// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const { Clutter, Gio, GObject, Meta, Shell, St } = imports.gi; const Signals = imports.signals; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const WindowManager = imports.ui.windowManager; const Workspace = imports.ui.workspace; var WORKSPACE_SWITCH_TIME = 0.25; var AnimationType = { ZOOM: 0, FADE: 1 }; const MUTTER_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.mutter'; var WorkspacesViewBase = class { constructor(monitorIndex) { this.actor = new St.Widget({ style_class: 'workspaces-view', reactive: true }); this.actor.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); global.focus_manager.add_group(this.actor); // The actor itself isn't a drop target, so we don't want to pick on its area this.actor.set_size(0, 0); this._monitorIndex = monitorIndex; this._fullGeometry = null; this._actualGeometry = null; this._inDrag = false; this._windowDragBeginId = Main.overview.connect('window-drag-begin', this._dragBegin.bind(this)); this._windowDragEndId = Main.overview.connect('window-drag-end', this._dragEnd.bind(this)); } _onDestroy() { this._dragEnd(); if (this._windowDragBeginId > 0) { Main.overview.disconnect(this._windowDragBeginId); this._windowDragBeginId = 0; } if (this._windowDragEndId > 0) { Main.overview.disconnect(this._windowDragEndId); this._windowDragEndId = 0; } } _dragBegin(overview, window) { this._inDrag = true; this._setReservedSlot(window); } _dragEnd() { this._inDrag = false; this._setReservedSlot(null); } destroy() { this.actor.destroy(); } setFullGeometry(geom) { this._fullGeometry = geom; this._syncFullGeometry(); } setActualGeometry(geom) { this._actualGeometry = geom; this._syncActualGeometry(); } }; var WorkspacesView = class extends WorkspacesViewBase { constructor(monitorIndex) { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; super(monitorIndex); this._animating = false; // tweening this._scrolling = false; // swipe-scrolling this._gestureActive = false; // touch(pad) gestures this._animatingScroll = false; // programmatically updating the adjustment let activeWorkspaceIndex = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); this.scrollAdjustment = new St.Adjustment({ value: activeWorkspaceIndex, lower: 0, page_increment: 1, page_size: 1, step_increment: 0, upper: workspaceManager.n_workspaces }); this.scrollAdjustment.connect('notify::value', this._onScroll.bind(this)); this._workspaces = []; this._updateWorkspaces(); this._updateWorkspacesId = workspaceManager.connect('notify::n-workspaces', this._updateWorkspaces.bind(this)); this._reorderWorkspacesId = workspaceManager.connect('workspaces-reordered', () => { this._workspaces.sort((a, b) => { return a.metaWorkspace.index() - b.metaWorkspace.index(); }); this._updateWorkspaceActors(false); }); this._overviewShownId = Main.overview.connect('shown', () => { this.actor.set_clip(this._fullGeometry.x, this._fullGeometry.y, this._fullGeometry.width, this._fullGeometry.height); }); this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId = global.window_manager.connect('switch-workspace', this._activeWorkspaceChanged.bind(this)); } _setReservedSlot(window) { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspaces.length; i++) this._workspaces[i].setReservedSlot(window); } _syncFullGeometry() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspaces.length; i++) this._workspaces[i].setFullGeometry(this._fullGeometry); } _syncActualGeometry() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspaces.length; i++) this._workspaces[i].setActualGeometry(this._actualGeometry); } getActiveWorkspace() { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); return this._workspaces[active]; } animateToOverview(animationType) { for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) { if (animationType == AnimationType.ZOOM) this._workspaces[w].zoomToOverview(); else this._workspaces[w].fadeToOverview(); } this._updateWorkspaceActors(false); } animateFromOverview(animationType) { this.actor.remove_clip(); for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) { if (animationType == AnimationType.ZOOM) this._workspaces[w].zoomFromOverview(); else this._workspaces[w].fadeFromOverview(); } } syncStacking(stackIndices) { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspaces.length; i++) this._workspaces[i].syncStacking(stackIndices); } _scrollToActive() { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); this._updateWorkspaceActors(true); this._updateScrollAdjustment(active); } // Update workspace actors parameters // @showAnimation: iff %true, transition between states _updateWorkspaceActors(showAnimation) { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); this._animating = showAnimation; for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) { let workspace = this._workspaces[w]; Tweener.removeTweens(workspace.actor); let params = {}; if (workspaceManager.layout_rows == -1) params.y = (w - active) * this._fullGeometry.height; else if (this.actor.text_direction == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) params.x = (active - w) * this._fullGeometry.width; else params.x = (w - active) * this._fullGeometry.width; if (showAnimation) { let tweenParams = Object.assign(params, { time: WORKSPACE_SWITCH_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); // we have to call _updateVisibility() once before the // animation and once afterwards - it does not really // matter which tween we use, so we pick the first one ... if (w == 0) { this._updateVisibility(); tweenParams.onComplete = () => { this._animating = false; this._updateVisibility(); }; } Tweener.addTween(workspace.actor, tweenParams); } else { workspace.actor.set(params); if (w == 0) this._updateVisibility(); } } } _updateVisibility() { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) { let workspace = this._workspaces[w]; if (this._animating || this._scrolling || this._gestureActive) { workspace.actor.show(); } else { if (this._inDrag) workspace.actor.visible = (Math.abs(w - active) <= 1); else workspace.actor.visible = (w == active); } } } _updateScrollAdjustment(index) { if (this._scrolling || this._gestureActive) return; this._animatingScroll = true; Tweener.addTween(this.scrollAdjustment, { value: index, time: WORKSPACE_SWITCH_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: () => { this._animatingScroll = false; } }); } _updateWorkspaces() { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let newNumWorkspaces = workspaceManager.n_workspaces; this.scrollAdjustment.upper = newNumWorkspaces; for (let j = 0; j < newNumWorkspaces; j++) { let metaWorkspace = workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(j); let workspace; if (j >= this._workspaces.length) { /* added */ workspace = new Workspace.Workspace(metaWorkspace, this._monitorIndex); this.actor.add_actor(workspace.actor); this._workspaces[j] = workspace; } else { workspace = this._workspaces[j]; if (workspace.metaWorkspace != metaWorkspace) { /* removed */ workspace.destroy(); this._workspaces.splice(j, 1); } /* else kept */ } } if (this._fullGeometry) { this._updateWorkspaceActors(false); this._syncFullGeometry(); } if (this._actualGeometry) this._syncActualGeometry(); } _activeWorkspaceChanged(_wm, _from, _to, _direction) { if (this._scrolling) return; this._scrollToActive(); } _onDestroy() { super._onDestroy(); this.scrollAdjustment.run_dispose(); Main.overview.disconnect(this._overviewShownId); global.window_manager.disconnect(this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId); let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; workspaceManager.disconnect(this._updateWorkspacesId); workspaceManager.disconnect(this._reorderWorkspacesId); } startSwipeScroll() { this._scrolling = true; } endSwipeScroll() { this._scrolling = false; // Make sure title captions etc are shown as necessary this._scrollToActive(); this._updateVisibility(); } startTouchGesture() { this._gestureActive = true; } endTouchGesture() { this._gestureActive = false; // Make sure title captions etc are shown as necessary this._scrollToActive(); this._updateVisibility(); } // sync the workspaces' positions to the value of the scroll adjustment // and change the active workspace if appropriate _onScroll(adj) { if (this._animatingScroll) return; let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); let current = Math.round(adj.value); if (active != current && !this._gestureActive) { if (!this._workspaces[current]) { // The current workspace was destroyed. This could happen // when you are on the last empty workspace, and consolidate // windows using the thumbnail bar. // In that case, the intended behavior is to stay on the empty // workspace, which is the last one, so pick it. current = this._workspaces.length - 1; } let metaWorkspace = this._workspaces[current].metaWorkspace; metaWorkspace.activate(global.get_current_time()); } if (adj.upper == 1) return; let last = this._workspaces.length - 1; if (workspaceManager.layout_rows == -1) { let firstWorkspaceY = this._workspaces[0].actor.y; let lastWorkspaceY = this._workspaces[last].actor.y; let workspacesHeight = lastWorkspaceY - firstWorkspaceY; let currentY = firstWorkspaceY; let newY = -adj.value / (adj.upper - 1) * workspacesHeight; let dy = newY - currentY; for (let i = 0; i < this._workspaces.length; i++) { this._workspaces[i].actor.visible = Math.abs(i - adj.value) <= 1; this._workspaces[i].actor.y += dy; } } else { let firstWorkspaceX = this._workspaces[0].actor.x; let lastWorkspaceX = this._workspaces[last].actor.x; let workspacesWidth = lastWorkspaceX - firstWorkspaceX; let currentX = firstWorkspaceX; let newX = -adj.value / (adj.upper - 1) * workspacesWidth; let dx = newX - currentX; for (let i = 0; i < this._workspaces.length; i++) { this._workspaces[i].actor.visible = Math.abs(i - adj.value) <= 1; this._workspaces[i].actor.x += dx; } } } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(WorkspacesView.prototype); var ExtraWorkspaceView = class extends WorkspacesViewBase { constructor(monitorIndex) { super(monitorIndex); this._workspace = new Workspace.Workspace(null, monitorIndex); this.actor.add_actor(this._workspace.actor); } _setReservedSlot(window) { this._workspace.setReservedSlot(window); } _syncFullGeometry() { this._workspace.setFullGeometry(this._fullGeometry); } _syncActualGeometry() { this._workspace.setActualGeometry(this._actualGeometry); } getActiveWorkspace() { return this._workspace; } animateToOverview(animationType) { if (animationType == AnimationType.ZOOM) this._workspace.zoomToOverview(); else this._workspace.fadeToOverview(); } animateFromOverview(animationType) { if (animationType == AnimationType.ZOOM) this._workspace.zoomFromOverview(); else this._workspace.fadeFromOverview(); } syncStacking(stackIndices) { this._workspace.syncStacking(stackIndices); } startSwipeScroll() { } endSwipeScroll() { } startTouchGesture() { } endTouchGesture() { } }; var DelegateFocusNavigator = GObject.registerClass( class DelegateFocusNavigator extends St.Widget { vfunc_navigate_focus(from, direction) { return this._delegate.navigateFocus(from, direction); } }); var WorkspacesDisplay = class { constructor() { this.actor = new DelegateFocusNavigator({ clip_to_allocation: true }); this.actor._delegate = this; this.actor.connect('notify::allocation', this._updateWorkspacesActualGeometry.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('parent-set', this._parentSet.bind(this)); let clickAction = new Clutter.ClickAction(); clickAction.connect('clicked', action => { // Only switch to the workspace when there's no application // windows open. The problem is that it's too easy to miss // an app window and get the wrong one focused. let event = Clutter.get_current_event(); let index = this._getMonitorIndexForEvent(event); if ((action.get_button() == 1 || action.get_button() == 0) && this._workspacesViews[index].getActiveWorkspace().isEmpty()) Main.overview.hide(); }); Main.overview.addAction(clickAction); this.actor.bind_property('mapped', clickAction, 'enabled', GObject.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); let panAction = new Clutter.PanAction({ threshold_trigger_edge: Clutter.GestureTriggerEdge.AFTER }); panAction.connect('pan', this._onPan.bind(this)); panAction.connect('gesture-begin', () => { if (this._workspacesOnlyOnPrimary) { let event = Clutter.get_current_event(); if (this._getMonitorIndexForEvent(event) != this._primaryIndex) return false; } this._startSwipeScroll(); return true; }); panAction.connect('gesture-cancel', () => { clickAction.release(); this._endSwipeScroll(); }); panAction.connect('gesture-end', () => { clickAction.release(); this._endSwipeScroll(); }); Main.overview.addAction(panAction); this.actor.bind_property('mapped', panAction, 'enabled', GObject.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); let allowedModes = Shell.ActionMode.OVERVIEW; let switchGesture = new WindowManager.WorkspaceSwitchAction(allowedModes); switchGesture.connect('motion', this._onSwitchWorkspaceMotion.bind(this)); switchGesture.connect('activated', this._onSwitchWorkspaceActivated.bind(this)); switchGesture.connect('cancel', this._endTouchGesture.bind(this)); Main.overview.addAction(switchGesture); this.actor.bind_property('mapped', switchGesture, 'enabled', GObject.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE); switchGesture = new WindowManager.TouchpadWorkspaceSwitchAction(global.stage, allowedModes); switchGesture.connect('motion', this._onSwitchWorkspaceMotion.bind(this)); switchGesture.connect('activated', this._onSwitchWorkspaceActivated.bind(this)); switchGesture.connect('cancel', this._endTouchGesture.