Update Basque translation

This commit is contained in:
Asier Sarasua Garmendia 2020-10-31 17:00:06 +00:00 committed by GNOME Translation Robot
parent c86c294d2a
commit 197aef3e40


@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr "Project-Id-Version: gnome-shell master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-08-10 23:58+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-11 12:15+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-19 15:45+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-10-31 12:15+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua@ni.eus>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <librezale@librezale.eus>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
@ -120,38 +120,30 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Identifikadore horiei dagozkien aplikazioak bistaratuko dira gogokoen arean."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:62
msgid "App Picker View"
msgstr "Aplikazio-hautatzailearen ikuspegia"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:63
msgid "Index of the currently selected view in the application picker."
msgstr "Unean hautatutako ikuspegiaren indizea aplikazio-hautatzailean."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:69
msgid "History for command (Alt-F2) dialog"
msgstr "Komandoen (Alt-F2) elkarrizketa-koadroaren historia"
#. Translators: looking glass is a debugger and inspector tool, see https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShell/LookingGlass
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:74
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:67
msgid "History for the looking glass dialog"
msgstr "Ikuskatzailearen elkarrizketa-koadroaren historia"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:78
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:71
msgid "Always show the “Log out” menu item in the user menu."
msgstr "Erakutsi beti erabiltzaile-menuko “Amaitu saioa” menu-elementua."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:79
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:72
msgid ""
"This key overrides the automatic hiding of the “Log out” menu item in single-"
"user, single-session situations."
msgstr "Gako honek “Amaitu saioa” menu-elementua automatikoki ezkutatzea gainidazten du, saio bakarreko egoeran."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:86
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:79
msgid ""
"Whether to remember password for mounting encrypted or remote filesystems"
msgstr "Zifratutako edo urruneko fitxategi-sistemak muntatzeko pasahitza gogoratuko den ala ez"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:87
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:80
msgid ""
"The shell will request a password when an encrypted device or a remote "
"filesystem is mounted. If the password can be saved for future use a "
@ -159,12 +151,12 @@ msgid ""
"state of the checkbox."
msgstr "Shell-ak pasahitza eskatuko du zifratutako gailu bat edo urruneko fitxategi-sistema bat muntatzen denean. Pasahitza geroago erabiltzeko gorde badaiteke, “Gogoratu pasahitza” kontrol-laukia agertuko da. Gako honek kontrol-laukiaren egoera lehenetsia ezartzen du."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:96
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:89
msgid ""
"Whether the default Bluetooth adapter had set up devices associated to it"
msgstr "Bluetooth lehenetsiaren moldatzaileak berarekin esleitutako gailurik duen ala ez"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:97
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:90
msgid ""
"The shell will only show a Bluetooth menu item if a Bluetooth adapter is "
"powered, or if there were devices set up associated with the default "
@ -172,21 +164,21 @@ msgid ""
"devices associated to it."
msgstr "Shell-ak Bluetooth moldagailu bat entxufatuta dagoenean soilik Bluetooth-aren menua erakutsiko duen, edo moldagailu lehenetsiarekin esleitutako gailuak konfiguratuta daudenean. Hau leheneratu egingo da moldagailu lehenetsiak berarekin esleitutako gailurik ez daukanean."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:106
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:99
msgid "Enable introspection API"
msgstr "Gaitu introspekzio APIa"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:107
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:100
msgid ""
"Enables a D-Bus API that allows to introspect the application state of the "
msgstr "Shell-en aplikazio-egoeraren introspekzioa ahalbidetzen duen D-Bus API bat gaitzen du."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:114
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:107
msgid "Layout of the app picker"
msgstr "Aplikazio-hautatzailearen diseinua"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:115
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:108
msgid ""
"Layout of the app picker. Each entry in the array is a page. Pages are "
"stored in the order they appear in GNOME Shell. Each page contains an "
@ -194,161 +186,161 @@ msgid ""
"as 'data': • “position”: the position of the application icon in the page"
msgstr "Aplikazio-hautatzailearen diseinua. Matrizeko sarrera bakoitza orri bat da. Orriak GNOME Shell-en agertzen diren ordenan biltegiratzen dira. Orri bakoizak “aplikazioaren ida” → 'datuak' bikote bat du. Une honetan, honako balioak gordetzen dira 'datuak': • “posizioa” moduan: aplikazio-ikonoak orrian duen posizioa."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:130
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:123
msgid "Keybinding to open the application menu"
msgstr "Aplikazioen menua irekitzeko laster-tekla"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:131
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:124
msgid "Keybinding to open the application menu."
