diff --git a/js/js-resources.gresource.xml b/js/js-resources.gresource.xml
index 79a200e91..afd08d51a 100644
--- a/js/js-resources.gresource.xml
+++ b/js/js-resources.gresource.xml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ misc/systemActions.js
diff --git a/js/misc/systemActions.js b/js/misc/systemActions.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69888751f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/misc/systemActions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+const AccountsService = imports.gi.AccountsService;
+const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
+const Gdm = imports.gi.Gdm;
+const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
+const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
+const Lang = imports.lang;
+const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
+const GObject = imports.gi.GObject;
+const GnomeSession = imports.misc.gnomeSession;
+const LoginManager = imports.misc.loginManager;
+const Main = imports.ui.main;
+const LOCKDOWN_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.desktop.lockdown';
+const LOGIN_SCREEN_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.login-screen';
+const DISABLE_USER_SWITCH_KEY = 'disable-user-switching';
+const DISABLE_LOCK_SCREEN_KEY = 'disable-lock-screen';
+const DISABLE_LOG_OUT_KEY = 'disable-log-out';
+const DISABLE_RESTART_KEY = 'disable-restart-buttons';
+const ALWAYS_SHOW_LOG_OUT_KEY = 'always-show-log-out';
+const SENSOR_BUS_NAME = 'net.hadess.SensorProxy';
+const SENSOR_OBJECT_PATH = '/net/hadess/SensorProxy';
+const SensorProxyInterface = ' \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+const SensorProxy = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(SensorProxyInterface);
+let _singleton = null;
+function getDefault() {
+ if (_singleton == null)
+ _singleton = new SystemActions();
+ return _singleton;
+const SystemActions = new Lang.Class({
+ Name: 'SystemActions',
+ Extends: GObject.Object,
+ Properties: {
+ 'can-power-off': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('can-power-off',
+ 'can-power-off',
+ 'can-power-off',
+ GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE,
+ false),
+ 'can-suspend': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('can-suspend',
+ 'can-suspend',
+ 'can-suspend',
+ GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE,
+ false),
+ 'can-lock-screen': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('can-lock-screen',
+ 'can-lock-screen',
+ 'can-lock-screen',
+ GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE,
+ false),
+ 'can-switch-user': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('can-switch-user',
+ 'can-switch-user',
+ 'can-switch-user',
+ GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE,
+ false),
+ 'can-logout': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('can-logout',
+ 'can-logout',
+ 'can-logout',
+ GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE,
+ false),
+ 'can-lock-orientation': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('can-lock-orientation',
+ 'can-lock-orientation',
+ 'can-lock-orientation',
+ GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE,
+ false),
+ 'orientation-lock-icon': GObject.ParamSpec.string('orientation-lock-icon',
+ 'orientation-lock-icon',
+ 'orientation-lock-icon',
+ GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE,
+ null)
+ },
+ _init: function() {
+ this.parent();
+ this._canPowerOff = false;
+ this._canHavePowerOff = true;
+ this._canSuspend = false;
+ this._canHaveSuspend = true;
+ this._canLockScreen = false;
+ this._canSwitchUser = false;
+ this._canLogout = false;
+ this._canLockOrientation = false;
+ this._orientationLockIcon = null;
+ this._loginScreenSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: LOGIN_SCREEN_SCHEMA });
+ this._lockdownSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: LOCKDOWN_SCHEMA });
+ this._orientationSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchscreen' });
+ this._session = new GnomeSession.SessionManager();
+ this._loginManager = LoginManager.getLoginManager();
+ this._monitorManager = Meta.MonitorManager.get();
+ this._userManager = AccountsService.UserManager.get_default();
+ this._userManager.connect('notify::is-loaded',
+ () => { this._updateMultiUser(); });
+ this._userManager.connect('notify::has-multiple-users',
+ () => { this._updateMultiUser(); });
