Add new screenshot UI icons

To replace the applets-screenshooter one that was deprecated and isn't
even available on GNOME OS anymore.

Part-of: <>
This commit is contained in:
Ivan Molodetskikh 2022-02-09 19:55:03 +03:00 committed by Marge Bot
parent 528ee01fef
commit 1272ce37a7
6 changed files with 31 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,9 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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<path d="m 7.796875 2.652344 l 2.050781 -1.523438 c 0.214844 -0.160156 0.503906 -0.1875 0.742188 -0.066406 c 0.242187 0.121094 0.394531 0.367188 0.394531 0.636719 v 3.605469 c 0 0.265624 -0.152344 0.511718 -0.394531 0.632812 c -0.238282 0.121094 -0.523438 0.09375 -0.742188 -0.066406 l -2.050781 -1.53125 c -0.265625 -0.199219 -0.421875 -0.511719 -0.421875 -0.84375 c 0 -0.332032 0.15625 -0.644532 0.421875 -0.84375 z m 0 0"/>
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.5 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16px" xmlns="">
<g fill="#2e3436">
<path d="m 6.929688 8.011719 h 4.140624 c 1.066407 0 1.929688 0.863281 1.929688 1.929687 v 3.140625 c 0 1.066407 -0.863281 1.929688 -1.929688 1.929688 h -4.140624 c -1.066407 0 -1.929688 -0.863281 -1.929688 -1.929688 v -3.140625 c 0 -1.066406 0.863281 -1.929687 1.929688 -1.929687 z m 0 0"/>
<path d="m 12.796875 10.664062 l 2.050781 -1.523437 c 0.214844 -0.160156 0.503906 -0.1875 0.742188 -0.066406 c 0.242187 0.121093 0.394531 0.367187 0.394531 0.636719 v 3.605468 c 0 0.265625 -0.152344 0.511719 -0.394531 0.632813 c -0.238282 0.121093 -0.523438 0.09375 -0.742188 -0.066407 l -2.050781 -1.53125 c -0.265625 -0.199218 -0.421875 -0.511718 -0.421875 -0.84375 c 0 -0.332031 0.15625 -0.644531 0.421875 -0.84375 z m 0 0"/>
<path d="m 0 4.011719 c 0 -1.652344 1.359375 -3.011719 3.011719 -3.011719 h 7.976562 c 1.652344 0 3.011719 1.359375 3.011719 3.011719 v 1.953125 c 0 0.554687 -0.449219 1 -1 1 s -1 -0.445313 -1 -1 v -1.953125 c 0 -0.578125 -0.433594 -1.011719 -1.011719 -1.011719 h -7.976562 c -0.578125 0 -1.011719 0.433594 -1.011719 1.011719 v 4.976562 c 0 0.578125 0.433594 1.011719 1.011719 1.011719 c 0.550781 0 1 0.449219 1 1 s -0.449219 1 -1 1 c -1.652344 0 -3.011719 -1.359375 -3.011719 -3.011719 z m 0 0"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.4 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16px" xmlns="">
<g fill="#2e3436">
<path d="m 9.042969 6 h 1.914062 c 0.574219 0 1.042969 0.449219 1.042969 1 s -0.46875 1 -1.042969 1 h -1.914062 c -0.574219 0 -1.042969 -0.449219 -1.042969 -1 s 0.46875 -1 1.042969 -1 z m 0 0"/>
<path d="m 7.011719 6.964844 c -1.113281 0 -2.011719 0.898437 -2.011719 2.011718 v 4.011719 c 0 1.113281 0.898438 2.011719 2.011719 2.011719 h 5.976562 c 1.113281 0 2.011719 -0.898438 2.011719 -2.011719 v -4.011719 c 0 -1.113281 -0.898438 -2.011718 -2.011719 -2.011718 z m 2.988281 2.035156 c 1.105469 0 2 0.894531 2 2 s -0.894531 2 -2 2 s -2 -0.894531 -2 -2 s 0.894531 -2 2 -2 z m 0 0"/>
<path d="m 0 4.011719 c 0 -1.652344 1.359375 -3.011719 3.011719 -3.011719 h 7.976562 c 1.652344 0 3.011719 1.359375 3.011719 3.011719 v 0.988281 c 0 0.550781 -0.449219 1 -1 1 s -1 -0.449219 -1 -1 v -0.988281 c 0 -0.578125 -0.433594 -1.011719 -1.011719 -1.011719 h -7.976562 c -0.578125 0 -1.011719 0.433594 -1.011719 1.011719 v 4.976562 c 0 0.578125 0.433594 1.011719 1.011719 1.011719 c 0.550781 0 1 0.449219 1 1 s -0.449219 1 -1 1 c -1.652344 0 -3.011719 -1.359375 -3.011719 -3.011719 z m 0 0"/>


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View File

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ const SystemActions = GObject.registerClass({
this._actions.set(SCREENSHOT_UI_ACTION_ID, {
// Translators: The name of the screenshot UI action in search
name: C_('search-result', 'Take a Screenshot'),
iconName: 'applets-screenshooter-symbolic',
iconName: 'record-screen-symbolic',
// Translators: A list of keywords that match the screenshot UI action, separated by semicolons
keywords: tokenizeKeywords(_('screenshot;screencast;snip;capture;record')),
available: true,

View File

@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ var ScreenshotUI = GObject.registerClass({
const source = new MessageTray.Source(
// Translators: notification source name.
const notification = new MessageTray.Notification(
@ -2112,7 +2112,7 @@ function _storeScreenshot(bytes, pixbuf) {
const source = new MessageTray.Source(
// Translators: notification source name.
const notification = new MessageTray.Notification(