Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. The global interface exposing aura shell capabilities is used to instantiate an interface extension for a wl_surface object. This extended interface will then allow the client to use aura shell specific functionality. Instantiate an interface extension for the given wl_surface to provide aura shell functionality. If the given wl_surface is not associated with a shell surface, the shell_surface_missing protocol error is raised. Instantiate an interface extension for the given wl_output to provide aura shell functionality. Specifies the server's window layout mode. Sends the layout_mode used by the server. Sends a monorail ID of a bug fixed on the exo server that clients can use to gate functionality. Notifies when there is a change in global desks state. This is emitted on desk name changes, desk addition/removal or desks are reordered. "desk_names" argument contains the set of null terminated strings as names of desks. Notifies when there is a change of the active desk. Notifies client that the activated surface changed. [Deprecated] Informs the server that when submitting surfaces, this client will not use wl_surface_set_buffer_scale to report the scales, nor will it apply scale via vp_viewporter. Instead the server should apply an appropriate scale transform to have the submitted buffers composited correctly. Retrieve the aura toplevel interface for a given xdg toplevel interface Retrieve the aura popup interface for the given xdg popup interface Using this request a client can tell the server that it is not going to use the zaura_shell object anymore. This does not affect any other objects. This is named "release" because "destroy" is a special named function used for freeing wl_proxy objects. Naming it "destroy" will cause marshalling errors when running on lower versioned hosts. All "release" requests here should be renamed to "destroy" if we move to aura-shell v2. An additional interface to a wl_surface object, which allows the client to access aura shell specific functionality for surface. Frame types that can be used to decorate a surface. [Deprecated] Suggests a surface should use a specific frame. Deprecated since M105. See the set_decoration method on zaura_toplevel and zaura_popup. Set the "parent" of this surface. "x" and "y" arguments specify the initial position for surface relative to parent. Set the frame colors. Set the startup ID. Set the application ID. Deprecated. Please use set_client_surface_str_id instead. Set the identifier of the surface assigned by the client. Enum describing why an occlusion change happened. An occlusion change as a result of a user action could include things like the user moving a window, changing occlusion, or opening/closing a window, changing the occlusion. Sets occlusion tracking on this surface. The client will be updated with a new occlusion fraction when the amount of occlusion of this surface changes. Unsets occlusion tracking for this surface. Notifies when there is a change in the amount this surface is occluded. The occlusion update is sent as a fixed point number from 0 to 1, representing the proportion of occlusion. Make this the active window. This usually implies something like restacking this surface to the foreground. The compositor is free to ignore this request if it deems the client to be misbehaving. Typically this request will only be honoured in response to some user driven event, such as executing an application or opening a file in a window that already exists. Draw attention to this surface in a way that does not change the user's focus. This usually means animating window decorations or taskbar icons. The compositor can still ignore this request if it deems fit, but unlike draw_focus, these requests are expected to come from background tasks, and are more likely to be honoured. Possible windowing system behaviors if this surface were to go fullscreen. Suggests how the windowing system should behave if this surface were to go fullscreen. Does not make the surface fullscreen. Typically the default mode is "immersive". Set the identifier of the surface assigned by the client. Suggests a surface to have client-side decoration, but server-side decides when and where to start the resize. The server may also apply visual effects to indicate that the resize operation is ongoing. Surface snap directions. Notify (or inform) the server the client's intent to snap the window. To inform it's no longer willing to snap, send 'none'. Request that surface is snapped to the left. Request that surface is snapped to the right. Request that surface resets snapping. Notifies the client to lock window in normal or restore state. When window is locked, the window frame should look like it is in restored state, but actually isn't. Locking happends while dragging a maximized window. Notifies the client to unlock window if it is previously locked. Unlocking happends while dragging a maximized window. Set window session id to the surface. Sets that the surface can go back as per its navigation list. This allows the server to react to by minimizing the window upon a system wide back gesture. Unsets that the surface can go back as per its navigation list. See above. Requests that the surface is set to Picture-in-Picture (PIP). Requests that the surface is unset from Picture-in-Picture (PIP). Sets the aspect ratio of the surface. Describes the occlusion state of a surface. Notifies the client that the occlusion state of a window has changed. Clients will only receive these messages if they previously request occlusion tracking via set_occlusion_tracking for a particular surface. If |index| equals -1, requests that the server toggles whether client is visible on all workspaces. If |index| is not -1, requests that the server moves the client to the desk at |index|. Notifies when there is a change in the desk state of a window. This is emitted when a window is moved to another desk or when its assigned-to-all-desks state changes. If |initial_workspace| equals '-1', a window is restored and visible on all workspaces, Otherwise, set the initial workspace to restore the window to the corresponding workspace. This is not double buffered and must be set before attaching a buffer. Requests that a window is pinned which means that the system does not allow the user to leave the window until an exit criteria is met. This is a request to get the window pinned so that the user cannot get to any other window / application. There are two modes: A. trusted is 0 - which is slightly less restrictive and allows the user to get out of the