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# Toaster helper class
# Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation
# Released under the MIT license (see COPYING.MIT)
# This bbclass is designed to extract data used by OE-Core during the build process,
# for recording in the Toaster system.
# The data access is synchronous, preserving the build data integrity across
# different builds.
# The data is transferred through the event system, using the MetadataEvent objects.
# The model is to enable the datadump functions as postfuncs, and have the dump
# executed after the real taskfunc has been executed. This prevents task signature changing
# is toaster is enabled or not. Build performance is not affected if Toaster is not enabled.
# To enable, use INHERIT in local.conf:
# INHERIT += "toaster"
# Find and dump layer info when we got the layers parsed
python toaster_layerinfo_dumpdata() {
import subprocess
def _get_git_branch(layer_path):
branch = subprocess.Popen("git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null ", cwd=layer_path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
branch = branch.decode('utf-8')
branch = branch.replace('refs/heads/', '').rstrip()
return branch
def _get_git_revision(layer_path):
revision = subprocess.Popen("git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null ", cwd=layer_path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip()
return revision
def _get_url_map_name(layer_name):
""" Some layers have a different name on openembedded.org site,
this method returns the correct name to use in the URL
url_name = layer_name
url_mapping = {'meta': 'openembedded-core'}
for key in url_mapping.keys():
if key == layer_name:
url_name = url_mapping[key]
return url_name
def _get_layer_version_information(layer_path):
layer_version_info = {}
layer_version_info['branch'] = _get_git_branch(layer_path)
layer_version_info['commit'] = _get_git_revision(layer_path)
layer_version_info['priority'] = 0
return layer_version_info
def _get_layer_dict(layer_path):
layer_info = {}
layer_name = layer_path.split('/')[-1]
layer_url = 'http://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/layer/{layer}/'
layer_url_name = _get_url_map_name(layer_name)
layer_info['name'] = layer_url_name
layer_info['local_path'] = layer_path
layer_info['layer_index_url'] = layer_url.format(layer=layer_url_name)
layer_info['version'] = _get_layer_version_information(layer_path)
return layer_info
bblayers = e.data.getVar("BBLAYERS")
llayerinfo = {}
for layer in { l for l in bblayers.strip().split(" ") if len(l) }:
llayerinfo[layer] = _get_layer_dict(layer)
bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("LayerInfo", llayerinfo), e.data)
# Dump package file info data
def _toaster_load_pkgdatafile(dirpath, filepath):
import json
import re
pkgdata = {}
with open(os.path.join(dirpath, filepath), "r") as fin:
for line in fin:
kn, kv = line.strip().split(": ", 1)
m = re.match(r"^PKG_([^A-Z:]*)", kn)
if m:
pkgdata['OPKGN'] = m.group(1)
kn = "_".join([x for x in kn.split("_") if x.isupper()])
pkgdata[kn] = kv.strip()
if kn == 'FILES_INFO':
pkgdata[kn] = json.loads(kv)
except ValueError:
pass # ignore lines without valid key: value pairs
return pkgdata
python toaster_package_dumpdata() {
Dumps the data about the packages created by a recipe
# No need to try and dumpdata if the recipe isn't generating packages
if not d.getVar('PACKAGES'):
pkgdatadir = d.getVar('PKGDESTWORK')
lpkgdata = {}
datadir = os.path.join(pkgdatadir, 'runtime')
# scan and send data for each generated package
for datafile in os.listdir(datadir):
if not datafile.endswith('.packaged'):
lpkgdata = _toaster_load_pkgdatafile(datadir, datafile)
# Fire an event containing the pkg data
bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("SinglePackageInfo", lpkgdata), d)
