747 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const Signals = imports.signals;
const St = imports.gi.St;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Params = imports.misc.params;
const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener;
const ICON_SIZE = 96;
const MIN_ICON_SIZE = 16;
const BaseIcon = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'BaseIcon',
_init : function(label, params) {
params = Params.parse(params, { createIcon: null,
setSizeManually: false,
showLabel: true });
let styleClass = 'overview-icon';
if (params.showLabel)
styleClass += ' overview-icon-with-label';
this.actor = new St.Bin({ style_class: styleClass,
x_fill: true,
y_fill: true });
this.actor._delegate = this;
Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged));
Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy));
this._spacing = 0;
let box = new Shell.GenericContainer();
box.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate));
Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth));
Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight));
this.iconSize = ICON_SIZE;
this._iconBin = new St.Bin({ x_align: St.Align.MIDDLE,
y_align: St.Align.MIDDLE });
if (params.showLabel) {
this.label = new St.Label({ text: label });
} else {
this.label = null;
if (params.createIcon)
this.createIcon = params.createIcon;
this._setSizeManually = params.setSizeManually;
this.icon = null;
let cache = St.TextureCache.get_default();
this._iconThemeChangedId = cache.connect('icon-theme-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onIconThemeChanged));
_allocate: function(actor, box, flags) {
let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
let iconSize = availHeight;
let [iconMinHeight, iconNatHeight] = this._iconBin.get_preferred_height(-1);
let [iconMinWidth, iconNatWidth] = this._iconBin.get_preferred_width(-1);
let preferredHeight = iconNatHeight;
let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
if (this.label) {
let [labelMinHeight, labelNatHeight] = this.label.get_preferred_height(-1);
preferredHeight += this._spacing + labelNatHeight;
let labelHeight = availHeight >= preferredHeight ? labelNatHeight
: labelMinHeight;
iconSize -= this._spacing + labelHeight;
childBox.x1 = 0;
childBox.x2 = availWidth;
childBox.y1 = iconSize + this._spacing;
childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + labelHeight;
this.label.allocate(childBox, flags);
childBox.x1 = Math.floor((availWidth - iconNatWidth) / 2);
childBox.y1 = Math.floor((iconSize - iconNatHeight) / 2);
childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + iconNatWidth;
childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + iconNatHeight;
this._iconBin.allocate(childBox, flags);
_getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) {
this._getPreferredHeight(actor, -1, alloc);
_getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) {
let [iconMinHeight, iconNatHeight] = this._iconBin.get_preferred_height(forWidth);
alloc.min_size = iconMinHeight;
alloc.natural_size = iconNatHeight;
if (this.label) {
let [labelMinHeight, labelNatHeight] = this.label.get_preferred_height(forWidth);
alloc.min_size += this._spacing + labelMinHeight;
alloc.natural_size += this._spacing + labelNatHeight;
// This can be overridden by a subclass, or by the createIcon
// parameter to _init()
createIcon: function(size) {
throw new Error('no implementation of createIcon in ' + this);
setIconSize: function(size) {
if (!this._setSizeManually)
throw new Error('setSizeManually has to be set to use setIconsize');
if (size == this.iconSize)
_createIconTexture: function(size) {
if (this.icon)
this.iconSize = size;
this.icon = this.createIcon(this.iconSize);
this._iconBin.child = this.icon;
// The icon returned by createIcon() might actually be smaller than
// the requested icon size (for instance StTextureCache does this
// for fallback icons), so set the size explicitly.
