// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Lang = imports.lang; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Gvc = imports.gi.Gvc; const St = imports.gi.St; const Signals = imports.signals; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const Slider = imports.ui.slider; const VOLUME_NOTIFY_ID = 1; // Each Gvc.MixerControl is a connection to PulseAudio, // so it's better to make it a singleton let _mixerControl; function getMixerControl() { if (_mixerControl) return _mixerControl; _mixerControl = new Gvc.MixerControl({ name: 'GNOME Shell Volume Control' }); _mixerControl.open(); return _mixerControl; } const StreamSlider = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'StreamSlider', _init: function(control) { this._control = control; this.item = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem({ activate: false }); this._slider = new Slider.Slider(0); this._slider.connect('value-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._sliderChanged)); this._slider.connect('drag-end', Lang.bind(this, this._notifyVolumeChange)); this._icon = new St.Icon({ style_class: 'popup-menu-icon' }); this.item.addActor(this._icon, { align: St.Align.MIDDLE }); this.item.addActor(this._slider.actor, { expand: true }); this.item.actor.connect('button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, function(actor, event) { this._slider.startDragging(event); })); this._stream = null; }, get stream() { return this._stream; }, set stream(stream) { if (this._stream) { this._disconnectStream(this._stream); } this._stream = stream; if (this._stream) { this._connectStream(this._stream); this._updateVolume(); } else { this.emit('stream-updated'); } this._updateVisibility(); }, _disconnectStream: function(stream) { stream.disconnect(this._mutedChangedId); this._mutedChangedId = 0; stream.disconnect(this._volumeChangedId); this._volumeChangedId = 0; }, _connectStream: function(stream) { this._mutedChangedId = stream.connect('notify::is-muted', Lang.bind(this, this._updateVolume)); this._volumeChangedId = stream.connect('notify::volume', Lang.bind(this, this._updateVolume)); }, _shouldBeVisible: function() { return this._stream != null; }, _updateVisibility: function() { let visible = this._shouldBeVisible(); this.item.actor.visible = visible; }, scroll: function(event) { this._slider.scroll(event); }, setValue: function(value) { // piggy-back off of sliderChanged this._slider.setValue(value); }, _sliderChanged: function(slider, value, property) { if (!this._stream) return; let volume = value * this._control.get_vol_max_norm(); let prevMuted = this._stream.is_muted; if (volume < 1) { this._stream.volume = 0; if (!prevMuted) this._stream.change_is_muted(true); } else { this._stream.volume = volume; if (prevMuted) this._stream.change_is_muted(false); } this._stream.push_volume(); }, _notifyVolumeChange: function() { global.cancel_theme_sound(VOLUME_NOTIFY_ID); global.play_theme_sound(VOLUME_NOTIFY_ID, 'audio-volume-change', _("Volume changed"), Clutter.get_current_event ()); }, _updateVolume: function() { let muted = this._stream.is_muted; this._slider.setValue(muted ? 0 : (this._stream.volume / this._control.get_vol_max_norm())); this.emit('stream-updated'); }, getIcon: function() { if (!this._stream) return null; let volume = this._stream.volume; if (this._stream.is_muted || volume <= 0) { return 'audio-volume-muted-symbolic'; } else { let n = Math.floor(3 * volume / this._control.get_vol_max_norm()) + 1; if (n < 2) return 'audio-volume-low-symbolic'; if (n >= 3) return 'audio-volume-high-symbolic'; return 'audio-volume-medium-symbolic'; } } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(StreamSlider.prototype); const OutputStreamSlider = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'OutputStreamSlider', Extends: StreamSlider, _connectStream: function(stream) { this.parent(stream); this._portChangedId = stream.connect('notify::port', Lang.bind(this, this._portChanged)); this._portChanged(); }, _findHeadphones: function(sink) { // This only works for external headphones (e.g. bluetooth) if (sink.get_form_factor() == 'headset' || sink.get_form_factor() == 'headphone') return true; // a bit hackish, but ALSA/PulseAudio have a number // of different identifiers for headphones, and I could // not find the complete list if (sink.get_ports().length > 0) return sink.get_port().port.indexOf('headphone') >= 0; return false; }, _disconnectStream: function(stream) { this.parent(stream); stream.disconnect(this._portChangedId); this._portChangedId = 0; }, _updateSliderIcon: function() { this._icon.icon_name = (this._hasHeadphones ? 'audio-headphones-symbolic' : 'audio-speakers-symbolic'); }, _portChanged: function() { let hasHeadphones = this._findHeadphones(this._stream); if (hasHeadphones != this._hasHeadphones) { this._hasHeadphones = hasHeadphones; this._updateSliderIcon(); } } }); const InputStreamSlider = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'InputStreamSlider', Extends: StreamSlider, _init: function(control) { this.parent(control); this._control.connect('stream-added', Lang.bind(this, this._maybeShowInput)); this._control.connect('stream-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._maybeShowInput)); this._icon.icon_name = 'audio-input-microphone-symbolic'; }, _connectStream: function(stream) { this.parent(stream); this._maybeShowInput(); }, _maybeShowInput: function() { // only show input widgets if any application is recording audio let showInput = false; let recordingApps = this._control.get_source_outputs(); if (this._stream && recordingApps) { for (let i = 0; i < recordingApps.length; i++) { let outputStream = recordingApps[i]; let id = outputStream.get_application_id(); // but skip gnome-volume-control and pavucontrol // (that appear as recording because they show the input level) if (!id || (id != 'org.gnome.VolumeControl' && id != 'org.PulseAudio.pavucontrol')) { showInput = true; break; } } } this._showInput = showInput; this._updateVisibility(); }, _shouldBeVisible: function() { return this.parent() && this._showInput; } }); const VolumeMenu = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'VolumeMenu', Extends: PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection, _init: function(control) { this.parent(); this.hasHeadphones = false; this._control = control; this._control.connect('state-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onControlStateChanged)); this._control.connect('default-sink-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._readOutput)); this._control.connect('default-source-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._readInput)); this._output = new OutputStreamSlider(this._control); this._output.connect('stream-updated', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.emit('icon-changed'); })); this.addMenuItem(this._output.item); this._input = new InputStreamSlider(this._control); this.addMenuItem(this._input.item); this.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this._onControlStateChanged(); }, scroll: function(event) { this._output.scroll(event); }, _onControlStateChanged: function() { if (this._control.get_state() == Gvc.MixerControlState.READY) { this._readInput(); this._readOutput(); } else { this.emit('icon-changed'); } }, _readOutput: function() { this._output.stream = this._control.get_default_sink(); }, _readInput: function() { this._input.stream = this._control.get_default_source(); }, getIcon: function() { return this._output.getIcon(); } }); const Indicator = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'VolumeIndicator', Extends: PanelMenu.SystemIndicator, _init: function() { this.parent(); this._primaryIndicator = this.addIndicator(null); this._control = getMixerControl(); this._volumeMenu = new VolumeMenu(this._control); this._volumeMenu.connect('icon-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(menu) { let icon = this._volumeMenu.getIcon(); if (icon != null) { this.indicators.show(); this._primaryIndicator.icon_name = icon; } else { this.indicators.hide(); } })); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._volumeMenu); this.indicators.connect('scroll-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onScrollEvent)); }, _onScrollEvent: function(actor, event) { this._volumeMenu.scroll(event); } });