// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const { Clutter, Gio, GLib, GObject, Shell, St } = imports.gi; const Signals = imports.signals; const AppDisplay = imports.ui.appDisplay; const IconGrid = imports.ui.iconGrid; const Main = imports.ui.main; const RemoteSearch = imports.ui.remoteSearch; const Util = imports.misc.util; const SEARCH_PROVIDERS_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.desktop.search-providers'; var MAX_LIST_SEARCH_RESULTS_ROWS = 5; var MAX_GRID_SEARCH_RESULTS_ROWS = 1; var MaxWidthBox = GObject.registerClass( class MaxWidthBox extends St.BoxLayout { vfunc_allocate(box, flags) { let themeNode = this.get_theme_node(); let maxWidth = themeNode.get_max_width(); let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1; let adjustedBox = box; if (availWidth > maxWidth) { let excessWidth = availWidth - maxWidth; adjustedBox.x1 += Math.floor(excessWidth / 2); adjustedBox.x2 -= Math.floor(excessWidth / 2); } super.vfunc_allocate(adjustedBox, flags); } }); var SearchResult = class { constructor(provider, metaInfo, resultsView) { this.provider = provider; this.metaInfo = metaInfo; this._resultsView = resultsView; this.actor = new St.Button({ reactive: true, can_focus: true, track_hover: true, x_align: St.Align.START, y_fill: true }); this.actor._delegate = this; this.actor.connect('clicked', this.activate.bind(this)); } activate() { this.emit('activate', this.metaInfo.id); } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(SearchResult.prototype); var ListSearchResult = class extends SearchResult { constructor(provider, metaInfo, resultsView) { super(provider, metaInfo, resultsView); this.actor.style_class = 'list-search-result'; this.actor.x_fill = true; let content = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'list-search-result-content', vertical: false }); this.actor.set_child(content); this._termsChangedId = 0; let titleBox = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'list-search-result-title' }); content.add(titleBox, { x_fill: true, y_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.START, y_align: St.Align.MIDDLE }); // An icon for, or thumbnail of, content let icon = this.metaInfo['createIcon'](this.ICON_SIZE); if (icon) { titleBox.add(icon); } let title = new St.Label({ text: this.metaInfo['name'] }); titleBox.add(title, { x_fill: false, y_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.START, y_align: St.Align.MIDDLE }); this.actor.label_actor = title; if (this.metaInfo['description']) { this._descriptionLabel = new St.Label({ style_class: 'list-search-result-description' }); content.add(this._descriptionLabel, { x_fill: false, y_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.START, y_align: St.Align.MIDDLE }); this._termsChangedId = this._resultsView.connect('terms-changed', this._highlightTerms.bind(this)); this._highlightTerms(); } this.actor.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); } get ICON_SIZE() { return 24; } _highlightTerms() { let markup = this._resultsView.highlightTerms(this.metaInfo['description'].split('\n')[0]); this._descriptionLabel.clutter_text.set_markup(markup); } _onDestroy() { if (this._termsChangedId) this._resultsView.disconnect(this._termsChangedId); this._termsChangedId = 0; } }; var GridSearchResult = class extends SearchResult { constructor(provider, metaInfo, resultsView) { super(provider, metaInfo, resultsView); this.actor.style_class = 'grid-search-result'; this.icon = new IconGrid.BaseIcon(this.metaInfo['name'], { createIcon: this.metaInfo['createIcon'] }); let content = new St.Bin({ child: this.icon }); this.actor.set_child(content); this.actor.label_actor = this.icon.label; } }; var SearchResultsBase = class { constructor(provider, resultsView) { this.provider = provider; this._resultsView = resultsView; this._terms = []; this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'search-section', vertical: true }); this._resultDisplayBin = new St.Bin({ x_fill: true, y_fill: true }); this.actor.add(this._resultDisplayBin, { expand: true }); let separator = new St.Widget({ style_class: 'search-section-separator' }); this.actor.add(separator); this._resultDisplays = {}; this._clipboard = St.Clipboard.get_default(); this._cancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); } destroy() { this.actor.destroy(); this._terms = []; } _createResultDisplay(meta) { if (this.provider.createResultObject) return this.provider.createResultObject(meta, this._resultsView); return null; } clear() { this._cancellable.cancel(); for (let resultId in this._resultDisplays) this._resultDisplays[resultId].actor.destroy(); this._resultDisplays = {}; this._clearResultDisplay(); this.actor.hide(); } _keyFocusIn(actor) { this.emit('key-focus-in', actor); } _activateResult(result, id) { this.provider.activateResult(id, this._terms); if (result.metaInfo.clipboardText) this._clipboard.set_text(St.ClipboardType.CLIPBOARD, result.metaInfo.clipboardText); Main.overview.toggle(); } _setMoreCount(count) { } _ensureResultActors(results, callback) { let