use std::cell::RefCell; use std::fs::{self,File}; use std::io::{self,Write}; use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use std::time::Instant; use pwhash::sha512_crypt; use libcitadel::util; use libcitadel::RealmFS; use libcitadel::Result; use libcitadel::OsRelease; use libcitadel::KeyRing; use libcitadel::terminal::Base16Scheme; use libcitadel::UtsName; const LUKS_UUID: &str = "683a17fc-4457-42cc-a946-cde67195a101"; const EXTRA_IMAGE_NAME: &str = "citadel-extra.img"; const INSTALL_MOUNT: &str = "/run/installer/mnt"; const LUKS_PASSPHRASE_FILE: &str = "/run/installer/luks-passphrase"; const DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY: &str = "/run/citadel/images"; const KERNEL_CMDLINE: &str = "add_efi_memmap intel_iommu=off cryptomgr.notests rcupdate.rcu_expedited=1 rcu_nocbs=0-64 tsc=reliable no_timer_check noreplace-smp i915.fastboot=1 quiet splash"; const GLOBAL_REALM_CONFIG: &str = "\ realmfs = 'main' realm-depends = ['apt-cacher'] "; const LIVE_REALM_CONFIG: &str = "\ realmfs = 'base' overlay = 'tmpfs' realm-depends = ['apt-cacher'] "; const APT_CACHER_CONFIG: &str = "\ use-shared-dir = false use-sound = false use-x11 = false use-wayland = false system-realm = true reserved-ip = 213 extra-bindmounts-ro = [ '/usr/share/apt-cacher-ng' ] "; const MAIN_CONFIG: &str = "\ terminal-scheme = '$SCHEME' use-media-dir = true "; const MAIN_TERMINAL_SCHEME: &str = "embers"; const PARTITION_COMMANDS: &[&str] = &[ "/sbin/blkdeactivate $TARGET", "/sbin/parted -s $TARGET mklabel gpt", "/sbin/parted -s $TARGET mkpart boot fat32 1MiB 513MiB", "/sbin/parted -s $TARGET set 1 boot on", "/sbin/parted -s $TARGET mkpart data ext4 513MiB 100%", "/sbin/parted -s $TARGET set 2 lvm on", ]; const LUKS_COMMANDS: &[&str] = &[ "/sbin/cryptsetup -q --uuid=$LUKS_UUID luksFormat $LUKS_PARTITION $LUKS_PASSFILE", "/sbin/cryptsetup open --type luks --key-file $LUKS_PASSFILE $LUKS_PARTITION luks-install", ]; const LVM_COMMANDS: &[&str] = &[ "/sbin/pvcreate -ff --yes /dev/mapper/luks-install", "/sbin/vgcreate --yes citadel /dev/mapper/luks-install", "/sbin/lvcreate --yes --size 2g --name rootfsA citadel", "/sbin/lvcreate --yes --size 2g --name rootfsB citadel", "/sbin/lvcreate --yes --extents 100%VG --name storage citadel", ]; const CREATE_STORAGE_COMMANDS: &[&str] = &[ "/bin/mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/citadel-storage", "/bin/mount /dev/mapper/citadel-storage $INSTALL_MOUNT", ]; const FINISH_COMMANDS: &[&str] = &[ "/bin/lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,TYPE,FSTYPE $TARGET", "/sbin/vgchange -an citadel", "/sbin/cryptsetup luksClose luks-install", ]; const LOADER_CONF: &str = "\ default boot timeout 5 "; const BOOT_CONF: &str = "\ title Subgraph OS (Citadel $KERNEL_VERSION) linux /bzImage-$KERNEL_VERSION options root=/dev/mapper/rootfs $KERNEL_CMDLINE "; const SYSLINUX_CONF: &str = "\ UI menu.c32 PROMPT 0 MENU TITLE Boot Subgraph OS (Citadel) TIMEOUT 50 DEFAULT subgraph LABEL subgraph MENU LABEL Subgraph OS LINUX ../bzImage-$KERNEL_VERSION APPEND root=/dev/mapper/rootfs $KERNEL_CMDLINE "; #[derive(PartialEq)] enum InstallType { LiveSetup, Install, } pub struct Installer { _type: InstallType, install_syslinux: bool, storage_base: PathBuf, target_device: Option, citadel_passphrase: Option, passphrase: Option, artifact_directory: String, logfile: Option>, } impl Installer { pub fn new>(target_device: P, citadel_passphrase: &str, passphrase: &str) -> Installer { let target_device = Some(target_device.as_ref().to_owned()); let citadel_passphrase = Some(citadel_passphrase.to_owned()); let passphrase = Some(passphrase.to_owned()); Installer { _type: InstallType::Install, install_syslinux: true, storage_base: PathBuf::from(INSTALL_MOUNT), target_device, citadel_passphrase, passphrase, artifact_directory: DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY.to_string(), logfile: None, } } pub fn new_livesetup() -> Installer { Installer { _type: InstallType::LiveSetup, install_syslinux: false, storage_base: PathBuf::from("/sysroot/storage"), target_device: None, citadel_passphrase: None, passphrase: None, artifact_directory: DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY.to_string(), logfile: None, } } fn target(&self) -> &Path { self.target_device.as_ref().expect("No target device") } fn target_str(&self) -> &str { } fn citadel_passphrase(&self) -> &str { self.citadel_passphrase.as_ref().expect("No citadel passphrase") } fn passphrase(&self) -> &str { self.passphrase.as_ref().expect("No passphrase") } fn storage(&self) -> &Path { &self.storage_base } pub fn set_install_syslinux(&mut self, val: bool) { self.install_syslinux = val; } pub fn verify(&self) -> Result<()> { let kernel_img = self.kernel_imagename(); let bzimage = format!("bzImage-{}", self.kernel_version()); let artifacts = vec![ "bootx64.efi", bzimage.as_str(), kernel_img.as_str(), EXTRA_IMAGE_NAME, ]; if ! { bail!("target device {:?} does not exist",; } for a in artifacts { if !self.artifact_path(a).exists() { bail!("required install artifact {} does not exist in {}", a, self.artifact_directory); } } Ok(()) } pub fn run(&self) -> Result<()> { match self._type { InstallType::Install => self.run_install(), InstallType::LiveSetup => self.run_live_setup(), } } pub fn run_install(&self) -> Result<()> { let start = Instant::now(); self.partition_disk()?; self.setup_luks()?; self.setup_lvm()?; self.setup_boot()?; self.create_storage()?; self.install_rootfs_partitions()?; self.finish_install()?; self.header(format!("Install completed successfully in {} seconds", start.elapsed().as_secs()))?; Ok(()) } pub fn run_live_setup(&self) -> Result<()> { self.cmd_list(&[ "/bin/mount -t tmpfs var-tmpfs /sysroot/var", "/bin/mount -t tmpfs home-tmpfs /sysroot/home", "/bin/mount -t tmpfs storage-tmpfs /sysroot/storage", ], &[])?; util::create_dir("/sysroot/storage/realms")?; self.cmd("/bin/mount --bind /sysroot/storage/realms /sysroot/realms")?; let cmdline = util::read_to_string("/proc/cmdline")?; if cmdline.contains("") { self.setup_live_realm()?; } Ok(()) } fn setup_live_realm(&self) -> Result<()> { let realmfs_dir ="realms/realmfs-images"); let base_realmfs = realmfs_dir.join("base-realmfs.img");!("creating directory {}", realmfs_dir.display()))?; util::create_dir(&realmfs_dir)?;!("creating symlink {} -> {}", base_realmfs.display(), "/run/citadel/images/base-realmfs.img"))?; util::symlink("/run/citadel/images/base-realmfs.img", &base_realmfs)?; let realmfs = RealmFS::load_from_path("/run/citadel/images/base-realmfs.img")?; realmfs.activate()?; self.setup_storage()?; Ok(()) } pub fn partition_disk(&self) -> Result<()> { self.header("Partitioning target disk")?; self.cmd_list(PARTITION_COMMANDS, &[ ("$TARGET", self.target_str()) ]) } pub fn setup_luks(&self) -> Result<()> { self.header("Setting up LUKS disk