msgstr "Aplikazioen menua irekitzeko laster-tekla."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:137
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:130
msgid "Keybinding to open the “Show Applications” view"
msgstr "“Erakutsi aplikazioak” bista irekitzeko laster-tekla"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:138
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:131
msgid ""
"Keybinding to open the “Show Applications” view of the Activities Overview."
msgstr "Jarduerak ikuspegi orokorraren “Erakutsi aplikazioak” ikuspegia irekitzeko laster-tekla."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:145
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:138
msgid "Keybinding to open the overview"
msgstr "Ikuspegi orokorra bista irekitzeko laster-tekla"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:146
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:139
msgid "Keybinding to open the Activities Overview."
msgstr "Jardueren ikuspegi orokorra irekitzeko laster-tekla"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:152
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:145
msgid "Keybinding to toggle the visibility of the notification list"
msgstr "Jakinarazpenen zerrendaren ikusgaitasuna txandakatzeko laster-tekla"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:153
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:146
msgid "Keybinding to toggle the visibility of the notification list."
msgstr "Jakinarazpenen zerrendaren ikusgaitasuna txandakatzeko laster-tekla."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:159
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:152
msgid "Keybinding to focus the active notification"
msgstr "Jakinarazpen aktiboa fokuratzeko laster-tekla"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:160
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:153
msgid "Keybinding to focus the active notification."
msgstr "Jakinarazpen aktiboa fokuratzeko laster-tekla."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:166
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:159
msgid "Switch to application 1"
msgstr "Aldatu 1 aplikaziora"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:170
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:163
msgid "Switch to application 2"
msgstr "Aldatu 2 aplikaziora"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:174
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:167
msgid "Switch to application 3"
msgstr "Aldatu 3 aplikaziora"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:178
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:171
msgid "Switch to application 4"
msgstr "Aldatu 4 aplikaziora"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:182
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:175
msgid "Switch to application 5"
msgstr "Aldatu 5 aplikaziora"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:186
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:179
msgid "Switch to application 6"
msgstr "Aldatu 6 aplikaziora"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:190
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:183
msgid "Switch to application 7"
msgstr "Aldatu 7 aplikaziora"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:194
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:187
msgid "Switch to application 8"
msgstr "Aldatu 8 aplikaziora"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:198
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:191
msgid "Switch to application 9"
msgstr "Aldatu 9 aplikaziora"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:207
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:234
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:200
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:227
msgid "Limit switcher to current workspace."
msgstr "Mugatu aldatzailea uneko laneko areara."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:208
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:201
msgid ""
"If true, only applications that have windows on the current workspace are "
"shown in the switcher. Otherwise, all applications are included."
msgstr "TRUE (egia) bada, uneko laneko arean leihoak dituzten aplikazioak soilik erakutsiko dira aldatzailean. Bestela, aplikazio guztiak egongo dira."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:225
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:218
msgid "The application icon mode."
msgstr "Aplikazio-ikonoaren modua."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:226
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:219
msgid ""
"Configures how the windows are shown in the switcher. Valid possibilities "
"are “thumbnail-only” (shows a thumbnail of the window), “app-icon-"
"only” (shows only the application icon) or “both”."
msgstr "Leihoak aldatzaileak nola erakusten diren konfiguratzen du. Aukera posibleak “thumbnail-only” (leihoaren miniatura erakustea), “app-icon-only” (aplikazio-ikonoa erakustea soilik) edo “both” (biak)."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:235
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:228
msgid ""
"If true, only windows from the current workspace are shown in the switcher. "
"Otherwise, all windows are included."