metasNeeded = results.filter( resultId => this._resultDisplays[resultId] === undefined ); if (metasNeeded.length === 0) { callback(true); } else { this._cancellable.cancel(); this._cancellable.reset(); this.provider.getResultMetas(metasNeeded, metas => { if (this._cancellable.is_cancelled()) { if (metas.length > 0) log(`Search provider ${this.provider.id} returned results after the request was canceled`); callback(false); return; } if (metas.length != metasNeeded.length) { log(`Wrong number of result metas returned by search provider ${this.provider.id}: ` + `expected ${metasNeeded.length} but got ${metas.length}`); callback(false); return; } if (metas.some(meta => !meta.name || !meta.id)) { log(`Invalid result meta returned from search provider ${this.provider.id}`); callback(false); return; } metasNeeded.forEach((resultId, i) => { let meta = metas[i]; let display = this._createResultDisplay(meta); display.connect('activate', this._activateResult.bind(this)); display.actor.connect('key-focus-in', this._keyFocusIn.bind(this)); this._resultDisplays[resultId] = display; }); callback(true); }, this._cancellable); } } updateSearch(providerResults, terms, callback) { this._terms = terms; if (providerResults.length == 0) { this._clearResultDisplay(); this.actor.hide(); callback(); } else { let maxResults = this._getMaxDisplayedResults(); let results = this.provider.filterResults(providerResults, maxResults); let moreCount = Math.max(providerResults.length - results.length, 0); this._ensureResultActors(results, successful => { if (!successful) { this._clearResultDisplay(); callback(); return; } // To avoid CSS transitions causing flickering when // the first search result stays the same, we hide the // content while filling in the results. this.actor.hide(); this._clearResultDisplay(); results.forEach(resultId => { this._addItem(this._resultDisplays[resultId]); }); this._setMoreCount(this.provider.canLaunchSearch ? moreCount : 0); this.actor.show(); callback(); }); } } }; var ListSearchResults = class extends SearchResultsBase { constructor(provider, resultsView) { super(provider, resultsView); this._container = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'search-section-content' }); this.providerInfo = new ProviderInfo(provider); this.providerInfo.connect('key-focus-in', this._keyFocusIn.bind(this)); this.providerInfo.connect('clicked', () => { this.providerInfo.animateLaunch(); provider.launchSearch(this._terms); Main.overview.toggle(); }); this._container.add(this.providerInfo, { x_fill: false, y_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.START, y_align: St.Align.START }); this._content = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'list-search-results', vertical: true }); this._container.add(this._content, { expand: true }); this._resultDisplayBin.set_child(this._container); } _setMoreCount(count) { this.providerInfo.setMoreCount(count); } _getMaxDisplayedResults() { return MAX_LIST_SEARCH_RESULTS_ROWS; } _clearResultDisplay() { this._content.remove_all_children(); } _createResultDisplay(meta) { return super._createResultDisplay(meta, this._resultsView) || new ListSearchResult(this.provider, meta, this._resultsView); } _addItem(display) { this._content.add_actor(display.actor); } getFirstResult() { if (this._content.get_n_children() > 0) return this._content.get_child_at_index(0)._delegate; else return null; } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(ListSearchResults.prototype); var GridSearchResults = class extends SearchResultsBase { constructor(provider, resultsView) { super(provider, resultsView); // We need to use the parent container to know how much results we can show. // None of the actors in this class can be used for that, since the main actor // goes hidden when no results are displayed, and then it lost its allocation. // Then on the next use of _getMaxDisplayedResults allocation is 0, en therefore // it doesn't show any result although we have some. this._parentContainer = resultsView.actor; this._grid = new IconGrid.IconGrid({ rowLimit: MAX_GRID_SEARCH_RESULTS_ROWS, xAlign: St.Align.START }); this._bin = new St.Bin({ x_align: St.Align.MIDDLE }); this._bin.set_child(this._grid); this._resultDisplayBin.set_child(this._bin); } _getMaxDisplayedResults() { let parentThemeNode = this._parentContainer.get_theme_node(); let availableWidth = parentThemeNode.adjust_for_width(this._parentContainer.width); return this._grid.columnsForWidth(availableWidth) * this._grid.getRowLimit(); } _clearResultDisplay() { this._grid.removeAll(); } _createResultDisplay(meta) { return super._createResultDisplay(meta, this._resultsView) || new GridSearchResult(this.provider, meta, this._resultsView); } _addItem(display) { this._grid.addItem(display); } getFirstResult() { if (this._grid.visibleItemsCount() > 0) return this._grid.getItemAtIndex(0)._delegate; else return null; } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(GridSearchResults.prototype); var SearchResults = class { constructor() { this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'searchResults', vertical: true }); this._content = new MaxWidthBox({ name: 'searchResultsContent', vertical: true }); this._scrollView = new St.ScrollView({ x_fill: true, y_fill: false, overlay_scrollbars: true, style_class: 'search-display vfade' }); this._scrollView.set_policy(St.PolicyType.NEVER, St.