+ this._userManager.connect('user-added',
+ () => { this._updateMultiUser(); });
+ this._userManager.connect('user-removed',
+ () => { this._updateMultiUser(); });
+ this._lockdownSettings.connect('changed::' + DISABLE_USER_SWITCH_KEY,
+ () => { this._updateSwitchUser(); });
+ this._lockdownSettings.connect('changed::' + DISABLE_LOG_OUT_KEY,
+ () => { this._updateLogout(); });
+ global.settings.connect('changed::' + ALWAYS_SHOW_LOG_OUT_KEY,
+ () => { this._updateLogout(); });
+ this._lockdownSettings.connect('changed::' + DISABLE_LOCK_SCREEN_KEY,
+ () => { this._updateLockScreen(); });
+ this._lockdownSettings.connect('changed::' + DISABLE_LOG_OUT_KEY,
+ () => { this._updateHaveShutdown(); });
+ this.forceUpdate();
+ this._orientationSettings.connect('changed::orientation-lock',
+ () => { this._updateOrientationLock();
+ this._updateOrientationLockIcon(); });
+ Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed',
+ () => { this._updateOrientationLock(); });
+ Gio.DBus.system.watch_name(SENSOR_BUS_NAME,
+ Gio.BusNameWatcherFlags.NONE,
+ () => { this._sensorProxyAppeared(); },
+ () => {
+ this._sensorProxy = null;
+ this._updateOrientationLock();
+ });
+ this._updateOrientationLock();
+ this._updateOrientationLockIcon();
+ Main.sessionMode.connect('updated', () => { this._sessionUpdated(); });
+ this._sessionUpdated();
+ },
+ get can_power_off() {
+ return this._canPowerOff;
+ },
+ get can_suspend() {
+ return this._canSuspend;
+ },
+ get can_lock_screen() {
+ return this._canLockScreen;
+ },
+ get can_switch_user() {
+ return this._canSwitchUser;
+ },
+ get can_logout() {
+ return this._canLogout;
+ },
+ get can_lock_orientation() {
+ return this._canLockOrientation;
+ },
+ get orientation_lock_icon() {
+ return this._orientationLockIcon;
+ },
+ _sensorProxyAppeared: function() {
+ this._sensorProxy = new SensorProxy(Gio.DBus.system, SENSOR_BUS_NAME, SENSOR_OBJECT_PATH,
+ (proxy, error) => {
+ if (error) {
+ log(error.message);
+ return;
+ }
+ this._sensorProxy.connect('g-properties-changed',
+ () => { this._updateOrientationLock(); });
+ this._updateOrientationLock();
+ });
+ },
+ _updateOrientationLock: function() {
+ if (this._sensorProxy)
+ this._canLockOrientation = this._sensorProxy.HasAccelerometer &&
+ this._monitorManager.get_is_builtin_display_on();
+ else
+ this._canLockOrientation = false;
+ this.notify('can-lock-orientation');
+ },
+ _updateOrientationLockIcon: function() {
+ let locked = this._orientationSettings.get_boolean('orientation-lock');
+ let iconName = locked ? 'rotation-locked-symbolic'
+ : 'rotation-allowed-symbolic';
+ this._orientationLockIcon = iconName;
+ this.notify('orientation-lock-icon');
+ },
+ _sessionUpdated: function() {
+ this._updateLockScreen();
+ this._updatePowerOff();
+ this._updateSuspend();
+ this._updateMultiUser();
+ },
+ forceUpdate: function() {
+ // Whether those actions are available or not depends on both lockdown
+ // settings and Polkit policy - we don't get change notifications for the
+ // latter, so their value may be outdated; force an update now
+ this._updateHaveShutdown();
+ this._updateHaveSuspend();
+ },
+ _updateLockScreen() {
+ let showLock = !Main.sessionMode.isLocked && !Main.sessionMode.isGreeter;
+ let allowLockScreen = !this._lockdownSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_LOCK_SCREEN_KEY);
+ this._canLockScreen = showLock && allowLockScreen && LoginManager.canLock();
+ this.notify('can-lock-screen');
+ },
+ _updateHaveShutdown: function() {
+ this._session.CanShutdownRemote((result, error) => {
+ if (error)
+ return;
+ this._canHavePowerOff = result[0];
+ this._updatePowerOff();
+ });
+ },
+ _updatePowerOff: function() {
+ let disabled = Main.sessionMode.isLocked ||
+ (Main.sessionMode.isGreeter &&
+ this._loginScreenSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_RESTART_KEY));
+ this._canPowerOff = this._canHavePowerOff && !disabled;
+ this.notify('can-power-off');
+ },
+ _updateHaveSuspend: function() {
+ this._loginManager.canSuspend(
+ (canSuspend, needsAuth) => {
+ this._canHaveSuspend = canSuspend;
+ this._suspendNeedsAuth = needsAuth;
+ this._updateSuspend();
+ });
+ },
+ _updateSuspend: function() {
+ let disabled = (Main.sessionMode.isLocked &&
+ this._suspendNeedsAuth) ||
+ (Main.sessionMode.isGreeter &&
+ this._loginScreenSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_RESTART_KEY));
