// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Caribou = imports.gi.Caribou; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gdk = imports.gi.Gdk; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Lang = imports.lang; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const St = imports.gi.St; const BoxPointer = imports.ui.boxpointer; const Layout = imports.ui.layout; const Main = imports.ui.main; const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray; const KEYBOARD_REST_TIME = Layout.KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_TIME * 2 * 1000; const KEYBOARD_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.shell.keyboard'; const KEYBOARD_TYPE = 'keyboard-type'; const A11Y_APPLICATIONS_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications'; const SHOW_KEYBOARD = 'screen-keyboard-enabled'; const CURSOR_BUS_NAME = 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Cursor'; const CURSOR_OBJECT_PATH = '/org/gnome/SettingsDaemon/Cursor'; const CARIBOU_BUS_NAME = 'org.gnome.Caribou.Daemon'; const CARIBOU_OBJECT_PATH = '/org/gnome/Caribou/Daemon'; const CaribouKeyboardIface = '<node> \ <interface name="org.gnome.Caribou.Keyboard"> \ <method name="Show"> \ <arg type="u" direction="in" /> \ </method> \ <method name="Hide"> \ <arg type="u" direction="in" /> \ </method> \ <method name="SetCursorLocation"> \ <arg type="i" direction="in" /> \ <arg type="i" direction="in" /> \ <arg type="i" direction="in" /> \ <arg type="i" direction="in" /> \ </method> \ <method name="SetEntryLocation"> \ <arg type="i" direction="in" /> \ <arg type="i" direction="in" /> \ <arg type="i" direction="in" /> \ <arg type="i" direction="in" /> \ </method> \ <property name="Name" access="read" type="s" /> \ </interface> \ </node>'; const CaribouDaemonIface = '<node> \ <interface name="org.gnome.Caribou.Daemon"> \ <method name="Run" /> \ <method name="Quit" /> \ </interface> \ </node>'; const CursorManagerIface = '<node> \ <interface name="org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Cursor"> \ <property name="ShowOSK" type="b" access="read" /> \ </interface> \ </node>'; const CaribouDaemonProxy = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(CaribouDaemonIface); const CursorManagerProxy = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(CursorManagerIface); const Key = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'Key', _init : function(key) { this._key = key; this.actor = this._makeKey(key, GLib.markup_escape_text(key.label, -1)); this.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy)); this._extended_keys = this._key.get_extended_keys(); this._extended_keyboard = null; if (this._key.name == 'Control_L' || this._key.name == 'Alt_L') this._key.latch = true; if (this._extended_keys.length > 0) { this._key.connect('notify::show-subkeys', Lang.bind(this, this._onShowSubkeysChanged)); this._boxPointer = new BoxPointer.BoxPointer(St.Side.BOTTOM, { x_fill: true, y_fill: true, x_align: St.Align.START }); // Adds style to existing keyboard style to avoid repetition this._boxPointer.actor.add_style_class_name('keyboard-subkeys'); this._getExtendedKeys(); this.actor._extended_keys = this._extended_keyboard; this._boxPointer.actor.hide(); Main.layoutManager.addChrome(this._boxPointer.actor); } }, _onDestroy: function() { if (this._boxPointer) { this._boxPointer.actor.destroy(); this._boxPointer = null; } }, _makeKey: function (key, label) { let button = new St.Button ({ label: label, style_class: 'keyboard-key' }); button.key_width = this._key.width; button.connect('button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, function () { key.press(); return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; })); button.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, function () { key.release(); return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; })); return button; }, _getUnichar: function(key) { let keyval = key.keyval; let unichar = Gdk.keyval_to_unicode(keyval); if (unichar) { return String.fromCharCode(unichar); } else { return key.name; } }, _getExtendedKeys: function () { this._extended_keyboard = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'keyboard-layout', vertical: false }); for (let i = 0; i < this._extended_keys.length; ++i) { let extended_key = this._extended_keys[i]; let label = this._getUnichar(extended_key); let key = this._makeKey(extended_key, label); key.extended_key = extended_key; this._extended_keyboard.add(key); } this._boxPointer.bin.add_actor(this._extended_keyboard); }, get subkeys() { return this._boxPointer; }, _onShowSubkeysChanged: function () { if (this._key.show_subkeys) { this._boxPointer.actor.raise_top(); this._boxPointer.setPosition(this.actor, 0.5); this.emit('show-subkeys'); this.actor.fake_release(); this.actor.set_hover(false); } else { this.emit('hide-subkeys'); } } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(Key.prototype); const Keyboard = new Lang.Class({ // HACK: we can't set Name, because it collides with Name dbus property // Name: 'Keyboard', _init: function () { this._impl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(CaribouKeyboardIface, this); this._impl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/Caribou/Keyboard'); this.actor = null; this._focusInTray = false; this._focusInExtendedKeys = false; this._timestamp = global.display.get_current_time_roundtrip(); this._keyboardSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: KEYBOARD_SCHEMA }); this._keyboardSettings.