apps) ids.push(i); ids.sort(function(a, b) { return apps[a].get_name().localeCompare(apps[b].get_name()); }); this._removeAll(); for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { this._addApp(apps[ids[i]]); } } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(AllAppView.prototype); /* This class represents a display containing a collection of application items. * The applications are sorted based on their name. */ function AllAppDisplay() { this._init(); } AllAppDisplay.prototype = { _init: function() { this._appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); this._appSystem.connect('installed-changed', Lang.bind(this, function() { Main.queueDeferredWork(this._workId); })); let bin = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'all-app-controls-panel' }); this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'all-app', vertical: true }); this.actor.hide(); let view = new St.ScrollView({ x_fill: true, y_fill: false, style_class: 'all-app-scroll-view', vshadows: true }); this._scrollView = view; this.actor.add(bin); this.actor.add(view, { expand: true, y_fill: false, y_align: St.Align.START }); this._appView = new AllAppView(); this._appView.connect('launching', Lang.bind(this, this.close)); this._appView.connect('drag-begin', Lang.bind(this, this.close)); this._scrollView.add_actor(this._appView.actor); this._scrollView.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC); this._workId = Main.initializeDeferredWork(this.actor, Lang.bind(this, this._redisplay)); }, _redisplay: function() { let apps = this._appSystem.get_flattened_apps().filter(function(app) { return !app.get_is_nodisplay(); }); this._appView.refresh(apps); }, toggle: function() { this.emit('open-state-changed', !this.actor.visible); this.actor.visible = !this.actor.visible; }, close: function() { if (!this.actor.visible) return; this.toggle(); } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(AllAppDisplay.prototype); function AppSearchResultDisplay(provider) { this._init(provider); } AppSearchResultDisplay.prototype = { __proto__: Search.SearchResultDisplay.prototype, _init: function (provider) { Search.SearchResultDisplay.prototype._init.call(this, provider); this._spacing = 0; this.actor = new St.Bin({ name: 'dashAppSearchResults', x_align: St.Align.START }); this.actor.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged)); let container = new Shell.GenericContainer(); this._container = container; this.actor.set_child(container); container.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth)); container.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight)); container.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate)); }, _getPreferredWidth: function (actor, forHeight, alloc) { let children = actor.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let [minSize, natSize] = children[i].get_preferred_width(forHeight); alloc.natural_size += natSize; } }, _getPreferredHeight: function (actor, forWidth, alloc) { let children = actor.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let [minSize, natSize] = children[i].get_preferred_height(forWidth); if (minSize > alloc.min_size) alloc.min_size = minSize; if (natSize > alloc.natural_size) alloc.natural_size = natSize; } }, _allocate: function (actor, box, flags) { let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1; let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1; let children = actor.get_children(); let x = 0; let i; for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let [minWidth, minHeight, natWidth, natHeight] = child.get_preferred_size(); if (x + natWidth > availWidth) { actor.set_skip_paint(child, true); continue; } let yPadding = Math.max(0, availHeight - natHeight); childBox.x1 = x; childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + natWidth; childBox.y1 = Math.floor(yPadding / 2); childBox.y2 = availHeight - childBox.y1; x = childBox.x2 + this._spacing; child.allocate(childBox, flags); actor.set_skip_paint(child, false); } }, _onStyleChanged: function () { let themeNode = this.actor.get_theme_node(); let [success, len] = themeNode.get_length('spacing', false); if (success) this._spacing = len; this._container.queue_relayout(); }, renderResults: function(results, terms) { let appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); for (let i = 0; i < results.length && i < WELL_MAX_COLUMNS; i++) { let result = results[i]; let app = appSys.get_app(result); let display = new AppWellIcon(app); this._container.add_actor(display.actor); } }, clear: function () { this._container.get_children().forEach(function (actor) { actor.destroy(); }); this.selectionIndex = -1; }, getVisibleResultCount: function() { let nChildren = this._container.get_children().length; return nChildren - this._container.get_n_skip_paint(); }, selectIndex: function (index) { let nVisible = this.getVisibleResultCount(); let children = this._container.get_children(); if (this.selectionIndex >= 0) { let prevActor = children[this.selectionIndex]; prevActor._delegate.setSelected(false); } this.selectionIndex = -1; if (index >= nVisible) return false; else if (index < 0) return false; let targetActor = children[index]; targetActor._delegate.setSelected(true); this.selectionIndex = index; return true; }, activateSelected: function() { if (this.selectionIndex < 0) return; let children = this._container.get_children(); let targetActor = children[this.selectionIndex]; this.provider.activateResult(targetActor._delegate.app.get_id()) } } function BaseAppSearchProvider() { this._init(); } BaseAppSearchProvider.prototype = { __proto__: Search.SearchProvider.prototype, _init: function(name) { Search.SearchProvider.prototype._init.call(this, name); this._appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); }, getResultMeta: function(resultId) { let app = this._appSys.get_app(resultId); if (!app) return null; return { 'id': resultId, 'name': app.get_name(), 'icon': app.create_icon_texture(Search.RESULT_ICON_SIZE)}; }, activateResult: function(id) { let app = this._appSys.get_app(id); let windows = app.get_windows(); if (windows.length > 0) Main.activateWindow(windows[0]); else app.launch(); }, dragActivateResult: function(id) { let app = this._appSys.get_app(id); app.launch(); } }; function AppSearchProvider() { this._init(); } AppSearchProvider.prototype = { __proto__: BaseAppSearchProvider.prototype, _init: function() { BaseAppSearchProvider.prototype._init.call(this, _("APPLICATIONS")); }, getInitialResultSet: function(terms) { return this._appSys.initial_search(false, terms); }, getSubsearchResultSet: function(previousResults, terms) { return this._appSys.subsearch(false, previousResults, terms); }, createResultContainerActor: function () { return new AppSearchResultDisplay(this); }, createResultActor: function (resultMeta, terms) { return new AppIcon(resultMeta.id); }, expandSearch: function(terms) { log("TODO expand search"); } } function PrefsSearchProvider() { this._init(); } PrefsSearchProvider.prototype = { __proto__: BaseAppSearchProvider.prototype, _init: function() { BaseAppSearchProvider.prototype._init.call(this, _("PREFERENCES")); }, getInitialResultSet: function(terms) { return this._appSys.initial_search(true, terms); }, getSubsearchResultSet: function(previousResults, terms) { return this._appSys.subsearch(true, previousResults, terms); }, expandSearch: function(terms) { let controlCenter = this._appSys.load_from_desktop_file('gnomecc.desktop'); controlCenter.launch(); Main.overview.hide(); } } function AppIcon(app) { this._init(app); } AppIcon.prototype = { _init : function(app) { this.app = app; this.actor = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'app-icon', x_fill: true, y_fill: true }); this.actor._delegate = this; let box = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: true }); this.actor.set_child(box); this.icon = this.app.create_icon_texture(APPICON_SIZE); box.add(this.icon, { expand: true, x_fill: false, y_fill: false }); this._name = new St.Label({ text: this.app.get_name() }); this._name.clutter_text.line_alignment = Pango.Alignment.CENTER; box.add_actor(this._name); } } function AppWellIcon(app) { this._init(app); } AppWellIcon.prototype = { _init : function(app) { this.app = app; this._running = false; this.actor = new St.Clickable({ style_class: 'app-well-app', reactive: true, x_fill: true, y_fill: true }); this.actor._delegate = this; this._icon = new AppIcon(app); this.actor.set_child(this._icon.actor); this.actor.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onClicked)); this._menu = null; this._draggable = DND.makeDraggable(this.actor, true); this._dragStartX = null; this._dragStartY = null; this.actor.connect('button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onButtonPress)); this.actor.connect('notify::hover', Lang.bind(this, this._onHoverChange)); this.actor.connect('show', Lang.bind(this, this._onShow)); this.actor.connect('hide', Lang.bind(this, this._onHideDestroy)); this.