+ this._canSuspend = this._canHaveSuspend && !disabled;
+ this.notify('can-suspend');
+ },
+ _updateMultiUser: function() {
+ this._updateLogout();
+ this._updateSwitchUser();
+ },
+ _updateSwitchUser: function() {
+ let allowSwitch = !this._lockdownSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_USER_SWITCH_KEY);
+ let multiUser = this._userManager.can_switch() && this._userManager.has_multiple_users;
+ let shouldShowInMode = !Main.sessionMode.isLocked && !Main.sessionMode.isGreeter;
+ let visible = allowSwitch && multiUser && shouldShowInMode;
+ this._canSwitchUser = visible;
+ this.notify('can-switch-user');
+ return visible;
+ },
+ _updateLogout: function() {
+ let user = this._userManager.get_user(GLib.get_user_name());
+ let allowLogout = !this._lockdownSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_LOG_OUT_KEY);
+ let alwaysShow = global.settings.get_boolean(ALWAYS_SHOW_LOG_OUT_KEY);
+ let systemAccount = user.system_account;
+ let localAccount = user.local_account;
+ let multiUser = this._userManager.has_multiple_users;
+ let multiSession = Gdm.get_session_ids().length > 1;
+ let shouldShowInMode = !Main.sessionMode.isLocked && !Main.sessionMode.isGreeter;
+ let visible = allowLogout && (alwaysShow || multiUser || multiSession || systemAccount || !localAccount) && shouldShowInMode;
+ this._canLogout = visible;
+ this.notify('can-logout');
+ return visible;
+ },
+ activateLockOrientation: function() {
+ if (!this._canLockOrientation)
+ throw new Error('The lock-orientation action is not available!');
+ let locked = this._orientationSettings.get_boolean('orientation-lock');
+ this._orientationSettings.set_boolean('orientation-lock', !locked);
+ },
+ activateLockScreen: function() {
+ if (!this._canLockScreen)
+ throw new Error('The lock-screen action is not available!');
+ Main.screenShield.lock(true);
+ },
+ activateSwitchUser: function() {
+ if (!this._canSwitchUser)
+ throw new Error('The switch-user action is not available!');
+ if (Main.screenShield)
+ Main.screenShield.lock(false);
+ Clutter.threads_add_repaint_func_full(Clutter.RepaintFlags.POST_PAINT, function() {
+ Gdm.goto_login_session_sync(null);
+ return false;
+ });
+ },
+ activateLogout: function() {
+ if (!this._canLogout)
+ throw new Error('The logout action is not available!');
+ Main.overview.hide();
+ this._session.LogoutRemote(0);
+ },
+ activatePowerOff: function() {
+ if (!this._canPowerOff)
+ throw new Error('The power-off action is not available!');
+ this._session.ShutdownRemote(0);
+ },
+ activateSuspend: function() {
+ if (!this._canSuspend)
+ throw new Error('The suspend action is not available!');
+ this._loginManager.suspend();
+ }
diff --git a/js/ui/status/system.js b/js/ui/status/system.js
index 27c9e2387..2a8ca4789 100644
--- a/js/ui/status/system.js
+++ b/js/ui/status/system.js
@@ -2,39 +2,19 @@
const AccountsService = imports.gi.AccountsService;
const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
-const Gdm = imports.gi.Gdm;
const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const Lang = imports.lang;
-const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const St = imports.gi.St;
+const GObject = imports.gi.GObject;
const BoxPointer = imports.ui.boxpointer;
-const GnomeSession = imports.misc.gnomeSession;
-const LoginManager = imports.misc.loginManager;
+const SystemActions = imports.misc.systemActions;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu;
const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu;
-const LOCKDOWN_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.desktop.lockdown';
-const LOGIN_SCREEN_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.login-screen';
-const DISABLE_USER_SWITCH_KEY = 'disable-user-switching';
-const DISABLE_LOCK_SCREEN_KEY = 'disable-lock-screen';
-const DISABLE_LOG_OUT_KEY = 'disable-log-out';
-const DISABLE_RESTART_KEY = 'disable-restart-buttons';
-const ALWAYS_SHOW_LOG_OUT_KEY = 'always-show-log-out';
-const SENSOR_BUS_NAME = 'net.hadess.SensorProxy';
-const SENSOR_OBJECT_PATH = '/net/hadess/SensorProxy';
-const SensorProxyInterface = ' \
- \
- \
- \
-const SensorProxy = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(SensorProxyInterface);
var AltSwitcher = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'AltSwitcher',
@@ -138,41 +118,17 @@ var Indicator = new Lang.Class({
_init: function() {
- this._loginScreenSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: LOGIN_SCREEN_SCHEMA });