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); this._a11yApplicationsSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: A11Y_APPLICATIONS_SCHEMA }); this._a11yApplicationsSettings.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); this._watchNameId = Gio.bus_watch_name(Gio.BusType.SESSION, CURSOR_BUS_NAME, 0, Lang.bind(this, this._sync), Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); this._daemonProxy = null; this._cursorProxy = new CursorManagerProxy(Gio.DBus.session, CURSOR_BUS_NAME, CURSOR_OBJECT_PATH, Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, error) { if (error) { log(error.message); return; } this._cursorProxy.connect('g-properties-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._sync)); this._sync(); })); this._sync(); this._showIdleId = 0; this._subkeysBoxPointer = null; this._capturedEventId = 0; this._capturedPress = false; this._keyboardVisible = false; Main.layoutManager.connect('keyboard-visible-changed', Lang.bind(this, function(o, visible) { this._keyboardVisible = visible; })); this._keyboardRequested = false; this._keyboardRestingId = 0; Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._redraw)); this._redraw(); }, _sync: function () { this._enableKeyboard = this._a11yApplicationsSettings.get_boolean(SHOW_KEYBOARD) || this._cursorProxy.ShowOSK; if (!this._enableKeyboard && !this._keyboard) return; if (this._enableKeyboard && this._keyboard && this._keyboard.keyboard_type == this._keyboardSettings.get_string(KEYBOARD_TYPE)) return; if (this._keyboard) this._destroyKeyboard(); if (this._enableKeyboard) this._setupKeyboard(); else Main.layoutManager.hideKeyboard(true); }, _destroyKeyboard: function() { if (this._keyboardNotifyId) this._keyboard.disconnect(this._keyboardNotifyId); if (this._keyboardGroupAddedId) this._keyboard.disconnect(this._keyboardGroupAddedId); if (this._keyboardGroupRemovedId) this._keyboard.disconnect(this._keyboardGroupRemovedId); if (this._focusNotifyId) global.stage.disconnect(this._focusNotifyId); this._keyboard = null; this.actor.destroy(); this.actor = null; this._destroySource(); if (this._daemonProxy) { this._daemonProxy.QuitRemote(function (result, error) { if (error) { log(error.message); return; } }); this._daemonProxy = null; } }, _setupKeyboard: function() { if (!this._daemonProxy) { this._daemonProxy = new CaribouDaemonProxy(Gio.DBus.session, CARIBOU_BUS_NAME, CARIBOU_OBJECT_PATH, Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, error) { if (error) { log(error.message); return; } })); } this._daemonProxy.RunRemote(function (result, error) { if (error) { log(error.message); return; } }); this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'keyboard', vertical: true, reactive: true }); Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.add_actor(this.actor); Main.layoutManager.trackChrome(this.actor); this._keyboard = new Caribou.KeyboardModel({ keyboard_type: this._keyboardSettings.get_string(KEYBOARD_TYPE) }); this._groups = {}; this._current_page = null; // Initialize keyboard key measurements this._numOfHorizKeys = 0; this._numOfVertKeys = 0; this._addKeys(); // Keys should be layout according to the group, not the // locale; as Caribou already provides the expected layout, // this means enforcing LTR for all locales. this.actor.text_direction = Clutter.TextDirection.LTR; this._keyboardNotifyId = this._keyboard.connect('notify::active-group', Lang.bind(this, this._onGroupChanged)); this._keyboardGroupAddedId = this._keyboard.connect('group-added', Lang.bind(this, this._onGroupAdded)); this._keyboardGroupRemovedId = this._keyboard.connect('group-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._onGroupRemoved)); this._focusNotifyId = global.stage.connect('notify::key-focus', Lang.bind(this, this._onKeyFocusChanged)); this._createSource(); }, _onKeyFocusChanged: function () { let focus = global.stage.key_focus; // Showing an extended key popup and clicking a key from the extended keys // will grab focus, but ignore that let extendedKeysWereFocused = this._focusInExtendedKeys; this._focusInExtendedKeys = focus && (focus._extended_keys || focus.extended_key); if (this._focusInExtendedKeys || extendedKeysWereFocused) return; // Ignore focus changes caused by message tray showing/hiding let trayWasFocused = this._focusInTray; this._focusInTray = (focus && Main.messageTray.actor.contains(focus)); if (this._focusInTray || trayWasFocused) return; let time = global.get_current_time(); if (!