forked from brl/citadel

593 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2012 Intel, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
This module implements python implements a way to get file block. Two methods
are supported - the FIEMAP ioctl and the 'SEEK_HOLE / SEEK_DATA' features of
the file seek syscall. The former is implemented by the 'FilemapFiemap' class,
the latter is implemented by the 'FilemapSeek' class. Both classes provide the
same API. The 'filemap' function automatically selects which class can be used
and returns an instance of the class.
# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
# * Too many instance attributes (R0902)
# pylint: disable=R0902
import os
import struct
import array
import fcntl
import tempfile
import logging
def get_block_size(file_obj):
Returns block size for file object 'file_obj'. Errors are indicated by the
'IOError' exception.
# Get the block size of the host file-system for the image file by calling
# the FIGETBSZ ioctl (number 2).
binary_data = fcntl.ioctl(file_obj, 2, struct.pack('I', 0))
return struct.unpack('I', binary_data)[0]
class ErrorNotSupp(Exception):
An exception of this type is raised when the 'FIEMAP' or 'SEEK_HOLE' feature
is not supported either by the kernel or the file-system.
class Error(Exception):
"""A class for all the other exceptions raised by this module."""
class _FilemapBase(object):
This is a base class for a couple of other classes in this module. This
class simply performs the common parts of the initialization process: opens
the image file, gets its size, etc. The 'log' parameter is the logger object
to use for printing messages.
def __init__(self, image, log=None):
Initialize a class instance. The 'image' argument is full path to the
file or file object to operate on.
self._log = log
if self._log is None:
self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._f_image_needs_close = False
if hasattr(image, "fileno"):
self._f_image = image
self._image_path = image.name
self._image_path = image
self.image_size = os.fstat(self._f_image.fileno()).st_size
except IOError as err:
raise Error("cannot get information about file '%s': %s"
% (self._f_image.name, err))
self.block_size = get_block_size(self._f_image)
except IOError as err:
raise Error("cannot get block size for '%s': %s"
% (self._image_path, err))
self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
self.blocks_cnt //= self.block_size
except IOError as err:
raise Error("cannot flush image file '%s': %s"
% (self._image_path, err))
except OSError as err:
raise Error("cannot synchronize image file '%s': %s "
% (self._image_path, err.strerror))
self._log.debug("opened image \"%s\"" % self._image_path)
self._log.debug("block size %d, blocks count %d, image size %d"
% (self.block_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.image_size))
def __del__(self):
"""The class destructor which just closes the image file."""
if self._f_image_needs_close:
def _open_image_file(self):
"""Open the image file."""
self._f_image = open(self._image_path, 'rb')
except IOError as err:
raise Error("cannot open image file '%s': %s"
% (self._image_path, err))
self._f_image_needs_close = True
def block_is_mapped(self, block): # pylint: disable=W0613,R0201
This method has has to be implemented by child classes. It returns
'True' if block number 'block' of the image file is mapped and 'False'
raise Error("the method is not implemented")
def block_is_unmapped(self, block): # pylint: disable=W0613,R0201
This method has has to be implemented by child classes. It returns
'True' if block number 'block' of the image file is not mapped (hole)
and 'False' otherwise.
raise Error("the method is not implemented")
def get_mapped_ranges(self, start, count): # pylint: disable=W0613,R0201
This method has has to be implemented by child classes. This is a
generator which yields ranges of mapped blocks in the file. The ranges
are tuples of 2 elements: [first, last], where 'first' is the first
mapped block and 'last' is the last mapped block.
The ranges are yielded for the area of the file of size 'count' blocks,
starting from block 'start'.
raise Error("the method is not implemented")
def get_unmapped_ranges(self, start, count): # pylint: disable=W0613,R0201
This method has has to be implemented by child classes. Just like
'get_mapped_ranges()', but yields unmapped block ranges instead
raise Error("the method is not implemented")
# The 'SEEK_HOLE' and 'SEEK_DATA' options of the file seek system call
def _lseek(file_obj, offset, whence):
"""This is a helper function which invokes 'os.lseek' for file object
'file_obj' and with specified 'offset' and 'whence'. The 'whence'
argument is supposed to be either '_SEEK_DATA' or '_SEEK_HOLE'. When
there is no more data or hole starting from 'offset', this function
returns '-1'. Otherwise the data or hole position is returned."""
return os.lseek(file_obj.fileno(), offset, whence)
except OSError as err:
# The 'lseek' system call returns the ENXIO if there is no data or
# hole starting from the specified offset.
if err.errno == os.errno.ENXIO:
return -1
elif err.errno == os.errno.EINVAL:
raise ErrorNotSupp("the kernel or file-system does not support "
"\"SEEK_HOLE\" and \"SEEK_DATA\"")
class FilemapSeek(_FilemapBase):
This class uses the 'SEEK_HOLE' and 'SEEK_DATA' to find file block mapping.