msgstr "TRUE (egia) bada, uneko laneko arean leihoak soilik erakutsiko dira aldatzailean. Bestela, leiho guztiak egongo dira."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:245
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:238
msgid "Locations"
msgstr "Kokalekuak"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:246
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:239
msgid "The locations to show in world clocks"
msgstr "Munduko ordularietan erakutsiko diren kokalekuak"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:256
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:249
msgid "Automatic location"
msgstr "Kokaleku automatikoa"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:257
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:250
msgid "Whether to fetch the current location or not"
msgstr "Uneko kokalekua atzituko den ala ez"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:264
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:257
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Kokalekua"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:265
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:258
msgid "The location for which to show a forecast"
msgstr "Iragarpena erakutsiko zaion kokalekua"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:277
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:270
msgid "Attach modal dialog to the parent window"
msgstr "Erantsi elkarrizketa-leiho modala leiho gurasoari"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:278
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:287
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:295
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:303
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:311
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:271
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:280
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:288
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:296
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:304
msgid ""
"This key overrides the key in org.gnome.mutter when running GNOME Shell."
msgstr "Gako honek org.gnome.mutter gakoa gainidazten du GNOME Shell exekutatzean."
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:286
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:279
msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
msgstr "Gaitu lauzatzea leihoak pantailaren ertzetan jaregitean"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:294
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:287
msgid "Workspaces are managed dynamically"
msgstr "Laneko areak dinamikoki kudeatzen dira"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:302
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:295
msgid "Workspaces only on primary monitor"
msgstr "Laneko areak monitore nagusian soilik"
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:310
#: data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in:303
msgid "Delay focus changes in mouse mode until the pointer stops moving"
msgstr "Fokuaren aldaketaren atzerapena saguaren moduan erakusleak mugitzeari utzi arte"
@ -380,8 +372,8 @@ msgstr "Webgune nagusia"
msgid "Visit extension homepage"
msgstr "Bisitatu hedapenaren webgunea"
#: js/gdm/authPrompt.js:135 js/ui/audioDeviceSelection.js:57
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:110 js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:139
#: js/gdm/authPrompt.js:137 js/ui/audioDeviceSelection.js:57
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:111 js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:138
#: js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:438 js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:183
#: js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:376 js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:386
#: js/ui/status/network.js:940 subprojects/extensions-app/js/main.js:149
@ -389,10 +381,10 @@ msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Utzi"
#. Cisco LEAP
#: js/gdm/authPrompt.js:237 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:205
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:221 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:245
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:266 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:286
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:296 js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:277
#: js/gdm/authPrompt.js:239 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:206
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:222 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:246
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:267 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:287
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:297 js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:276
#: js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:326
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasahitza"
@ -415,8 +407,8 @@ msgstr "(adib., erabiltzailea edo %s)"
#. TTLS and PEAP are actually much more complicated, but this complication
#. is not visible here since we only care about phase2 authentication
#. (and don't even care of which one)
#: js/gdm/loginDialog.js:918 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:241
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:264 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:282
#: js/gdm/loginDialog.js:918 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:242
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:265 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:283
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena"
@ -438,82 +430,82 @@ msgid "(or swipe finger)"
msgstr "(edo lerratu hatza)"
#. Translators: The name of the power-off action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:91
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:82
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Itzali"
#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the power-off action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:94
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:85
msgid "power off;shutdown;halt;stop"
msgstr "itzali;amatatu;gelditu;geratu"
#. Translators: The name of the restart action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:99
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:90
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Berrabiarazi"
#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the restart action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:102
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:93
msgid "reboot;restart;"
msgstr "berrabiarazi;berrekin;"
#. Translators: The name of the lock screen action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:107
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:98
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Lock Screen"
msgstr "Blokeatu pantaila"
#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the lock screen action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:110
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:101
msgid "lock screen"
msgstr "blokeatu pantaila"
#. Translators: The name of the logout action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:115
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:106
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Amaitu saioa"
#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the logout action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:118
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:109
msgid "logout;log out;sign off"
msgstr "amaitu saioa;saioa amaitu;deskonektatu"
#. Translators: The name of the suspend action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:123
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:114
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Eseki"
#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the suspend action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:126
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:117
msgid "suspend;sleep"
msgstr "eseki;lo"
#. Translators: The name of the switch user action in search
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:131
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:122
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Switch User"
msgstr "Aldatu erabiltzailea"
#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the switch user action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:134
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:125
msgid "switch user"
msgstr "aldatu erabiltzailea"
#. Translators: A list of keywords that match the lock orientation action, separated by semicolons
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:141
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:132
msgid "lock orientation;unlock orientation;screen;rotation"
msgstr "blokeatu orientazioa;desblokeatu orientazioa;pantaila;biraketa"
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:266
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:240
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Unlock Screen Rotation"
msgstr "Desblokeatu pantailaren biraketa"
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:267
#: js/misc/systemActions.js:241
msgctxt "search-result"
msgid "Lock Screen Rotation"
msgstr "Pantailaren blokeoaren biraketa"
@ -676,36 +668,36 @@ msgstr "Ukatu sarbidea"
msgid "Grant Access"
msgstr "Baimendu sarbidea"
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:1297
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:1346
msgid "Unnamed Folder"
msgstr "Izenik gabeko karpeta"
#. Translators: This is the heading of a list of open windows
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2762 js/ui/panel.js:75
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2870 js/ui/panel.js:75
msgid "Open Windows"
msgstr "Leiho irekiak"
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2781 js/ui/panel.js:82
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2889 js/ui/panel.js:82
msgid "New Window"
msgstr "Leiho berria"
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2797
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2905
msgid "Launch using Integrated Graphics Card"
msgstr "Abiarazi txartel grafiko integratua erabiliz"
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2798
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2906
msgid "Launch using Discrete Graphics Card"
msgstr "Abiarazi txartel grafiko diskretua erabiliz"
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2826 js/ui/dash.js:239
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2934 js/ui/dash.js:239
msgid "Remove from Favorites"
msgstr "Kendu gogokoetatik"
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2832
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2940
msgid "Add to Favorites"
msgstr "Gehitu gogokoei"
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2842 js/ui/panel.js:93
#: js/ui/appDisplay.js:2950 js/ui/panel.js:93
msgid "Show Details"
msgstr "Erakutsi xehetasunak"
@ -844,15 +836,15 @@ msgstr "%d"
msgid "Week %V"
msgstr "%V. astea"
#: js/ui/calendar.js:895
#: js/ui/calendar.js:896
msgid "No Notifications"
msgstr "Jakinarazpenik ez"
#: js/ui/calendar.js:949
#: js/ui/calendar.js:950
msgid "Do Not Disturb"
msgstr "Ez gogaitu"
#: js/ui/calendar.js:968
#: js/ui/calendar.js:969
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Garbitu"
@ -897,80 +889,80 @@ msgstr "Instalatutako udisks bertsioak ez du onartzen PIM ezarpena"
msgid "Open with %s"
msgstr "Ireki honekin: %s"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:92
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:93
msgid ""
"Alternatively you can connect by pushing the “WPS” button on your router."
msgstr "Bestela, zure routerreko \"WPS\" botoia sakatuta konektatu zaitezke."
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:104 js/ui/status/network.js:252
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:105 js/ui/status/network.js:252
#: js/ui/status/network.js:343 js/ui/status/network.js:943
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Konektatu"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:211
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:212
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Gakoa"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:249 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:272
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:250 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:273
msgid "Private key password"
msgstr "Gako pribatuaren pasahitza"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:270
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:271
msgid "Identity"
msgstr "Identitatea"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:284
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:285
msgid "Service"
msgstr "Zerbitzua"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:313 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:341
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:680 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:701
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:314 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:342
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:675 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:696
msgid "Authentication required"
msgstr "Autentifikazioa behar da"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:314 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:681
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:315 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:676
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network "
msgstr "Pasahitzak edo zifratze-gakoak behar dira haririk gabeko '%s' sarera sarbidetzeko."