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC); this._scrollView.add_actor(this._content); let action = new Clutter.PanAction({ interpolate: true }); action.connect('pan', this._onPan.bind(this)); this._scrollView.add_action(action); this.actor.add(this._scrollView, { x_fill: true, y_fill: true, expand: true, x_align: St.Align.START, y_align: St.Align.START }); this._statusText = new St.Label({ style_class: 'search-statustext' }); this._statusBin = new St.Bin({ x_align: St.Align.MIDDLE, y_align: St.Align.MIDDLE }); this.actor.add(this._statusBin, { expand: true }); this._statusBin.add_actor(this._statusText); this._highlightDefault = false; this._defaultResult = null; this._startingSearch = false; this._terms = []; this._results = {}; this._providers = []; this._highlightRegex = null; this._searchSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: SEARCH_PROVIDERS_SCHEMA }); this._searchSettings.connect('changed::disabled', this._reloadRemoteProviders.bind(this)); this._searchSettings.connect('changed::enabled', this._reloadRemoteProviders.bind(this)); this._searchSettings.connect('changed::disable-external', this._reloadRemoteProviders.bind(this)); this._searchSettings.connect('changed::sort-order', this._reloadRemoteProviders.bind(this)); this._searchTimeoutId = 0; this._cancellable = new Gio.Cancellable(); this._registerProvider(new AppDisplay.AppSearchProvider()); let appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); appSystem.connect('installed-changed', this._reloadRemoteProviders.bind(this)); this._reloadRemoteProviders(); } _reloadRemoteProviders() { let remoteProviders = this._providers.filter(p => p.isRemoteProvider); remoteProviders.forEach(provider => { this._unregisterProvider(provider); }); RemoteSearch.loadRemoteSearchProviders(this._searchSettings, providers => { providers.forEach(this._registerProvider.bind(this)); }); } _registerProvider(provider) { provider.searchInProgress = false; this._providers.push(provider); this._ensureProviderDisplay(provider); } _unregisterProvider(provider) { let index = this._providers.indexOf(provider); this._providers.splice(index, 1); if (provider.display) provider.display.destroy(); } _gotResults(results, provider) { this._results[provider.id] = results; this._updateResults(provider, results); } _clearSearchTimeout() { if (this._searchTimeoutId > 0) { GLib.source_remove(this._searchTimeoutId); this._searchTimeoutId = 0; } } _reset() { this._terms = []; this._results = {}; this._clearDisplay(); this._clearSearchTimeout(); this._defaultResult = null; this._startingSearch = false; this._updateSearchProgress(); } _doSearch() { this._startingSearch = false; let previousResults = this._results; this._results = {}; this._providers.forEach(provider => { provider.searchInProgress = true; let previousProviderResults = previousResults[provider.id]; if (this._isSubSearch && previousProviderResults) provider.getSubsearchResultSet(previousProviderResults, this._terms, results => { this._gotResults(results, provider); }, this._cancellable); else provider.getInitialResultSet(this._terms, results => { this._gotResults(results, provider); }, this._cancellable); }); this._updateSearchProgress(); this._clearSearchTimeout(); } _onSearchTimeout() { this._searchTimeoutId = 0; this._doSearch(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; } setTerms(terms) { // Check for the case of making a duplicate previous search before // setting state of the current search or cancelling the search. // This will prevent incorrect state being as a result of a duplicate // search while the previous search is still active. let searchString = terms.join(' '); let previousSearchString = this._terms.join(' '); if (searchString == previousSearchString) return; this._startingSearch = true; this._cancellable.cancel(); this._cancellable.reset(); if (terms.length == 0) { this._reset(); return; } let isSubSearch = false; if (this._terms.length > 0) isSubSearch = searchString.indexOf(previousSearchString) == 0; this._terms = terms; this._isSubSearch = isSubSearch; this._updateSearchProgress(); if (this._searchTimeoutId == 0) this._searchTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 150, this._onSearchTimeout.bind(this)); let escapedTerms = this._terms.map(term => Shell.util_regex_escape(term)); this._highlightRegex = new RegExp(`(${escapedTerms.join('|')})`, 'gi'); this.emit('terms-changed'); } _onPan(action) { let [dist, dx, dy] = action.get_motion_delta(0); let