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onHideDestroy)); this._appWindowChangedId = 0; }, _onShow: function() { this._appWindowChangedId = this.app.connect('windows-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._updateStyleClass)); this._updateStyleClass(); }, _onHideDestroy: function() { if (this._appWindowChangedId > 0) this.app.disconnect(this._appWindowChangedId); }, _updateStyleClass: function() { let windows = this.app.get_windows(); let running = windows.length > 0; this._running = running; let style = "app-well-app"; if (this._running) style += " running"; if (this._selected) style += " selected"; this.actor.style_class = style; }, _onButtonPress: function(actor, event) { let [stageX, stageY] = event.get_coords(); this._dragStartX = stageX; this._dragStartY = stageY; }, _onHoverChange: function(actor) { let hover = this.actor.hover; if (!hover) { if (this.actor.pressed && this._dragStartX != null) { this.actor.fake_release(); this._draggable.startDrag(this._dragStartX, this._dragStartY, global.get_current_time()); } else { this._dragStartX = null; this._dragStartY = null; } } }, _onClicked: function(actor, event) { let button = event.get_button(); if (button == 1) { this._onActivate(event); } else if (button == 3) { // Don't bind to the right click here; we want left click outside the // area to deactivate as well. this.popupMenu(0); } return false; }, getId: function() { return this.app.get_id(); }, popupMenu: function(activatingButton) { if (!this._menu) { this._menu = new AppIconMenu(this); this._menu.connect('highlight-window', Lang.bind(this, function (menu, window) { this.highlightWindow(window); })); this._menu.connect('activate-window', Lang.bind(this, function (menu, window) { this.activateWindow(window); })); this._menu.connect('popup', Lang.bind(this, function (menu, isPoppedUp) { if (isPoppedUp) { this._onMenuPoppedUp(); } else { this._onMenuPoppedDown(); } })); } this._menu.popup(activatingButton); return false; }, activateMostRecentWindow: function () { let mostRecentWindow = this.app.get_windows()[0]; Main.activateWindow(mostRecentWindow); }, highlightWindow: function(metaWindow) { if (this._didActivateWindow) return; if (!this._getRunning()) return; Main.overview.getWorkspacesForWindow(metaWindow).setHighlightWindow(metaWindow); }, activateWindow: function(metaWindow) { if (metaWindow) { this._didActivateWindow = true; Main.activateWindow(metaWindow); } else Main.overview.hide(); }, setSelected: function (isSelected) { this._selected = isSelected; this._updateStyleClass(); }, _onMenuPoppedUp: function() { if (this._getRunning()) { Main.overview.getWorkspacesForWindow(null).setApplicationWindowSelection(this.app.get_id()); this._setWindowSelection = true; this._didActivateWindow = false; } }, _onMenuPoppedDown: function() { if (this._didActivateWindow) return; if (!this._setWindowSelection) return; Main.overview.getWorkspacesForWindow(null).setApplicationWindowSelection(null); this._setWindowSelection = false; }, _getRunning: function() { return this.app.get_windows().length > 0; }, _onActivate: function (event) { let running = this._getRunning(); this.emit('launching'); if (!running) { this.app.launch(); Main.overview.hide(); } else { let modifiers = Shell.get_event_state(event); if (modifiers & Clutter.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) { this.app.launch(); Main.overview.hide(); } else { this.activateMostRecentWindow(); } } }, shellWorkspaceLaunch : function() { // Here we just always launch the application again, even if we know // it was already running. For most applications this // should have the effect of creating a new window, whether that's // a second process (in the case of Calculator) or IPC to existing // instance (Firefox). There are a few less-sensical cases such // as say Pidgin, but ideally what we do there is have the app // express to us that it doesn't do relaunch=new-window in the // .desktop file. this.app.launch(); }, getDragActor: function() { return this.app.create_icon_texture(APPICON_SIZE); }, // Returns the original actor that should align with the actor // we show as the item is being dragged. getDragActorSource: function() { return this._icon.icon; } } Signals.addSignalMethods(AppWellIcon.prototype); function AppIconMenu(source) { this._init(source); } AppIconMenu.prototype = { _init: function(source) { this._source = source; this._arrowSize = 4; // CSS default this._spacing = 0; // CSS default this._dragStartX = 0; this._dragStartY = 0; this.actor = new Shell.GenericContainer({ reactive: true }); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth)); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight)); this.actor.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate)); this._windowContainerBox = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'app-well-menu' }); this._windowContainer = new Shell.Menu({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL, width: Main.overview._dash.actor.width }); this._windowContainerBox.set_child(this._windowContainer); this._windowContainer.connect('unselected', Lang.bind(this, this._onItemUnselected)); this._windowContainer.connect('selected', Lang.bind(this, this._onItemSelected)); this._windowContainer.connect('cancelled', Lang.bind(this, this._onWindowSelectionCancelled)); this._windowContainer.