Unfortunately, the current implementation requires the caller to have write
access to the image file.
def __init__(self, image, log=None):
"""Refer the '_FilemapBase' class for the documentation."""
# Call the base class constructor first
_FilemapBase.__init__(self, image, log)
self._log.debug("FilemapSeek: initializing")
def _probe_seek_hole(self):
Check whether the system implements 'SEEK_HOLE' and 'SEEK_DATA'.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no clean way for detecting this,
because often the system just fakes them by just assuming that all
files are fully mapped, so 'SEEK_HOLE' always returns EOF and
'SEEK_DATA' always returns the requested offset.
I could not invent a better way of detecting the fake 'SEEK_HOLE'
implementation than just to create a temporary file in the same
directory where the image file resides. It would be nice to change this
to something better.
directory = os.path.dirname(self._image_path)
tmp_obj = tempfile.TemporaryFile("w+", dir=directory)
except IOError as err:
raise ErrorNotSupp("cannot create a temporary in \"%s\": %s" \
% (directory, err))
os.ftruncate(tmp_obj.fileno(), self.block_size)
except OSError as err:
raise ErrorNotSupp("cannot truncate temporary file in \"%s\": %s"
% (directory, err))
offs = _lseek(tmp_obj, 0, _SEEK_HOLE)
if offs != 0:
# We are dealing with the stub 'SEEK_HOLE' implementation which
# always returns EOF.
self._log.debug("lseek(0, SEEK_HOLE) returned %d" % offs)
raise ErrorNotSupp("the file-system does not support "
"\"SEEK_HOLE\" and \"SEEK_DATA\" but only "
"provides a stub implementation")
def block_is_mapped(self, block):
"""Refer the '_FilemapBase' class for the documentation."""
offs = _lseek(self._f_image, block * self.block_size, _SEEK_DATA)
if offs == -1:
result = False
result = (offs // self.block_size == block)
self._log.debug("FilemapSeek: block_is_mapped(%d) returns %s"
% (block, result))
return result
def block_is_unmapped(self, block):
"""Refer the '_FilemapBase' class for the documentation."""
return not self.block_is_mapped(block)
def _get_ranges(self, start, count, whence1, whence2):
This function implements 'get_mapped_ranges()' and
'get_unmapped_ranges()' depending on what is passed in the 'whence1'
and 'whence2' arguments.
assert whence1 != whence2
end = start * self.block_size
limit = end + count * self.block_size
while True:
start = _lseek(self._f_image, end, whence1)
if start == -1 or start >= limit or start == self.image_size:
end = _lseek(self._f_image, start, whence2)
if end == -1 or end == self.image_size:
end = self.blocks_cnt * self.block_size
if end > limit:
end = limit
start_blk = start // self.block_size
end_blk = end // self.block_size - 1
self._log.debug("FilemapSeek: yielding range (%d, %d)"
% (start_blk, end_blk))
yield (start_blk, end_blk)
def get_mapped_ranges(self, start, count):
"""Refer the '_FilemapBase' class for the documentation."""
self._log.debug("FilemapSeek: get_mapped_ranges(%d, %d(%d))"
% (start, count, start + count - 1))
return self._get_ranges(start, count, _SEEK_DATA, _SEEK_HOLE)
def get_unmapped_ranges(self, start, count):
"""Refer the '_FilemapBase' class for the documentation."""
self._log.debug("FilemapSeek: get_unmapped_ranges(%d, %d(%d))"
% (start, count, start + count - 1))
return self._get_ranges(start, count, _SEEK_HOLE, _SEEK_DATA)
# Below goes the FIEMAP ioctl implementation, which is not very readable
# because it deals with the rather complex FIEMAP ioctl. To understand the
# code, you need to know the FIEMAP interface, which is documented in the
# "Documentation/filesystems/fiemap.txt" file in the Linux kernel sources.
# Format string for 'struct fiemap'
# sizeof(struct fiemap)
_FIEMAP_SIZE = struct.calcsize(_FIEMAP_FORMAT)
# Format string for 'struct fiemap_extent'
# sizeof(struct fiemap_extent)
# The FIEMAP ioctl number
_FIEMAP_IOCTL = 0xC020660B
# This FIEMAP ioctl flag which instructs the kernel to sync the file before
# reading the block map
_FIEMAP_FLAG_SYNC = 0x00000001
# Size of the buffer for 'struct fiemap_extent' elements which will be used
# when invoking the FIEMAP ioctl. The larger is the buffer, the less times the
# FIEMAP ioctl will be invoked.
_FIEMAP_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 * 1024
class FilemapFiemap(_FilemapBase):
This class provides API to the FIEMAP ioctl. Namely, it allows to iterate
over all mapped blocks and over all holes.