- this._lockdownSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: LOCKDOWN_SCHEMA });
- this._orientationSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchscreen' });
+ let userManager = AccountsService.UserManager.get_default();
+ this._user = userManager.get_user(GLib.get_user_name());
- this._session = new GnomeSession.SessionManager();
- this._loginManager = LoginManager.getLoginManager();
- this._monitorManager = Meta.MonitorManager.get();
- this._haveShutdown = true;
- this._haveSuspend = true;
- this._userManager = AccountsService.UserManager.get_default();
- this._user = this._userManager.get_user(GLib.get_user_name());
+ this._systemActions = new SystemActions.getDefault();
- this._userManager.connect('notify::is-loaded',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateMultiUser));
- this._userManager.connect('notify::has-multiple-users',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateMultiUser));
- this._userManager.connect('user-added',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateMultiUser));
- this._userManager.connect('user-removed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateMultiUser));
- this._lockdownSettings.connect('changed::' + DISABLE_USER_SWITCH_KEY,
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateMultiUser));
- this._lockdownSettings.connect('changed::' + DISABLE_LOG_OUT_KEY,
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateMultiUser));
- this._lockdownSettings.connect('changed::' + DISABLE_LOCK_SCREEN_KEY,
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateLockScreen));
- global.settings.connect('changed::' + ALWAYS_SHOW_LOG_OUT_KEY,
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateMultiUser));
- this._updateSwitchUser();
- this._updateMultiUser();
- this._updateLockScreen();
+ this._loginScreenItem.actor.connect('notify::visible',
+ () => { this._updateMultiUser(); });
+ this._logoutItem.actor.connect('notify::visible',
+ () => { this._updateMultiUser(); });
// Whether shutdown is available or not depends on both lockdown
// settings (disable-log-out) and Polkit policy - the latter doesn't
// notify, so we update the menu item each time the menu opens or
@@ -182,42 +138,14 @@ var Indicator = new Lang.Class({
if (!open)
- this._updateHaveShutdown();
- this._updateHaveSuspend();
+ this._systemActions.forceUpdate();
- this._lockdownSettings.connect('changed::' + DISABLE_LOG_OUT_KEY,
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateHaveShutdown));
- this._orientationSettings.connect('changed::orientation-lock',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateOrientationLock));
- Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateOrientationLock));
- Gio.DBus.system.watch_name(SENSOR_BUS_NAME,
- Gio.BusNameWatcherFlags.NONE,
- Lang.bind(this, this._sensorProxyAppeared),
- Lang.bind(this, function() {
- this._sensorProxy = null;
- this._updateOrientationLock();
- }));
- this._updateOrientationLock();
+ this._updateMultiUser();
Main.sessionMode.connect('updated', Lang.bind(this, this._sessionUpdated));
- _sensorProxyAppeared: function() {
- this._sensorProxy = new SensorProxy(Gio.DBus.system, SENSOR_BUS_NAME, SENSOR_OBJECT_PATH,
- Lang.bind(this, function(proxy, error) {
- if (error) {
- log(error.message);
- return;
- }
- this._sensorProxy.connect('g-properties-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateOrientationLock));
- this._updateOrientationLock();
- }));
- },
_updateActionsVisibility: function() {
let visible = (this._settingsAction.visible ||
this._orientationLockAction.visible ||
@@ -228,42 +156,14 @@ var Indicator = new Lang.Class({
_sessionUpdated: function() {
- this._updateLockScreen();
- this._updatePowerOff();
- this._updateSuspend();
- this._updateMultiUser();
this._settingsAction.visible = Main.sessionMode.allowSettings;
- this._updateActionsVisibility();
_updateMultiUser: function() {
- let shouldShowInMode = !Main.sessionMode.isLocked && !Main.sessionMode.isGreeter;
- let hasSwitchUser = this._updateSwitchUser();
- let hasLogout = this._updateLogout();
+ let hasSwitchUser = this._loginScreenItem.actor.visible;
+ let hasLogout = this._logoutItem.actor.visible;
- this._switchUserSubMenu.actor.visible = shouldShowInMode && (hasSwitchUser || hasLogout);
- },
- _updateSwitchUser: function() {
- let allowSwitch = !this._lockdownSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_USER_SWITCH_KEY);