this._iconBin.set_size(this.iconSize, this.iconSize);
_onStyleChanged: function() {
let node = this.actor.get_theme_node();
this._spacing = node.get_length('spacing');
let size;
if (this._setSizeManually) {
size = this.iconSize;
} else {
let [found, len] = node.lookup_length('icon-size', false);
size = found ? len : ICON_SIZE;
if (this.iconSize == size && this._iconBin.child)
_onDestroy: function() {
if (this._iconThemeChangedId > 0) {
let cache = St.TextureCache.get_default();
this._iconThemeChangedId = 0;
_onIconThemeChanged: function() {
const IconGrid = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'IconGrid',
_init: function(params) {
params = Params.parse(params, { rowLimit: null,
columnLimit: null,
minRows: 1,
minColumns: 1,
fillParent: false,
xAlign: St.Align.MIDDLE,
padWithSpacing: false });
this._rowLimit = params.rowLimit;
this._colLimit = params.columnLimit;
this._minRows = params.minRows;
this._minColumns = params.minColumns;
this._xAlign = params.xAlign;
this._fillParent = params.fillParent;
this._padWithSpacing = params.padWithSpacing;
this.topPadding = 0;
this.bottomPadding = 0;
this.rightPadding = 0;
this.leftPadding = 0;
this.actor = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'icon-grid',
vertical: true });
this._items = [];
// Pulled from CSS, but hardcode some defaults here
this._spacing = 0;
this._hItemSize = this._vItemSize = ICON_SIZE;
this._fixedHItemSize = this._fixedVItemSize = undefined;
this._grid = new Shell.GenericContainer();
this.actor.add(this._grid, { expand: true, y_align: St.Align.START });
this.actor.connect('style-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onStyleChanged));
this._grid.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth));
this._grid.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight));
this._grid.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate));
_getPreferredWidth: function (grid, forHeight, alloc) {
if (this._fillParent)
// Ignore all size requests of children and request a size of 0;
// later we'll allocate as many children as fit the parent
let nChildren = this._grid.get_n_children();
let nColumns = this._colLimit ? Math.min(this._colLimit,
: nChildren;
let totalSpacing = Math.max(0, nColumns - 1) * this._getSpacing();
// Kind of a lie, but not really an issue right now. If
// we wanted to support some sort of hidden/overflow that would
// need higher level design
alloc.min_size = this._getHItemSize() + this.leftPadding + this.rightPadding;
alloc.natural_size = nColumns * this._getHItemSize() + totalSpacing + this.leftPadding + this.rightPadding;
_getVisibleChildren: function() {
let children = this._grid.get_children();
children = children.filter(function(actor) {
return actor.visible;
return children;
_getPreferredHeight: function (grid, forWidth, alloc) {
if (this._fillParent)
// Ignore all size requests of children and request a size of 0;
// later we'll allocate as many children as fit the parent
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
let nColumns;
if (forWidth < 0)
nColumns = children.length;
[nColumns, ] = this._computeLayout(forWidth);
let nRows;
if (nColumns > 0)
nRows = Math.ceil(children.length / nColumns);
nRows = 0;
if (this._rowLimit)
nRows = Math.min(nRows, this._rowLimit);
let totalSpacing = Math.max(0, nRows - 1) * this._getSpacing();
let height = nRows * this._getVItemSize() + totalSpacing + this.topPadding + this.bottomPadding;
alloc.min_size = height;
alloc.natural_size = height;
_allocate: function (grid, box, flags) {
if (this._fillParent) {
// Reset the passed in box to fill the parent
let parentBox = this.actor.get_parent().allocation;
let gridBox = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_content_box(parentBox);
box = this._grid.get_theme_node().get_content_box(gridBox);
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
let spacing = this._getSpacing();
let [nColumns, usedWidth] = this._computeLayout(availWidth);
let leftEmptySpace;
switch(this._xAlign) {
case St.Align.START:
leftEmptySpace = 0;
case St.Align.MIDDLE:
leftEmptySpace = Math.floor((availWidth - usedWidth) / 2);
case St.Align.END:
leftEmptySpace = availWidth - usedWidth;
let x = box.x1 + leftEmptySpace + this.leftPadding;
let y = box.y1 + this.topPadding;
let columnIndex = 0;
let rowIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let childBox = this._calculateChildBox(children[i], x, y, box);
if (this._rowLimit && rowIndex >= this._rowLimit ||
this._fillParent && childBox.y2 > availHeight - this.bottomPadding) {
this._grid.set_skip_paint(children[i], true);
} else {
children[i].allocate(childBox, flags);
this._grid.set_skip_paint(children[i], false);
if (columnIndex == nColumns) {