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('notify::mapped', () => { switchGesture.enabled = this.actor.mapped; }); this._primaryIndex = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex; this._workspacesViews = []; switchGesture.enabled = this.actor.mapped; this._settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: MUTTER_SCHEMA }); this._settings.connect('changed::workspaces-only-on-primary', this._workspacesOnlyOnPrimaryChanged.bind(this)); this._workspacesOnlyOnPrimaryChanged(); this._notifyOpacityId = 0; this._restackedNotifyId = 0; this._scrollEventId = 0; this._keyPressEventId = 0; this._fullGeometry = null; } _onPan(action) { let [dist, dx, dy] = action.get_motion_delta(0); let adjustment = this._scrollAdjustment; if (global.workspace_manager.layout_rows == -1) adjustment.value -= (dy / this.actor.height) * adjustment.page_size; else if (this.actor.text_direction == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) adjustment.value += (dx / this.actor.width) * adjustment.page_size; else adjustment.value -= (dx / this.actor.width) * adjustment.page_size; return false; } _startSwipeScroll() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].startSwipeScroll(); } _endSwipeScroll() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].endSwipeScroll(); } _startTouchGesture() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].startTouchGesture(); } _endTouchGesture() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].endTouchGesture(); } _onSwitchWorkspaceMotion(action, xRel, yRel) { // We don't have a way to hook into start of touchpad actions, // luckily this is safe to call repeatedly. this._startTouchGesture(); let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let active = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); let adjustment = this._scrollAdjustment; if (workspaceManager.layout_rows == -1) adjustment.value = (active - yRel / this.actor.height) * adjustment.page_size; else if (this.actor.text_direction == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) adjustment.value = (active + xRel / this.actor.width) * adjustment.page_size; else adjustment.value = (active - xRel / this.actor.width) * adjustment.page_size; } _onSwitchWorkspaceActivated(action, direction) { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let activeWorkspace = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace(); let newWs = activeWorkspace.get_neighbor(direction); if (newWs != activeWorkspace) newWs.activate(global.get_current_time()); this._endTouchGesture(); } navigateFocus(from, direction) { return this._getPrimaryView().actor.navigate_focus(from, direction, false); } show(fadeOnPrimary) { this._updateWorkspacesViews(); for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) { let animationType; if (fadeOnPrimary && i == this._primaryIndex) animationType = AnimationType.FADE; else animationType = AnimationType.ZOOM; this._workspacesViews[i].animateToOverview(animationType); } this._restackedNotifyId = Main.overview.connect('windows-restacked', this._onRestacked.bind(this)); if (this._scrollEventId == 0) this._scrollEventId = Main.overview.connect('scroll-event', this._onScrollEvent.bind(this)); if (this._keyPressEventId == 0) this._keyPressEventId = global.stage.connect('key-press-event', this._onKeyPressEvent.bind(this)); } animateFromOverview(fadeOnPrimary) { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) { let animationType; if (fadeOnPrimary && i == this._primaryIndex) animationType = AnimationType.FADE; else animationType = AnimationType.ZOOM; this._workspacesViews[i].animateFromOverview(animationType); } } hide() { if (this._restackedNotifyId > 0) { Main.overview.disconnect(this._restackedNotifyId); this._restackedNotifyId = 0; } if (this._scrollEventId > 0) { Main.overview.disconnect(this._scrollEventId); this._scrollEventId = 0; } if (this._keyPressEventId > 0) { global.stage.disconnect(this._keyPressEventId); this._keyPressEventId = 0; } for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].destroy(); this._workspacesViews = []; } _workspacesOnlyOnPrimaryChanged() { this._workspacesOnlyOnPrimary = this._settings.get_boolean('workspaces-only-on-primary'); if (!Main.overview.visible) return; this._updateWorkspacesViews(); } _updateWorkspacesViews() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].destroy(); this._primaryIndex = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex; this._workspacesViews = []; let monitors = Main.layoutManager.monitors; for (let i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) { let view; if (this._workspacesOnlyOnPrimary && i != this._primaryIndex) view = new ExtraWorkspaceView(i); else view = new WorkspacesView(i); view.actor.connect('scroll-event', this._onScrollEvent.bind(this)); if (i == this._primaryIndex) { this._scrollAdjustment = view.scrollAdjustment; this._scrollAdjustment.connect('notify::value', this._scrollValueChanged.bind(this)); } // HACK: Avoid spurious allocation changes