encryption")?; util::create_dir(INSTALL_MOUNT)?; util::write_file(LUKS_PASSPHRASE_FILE, self.passphrase().as_bytes())?; let luks_partition = self.target_partition(2); self.cmd_list(LUKS_COMMANDS, &[ ("$LUKS_UUID", LUKS_UUID), ("$LUKS_PARTITION", &luks_partition), ("$LUKS_PASSFILE", LUKS_PASSPHRASE_FILE), ])?; util::remove_file(LUKS_PASSPHRASE_FILE) } pub fn setup_lvm(&self) -> Result<()> { self.header("Setting up LVM volumes")?; self.cmd_list(LVM_COMMANDS, &[]) } pub fn setup_boot(&self) -> Result<()> { self.header("Setting up /boot partition")?; let boot_partition = self.target_partition(1); self.cmd(format!("/sbin/mkfs.vfat -F 32 {}", boot_partition))?; self.cmd(format!("/bin/mount {} {}", boot_partition, INSTALL_MOUNT))?; util::create_dir(format!("{}/loader/entries", INSTALL_MOUNT))?;"Writing /boot/loader/loader.conf")?; util::write_file(format!("{}/loader/loader.conf", INSTALL_MOUNT), LOADER_CONF)?; let kernel_version = self.kernel_version();"Writing /boot/entries/boot.conf")?; util::write_file(format!("{}/loader/entries/boot.conf", INSTALL_MOUNT), BOOT_CONF .replace("$KERNEL_CMDLINE", KERNEL_CMDLINE) .replace("$KERNEL_VERSION", &kernel_version))?; let kernel_bzimage = format!("bzImage-{}", kernel_version); self.copy_artifact(&kernel_bzimage, INSTALL_MOUNT)?; self.copy_artifact("bootx64.efi", format!("{}/EFI/BOOT", INSTALL_MOUNT))?; if self.install_syslinux { self.setup_syslinux()?; } self.cmd(format!("/bin/umount {}", INSTALL_MOUNT))?; if self.install_syslinux { self.setup_syslinux_post_umount()?; } Ok(()) } fn setup_syslinux(&self) -> Result<()> { self.header("Installing syslinux")?; let syslinux_src = self.artifact_path("syslinux"); if !syslinux_src.exists() { bail!("no syslinux directory found in artifact directory, cannot install syslinux"); } let dst = Path::new(INSTALL_MOUNT).join("syslinux"); util::create_dir(&dst)?;"Copying syslinux files to /boot/syslinux")?; util::read_directory(&syslinux_src, |dent| { util::copy_file(dent.path(), dst.join(dent.file_name())) })?; let kernel_version = self.kernel_version();"Writing syslinux.cfg")?; util::write_file(dst.join("syslinux.cfg"), SYSLINUX_CONF.replace("$KERNEL_CMDLINE", KERNEL_CMDLINE) .replace("$KERNEL_VERSION", &kernel_version))?; self.cmd(format!("/sbin/extlinux --install {}", dst.display())) } fn setup_syslinux_post_umount(&self) -> Result<()> { let mbrbin = self.artifact_path("syslinux/gptmbr.bin"); if !mbrbin.exists() { bail!("could not find MBR image: {:?}", mbrbin); } self.cmd(format!("/bin/dd bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc if={} of={}", mbrbin.display(),; self.cmd(format!("/sbin/parted -s {} set 1 legacy_boot on", self.target_str())) } pub fn create_storage(&self) -> Result<()> { self.header("Setting up /storage partition")?; self.cmd_list(CREATE_STORAGE_COMMANDS, &[("$INSTALL_MOUNT", INSTALL_MOUNT)])?; self.setup_storage()?; self.cmd(format!("/bin/umount {}", INSTALL_MOUNT)) } fn setup_storage(&self) -> Result<()> { if self._type == InstallType::Install { self.create_keyring()?; self.setup_storage_resources()?; self.setup_base_realmfs()?; } self.setup_realm_skel()?; self.setup_main_realm()?; self.setup_apt_cacher_realm()?; self.setup_citadel_passphrase()?;"Creating global realm config file")?; util::write_file("realms/config"), self.global_realm_config())?;"Creating /Shared realms directory")?; let shared ="realms/Shared"); util::create_dir(&shared)?; util::chown_user(&shared)?; Ok(()) } fn create_keyring(&self) -> Result<()> {"Creating initial keyring")?; let keyring = KeyRing::create_new(); keyring.write("keyring"), self.passphrase.as_ref().unwrap()) } fn setup_base_realmfs(&self) -> Result<()> { let realmfs_dir ="realms/realmfs-images"); util::create_dir(&realmfs_dir)?; self.sparse_copy_artifact("base-realmfs.img", &realmfs_dir)?; self.cmd(format!