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:318 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:685
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:319 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:680
msgid "Wired 802.1X authentication"
msgstr "Haridun 802.1X autentifikazioa"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:320
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:321
msgid "Network name"
msgstr "Sarearen izena"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:325 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:689
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:326 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:684
msgid "DSL authentication"
msgstr "DSL autentifikazioa"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:332 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:694
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:333 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:689
msgid "PIN code required"
msgstr "PIN kodea behar da"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:333 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:695
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:334 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:690
msgid "PIN code is needed for the mobile broadband device"
msgstr "PIN kodea behar da banda zabal mugikorreko gailuarentzako"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:334
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:335
msgid "PIN"
msgstr "PINa"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:342 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:686
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:690 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:702
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:706
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:343 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:681
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:685 js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:697
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:701
#, javascript-format
msgid "A password is required to connect to “%s”."
msgstr "Pasahitza behar da '%s'(e)ra konektatzeko."
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:669 js/ui/status/network.js:1718
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:664 js/ui/status/network.js:1718
msgid "Network Manager"
msgstr "Sarearen kudeatzailea"
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:705
#: js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:700
msgid "VPN password"
msgstr "VPN pasahitza"
@ -978,11 +970,11 @@ msgstr "VPN pasahitza"
msgid "Authentication Required"
msgstr "Autentifikazioa behar da"
#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:80
#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:79
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Administratzailea"
#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:142
#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:141
msgid "Authenticate"
msgstr "Autentifikatu"
@ -990,7 +982,7 @@ msgstr "Autentifikatu"
#. * requested authentication was not gained; this can happen
#. * because of an authentication error (like invalid password),
#. * for instance.
#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:254 js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:402
#: js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:253 js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:402
msgid "Sorry, that didnt work. Please try again."
msgstr "Huts egin du. Saiatu berriro."
@ -1256,11 +1248,11 @@ msgstr "Instalatu hedapena"
msgid "Download and install “%s” from extensions.gnome.org?"
msgstr "Deskargatu eta instalatu “%s” extensions.gnome.org gunetik?"
#: js/ui/extensionSystem.js:252
#: js/ui/extensionSystem.js:253
msgid "Extension Updates Available"
msgstr "Hedapenen eguneratzeak eskuragarri"
#: js/ui/extensionSystem.js:253
#: js/ui/extensionSystem.js:254
msgid "Extension updates are ready to be installed."
msgstr "Hedapenen eguneratzeak instalatzeko prest daude."
@ -1348,7 +1340,7 @@ msgstr "Itzali"
msgid "Leave Off"
msgstr "Utzi itzalita"
#: js/ui/keyboard.js:225
#: js/ui/keyboard.js:226
msgid "Region & Language Settings"
msgstr "Eskualdearen eta hizkuntzaren ezarpenak"
@ -1376,7 +1368,7 @@ msgstr "Gaituta"
#. translators:
#. * The device has been disabled
#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:741 subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1892
#: js/ui/lookingGlass.js:741 subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1900
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Desgaituta"