This class synchronizes the image file every time it invokes the FIEMAP
ioctl in order to work-around early FIEMAP implementation kernel bugs.
def __init__(self, image, log=None):
Initialize a class instance. The 'image' argument is full the file
object to operate on.
# Call the base class constructor first
_FilemapBase.__init__(self, image, log)
self._log.debug("FilemapFiemap: initializing")
self._buf_size = _FIEMAP_BUFFER_SIZE
# Calculate how many 'struct fiemap_extent' elements fit the buffer
self._buf_size -= _FIEMAP_SIZE
self._fiemap_extent_cnt = self._buf_size // _FIEMAP_EXTENT_SIZE
assert self._fiemap_extent_cnt > 0
self._buf_size = self._fiemap_extent_cnt * _FIEMAP_EXTENT_SIZE
self._buf_size += _FIEMAP_SIZE
# Allocate a mutable buffer for the FIEMAP ioctl
self._buf = array.array('B', [0] * self._buf_size)
# Check if the FIEMAP ioctl is supported
def _invoke_fiemap(self, block, count):
Invoke the FIEMAP ioctl for 'count' blocks of the file starting from
block number 'block'.
The full result of the operation is stored in 'self._buf' on exit.
Returns the unpacked 'struct fiemap' data structure in form of a python
list (just like 'struct.upack()').
if self.blocks_cnt != 0 and (block < 0 or block >= self.blocks_cnt):
raise Error("bad block number %d, should be within [0, %d]"
% (block, self.blocks_cnt))
# Initialize the 'struct fiemap' part of the buffer. We use the
# '_FIEMAP_FLAG_SYNC' flag in order to make sure the file is
# synchronized. The reason for this is that early FIEMAP
# implementations had many bugs related to cached dirty data, and
# synchronizing the file is a necessary work-around.
struct.pack_into(_FIEMAP_FORMAT, self._buf, 0, block * self.block_size,
count * self.block_size, _FIEMAP_FLAG_SYNC, 0,
self._fiemap_extent_cnt, 0)
fcntl.ioctl(self._f_image, _FIEMAP_IOCTL, self._buf, 1)
except IOError as err:
# Note, the FIEMAP ioctl is supported by the Linux kernel starting
# from version 2.6.28 (year 2008).
if err.errno == os.errno.EOPNOTSUPP:
errstr = "FilemapFiemap: the FIEMAP ioctl is not supported " \
"by the file-system"
raise ErrorNotSupp(errstr)
if err.errno == os.errno.ENOTTY:
errstr = "FilemapFiemap: the FIEMAP ioctl is not supported " \
"by the kernel"
raise ErrorNotSupp(errstr)
raise Error("the FIEMAP ioctl failed for '%s': %s"
% (self._image_path, err))
return struct.unpack(_FIEMAP_FORMAT, self._buf[:_FIEMAP_SIZE])
def block_is_mapped(self, block):
"""Refer the '_FilemapBase' class for the documentation."""
struct_fiemap = self._invoke_fiemap(block, 1)
# The 3rd element of 'struct_fiemap' is the 'fm_mapped_extents' field.
# If it contains zero, the block is not mapped, otherwise it is
# mapped.
result = bool(struct_fiemap[3])
self._log.debug("FilemapFiemap: block_is_mapped(%d) returns %s"
% (block, result))
return result
def block_is_unmapped(self, block):
"""Refer the '_FilemapBase' class for the documentation."""
return not self.block_is_mapped(block)
def _unpack_fiemap_extent(self, index):
Unpack a 'struct fiemap_extent' structure object number 'index' from
the internal 'self._buf' buffer.