columnIndex = 0;
if (columnIndex == 0) {
y += this._getVItemSize() + spacing;
x = box.x1 + leftEmptySpace + this.leftPadding;
} else {
x += this._getHItemSize() + spacing;
_calculateChildBox: function(child, x, y, box) {
let [childMinWidth, childMinHeight, childNaturalWidth, childNaturalHeight] =
/* Center the item in its allocation horizontally */
let width = Math.min(this._getHItemSize(), childNaturalWidth);
let childXSpacing = Math.max(0, width - childNaturalWidth) / 2;
let height = Math.min(this._getVItemSize(), childNaturalHeight);
let childYSpacing = Math.max(0, height - childNaturalHeight) / 2;
let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox();
if (Clutter.get_default_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) {
let _x = box.x2 - (x + width);
childBox.x1 = Math.floor(_x - childXSpacing);
} else {
childBox.x1 = Math.floor(x + childXSpacing);
childBox.y1 = Math.floor(y + childYSpacing);
childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + width;
childBox.y2 = childBox.y1 + height;
return childBox;
columnsForWidth: function(rowWidth) {
return this._computeLayout(rowWidth)[0];
getRowLimit: function() {
return this._rowLimit;
_computeLayout: function (forWidth) {
let nColumns = 0;
let usedWidth = this.leftPadding + this.rightPadding;
let spacing = this._getSpacing();
while ((this._colLimit == null || nColumns < this._colLimit) &&
(usedWidth + this._getHItemSize() <= forWidth)) {
usedWidth += this._getHItemSize() + spacing;
nColumns += 1;
if (nColumns > 0)
usedWidth -= spacing;
return [nColumns, usedWidth];
_onStyleChanged: function() {
let themeNode = this.actor.get_theme_node();
this._spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing');
this._hItemSize = themeNode.get_length('-shell-grid-horizontal-item-size') || ICON_SIZE;
this._vItemSize = themeNode.get_length('-shell-grid-vertical-item-size') || ICON_SIZE;
nRows: function(forWidth) {
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
let nColumns = (forWidth < 0) ? children.length : this._computeLayout(forWidth)[0];
let nRows = (nColumns > 0) ? Math.ceil(children.length / nColumns) : 0;
if (this._rowLimit)
nRows = Math.min(nRows, this._rowLimit);
return nRows;
rowsForHeight: function(forHeight) {
return Math.floor((forHeight - (this.topPadding + this.bottomPadding) + this._getSpacing()) / (this._getVItemSize() + this._getSpacing()));
usedHeightForNRows: function(nRows) {
return (this._getVItemSize() + this._getSpacing()) * nRows - this._getSpacing() + this.topPadding + this.bottomPadding;
usedWidth: function(forWidth) {
return this.usedWidthForNColumns(this.columnsForWidth(forWidth));
usedWidthForNColumns: function(columns) {
let usedWidth = columns * (this._getHItemSize() + this._getSpacing());
usedWidth -= this._getSpacing();
return usedWidth + this.leftPadding + this.rightPadding;
removeAll: function() {
this._items = [];
addItem: function(item, index) {
if (!item.icon || !item.icon instanceof BaseIcon) {
log('Only items with a BaseIcon icon property can be added to IconGrid');
if (index !== undefined)
this._grid.insert_child_at_index(item.actor, index);
getItemAtIndex: function(index) {
return this._grid.get_child_at_index(index);
visibleItemsCount: function() {
return this._grid.get_n_children() - this._grid.get_n_skip_paint();
setSpacing: function(spacing) {
this._fixedSpacing = spacing;
_getSpacing: function() {
return this._fixedSpacing ? this._fixedSpacing : this._spacing;
_getHItemSize: function() {
return this._fixedHItemSize ? this._fixedHItemSize : this._hItemSize;
_getVItemSize: function() {
return this._fixedVItemSize ? this._fixedVItemSize : this._vItemSize;
_updateSpacingForSize: function(availWidth, availHeight) {
let maxEmptyVArea = availHeight - this._minRows * this._getVItemSize();
let maxEmptyHArea = availWidth - this._minColumns * this._getHItemSize();
let maxHSpacing, maxVSpacing;
if (this._padWithSpacing) {
// minRows + 1 because we want to put spacing before the first row, so it is like we have one more row
// to divide the empty space
maxVSpacing = Math.floor(maxEmptyVArea / (this._minRows +1));
maxHSpacing = Math.floor(maxEmptyHArea / (this._minColumns +1));
} else {
if (this._minRows <= 1)
maxVSpacing = maxEmptyVArea;
maxVSpacing = Math.floor(maxEmptyVArea / (this._minRows - 1));
if (this._minColumns <= 1)
maxHSpacing = maxEmptyHArea;
maxHSpacing = Math.floor(maxEmptyHArea / (this._minColumns - 1));
let maxSpacing = Math.min(maxHSpacing, maxVSpacing);
// Limit spacing to the item size
maxSpacing = Math.min(maxSpacing, Math.min(this._getVItemSize(), this._getHItemSize()));
// The minimum spacing, regardless of whether it satisfies the row/columng minima,
// is the spacing we get from CSS.