("/usr/bin/citadel-image decompress {}/base-realmfs.img", realmfs_dir.display())) } fn setup_realm_skel(&self) -> Result<()> { let realm_skel ="realms/skel"); util::create_dir(&realm_skel)?; util::copy_tree_with_chown(&self.skel(), &realm_skel, (1000,1000)) } fn create_realmlock(&self, dir: &Path) -> Result<()> { fs::File::create(dir.join(".realmlock")) .map_err(context!("failed to create {:?}/.realmlock file", dir))?; Ok(()) } fn setup_main_realm(&self) -> Result<()> { self.header("Creating main realm")?; let realm ="realms/realm-main");"Creating home directory /realms/realm-main/home")?; let home = realm.join("home"); util::create_dir(&home)?; util::chown_user(&home)?;"Copying /realms/skel into home diectory")?; util::copy_tree(&"realms/skel"), &home)?; if let Some(scheme) = Base16Scheme::by_name(MAIN_TERMINAL_SCHEME) { scheme.write_realm_files(&home)?; util::write_file(realm.join("config"), MAIN_CONFIG.replace("$SCHEME", MAIN_TERMINAL_SCHEME))?; } util::chown_tree(&home, (1000,1000), false)?;"Creating default.realm symlink")?; util::symlink("/realms/realm-main","realms/default.realm"))?; self.create_realmlock(&realm) } fn setup_apt_cacher_realm(&self) -> Result<()> { self.header("Creating apt-cacher realm")?; let realm_base ="realms/realm-apt-cacher");"Creating home directory /realms/realm-apt-cacher/home")?; let home = realm_base.join("home"); util::create_dir(&home)?; util::chown_user(&home)?; let path = home.join("apt-cacher-ng"); util::create_dir(&path)?; util::chown_user(&path)?;"Copying /realms/skel into home diectory")?; util::copy_tree(&"realms/skel"), &home)?;"Creating apt-cacher config file")?; util::write_file(realm_base.join("config"), APT_CACHER_CONFIG)?; self.create_realmlock(&realm_base) } fn setup_storage_resources(&self) -> Result<()> { let channel = match OsRelease::citadel_channel() { Some(channel) => channel, None => "dev", }; let resources ="resources").join(channel); util::create_dir(&resources)?; self.sparse_copy_artifact(EXTRA_IMAGE_NAME, &resources)?; let kernel_img = self.kernel_imagename(); self.sparse_copy_artifact(&kernel_img, &resources) } fn setup_citadel_passphrase(&self) -> Result<()> { if self._type == InstallType::LiveSetup {"Creating temporary citadel passphrase file for live mode")?; let path ="citadel-state/passwd"); if !path.exists() { if let Ok(hash) = sha512_crypt::hash("citadel") { let contents = format!("citadel:{}\n", hash); util::create_dir("citadel-state"))?; util::write_file("citadel-state/passwd"), contents)?; } } } else if self._type == InstallType::Install {"Creating citadel passphrase file")?; if let Ok(hash) = sha512_crypt::hash(self.citadel_passphrase()) { let contents = format!("citadel:{}\n", hash); util::create_dir("citadel-state"))?; util::write_file("citadel-state/passwd"), contents)?; } } Ok(()) } pub fn install_rootfs_partitions(&self) -> Result<()> { self.header("Installing rootfs partitions")?; let rootfs = self.artifact_path("citadel-rootfs.img"); self.cmd(format!