- let multiUser = this._userManager.can_switch() && this._userManager.has_multiple_users;
- let visible = allowSwitch && multiUser;
- this._loginScreenItem.actor.visible = visible;
- return visible;
- },
- _updateLogout: function() {
- let allowLogout = !this._lockdownSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_LOG_OUT_KEY);
- let alwaysShow = global.settings.get_boolean(ALWAYS_SHOW_LOG_OUT_KEY);
- let systemAccount = this._user.system_account;
- let localAccount = this._user.local_account;
- let multiUser = this._userManager.has_multiple_users;
- let multiSession = Gdm.get_session_ids().length > 1;
- let visible = allowLogout && (alwaysShow || multiUser || multiSession || systemAccount || !localAccount);
- this._logoutItem.actor.visible = visible;
- return visible;
+ this._switchUserSubMenu.actor.visible = hasSwitchUser || hasLogout;
_updateSwitchUserSubMenu: function() {
@@ -299,63 +199,6 @@ var Indicator = new Lang.Class({
- _updateOrientationLock: function() {
- if (this._sensorProxy)
- this._orientationLockAction.visible = this._sensorProxy.HasAccelerometer &&
- this._monitorManager.get_is_builtin_display_on();
- else
- this._orientationLockAction.visible = false;
- let locked = this._orientationSettings.get_boolean('orientation-lock');
- let icon = this._orientationLockAction.child;
- icon.icon_name = locked ? 'rotation-locked-symbolic' : 'rotation-allowed-symbolic';
- this._updateActionsVisibility();
- },
- _updateLockScreen: function() {
- let showLock = !Main.sessionMode.isLocked && !Main.sessionMode.isGreeter;
- let allowLockScreen = !this._lockdownSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_LOCK_SCREEN_KEY);
- this._lockScreenAction.visible = showLock && allowLockScreen && LoginManager.canLock();
- this._updateActionsVisibility();
- },
- _updateHaveShutdown: function() {
- this._session.CanShutdownRemote(Lang.bind(this, function(result, error) {
- if (error)
- return;
- this._haveShutdown = result[0];
- this._updatePowerOff();
- }));
- },
- _updatePowerOff: function() {
- let disabled = Main.sessionMode.isLocked ||
- (Main.sessionMode.isGreeter &&
- this._loginScreenSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_RESTART_KEY));
- this._powerOffAction.visible = this._haveShutdown && !disabled;
- this._updateActionsVisibility();
- },
- _updateHaveSuspend: function() {
- this._loginManager.canSuspend(Lang.bind(this,
- function(canSuspend, needsAuth) {
- this._haveSuspend = canSuspend;
- this._suspendNeedsAuth = needsAuth;
- this._updateSuspend();
- }));
- },
- _updateSuspend: function() {
- let disabled = (Main.sessionMode.isLocked &&
- this._suspendNeedsAuth) ||
- (Main.sessionMode.isGreeter &&
- this._loginScreenSettings.get_boolean(DISABLE_RESTART_KEY));
- this._suspendAction.visible = this._haveSuspend && !disabled;
- this._updateActionsVisibility();
- },
_createActionButton: function(iconName, accessibleName) {
let icon = new St.Button({ reactive: true,
can_focus: true,
@@ -367,6 +210,7 @@ var Indicator = new Lang.Class({
_createSubMenu: function() {
+ let bindFlags = GObject.BindingFlags.DEFAULT | GObject.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE;
let item;
this._switchUserSubMenu = new PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem('', true);
@@ -382,14 +226,28 @@ var Indicator = new Lang.Class({
item = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(_("Switch User"));
- item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this._onLoginScreenActivate));
+ item.connect('activate', () => {
+ this.menu.itemActivated(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.NONE);
+ this._systemActions.activateSwitchUser();
+ });
this._loginScreenItem = item;
+ this._systemActions.bind_property('can-switch-user',
+ this._loginScreenItem.actor,
+ 'visible',
+ bindFlags);
item = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem(_("Log Out"));
- item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this._onQuitSessionActivate));
+ item.connect('activate', () => {
+ this.menu.itemActivated(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.NONE);
+ this._systemActions.activateLogout();
+ });
this._logoutItem = item;
+ this._systemActions.bind_property('can-logout',
+ this._logoutItem.actor,
+ 'visible',
+ bindFlags);
this._switchUserSubMenu.menu.addSettingsAction(_("Account Settings"),
@@ -405,28 +263,70 @@ var Indicator = new Lang.Class({
