citadel-realmfs moved into citadel-tool binary

This commit is contained in:
Bruce Leidl 2019-04-02 15:20:38 -04:00
parent a984632123
commit ce10df3dfc

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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
use clap::App;
use clap::ArgMatches;
use libcitadel::{Result,RealmFS,Logger,LogLevel};
use clap::SubCommand;
use clap::AppSettings::*;
use clap::Arg;
use libcitadel::ResizeSize;
use libcitadel::format_error;
use std::process::exit;
pub fn main(args: Vec<String>) {
let app = App::new("citadel-realmfs")
.about("Citadel realmfs image tool")
.settings(&[ArgRequiredElseHelp,ColoredHelp, DisableHelpSubcommand, DisableVersion, DeriveDisplayOrder,SubcommandsNegateReqs])
.about("Resize an existing RealmFS image. If the image is currently sealed, it will also be unsealed.")
.help("Path or name of RealmFS image to resize")
.help("Size to increase RealmFS image to (or by if prefixed with '+')")
The size can be followed by a 'g' or 'm' character \
to indicate a quantity of gigabytes or megabytes. If no size unit \
is provided the size is measured in blocks (of 4096 bytes). \
If the size is prefixed with a '+' character it is understood \
as a quantity to increase the current size by. Otherwise the size \
is the final absolute size of the image.")
.about("Create a new RealmFS image as an unsealed copy of an existing image")
.help("Path or name of RealmFS image to fork")
.help("Name of new image to create")
.about("Seal an unsealed RealmFS image")
.help("Path or name of RealmFS image to seal")
.about("Increase size of RealmFS image if not enough free space remains")
.help("Path or name of RealmFS image")
.about("Open an update shell on the image")
.help("Path or name of RealmFS image")
.about("Activate a RealmFS by creating a block device for the image and mounting it.")
.help("Path or name of RealmFS image to activate")
.about("Deactivate a RealmFS by unmounting it and removing block device created during activation.")
.help("Path or name of RealmFS image to deactivate")
.help("Name of or path to RealmFS image to display information about")
let matches = app.get_matches_from(args);
let result = match matches.subcommand() {
("resize", Some(m)) => resize(m),
("autoresize", Some(m)) => autoresize(m),
("fork", Some(m)) => fork(m),
("seal", Some(m)) => seal(m),
("update", Some(m)) => update(m),
("activate", Some(m)) => activate(m),
("deactivate", Some(m)) => deactivate(m),
_ => image_info(&matches),
if let Err(ref e) = result {
eprintln!("Error: {}", format_error(e));
fn realmfs_image(arg_matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<RealmFS> {
let image = match arg_matches.value_of("image") {
Some(s) => s,
None => bail!("Image argument required."),
let realmfs = if RealmFS::is_valid_name(image) {
} else if RealmFS::is_valid_realmfs_image(image) {
} else {
bail!("Not a valid realmfs name or path to realmfs image file: {}", image);
fn image_info(arg_matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
let img = realmfs_image(arg_matches)?;
print!("{}", String::from_utf8(img.header().metainfo_bytes())?);
fn parse_resize_size(s: &str) -> Result<ResizeSize> {
let unit = s.chars().last().filter(|c| c.is_alphabetic());
let skip = if s.starts_with("+") { 1 } else { 0 };
let size = s.chars()
.take_while(|c| c.is_numeric())
.map_err(|_| format_err!("Unable to parse size value '{}'",s))?;
match unit {
Some('g') | Some('G') => Ok(ResizeSize::gigs(size)),
Some('m') | Some('M') => Ok(ResizeSize::megs(size)),
Some(c) => Err(format_err!("Unknown size unit '{}'", c)),
None => Ok(ResizeSize::blocks(size)),
fn resize(arg_matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
let img = realmfs_image(arg_matches)?;
info!("image is {}", img.path().display());
let size_arg = match arg_matches.value_of("size") {
Some(size) => size,
None => "No size argument",
info!("Size is {}", size_arg);
let mode_add = size_arg.starts_with("+");
let size = parse_resize_size(size_arg)?;
if mode_add {
} else {
fn autoresize(arg_matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
let img = realmfs_image(arg_matches)?;
if let Some(size) = img.auto_resize_size() {
} else {
info!("RealmFS image {} has sufficient free space, doing nothing", img.path().display());
fn fork(arg_matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
let img = realmfs_image(arg_matches)?;
let forkname = match arg_matches.value_of("forkname") {
Some(name) => name,
None => bail!("No fork name argument"),
if !RealmFS::is_valid_name(forkname) {
bail!("Not a valid RealmFS image name '{}'", forkname);
if RealmFS::named_image_exists(forkname) {
bail!("A RealmFS image named '{}' already exists", forkname);
fn seal(arg_matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
let img = realmfs_image(arg_matches)?;
let img_arg = arg_matches.value_of("image").unwrap();
if img.is_sealed() {
info!("RealmFS image {} is already sealed", img_arg);
} else if img.is_activated() {
info!("RealmFS image {} cannot be sealed because it is currently activated", img_arg);
} else {
fn update(arg_matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
let img = realmfs_image(arg_matches)?;
let mut update = img.update();
fn activate(arg_matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
let img = realmfs_image(arg_matches)?;
let img_arg = arg_matches.value_of("image").unwrap();
let activation = if let Some(activation) = img.activation() {
info!("RealmFS image {} is already activated", img_arg);
} else {
info!("Activating {}", img_arg);
info!("Read-Only mountpoint: {}", activation.mountpoint());
if let Some(rw) = activation.mountpoint_rw() {
info!("Read-Write mountpoint: {}", rw);
fn deactivate(arg_matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<()> {
let img = realmfs_image(arg_matches)?;
let img_arg = arg_matches.value_of("image").unwrap();
if !img.is_activated() {
info!("RealmFS image {} is not activated", img_arg);
} else if img.is_in_use() {
info!("Cannot deactivate RealmFS image {} because it is currently in use", img_arg);
} else {
info!("Deactivating {}", img_arg);