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this._onItemActivate)); this.actor.add_actor(this._windowContainerBox); // Stay popped up on release over application icon this._windowContainer.set_persistent_source(this._source.actor); // Intercept events while the menu has the pointer grab to do window-related effects this._windowContainer.connect('enter-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onMenuEnter)); this._windowContainer.connect('leave-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onMenuLeave)); this._windowContainer.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onMenuButtonRelease)); this._borderColor = new Clutter.Color(); this._backgroundColor = new Clutter.Color(); this._windowContainerBox.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged)); this._arrow = new St.DrawingArea(); this._arrow.connect('redraw', Lang.bind(this, function (area, texture) { Shell.draw_box_pointer(texture, Shell.PointerDirection.LEFT, this._borderColor, this._backgroundColor); })); this.actor.add_actor(this._arrow); // Chain our visibility and lifecycle to that of the source source.actor.connect('notify::mapped', Lang.bind(this, function () { if (!source.actor.mapped) this._windowContainer.popdown(); })); source.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function () { this.actor.destroy(); })); global.stage.add_actor(this.actor); }, _getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) { let [min, natural] = this._windowContainerBox.get_preferred_width(forHeight); min += this._arrowSize; natural += this._arrowSize; alloc.min_size = min; alloc.natural_size = natural; }, _getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) { let [min, natural] = this._windowContainerBox.get_preferred_height(forWidth); alloc.min_size = min; alloc.natural_size = natural; }, _allocate: function(actor, box, flags) { let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); let themeNode = this._windowContainerBox.get_theme_node(); let width = box.x2 - box.x1; let height = box.y2 - box.y1; childBox.x1 = 0; childBox.x2 = this._arrowSize; childBox.y1 = Math.floor((height / 2) - (this._arrowSize / 2)); childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + this._arrowSize; this._arrow.allocate(childBox, flags); // Ensure the arrow is above the border area let border = themeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.LEFT); childBox.x1 = this._arrowSize - border; childBox.x2 = width; childBox.y1 = 0; childBox.y2 = height; this._windowContainerBox.allocate(childBox, flags); }, _redisplay: function() { this._windowContainer.remove_all(); let windows = this._source.app.get_windows(); this._windowContainer.show(); let iconsDiffer = false; let texCache = St.TextureCache.get_default(); if (windows.length > 0) { let firstIcon = windows[0].mini_icon; for (let i = 1; i < windows.length; i++) { if (!texCache.pixbuf_equal(windows[i].mini_icon, firstIcon)) { iconsDiffer = true; break; } } } // Display the app windows menu items and the separator between windows // of the current desktop and other windows. let activeWorkspace = global.screen.get_active_workspace(); let separatorShown = windows.length > 0 && windows[0].get_workspace() != activeWorkspace; for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) { if (!separatorShown && windows[i].get_workspace() != activeWorkspace) { this._appendSeparator(); separatorShown = true; } let box = this._appendMenuItem(windows[i].title); box._window = windows[i]; } if (windows.length > 0) this._appendSeparator(); let isFavorite = AppFavorites.getAppFavorites().isFavorite(this._source.app.get_id()); this._newWindowMenuItem = windows.length > 0 ? this._appendMenuItem(_("New Window")) : null; if (windows.length > 0) this._appendSeparator(); this._toggleFavoriteMenuItem = this._appendMenuItem(isFavorite ? _("Remove from Favorites") : _("Add to Favorites")); this._highlightedItem = null; }, _appendSeparator: function () { let bin = new St.Bin({ style_class: "app-well-menu-separator" }); this._windowContainer.append_separator(bin, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); }, _appendMenuItem: function(labelText) { let box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'app-well-menu-item', reactive: true }); let label = new St.Label({ text: labelText }); box.add(label); this._windowContainer.append(box, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE); return box; }, popup: function(activatingButton) { let [stageX, stageY] = this._source.actor.get_transformed_position(); let [stageWidth, stageHeight] = this._source.actor.get_transformed_size(); this._redisplay(); this._windowContainer.popup(activatingButton, global.get_current_time()); this.emit('popup', true); let x, y; x = Math.floor(stageX + stageWidth); y = Math.floor(stageY + (stageHeight / 2) - (this.actor.height / 2)); this.actor.set_position(x, y); this.actor.show(); }, popdown: function() { this._windowContainer.popdown(); this.emit('popup', false); this.actor.hide(); }, selectWindow: function(metaWindow) { this._selectMenuItemForWindow(metaWindow); }, _findMetaWindowForActor: function (actor) { if (actor._delegate instanceof Workspace.WindowClone) return actor._delegate.metaWindow; else if (actor.get_meta_window) return actor.get_meta_window(); return null; }, // This function is called while the menu has a pointer grab; what we want // to do is see if the mouse was released over a window representation _onMenuButtonRelease: function (actor, event) { let metaWindow = this._findMetaWindowForActor(event.get_source()); if (metaWindow) { this.emit('activate-window', metaWindow); } }, _updateHighlight: function (item) { if (this._highlightedItem) { this._highlightedItem.set_style_pseudo_class(null); this.emit('highlight-window', null); } this._highlightedItem = item; if (this._highlightedItem) { item.set_style_pseudo_class('hover'); let window = this._highlightedItem._window; if (window) this.emit('highlight-window', window); } }, _selectMenuItemForWindow: function (metaWindow) { let children = this._windowContainer.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; let menuMetaWindow = child._window; if (menuMetaWindow == metaWindow) this._updateHighlight(child); } }, // Called while menu has a pointer grab _onMenuEnter: function (actor, event) { let metaWindow = this._findMetaWindowForActor(event.get_source()); if (metaWindow) { this._selectMenuItemForWindow(metaWindow); } }, // Called while menu has a pointer grab _onMenuLeave: function (actor, event) { let metaWindow = this._findMetaWindowForActor(event.get_source()); if (metaWindow) { this._updateHighlight(null); } }, _onItemUnselected: function (actor, child) { this._updateHighlight(null); }, _onItemSelected: function (actor, child) { this._updateHighlight(child); }, _onItemActivate: function (actor, child) { if (child._window) { let metaWindow = child._window; this.emit('activate-window', metaWindow); } else if (child == this._newWindowMenuItem) { this._source.app.launch(); this.emit('activate-window', null); } else if (child == this._toggleFavoriteMenuItem) { let favs = AppFavorites.getAppFavorites(); let isFavorite = favs.isFavorite(this._source.app.get_id()); if (isFavorite) favs.removeFavorite(this._source.app.get_id()); else favs.addFavorite(this._source.app.get_id()); } this.popdown(); }, _onWindowSelectionCancelled: function () { this.emit('highlight-window', null); this.popdown(); }, _onStyleChanged: function() { let themeNode = this._windowContainerBox.get_theme_node(); let [success, len] = themeNode.get_length('-shell-arrow-size', false); if (success) { this._arrowSize = len; this.actor.queue_relayout(); } [success, len] = themeNode.get_length('-shell-menu-spacing', false) if (success) { this._windowContainer.spacing = len; } let color = new Clutter.Color(); if (themeNode.get_background_color(color)) { this._backgroundColor = color; color = new Clutter.Color(); } if (themeNode.get_border_color(St.Side.LEFT, color)) { this._borderColor = color; } this._arrow.emit_redraw(); } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(AppIconMenu.prototype); function WellGrid() { this._init(); } WellGrid.prototype = { _init: function() { this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ name: "dashAppWell", vertical: true }); // Pulled from CSS, but hardcode some defaults here this._spacing = 0; this._item_size = 48; this._grid = new Shell.GenericContainer(); this.actor.add(this._grid, { expand: true, y_align: St.Align.START }); this.actor.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged)); this._grid.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth)); this._grid.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight)); this._grid.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate)); }, _getPreferredWidth: function (grid, forHeight, alloc) { let children = this._grid.get_children(); let nColumns = children.length; let totalSpacing = Math.max(0, nColumns - 1) * this._spacing; // Kind of a lie, but not really an issue right now. If // we wanted to support some sort of hidden/overflow that would // need higher level design alloc.min_size = this._item_size; alloc.natural_size = nColumns * this._item_size + totalSpacing; }, _getPreferredHeight: function (grid, forWidth, alloc) { let children = this._grid.get_children(); let [nColumns, usedWidth] = this._computeLayout(forWidth); let nRows; if (nColumns > 0) nRows = Math.ceil(children.length / nColumns); else nRows = 0; let totalSpacing = Math.max(0, nRows - 1) * this._spacing; let height = nRows * this._item_size + totalSpacing; alloc.min_size = height; alloc.natural_size = height; }, _allocate: function (grid, box, flags) { let children = this._grid.get_children(); let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1; let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1; let [nColumns, usedWidth] = this._computeLayout(availWidth); let overallPaddingX = Math.floor((availWidth - usedWidth) / 2); let x = box.x1 + overallPaddingX; let y = box.y1; let columnIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let [childMinWidth, childMinHeight, childNaturalWidth, childNaturalHeight] = children[i].get_preferred_size(); /* Center the item in its allocation horizontally */ let width = Math.min(this._item_size, childNaturalWidth); let childXSpacing = Math.max(0, width - childNaturalWidth) / 2; let height = Math.min(this._item_size, childNaturalHeight); let childYSpacing = Math.max(0, height - childNaturalHeight) / 2; let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); childBox.x1 = Math.floor(x + childXSpacing); childBox.y1 = Math.floor(y + childYSpacing); childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + width; childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + height; children[i].allocate(childBox, flags); columnIndex++; if (columnIndex == nColumns) { columnIndex = 0; } if (columnIndex == 0) { y += this._item_size + this._spacing; x = box.x1 + overallPaddingX; } else { x += this._item_size + this._spacing; } } }, _computeLayout: function (forWidth) { let children = this._grid.get_children(); let nColumns = 0; let usedWidth = 0; while (nColumns < WELL_MAX_COLUMNS && nColumns < children.length && (usedWidth + this._item_size <= forWidth)) { usedWidth += this._item_size + this._spacing; nColumns += 1; } if (nColumns > 0) usedWidth -= this._spacing; return [nColumns, usedWidth]; }, _onStyleChanged: function() { let themeNode = this.actor.get_theme_node(); let [success, len] = themeNode.get_length('spacing', false); if (success) this._spacing = len; [success, len] = themeNode.get_length('-shell-grid-item-size', false); if (success) this._item_size = len; this._grid.queue_relayout(); }, removeAll: function () { this._grid.get_children().forEach(Lang.bind(this, function (child) { child.destroy(); })); }, addItem: function(actor) { this._grid.add_actor(actor); } } function AppWell() { this._init(); } AppWell.prototype = { _init : function() { this._menus = []; this._menuDisplays = []; this._favorites = []; this.actor = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL, x_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER }); this.actor._delegate = this; this._workId = Main.initializeDeferredWork(this.actor, Lang.bind(this, this._redisplay)); this._grid = new WellGrid(); this.actor.append(this._grid.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND); this._tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); this._appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); this._appSystem.connect('installed-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._queueRedisplay)); AppFavorites.getAppFavorites().connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._queueRedisplay)); this._tracker.connect('app-running-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._queueRedisplay)); }, _appIdListToHash: function(apps) { let ids = {}; for (let i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) ids[apps[i].get_id()] = apps[i]; return ids; }, _queueRedisplay: function () { Main.queueDeferredWork(this._workId); }, _redisplay: function () { this._grid.removeAll(); let favorites = AppFavorites.getAppFavorites().getFavoriteMap(); /* hardcode here pending some design about how exactly desktop contexts behave */ let contextId = ""; let running = this._tracker.get_running_apps(contextId); let runningIds = this._appIdListToHash(running); let nFavorites = 0; for (let id in favorites) { let app = favorites[id]; let display = new AppWellIcon(app); this._grid.addItem(display.actor); nFavorites++; } for (let i = 0; i < running.length; i++) { let app = running[i]; if (app.get_id() in favorites) continue; let display = new AppWellIcon(app); this._grid.addItem(display.actor); } if (running.length == 0 && nFavorites == 0) { let text = new St.Label({ text: _("Drag here to add favorites")}); this._grid.actor.set_child(text); } }, // Draggable target interface acceptDrop : function(source, actor, x, y, time) { let app = null; if (source instanceof AppWellIcon) { app = this._appSystem.get_app(source.getId()); } else if (source instanceof Workspace.WindowClone) { app = this._tracker.get_window_app(source.metaWindow); } // Don't allow favoriting of transient apps if (app == null || app.is_transient()) { return false; } let id = app.get_id(); let favorites = AppFavorites.getAppFavorites().getFavoriteMap(); let srcIsFavorite = (id in favorites); if (srcIsFavorite) { return false; } else { Mainloop.idle_add(Lang.bind(this, function () { AppFavorites.getAppFavorites().addFavorite(id); return false; })); } return true; } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(AppWell.prototype);