while updating views view.actor.hide(); this._workspacesViews.push(view); Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.add_actor(view.actor); } this._workspacesViews.forEach(v => v.actor.show()); this._updateWorkspacesFullGeometry(); this._updateWorkspacesActualGeometry(); } _scrollValueChanged() { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) { if (i == this._primaryIndex) continue; let adjustment = this._workspacesViews[i].scrollAdjustment; if (!adjustment) continue; // the adjustments work in terms of workspaces, so the // values map directly adjustment.value = this._scrollAdjustment.value; } } _getMonitorIndexForEvent(event) { let [x, y] = event.get_coords(); let rect = new Meta.Rectangle({ x: x, y: y, width: 1, height: 1 }); return global.display.get_monitor_index_for_rect(rect); } _getPrimaryView() { if (!this._workspacesViews.length) return null; return this._workspacesViews[this._primaryIndex]; } activeWorkspaceHasMaximizedWindows() { return this._getPrimaryView().getActiveWorkspace().hasMaximizedWindows(); } _parentSet(actor, oldParent) { if (oldParent && this._notifyOpacityId) oldParent.disconnect(this._notifyOpacityId); this._notifyOpacityId = 0; Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, () => { let newParent = this.actor.get_parent(); if (!newParent) return; // This is kinda hackish - we want the primary view to // appear as parent of this.actor, though in reality it // is added directly to Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup this._notifyOpacityId = newParent.connect('notify::opacity', () => { let opacity = this.actor.get_parent().opacity; let primaryView = this._getPrimaryView(); if (!primaryView) return; primaryView.actor.opacity = opacity; primaryView.actor.visible = opacity != 0; }); }); } // This geometry should always be the fullest geometry // the workspaces switcher can ever be allocated, as if // the sliding controls were never slid in at all. setWorkspacesFullGeometry(geom) { this._fullGeometry = geom; this._updateWorkspacesFullGeometry(); } _updateWorkspacesFullGeometry() { if (!this._workspacesViews.length) return; let monitors = Main.layoutManager.monitors; for (let i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) { let geometry = (i == this._primaryIndex) ? this._fullGeometry : monitors[i]; this._workspacesViews[i].setFullGeometry(geometry); } } _updateWorkspacesActualGeometry() { if (!this._workspacesViews.length) return; let [x, y] = this.actor.get_transformed_position(); let allocation = this.actor.allocation; let width = allocation.x2 - allocation.x1; let height = allocation.y2 - allocation.y1; let primaryGeometry = { x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height }; let monitors = Main.layoutManager.monitors; for (let i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) { let geometry = (i == this._primaryIndex) ? primaryGeometry : monitors[i]; this._workspacesViews[i].setActualGeometry(geometry); } } _onRestacked(overview, stackIndices) { for (let i = 0; i < this._workspacesViews.length; i++) this._workspacesViews[i].syncStacking(stackIndices); } _onScrollEvent(actor, event) { if (!this.actor.mapped) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (this._workspacesOnlyOnPrimary && this._getMonitorIndexForEvent(event) != this._primaryIndex) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let activeWs = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace(); let ws; switch (event.get_scroll_direction()) { case Clutter.ScrollDirection.UP: ws = activeWs.get_neighbor(Meta.MotionDirection.UP); break; case Clutter.ScrollDirection.DOWN: ws = activeWs.get_neighbor(Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN); break; case Clutter.ScrollDirection.LEFT: ws = activeWs.get_neighbor(Meta.MotionDirection.LEFT); break; case Clutter.ScrollDirection.RIGHT: ws = activeWs.get_neighbor(Meta.MotionDirection.RIGHT); break; default: return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } Main.wm.actionMoveWorkspace(ws); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } _onKeyPressEvent(actor, event) { if (!this.actor.mapped) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let activeWs = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace(); let ws; switch (event.get_key_symbol()) { case Clutter.KEY_Page_Up: ws = activeWs.get_neighbor(Meta.MotionDirection.UP); break; case Clutter.KEY_Page_Down: ws = activeWs.get_neighbor(Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN); break; default: return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } Main.wm.actionMoveWorkspace(ws); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(WorkspacesDisplay.prototype);