# 2. Dump output image files information
python toaster_artifact_dumpdata() {
Dump data about SDK variables
event_data = {
bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("SDKArtifactInfo", event_data), d)
# collect list of buildstats files based on fired events; when the build completes, collect all stats and fire an event with collected data
python toaster_collect_task_stats() {
import bb.build
import bb.event
import bb.data
import bb.utils
import os
if not e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE'):
return # if we don't have buildstats, we cannot collect stats
toaster_statlist_file = os.path.join(e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE'), "toasterstatlist")
def stat_to_float(value):
return float(value.strip('% \n\r'))
def _append_read_list(v):
lock = bb.utils.lockfile(e.data.expand("${TOPDIR}/toaster.lock"), False, True)
with open(toaster_statlist_file, "a") as fout:
taskdir = e.data.expand("${BUILDSTATS_BASE}/${BUILDNAME}/${PF}")
fout.write("%s::%s::%s::%s\n" % (e.taskfile, e.taskname, os.path.join(taskdir, e.task), e.data.expand("${PN}")))
def _read_stats(filename):
# seconds
cpu_time_user = 0
cpu_time_system = 0
# bytes
disk_io_read = 0
disk_io_write = 0
started = 0
ended = 0
taskname = ''
statinfo = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as task_bs:
for line in task_bs.readlines():
k,v = line.strip().split(": ", 1)
statinfo[k] = v
if "Started" in statinfo:
started = stat_to_float(statinfo["Started"])
if "Ended" in statinfo:
ended = stat_to_float(statinfo["Ended"])
if "Child rusage ru_utime" in statinfo:
cpu_time_user = cpu_time_user + stat_to_float(statinfo["Child rusage ru_utime"])
if "Child rusage ru_stime" in statinfo:
cpu_time_system = cpu_time_system + stat_to_float(statinfo["Child rusage ru_stime"])
if "IO write_bytes" in statinfo:
write_bytes = int(statinfo["IO write_bytes"].strip('% \n\r'))
disk_io_write = disk_io_write + write_bytes
if "IO read_bytes" in statinfo:
read_bytes = int(statinfo["IO read_bytes"].strip('% \n\r'))
disk_io_read = disk_io_read + read_bytes
return {
'stat_file': filename,
'cpu_time_user': cpu_time_user,
'cpu_time_system': cpu_time_system,
'disk_io_read': disk_io_read,
'disk_io_write': disk_io_write,
'started': started,
'ended': ended
if isinstance(e, (bb.build.TaskSucceeded, bb.build.TaskFailed)):
if isinstance(e, bb.event.BuildCompleted) and os.path.exists(toaster_statlist_file):
events = []
with open(toaster_statlist_file, "r") as fin:
for line in fin:
(taskfile, taskname, filename, recipename) = line.strip().split("::")
stats = _read_stats(filename)
events.append((taskfile, taskname, stats, recipename))
bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("BuildStatsList", events), e.data)
# dump relevant build history data as an event when the build is completed
python toaster_buildhistory_dump() {
import re
BUILDHISTORY_DIR = e.data.expand("${TOPDIR}/buildhistory")
pkgdata_dir = e.data.getVar("PKGDATA_DIR")
# scan the build targets for this build
images = {}
allpkgs = {}
files = {}
for target in e._pkgs:
target = target.split(':')[0] # strip ':<task>' suffix from the target
installed_img_path = e.data.expand(os.path.join(BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE_BASE, target))
if os.path.exists(installed_img_path):
images[target] = {}
files[target] = {}
files[target]['dirs'] = []
files[target]['syms'] = []
files[target]['files'] = []
with open("%s/installed-package-sizes.txt" % installed_img_path, "r") as fin:
for line in fin:
line = line.rstrip(";")
psize, punit, pname = line.split()
# this size is "installed-size" as it measures how much space it takes on disk
images[target][pname.strip()] = {'size':int(psize)*1024, 'depends' : []}
with open("%s/depends.dot" % installed_img_path, "r") as fin:
p = re.compile(r'\s*"(?P<name>[^"]+)"\s*->\s*"(?P<dep>[^"]+)"(?P<rec>.*?\[style=dotted\])?')