(focus instanceof Clutter.Text)) { this.Hide(time); return; } if (!this._showIdleId) { this._showIdleId = GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, Lang.bind(this, function() { this.Show(time); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; })); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._showIdleId, '[gnome-shell] this.Show'); } }, _createLayersForGroup: function (gname) { let group = this._keyboard.get_group(gname); group.connect('notify::active-level', Lang.bind(this, this._onLevelChanged)); let layers = {}; let levels = group.get_levels(); for (let j = 0; j < levels.length; ++j) { let lname = levels[j]; let level = group.get_level(lname); let layout = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'keyboard-layout', vertical: true }); this._loadRows(level, layout); layers[lname] = layout; this.actor.add(layout, { x_fill: false }); layout.hide(); } return layers; }, _addKeys: function () { let groups = this._keyboard.get_groups(); for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; ++i) { let gname = groups[i]; this._groups[gname] = this._createLayersForGroup(gname); } this._setActiveLayer(); }, _onCapturedEvent: function(actor, event) { let type = event.type(); let press = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS; let release = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE; if (press) this._capturedPress = true; else if (release && this._capturedPress) this._hideSubkeys(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; }, _addRows : function (keys, layout) { let keyboard_row = new St.BoxLayout(); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { let children = keys[i].get_children(); let left_box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'keyboard-row' }); let center_box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'keyboard-row' }); let right_box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'keyboard-row' }); for (let j = 0; j < children.length; ++j) { if (this._numOfHorizKeys == 0) this._numOfHorizKeys = children.length; let key = children[j]; let button = new Key(key); switch (key.align) { case 'right': right_box.add(button.actor); break; case 'center': center_box.add(button.actor); break; case 'left': default: left_box.add(button.actor); break; } if (key.name == 'Caribou_Prefs') { key.connect('key-released', Lang.bind(this, this.hide)); } button.connect('show-subkeys', Lang.bind(this, function() { if (this._subkeysBoxPointer) this._subkeysBoxPointer.hide(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.FULL); this._subkeysBoxPointer = button.subkeys; this._subkeysBoxPointer.show(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.FULL); if (!this._capturedEventId) this._capturedEventId = this.actor.connect('captured-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onCapturedEvent)); })); button.connect('hide-subkeys', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._hideSubkeys(); })); } keyboard_row.add(left_box, { expand: true, x_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.START }); keyboard_row.add(center_box, { expand: true, x_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.MIDDLE }); keyboard_row.add(right_box, { expand: true, x_fill: false, x_align: St.Align.END }); } layout.add(keyboard_row); }, _loadRows : function (level, layout) { let rows = level.get_rows(); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { let row = rows[i]; if (this._numOfVertKeys == 0) this._numOfVertKeys = rows.length; this._addRows(row.get_columns(), layout); } }, _redraw: function () { if (!this._enableKeyboard) return; let monitor = Main.layoutManager.keyboardMonitor; let maxHeight = monitor.height / 3; this.actor.width = monitor.width; let layout = this._current_page; let verticalSpacing = layout.get_theme_node().get_length('spacing'); let padding = layout.get_theme_node().get_length('padding'); let box = layout.get_children()[0].get_children()[0]; let horizontalSpacing = box.get_theme_node().get_length('spacing'); let allHorizontalSpacing = (this._numOfHorizKeys - 1) * horizontalSpacing; let keyWidth = Math.floor((this.actor.width - allHorizontalSpacing - 2 * padding) / this._numOfHorizKeys); let allVerticalSpacing = (this._numOfVertKeys - 1) * verticalSpacing; let keyHeight = Math.floor((maxHeight - allVerticalSpacing - 2 * padding) / this._numOfVertKeys); let keySize = Math.min(keyWidth, keyHeight); this.actor.height = keySize * this._numOfVertKeys + allVerticalSpacing + 2 * padding; let rows = this._current_page.