@ -1449,27 +1441,27 @@ msgstr "Aurkezpen orokorra"
msgid "Type to search"
msgstr "Idatzi bilatzeko"
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:95
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:96
msgid "New shortcut…"
msgstr "Laster-tekla berria…"
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:142
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:143
msgid "Application defined"
msgstr "Aplikazioan definituta"
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:143
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:144
msgid "Show on-screen help"
msgstr "Erakutsi pantailako laguntzan"
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:144
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:145
msgid "Switch monitor"
msgstr "Aldatu monitorea"
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:145
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:146
msgid "Assign keystroke"
msgstr "Esleitu tekla-sakatzea"
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:211
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:212
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Eginda"
@ -1487,7 +1479,7 @@ msgstr "Sakatu botoi bat konfiguratzeko"
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:846
msgid "Press Esc to exit"
msgstr "Sakatu Ihes irteteko"
msgstr "Sakatu Esc irteteko"
#: js/ui/padOsd.js:849
msgid "Press any key to exit"
@ -1503,12 +1495,12 @@ msgstr "Irten"
msgid "Activities"
msgstr "Jarduerak"
#: js/ui/panel.js:714
#: js/ui/panel.js:719
msgctxt "System menu in the top bar"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistema"
#: js/ui/panel.js:825
#: js/ui/panel.js:830
msgid "Top Bar"
msgstr "Goiko barra"
@ -1518,7 +1510,7 @@ msgstr "Exekutatu komando bat"
#: js/ui/runDialog.js:73
msgid "Press ESC to close"
msgstr "Sakatu Exc ixteko"
msgstr "Sakatu Esc ixteko"
#: js/ui/runDialog.js:238
msgid "Restart is not available on Wayland"
@ -1539,11 +1531,11 @@ msgstr "GNOMEk pantaila blokeatzea behar du"
#. XXX: another option is to kick the user into the gdm login
#. screen, where we're not affected by grabs
#: js/ui/screenShield.js:244 js/ui/screenShield.js:602
#: js/ui/screenShield.js:244 js/ui/screenShield.js:613
msgid "Unable to lock"
msgstr "Ezin da blokeatu"
#: js/ui/screenShield.js:245 js/ui/screenShield.js:603
#: js/ui/screenShield.js:245 js/ui/screenShield.js:614
msgid "Lock was blocked by an application"
msgstr "Beste aplikazio batek blokeatu du"
@ -1687,6 +1679,14 @@ msgstr "Bluetooth"
msgid "Bluetooth Settings"
msgstr "Bluetooth ezarpenak"
#. Translators: this is the number of connected bluetooth devices
#: js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:148
#, javascript-format
msgid "%d Connected"
msgid_plural "%d Connected"
msgstr[0] "%d konektatuta"
msgstr[1] "%d konektatuta"
#: js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:152
msgid "Bluetooth Off"
msgstr "Bluetooth-a desaktibatuta"
@ -2021,11 +2021,11 @@ msgstr "%d%02d bete arte (%% %d)"
msgid "%d%%"
msgstr "%% %d"
#: js/ui/status/remoteAccess.js:45
#: js/ui/status/remoteAccess.js:38
msgid "Screen is Being Shared"
msgstr "Pantaila partekatzen ari da"
#: js/ui/status/remoteAccess.js:47
#: js/ui/status/remoteAccess.js:40
msgid "Turn off"
msgstr "Desaktibatu"
@ -2827,7 +2827,7 @@ msgstr "Gehitu ikono bat goiko barrari"
#. translators:
#. * The number of sound outputs on a particular device
#: subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1899
#: subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1907
#, c-format
msgid "%u Output"
msgid_plural "%u Outputs"
@ -2836,17 +2836,23 @@ msgstr[1] "%u irteera"
#. translators:
#. * The number of sound inputs on a particular device
#: subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1909
#: subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1917
#, c-format
msgid "%u Input"
msgid_plural "%u Inputs"
msgstr[0] "Sarrera %u"
msgstr[1] "%u sarrera"
#: subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:2766
#: subprojects/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:2867
msgid "System Sounds"
msgstr "Sistemaren soinuak"
#~ msgid "App Picker View"
#~ msgstr "Aplikazio-hautatzailearen ikuspegia"
#~ msgid "Index of the currently selected view in the application picker."
#~ msgstr "Unean hautatutako ikuspegiaren indizea aplikazio-hautatzailean."
#~ msgid "Frequently used applications will appear here"
#~ msgstr "Maiztasunez erabilitako aplikazioak hemen agertuko dira"
@ -2864,11 +2870,6 @@ msgstr "Sistemaren soinuak"
#~ msgid "%A, %B %-d, %Y"
#~ msgstr "%A, %B %-d, %Y"
#~ msgid "%d Connected"
#~ msgid_plural "%d Connected"
#~ msgstr[0] "%d konektatuta"
#~ msgstr[1] "%d konektatuta"
#~ msgid "Off"
#~ msgstr "Desaktibatuta"