("/usr/bin/citadel-image install-rootfs --skip-sha {}", rootfs.display()))?; self.cmd(format!("/usr/bin/citadel-image install-rootfs --skip-sha --no-prefer {}", rootfs.display())) } pub fn finish_install(&self) -> Result<()> { self.cmd_list(FINISH_COMMANDS, &[ ("$TARGET", self.target_str()) ]) } fn global_realm_config(&self) -> &str { match self._type { InstallType::Install => GLOBAL_REALM_CONFIG, InstallType::LiveSetup => LIVE_REALM_CONFIG, } } fn skel(&self) -> &Path{ match self._type { InstallType::Install => Path::new("/etc/skel"), InstallType::LiveSetup => Path::new("/sysroot/etc/skel"), } } fn kernel_version(&self) -> String { let utsname = UtsName::uname(); let v = utsname.release().split('-').collect::>(); v[0].to_string() } fn kernel_imagename(&self) -> String { format!("citadel-kernel-{}.img", self.kernel_version()) } fn target_partition(&self, num: usize) -> String { if self.target_str().starts_with("/dev/nvme") { format!("{}p{}",, num) } else { format!("{}{}",, num) } } fn artifact_path(&self, filename: &str) -> PathBuf { Path::new(&self.artifact_directory).join(filename) } fn copy_artifact>(&self, filename: &str, target: P) -> Result<()> { self._copy_artifact(filename, target, false) } fn sparse_copy_artifact>(&self, filename: &str, target: P) -> Result<()> { self._copy_artifact(filename, target, true) } fn _copy_artifact>(&self, filename: &str, target: P, sparse: bool) -> Result<()> {!("Copying {} to {}", filename, target.as_ref().display()))?; let src = self.artifact_path(filename); let target = target.as_ref(); util::create_dir(target)?; let dst = target.join(filename); if sparse { self.cmd(format!("/bin/cp --sparse=always {} {}", src.display(), dst.display()))?; } else { util::copy_file(src, dst)?; } Ok(()) } fn header>(&self, s: S) -> Result<()> { self.output(format!("\n[+] {}\n", s.as_ref())) } fn info>(&self, s: S) -> Result<()> { self.output(format!(" [>] {}", s.as_ref())) } fn output>(&self, s: S) -> Result<()> { self.write_output(s.as_ref()).map_err(context!("error writing output")) } fn write_output(&self, s: &str) -> io::Result<()> { println!("{}", s); io::stdout().flush()?; if let Some(ref file) = self.logfile { writeln!(file.borrow_mut(), "{}", s)?; file.borrow_mut().flush()?; } Ok(()) } fn cmd_list, S: AsRef>(&self, cmd_lines: I, subs: &[(&str,&str)]) -> Result<()> { for line in cmd_lines { let line = line.as_ref(); let line = subs.iter().fold(line.to_string(), |acc, (from,to)| acc.replace(from,to)); let args: Vec<&str> = line.split_whitespace().collect::>(); self.run_cmd(args, false)?; } Ok(()) } fn cmd>(&self, args: S) -> Result<()> { let args: Vec<&str> = args.as_ref().split_whitespace().collect::>(); self.run_cmd(args, false) } fn run_cmd(&self, args: Vec<&str>, as_user: bool) -> Result<()> { self.output(format!(" # {}", args.join(" ")))?; let mut command = Command::new(args[0]); if as_user { command.uid(1000); command.gid(1000); } command.args(&args[1..]); let result = command.output() .map_err(context!("error running command {}", args[0]))?; for line in String::from_utf8_lossy(&result.stdout).lines() { self.output(format!(" {}", line))?; } for line in String::from_utf8_lossy(&result.stderr).lines() { self.output(format!("! {}", line))?; } if !result.status.success() { match result.status.code() { Some(code) => bail!("command {} failed with exit code: {}", args[0], code), None => bail!("command {} failed with no exit code", args[0]), } } Ok(()) } }