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { let keyboard_row = rows[i]; let boxes = keyboard_row.get_children(); for (let j = 0; j < boxes.length; ++j) { let keys = boxes[j].get_children(); for (let k = 0; k < keys.length; ++k) { let child = keys[k]; child.width = keySize * child.key_width; child.height = keySize; if (child._extended_keys) { let extended_keys = child._extended_keys.get_children(); for (let n = 0; n < extended_keys.length; ++n) { let extended_key = extended_keys[n]; extended_key.width = keySize; extended_key.height = keySize; } } } } } }, _onLevelChanged: function () { this._setActiveLayer(); this._redraw(); }, _onGroupChanged: function () { this._setActiveLayer(); this._redraw(); }, _onGroupAdded: function (keyboard, gname) { this._groups[gname] = this._createLayersForGroup(gname); }, _onGroupRemoved: function (keyboard, gname) { delete this._groups[gname]; }, _setActiveLayer: function () { let active_group_name = this._keyboard.active_group; let active_group = this._keyboard.get_group(active_group_name); let active_level = active_group.active_level; let layers = this._groups[active_group_name]; if (this._current_page != null) { this._current_page.hide(); } this._current_page = layers[active_level]; this._current_page.show(); }, _createSource: function () { if (this._source == null) { this._source = new KeyboardSource(this); Main.messageTray.add(this._source); } }, _destroySource: function () { if (this._source) { this._source.destroy(); this._source = null; } }, shouldTakeEvent: function(event) { let actor = event.get_source(); return Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.contains(actor) || actor._extended_keys || actor.extended_key; }, _clearKeyboardRestTimer: function() { if (!this._keyboardRestingId) return; GLib.source_remove(this._keyboardRestingId); this._keyboardRestingId = 0; }, show: function (monitor) { this._keyboardRequested = true; if (this._keyboardVisible) { if (monitor != Main.layoutManager.keyboardIndex) { Main.layoutManager.keyboardIndex = monitor; this._redraw(); } return; } this._clearKeyboardRestTimer(); this._keyboardRestingId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, KEYBOARD_REST_TIME, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._clearKeyboardRestTimer(); this._show(monitor); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; })); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._keyboardRestingId, '[gnome-shell] this._clearKeyboardRestTimer'); }, _show: function(monitor) { if (!this._keyboardRequested) return; Main.layoutManager.keyboardIndex = monitor; this._redraw(); Main.layoutManager.showKeyboard(); this._destroySource(); }, hide: function () { this._keyboardRequested = false; if (!this._keyboardVisible) return; this._clearKeyboardRestTimer(); this._keyboardRestingId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, KEYBOARD_REST_TIME, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._clearKeyboardRestTimer(); this._hide(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; })); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._keyboardRestingId, '[gnome-shell] this._clearKeyboardRestTimer'); }, _hide: function() { if (this._keyboardRequested) return; this._hideSubkeys(); Main.layoutManager.hideKeyboard(); this._createSource(); }, _hideSubkeys: function() { if (this._subkeysBoxPointer) { this._subkeysBoxPointer.hide(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.FULL); this._subkeysBoxPointer = null; } if (this._capturedEventId) { this.actor.disconnect(this._capturedEventId); this._capturedEventId = 0; } this._capturedPress = false; }, _moveTemporarily: function () { let currentWindow = global.screen.get_display().focus_window; let rect = currentWindow.get_frame_rect(); let newX = rect.x; let newY = 3 * this.actor.height / 2; currentWindow.move_frame(true, newX, newY); }, _setLocation: function (x, y) { if (y >= 2 * this.actor.height) this._moveTemporarily(); }, // _compareTimestamp: // // Compare two timestamps taking into account // CURRENT_TIME (0) _compareTimestamp: function(one, two) { if (one == two) return 0; if (one == Clutter.CURRENT_TIME) return 1; if (two == Clutter.CURRENT_TIME) return -1; return one - two; }, _clearShowIdle: function() { if (!this._showIdleId) return; GLib.source_remove(this._showIdleId); this._showIdleId = 0; }, // D-Bus methods Show: function(timestamp) { if (!this._enableKeyboard) return; if (this._compareTimestamp(timestamp, this._timestamp) < 0) return; this._clearShowIdle(); if (timestamp != Clutter.CURRENT_TIME) this._timestamp = timestamp; this.show(Main.layoutManager.focusIndex); }, Hide: function(timestamp) { if (!this._enableKeyboard) return; if (this._compareTimestamp(timestamp, this._timestamp) < 0) return; this._clearShowIdle(); if (timestamp != Clutter.CURRENT_TIME) this._timestamp = timestamp; this.hide(); }, SetCursorLocation: function(x, y, w, h) { if (!this._enableKeyboard) return; // this._setLocation(x, y); }, SetEntryLocation: function(x, y, w, h) { if (!this._enableKeyboard) return; // this._setLocation(x, y); }, get Name() { return 'gnome-shell'; } }); const KeyboardSource = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'KeyboardSource', Extends: MessageTray.Source, _init: function(keyboard) { this._keyboard = keyboard; this.parent(_("Keyboard"), 'input-keyboard-symbolic'); this.keepTrayOnSummaryClick = true; }, handleSummaryClick: function(button) { this.open(); return true; }, open: function() { // Show the OSK below the message tray this._keyboard.show(Main.layoutManager.bottomIndex); } });