adjustment = this._scrollView.vscroll.adjustment; adjustment.value -= (dy / this.actor.height) * adjustment.page_size; return false; } _keyFocusIn(provider, actor) { Util.ensureActorVisibleInScrollView(this._scrollView, actor); } _ensureProviderDisplay(provider) { if (provider.display) return; let providerDisplay; if (provider.appInfo) providerDisplay = new ListSearchResults(provider, this); else providerDisplay = new GridSearchResults(provider, this); providerDisplay.connect('key-focus-in', this._keyFocusIn.bind(this)); providerDisplay.actor.hide(); this._content.add(providerDisplay.actor); provider.display = providerDisplay; } _clearDisplay() { this._providers.forEach(provider => { provider.display.clear(); }); } _maybeSetInitialSelection() { let newDefaultResult = null; let providers = this._providers; for (let i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) { let provider = providers[i]; let display = provider.display; if (!display.actor.visible) continue; let firstResult = display.getFirstResult(); if (firstResult) { newDefaultResult = firstResult; break; // select this one! } } if (newDefaultResult != this._defaultResult) { this._setSelected(this._defaultResult, false); this._setSelected(newDefaultResult, this._highlightDefault); this._defaultResult = newDefaultResult; } } get searchInProgress() { if (this._startingSearch) return true; return this._providers.some(p => p.searchInProgress); } _updateSearchProgress() { let haveResults = this._providers.some(provider => { let display = provider.display; return (display.getFirstResult() != null); }); this._scrollView.visible = haveResults; this._statusBin.visible = !haveResults; if (!haveResults) { if (this.searchInProgress) { this._statusText.set_text(_("Searching…")); } else { this._statusText.set_text(_("No results.")); } } } _updateResults(provider, results) { let terms = this._terms; let display = provider.display; display.updateSearch(results, terms, () => { provider.searchInProgress = false; this._maybeSetInitialSelection(); this._updateSearchProgress(); }); } activateDefault() { // If we have a search queued up, force the search now. if (this._searchTimeoutId > 0) this._doSearch(); if (this._defaultResult) this._defaultResult.activate(); } highlightDefault(highlight) { this._highlightDefault = highlight; this._setSelected(this._defaultResult, highlight); } popupMenuDefault() { // If we have a search queued up, force the search now. if (this._searchTimeoutId > 0) this._doSearch(); if (this._defaultResult) this._defaultResult.actor.popup_menu(); } navigateFocus(direction) { let rtl = this.actor.get_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL; if (direction == St.DirectionType.TAB_BACKWARD || direction == (rtl ? St.DirectionType.RIGHT : St.DirectionType.LEFT) || direction == St.DirectionType.UP) { this.actor.navigate_focus(null, direction, false); return; } let from = this._defaultResult ? this._defaultResult.actor : null; this.actor.navigate_focus(from, direction, false); } _setSelected(result, selected) { if (!result) return; if (selected) { result.actor.add_style_pseudo_class('selected'); Util.ensureActorVisibleInScrollView(this._scrollView, result.actor); } else { result.actor.remove_style_pseudo_class('selected'); } } highlightTerms(description) { if (!description) return ''; if (!this._highlightRegex) return description; return description.replace(this._highlightRegex, '$1'); } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(SearchResults.prototype); var ProviderInfo = GObject.registerClass( class ProviderInfo extends St.Button { _init(provider) { this.provider = provider; super._init({ style_class: 'search-provider-icon', reactive: true, can_focus: true, accessible_name: provider.appInfo.get_name(), track_hover: true }); this._content = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: false, style_class: 'list-search-provider-content' }); this.set_child(this._content); let icon = new St.Icon({ icon_size: this.PROVIDER_ICON_SIZE, gicon: provider.appInfo.get_icon() }); let detailsBox = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'list-search-provider-details', vertical: true, x_expand: true }); let nameLabel = new St.Label({ text: provider.appInfo.get_name(), x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.START }); this._moreLabel = new St.Label({ x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.START }); detailsBox.add_actor(nameLabel); detailsBox.add_actor(this._moreLabel); this._content.add_actor(icon); this._content.add_actor(detailsBox); } get PROVIDER_ICON_SIZE() { return 32; } animateLaunch() { let appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); let app = appSys.lookup_app(this.provider.appInfo.get_id()); if (app.state == Shell.AppState.STOPPED) IconGrid.zoomOutActor(this._content); } setMoreCount(count) { this._moreLabel.text = ngettext("%d more", "%d more", count).format(count); this._moreLabel.visible = count > 0; } });