for line in fin:
m = p.match(line)
if not m:
pname = m.group('name')
dependsname = m.group('dep')
deptype = 'recommends' if m.group('rec') else 'depends'
# If RPM is used for packaging, then there may be
# dependencies such as "/bin/sh", which will confuse
# _toaster_load_pkgdatafile() later on. While at it, ignore
# any dependencies that contain parentheses, e.g.,
# "libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.7)".
if dependsname.startswith('/') or '(' in dependsname:
if not pname in images[target]:
images[target][pname] = {'size': 0, 'depends' : []}
if not dependsname in images[target]:
images[target][dependsname] = {'size': 0, 'depends' : []}
images[target][pname]['depends'].append((dependsname, deptype))
# files-in-image.txt is only generated if an image file is created,
# so the file entries ('syms', 'dirs', 'files') for a target will be
# empty for rootfs builds and other "image" tasks which don't
# produce image files
# (e.g. "bitbake core-image-minimal -c populate_sdk")
files_in_image_path = "%s/files-in-image.txt" % installed_img_path
if os.path.exists(files_in_image_path):
with open(files_in_image_path, "r") as fin:
for line in fin:
lc = [ x for x in line.strip().split(" ") if len(x) > 0 ]
if lc[0].startswith("l"):
elif lc[0].startswith("d"):
for pname in images[target]:
if not pname in allpkgs:
pkgdata = _toaster_load_pkgdatafile("%s/runtime-reverse/" % pkgdata_dir, pname)
except IOError as err:
if err.errno == 2:
# We expect this e.g. for RRECOMMENDS that are unsatisfied at runtime
allpkgs[pname] = pkgdata
data = { 'pkgdata' : allpkgs, 'imgdata' : images, 'filedata' : files }
bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("ImagePkgList", data), e.data)
# get list of artifacts from sstate manifest
python toaster_artifacts() {
if e.taskname in ["do_deploy", "do_image_complete", "do_populate_sdk", "do_populate_sdk_ext"]:
d2 = d.createCopy()
d2.setVar('FILE', e.taskfile)
# Use 'stamp-extra-info' if present, else use workaround
# to determine 'SSTATE_MANMACH'
extrainf = d2.getVarFlag(e.taskname, 'stamp-extra-info')
if extrainf:
d2.setVar('SSTATE_MANMACH', extrainf)
if "do_populate_sdk" == e.taskname:
d2.setVar('SSTATE_MANMACH', d2.expand("${MACHINE}${SDKMACHINE}"))
d2.setVar('SSTATE_MANMACH', d2.expand("${MACHINE}"))
manifest = oe.sstatesig.sstate_get_manifest_filename(e.taskname[3:], d2)[0]
if os.access(manifest, os.R_OK):
with open(manifest) as fmanifest:
artifacts = [fname.strip() for fname in fmanifest]
data = {"task": e.taskid, "artifacts": artifacts}
bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("TaskArtifacts", data), d2)
# set event handlers
addhandler toaster_layerinfo_dumpdata
toaster_layerinfo_dumpdata[eventmask] = "bb.event.TreeDataPreparationCompleted"
addhandler toaster_collect_task_stats
toaster_collect_task_stats[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildCompleted bb.build.TaskSucceeded bb.build.TaskFailed"
addhandler toaster_buildhistory_dump
toaster_buildhistory_dump[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildCompleted"
addhandler toaster_artifacts
toaster_artifacts[eventmask] = "bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskSkipped bb.runqueue.runQueueTaskCompleted"
do_packagedata_setscene[postfuncs] += "toaster_package_dumpdata "
do_packagedata_setscene[vardepsexclude] += "toaster_package_dumpdata "
do_package[postfuncs] += "toaster_package_dumpdata "
do_package[vardepsexclude] += "toaster_package_dumpdata "
#do_populate_sdk[postfuncs] += "toaster_artifact_dumpdata "
#do_populate_sdk[vardepsexclude] += "toaster_artifact_dumpdata "
#do_populate_sdk_ext[postfuncs] += "toaster_artifact_dumpdata "
#do_populate_sdk_ext[vardepsexclude] += "toaster_artifact_dumpdata "