let spacing = Math.max(this._spacing, maxSpacing);
if (this._padWithSpacing)
this.topPadding = this.rightPadding = this.bottomPadding = this.leftPadding = spacing;
* This function must to be called before iconGrid allocation,
* to know how much spacing can the grid has
adaptToSize: function(availWidth, availHeight) {
this._fixedHItemSize = this._hItemSize;
this._fixedVItemSize = this._vItemSize;
this._updateSpacingForSize(availWidth, availHeight);
let spacing = this._getSpacing();
if (this.columnsForWidth(availWidth) < this._minColumns || this.rowsForHeight(availHeight) < this._minRows) {
let neededWidth = this.usedWidthForNColumns(this._minColumns) - availWidth ;
let neededHeight = this.usedHeightForNRows(this._minRows) - availHeight ;
let neededSpacePerItem = (neededWidth > neededHeight) ? Math.ceil(neededWidth / this._minColumns)
: Math.ceil(neededHeight / this._minRows);
this._fixedHItemSize = Math.max(this._hItemSize - neededSpacePerItem, MIN_ICON_SIZE);
this._fixedVItemSize = Math.max(this._vItemSize - neededSpacePerItem, MIN_ICON_SIZE);
if (this._fixedHItemSize < MIN_ICON_SIZE)
this._fixedHItemSize = MIN_ICON_SIZE;
if (this._fixedVItemSize < MIN_ICON_SIZE)
this._fixedVItemSize = MIN_ICON_SIZE;
this._updateSpacingForSize(availWidth, availHeight);
let scale = Math.min(this._fixedHItemSize, this._fixedVItemSize) / Math.max(this._hItemSize, this._vItemSize);
Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._updateChildrenScale(scale); }));
// Note that this is ICON_SIZE as used by BaseIcon, not elsewhere in IconGrid; it's a bit messed up
_updateChildrenScale: function(scale) {
for (let i in this._items) {
let newIconSize = Math.floor(ICON_SIZE * scale);
const PaginatedIconGrid = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'PaginatedIconGrid',
Extends: IconGrid,
_init: function(params) {
this._nPages = 0;
this._rowsPerPage = 0;
this._spaceBetweenPages = 0;
this._childrenPerPage = 0;
_getPreferredHeight: function (grid, forWidth, alloc) {
alloc.min_size = (this._availableHeightPerPageForItems() + this.bottomPadding + this.topPadding) * this._nPages + this._spaceBetweenPages * this._nPages;
alloc.natural_size = (this._availableHeightPerPageForItems() + this.bottomPadding + this.topPadding) * this._nPages + this._spaceBetweenPages * this._nPages;
_allocate: function (grid, box, flags) {
if (this._childrenPerPage == 0)
log('computePages() must be called before allocate(); pagination will not work.');
if (this._fillParent) {
// Reset the passed in box to fill the parent
let parentBox = this.actor.get_parent().allocation;
let gridBox = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_content_box(parentBox);
box = this._grid.get_theme_node().get_content_box(gridBox);
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
let availWidth = box.x2 - box.x1;
let availHeight = box.y2 - box.y1;
let spacing = this._getSpacing();
let [nColumns, usedWidth] = this._computeLayout(availWidth);
let leftEmptySpace;
switch(this._xAlign) {
case St.Align.START:
leftEmptySpace = 0;
case St.Align.MIDDLE:
leftEmptySpace = Math.floor((availWidth - usedWidth) / 2);
case St.Align.END:
leftEmptySpace = availWidth - usedWidth;
let x = box.x1 + leftEmptySpace + this.leftPadding;
let y = box.y1 + this.topPadding;
let columnIndex = 0;
let rowIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let childBox = this._calculateChildBox(children[i], x, y, box);
children[i].allocate(childBox, flags);
this._grid.set_skip_paint(children[i], false);
if (columnIndex == nColumns) {
columnIndex = 0;
if (columnIndex == 0) {
y += this._getVItemSize() + spacing;
if ((i + 1) % this._childrenPerPage == 0)
y += this._spaceBetweenPages - spacing + this.bottomPadding + this.topPadding;
x = box.x1 + leftEmptySpace + this.leftPadding;
} else
x += this._getHItemSize() + spacing;
_computePages: function (availWidthPerPage, availHeightPerPage) {
let [nColumns, usedWidth] = this._computeLayout(availWidthPerPage);
let nRows;
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
if (nColumns > 0)
nRows = Math.ceil(children.length / nColumns);
nRows = 0;
if (this._rowLimit)
nRows = Math.min(nRows, this._rowLimit);
let spacing = this._getSpacing();
// We want to contain the grid inside the parent box with padding
this._rowsPerPage = this.rowsForHeight(availHeightPerPage);
this._nPages = Math.ceil(nRows / this._rowsPerPage);
this._spaceBetweenPages = availHeightPerPage - (this.topPadding + this.bottomPadding) - this._availableHeightPerPageForItems();
this._childrenPerPage = nColumns * this._rowsPerPage;
adaptToSize: function(availWidth, availHeight) {
this.parent(availWidth, availHeight);
this._computePages(availWidth, availHeight);
_availableHeightPerPageForItems: function() {
return this.usedHeightForNRows(this._rowsPerPage) - (this.topPadding + this.bottomPadding);
nPages: function() {
return this._nPages;
getPageY: function(pageNumber) {
if (!this._nPages)
return 0;
let firstPageItem = pageNumber * this._childrenPerPage
let childBox = this._getVisibleChildren()[firstPageItem].get_allocation_box();
return childBox.y1 - this.topPadding;
getItemPage: function(item) {
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
let index = children.indexOf(item);
if (index == -1) {
throw new Error('Item not found.');
return 0;
return Math.floor(index / this._childrenPerPage);
* openExtraSpace:
* @sourceItem: the item for which to create extra space
* @side: where @sourceItem should be located relative to the created space
* @nRows: the amount of space to create
* Pan view to create extra space for @nRows above or below @sourceItem.
openExtraSpace: function(sourceItem, side, nRows) {
let children = this._getVisibleChildren();
let index = children.indexOf(sourceItem.actor);
if (index == -1) {
throw new Error('Item not found.');
let pageIndex = Math.floor(index / this._childrenPerPage);
let pageOffset = pageIndex * this._childrenPerPage;
let childrenPerRow = this._childrenPerPage / this._rowsPerPage;
let sourceRow = Math.floor((index - pageOffset) / childrenPerRow);
let nRowsAbove = (side == St.Side.TOP) ? sourceRow + 1
: sourceRow;
let nRowsBelow = this._rowsPerPage - nRowsAbove;
let nRowsUp, nRowsDown;
if (side == St.Side.TOP) {
nRowsDown = Math.min(nRowsBelow, nRows);
nRowsUp = nRows - nRowsDown;
} else {
nRowsUp = Math.min(nRowsAbove, nRows);
nRowsDown = nRows - nRowsUp;
let childrenDown = children.splice(pageOffset +
nRowsAbove * childrenPerRow,
nRowsBelow * childrenPerRow);
let childrenUp = children.splice(pageOffset,
nRowsAbove * childrenPerRow);
// Special case: On the last row with no rows below the icon,
// there's no need to move any rows either up or down
if (childrenDown.length == 0 && nRowsUp == 0) {
this._translatedChildren = [];
} else {
this._translateChildren(childrenUp, Gtk.DirectionType.UP, nRowsUp);
this._translateChildren(childrenDown, Gtk.DirectionType.DOWN, nRowsDown);
this._translatedChildren = childrenUp.concat(childrenDown);
_translateChildren: function(children, direction, nRows) {
let translationY = nRows * (this._getVItemSize() + this._getSpacing());
if (translationY == 0)
if (direction == Gtk.DirectionType.UP)
translationY *= -1;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
children[i].translation_y = 0;
let params = { translation_y: translationY,
transition: 'easeInOutQuad'
if (i == (children.length - 1))
params.onComplete = Lang.bind(this,
function() {
Tweener.addTween(children[i], params);
closeExtraSpace: function() {
if (!this._translatedChildren || !this._translatedChildren.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < this._translatedChildren.length; i++) {
if (!this._translatedChildren[i].translation_y)
{ translation_y: 0,
transition: 'easeInOutQuad',
onComplete: Lang.bind(this,
function() {