Display full application title, allow DnD from More

For now display the full application name, centered to avoid
excessive ellipsization.

Highlight on mouseover, and allow DnD from the More display.
This commit is contained in:
Colin Walters 2009-07-02 00:35:26 -04:00
parent 5ae6239344
commit 8a0cebccdc

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ const ENTERED_MENU_COLOR = new Clutter.Color();
const APP_ICON_SIZE = 48;
const APP_PADDING = 18;
const MENU_ICON_SIZE = 24;
const MENU_SPACING = 15;
@ -44,6 +45,10 @@ AppDisplayItem.prototype = {
this._setItemInfo(appInfo.name, appInfo.description);
getId: function() {
return this._appInfo.appId;
//// Public method overrides ////
// Opens an application represented by this display item.
@ -442,8 +447,24 @@ WellDisplayItem.prototype = {
this.isFavorite = isFavorite;
this.actor = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL,
corner_radius: 2,
border: 0,
padding: 1,
reactive: true });
this.actor.connect('enter-event', Lang.bind(this,
function(o, event) {
this.actor.border = 1;
this.actor.padding = 0;
return false;
this.actor.connect('leave-event', Lang.bind(this,
function(o, event) {
this.actor.border = 0;
this.actor.padding = 1;
return false;
this.actor._delegate = this;
this.actor.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, function (b, e) {
@ -452,24 +473,33 @@ WellDisplayItem.prototype = {
let draggable = DND.makeDraggable(this.actor);
let iconBox = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL,
x_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER });
this._icon = appInfo.createIcon(APP_ICON_SIZE);
iconBox.append(this._icon, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
this.actor.append(this._icon, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
this.actor.append(iconBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
let count = Shell.AppMonitor.get_default().get_window_count(appInfo.appId);
let nameBox = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL,
x_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER });
this._name = new Clutter.Text({ color: GenericDisplay.ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR,
font_name: "Sans 12px",
ellipsize: Pango.EllipsizeMode.END,
line_alignment: Pango.Alignment.CENTER,
line_wrap: true,
line_wrap_mode: Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR,
text: appInfo.name });
nameBox.append(this._name, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND);
if (count > 0) {
let runningBox = new Big.Box({ /* border_color: GenericDisplay.ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR,
border: 1,
padding: 1 */ });
runningBox.append(this._name, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND);
runningBox.append(nameBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND);
this.actor.append(runningBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
} else {
this.actor.append(this._name, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
this.actor.append(nameBox, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
@ -512,14 +542,16 @@ WellArea.prototype = {
_init : function(width, isFavorite) {
this.isFavorite = isFavorite;
this.actor = new Tidy.Grid({ width: width });
this.actor._delegate = this;
this._grid = new Tidy.Grid({ width: width, row_gap: 4 });
this._grid._delegate = this;
this.actor = this._grid;
redisplay: function (infos) {
let children;
children = this.actor.get_children();
children = this._grid.get_children();
children.forEach(Lang.bind(this, function (v) {
@ -537,12 +569,17 @@ WellArea.prototype = {
acceptDrop : function(source, actor, x, y, time) {
let global = Shell.Global.get();
if (!(source instanceof WellDisplayItem)) {
let id = null;
if (source instanceof WellDisplayItem) {
id = source.appInfo.appId;
} else if (source instanceof AppDisplayItem) {
id = source.getId();
} else {
return false;
let appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
let id = source.appInfo.appId;
if (source.isFavorite && (!this.isFavorite)) {
Mainloop.idle_add(function () {
@ -571,6 +608,7 @@ AppWell.prototype = {
this._menuDisplays = [];
this.actor = new Big.Box({ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.VERTICAL,
spacing: 4,
width: width });
this._appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
@ -593,7 +631,7 @@ AppWell.prototype = {
this.actor.append(this._favoritesArea.actor, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
this._runningBox = new Big.Box({ border_color: GenericDisplay.ITEM_DISPLAY_NAME_COLOR,
border: 1,
border_top: 1,
corner_radius: 3,
padding: GenericDisplay.PREVIEW_BOX_PADDING });
this._runningArea = new WellArea(width, false);