return struct.unpack(_FIEMAP_EXTENT_FORMAT,
self._buf[offset : offset + _FIEMAP_EXTENT_SIZE])
def _do_get_mapped_ranges(self, start, count):
Implements most the functionality for the 'get_mapped_ranges()'
generator: invokes the FIEMAP ioctl, walks through the mapped extents
and yields mapped block ranges. However, the ranges may be consecutive
(e.g., (1, 100), (100, 200)) and 'get_mapped_ranges()' simply merges
block = start
while block < start + count:
struct_fiemap = self._invoke_fiemap(block, count)
mapped_extents = struct_fiemap[3]
if mapped_extents == 0:
# No more mapped blocks
extent = 0
while extent < mapped_extents:
fiemap_extent = self._unpack_fiemap_extent(extent)
# Start of the extent
extent_start = fiemap_extent[0]
# Starting block number of the extent
extent_block = extent_start // self.block_size
# Length of the extent
extent_len = fiemap_extent[2]
# Count of blocks in the extent
extent_count = extent_len // self.block_size
# Extent length and offset have to be block-aligned
assert extent_start % self.block_size == 0
assert extent_len % self.block_size == 0
if extent_block > start + count - 1:
first = max(extent_block, block)
last = min(extent_block + extent_count, start + count) - 1
yield (first, last)
extent += 1
block = extent_block + extent_count
def get_mapped_ranges(self, start, count):
"""Refer the '_FilemapBase' class for the documentation."""
self._log.debug("FilemapFiemap: get_mapped_ranges(%d, %d(%d))"
% (start, count, start + count - 1))
iterator = self._do_get_mapped_ranges(start, count)
first_prev, last_prev = next(iterator)
for first, last in iterator:
if last_prev == first - 1:
last_prev = last
self._log.debug("FilemapFiemap: yielding range (%d, %d)"
% (first_prev, last_prev))
yield (first_prev, last_prev)
first_prev, last_prev = first, last
self._log.debug("FilemapFiemap: yielding range (%d, %d)"
% (first_prev, last_prev))
yield (first_prev, last_prev)
def get_unmapped_ranges(self, start, count):
"""Refer the '_FilemapBase' class for the documentation."""
self._log.debug("FilemapFiemap: get_unmapped_ranges(%d, %d(%d))"
% (start, count, start + count - 1))
hole_first = start
for first, last in self._do_get_mapped_ranges(start, count):
if first > hole_first:
self._log.debug("FilemapFiemap: yielding range (%d, %d)"
% (hole_first, first - 1))
yield (hole_first, first - 1)
hole_first = last + 1
if hole_first < start + count:
self._log.debug("FilemapFiemap: yielding range (%d, %d)"
% (hole_first, start + count - 1))
yield (hole_first, start + count - 1)
def filemap(image, log=None):
Create and return an instance of a Filemap class - 'FilemapFiemap' or
'FilemapSeek', depending on what the system we run on supports. If the
FIEMAP ioctl is supported, an instance of the 'FilemapFiemap' class is
returned. Otherwise, if 'SEEK_HOLE' is supported an instance of the
'FilemapSeek' class is returned. If none of these are supported, the
function generates an 'Error' type exception.
return FilemapFiemap(image, log)
except ErrorNotSupp:
return FilemapSeek(image, log)
def sparse_copy(src_fname, dst_fname, skip=0, seek=0,
length=0, api=None):
Efficiently copy sparse file to or into another file.
src_fname: path to source file
dst_fname: path to destination file
skip: skip N bytes at thestart of src
seek: seek N bytes from the start of dst
length: read N bytes from src and write them to dst
api: FilemapFiemap or FilemapSeek object
if not api:
api = filemap
fmap = api(src_fname)
dst_file = open(dst_fname, 'r+b')
except IOError:
dst_file = open(dst_fname, 'wb')
if length:
dst_size = length + seek
dst_size = os.path.getsize(src_fname) + seek - skip
written = 0
for first, last in fmap.get_mapped_ranges(0, fmap.blocks_cnt):
start = first * fmap.block_size
end = (last + 1) * fmap.block_size
if skip >= end:
if start < skip < end:
start = skip
fmap._f_image.seek(start, os.SEEK_SET)
written += start - skip - written
if length and written >= length:
dst_file.seek(seek + length, os.SEEK_SET)
dst_file.seek(seek + start - skip, os.SEEK_SET)
chunk_size = 1024 * 1024
to_read = end - start
read = 0
while read < to_read:
if read + chunk_size > to_read:
chunk_size = to_read - read
size = chunk_size
if length and written + size > length:
size = length - written
chunk = fmap._f_image.read(size)
read += size
written += size
if written == length: