forked from brl/citadel
Bruce Leidl be34ea65f3 upgrade poky layer to 'kirkstone' release 4.0.1
- removed layers meta-rust and meta-clang
- added new dependencies to Makefile
- changed override syntax across all recipe files
- updated conf files from hardknott to kirkstone
- SRC_URI git URLS fixed to always include branch and protocol
- LICENSE fields updated with new naming convention
- updated citadel-tools dependencies

- upgraded mozjs to mozjs-91

No longer needed because poky includes newer version (or new enough):

- glib-2.0
- libgudev
- xorgproto
- libxfixes
- libinput
- wayland-protocols
- vte
2022-05-28 11:20:07 -04:00

23 lines
913 B

SUMMARY = "D-Bus service for accessing the list of user accounts and information attached to those accounts."
HOMEPAGE = "https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/AccountsService"
LICENSE = "GPL-3.0-only"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d32239bcb673463ab874e80d47fae504"
SRC_URI = "https://www.freedesktop.org/software/accountsservice/accountsservice-${PV}.tar.xz"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "6e4c6fbd490260cfe17de2e76f5d803a"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "ff2b2419a7e06bd9cb335ffe391c7409b49a0f0130b890bd54692a3986699c9b"
DEPENDS = "glib-2.0 intltool-native polkit systemd glib-2.0-native dbus"
inherit meson pkgconfig gettext gobject-introspection
FILES:${PN} += "\
${datadir}/dbus-1/interfaces/*.xml \
${datadir}/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.Accounts.service \
${datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.accounts.policy \
${systemd_system_unitdir} \
EXTRA_OEMESON = "-Dsystemd=true"