can_focus: false });
this._settingsAction = this._createActionButton('preferences-system-symbolic', _("Settings"));
- this._settingsAction.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onSettingsClicked));
+ this._settingsAction.connect('clicked', () => { this._onSettingsClicked(); });
item.actor.add(this._settingsAction, { expand: true, x_fill: false });
this._orientationLockAction = this._createActionButton('', _("Orientation Lock"));
- this._orientationLockAction.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onOrientationLockClicked));
+ this._orientationLockAction.connect('clicked', () => {
+ this.menu.itemActivated(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.NONE),
+ this._systemActions.activateLockOrientation();
+ });
item.actor.add(this._orientationLockAction, { expand: true, x_fill: false });
+ this._systemActions.bind_property('can-lock-orientation',
+ this._orientationLockAction,
+ 'visible',
+ bindFlags);
+ this._systemActions.bind_property('orientation-lock-icon',
+ this._orientationLockAction.child,
+ 'icon-name',
+ bindFlags);
this._lockScreenAction = this._createActionButton('changes-prevent-symbolic', _("Lock"));
- this._lockScreenAction.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onLockScreenClicked));
+ this._lockScreenAction.connect('clicked', () => {
+ this.menu.itemActivated(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.NONE);
+ this._systemActions.activateLockScreen();
+ });
item.actor.add(this._lockScreenAction, { expand: true, x_fill: false });
+ this._systemActions.bind_property('can-lock-screen',
+ this._lockScreenAction,
+ 'visible',
+ bindFlags);
this._suspendAction = this._createActionButton('media-playback-pause-symbolic', _("Suspend"));
- this._suspendAction.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onSuspendClicked));
+ this._suspendAction.connect('clicked', () => {
+ this.menu.itemActivated(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.NONE);
+ this._systemActions.activateSuspend();
+ });
+ this._systemActions.bind_property('can-suspend',
+ this._suspendAction,
+ 'visible',
+ bindFlags);
this._powerOffAction = this._createActionButton('system-shutdown-symbolic', _("Power Off"));
- this._powerOffAction.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onPowerOffClicked));
+ this._powerOffAction.connect('clicked', () => {
+ this.menu.itemActivated(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.NONE);
+ this._systemActions.activatePowerOff();
+ });
+ this._systemActions.bind_property('can-power-off',
+ this._powerOffAction,
+ 'visible',
+ bindFlags);
this._altSwitcher = new AltSwitcher(this._powerOffAction, this._suspendAction);
item.actor.add(this._altSwitcher.actor, { expand: true, x_fill: false });
this._actionsItem = item;
+ this._settingsAction.connect('notify::visible',
+ () => { this._updateActionsVisibility(); });
+ this._orientationLockAction.connect('notify::visible',
+ () => { this._updateActionsVisibility(); });
+ this._lockScreenAction.connect('notify::visible',
+ () => { this._updateActionsVisibility(); });
+ this._altSwitcher.actor.connect('notify::visible',
+ () => { this._updateActionsVisibility(); });
_onSettingsClicked: function() {
@@ -434,42 +334,5 @@ var Indicator = new Lang.Class({
let app = Shell.AppSystem.get_default().lookup_app('gnome-control-center.desktop');
- },
- _onOrientationLockClicked: function() {
- this.menu.itemActivated();
- let locked = this._orientationSettings.get_boolean('orientation-lock');
- this._orientationSettings.set_boolean('orientation-lock', !locked);
- this._updateOrientationLock();
- },
- _onLockScreenClicked: function() {
- this.menu.itemActivated(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.NONE);
- Main.screenShield.lock(true);
- },
- _onLoginScreenActivate: function() {
- this.menu.itemActivated(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.NONE);
- if (Main.screenShield)
- Main.screenShield.lock(false);
- Clutter.threads_add_repaint_func_full(Clutter.RepaintFlags.POST_PAINT, function() {
- Gdm.goto_login_session_sync(null);
- return false;
- });
- },
- _onQuitSessionActivate: function() {
- this._session.LogoutRemote(0);
- },
- _onPowerOffClicked: function() {
- this.menu.itemActivated();
- this._session.ShutdownRemote(0);
- },
- _onSuspendClicked: function() {
- this.menu.itemActivated();
- this._loginManager.suspend();
- },
+ }