window by a predefined way of authentication. B. trusted is not 0 in which case a trusted application was locking down the system and needs to unlock. This is used for e.g. School tests. Requests that the user can leave a previously pinned window. This is a request to unpin a previously pinned window. It does not matter if the window was locked with the trusted state or not. Informs the client to start throttling on the surface. Informs the client to end throttling on the surface. Destroy the zaura_surface object. A client should destroy this object when the role is unmapped from a wl_surface. See zaura_shell.release for destructor naming. An additional interface to a wl_output object, which allows the client to access aura shell specific functionality for output. These flags describe properties of an output scale. They are used in the flags bitfield of the scale event. The scale event describes an available scale for the output. The event is sent when binding to the output object and there will always be one scale, the current scale. The event is sent again if an output changes scale, for the scale that is now current. In other words, the current scale is always the last scale that was received with the current flag set. The connection event describes how the output is connected. The event is sent when binding to the output object. This event describes the device specific scale factor for the output. The device specific scale factor is not expected the change during the lifetime of the output. And it is not limited to an integer value like the scale factor provided by wl_output interface. The exact contents scale used by the compositor can be determined by combining this device scale factor with the current output scale. The event is sent when binding to the output object. This event describes the insets for the output in logical screen coordinates, from which the work area can be calculated. This event is sent before wl_output.done, after which the client would apply the change. This event describes the logical transform for the output. Whereas wl_output.geometry's transform corresponds to the display's panel rotation, the logical transform corresponds to the display's logical rotation. This event is sent before wl_output.done, after which the client would apply the change. Destroy this zaura_shell object. Destroying a bound zaura_shell object while there are zaura_surfaces still alive created by this zaura_shell object instance is illegal and will result in a protocol error. See zaura_shell.release for destructor naming. An interface to the toplevel shell, which allows the client to access shell specific functionality. Defines orientation request when a surface is in fullscreen. Request a specific orientation behavior when this surface is in fullscreen. Informs the server that when submitting this surface, this client will not use wl_surface_set_buffer_scale to report the scales, nor will it apply scale via vp_viewporter. Instead the server should apply an appropriate scale transform for the submitted buffers to be composited correctly. Requesting this will enable screen coordinates in surfaces associated with aura_toplevel including sub surfaces and popup windows who added this toplevel as a parent. This should be set before first commit. Request a new location and bounds of the surface in DP screen coordinates. The size will be applied to visible bounds used in set_geometry. The output is a hint for the compositor to determine which output the window should move to. These parameters are just a request and the compositor may ignore, adjust the size and position based on the rule imposed by the window manager, or may preserve it for future operations. For example, the compositor will not allow a position outside of the output, or the compositor may just store it if the toplevel surface is in maximiezd state, and may use it upon unmaximized. A configuration change that also includes the window origin in screen coordinates. The states that are contained here are supplemental to the states defined in the XDG shell and specific aura windows. User can access system UIs such as the shelf and window frame by pointing to, or swiping over, the screen edge. The window has been minimized. A notification sent when the window origin has changed. Unlike a configure, this does not imply the client needs to resize. The values are in screen coordinates. Request session id and restore id of a newly created browser window. Set the information used by compositor to restore the toplevel surface state, such as window position, window state, upon creation. This is not double buffered and must be set before sending first commit. Requests that the toplevel surface should become a system modal. The compositor will prevent other windows from receiving events. If there are multiple system modal surfaces, the compositor will decide which one to receive events. Requests that the system modal state of the toplevel surface will be unset. The compositor will then allow other windows to recieve events. Request session id and restore id of the window. Set the information used by compositor to restore the toplevel surface state, such as window position, window state, upon creation. This is not double buffered and must be set before sending first commit. This is different from set_restore_info, used for clients that create multiple windows associated with restore_id_source. Clients are allowed to request a particular decoration for a zaura_toplevel. The server is not required to honor this request. See decoration_type for available options. Available since M105. Decoration types are used to modify the surface (e.g. drop shadow). Destroy this zaura_toplevel object. A client should call destroy when the role is unmapped from a wl_surface. See zaura_shell.release for destructor naming. An interface to the popup shell, which allows the client to access shell specific functionality. Informs the server that when submitting this surface, this client will not use wl_surface_set_buffer_scale to report the scales, nor will it apply scale via vp_viewporter. Instead the server should apply an appropriate scale transform for the submitted buffers to be composited correctly. Clients are allowed to request a particular decoration for a zaura_toplevel. The server is not required to honor this request. See decoration_type for available options. Available since M105. Decoration types are used to modify the surface (e.g. drop shadow). Set popup type to menu This request destroys the zaura_popup. A client should call destroy when the role is unmapped from a wl_surface. See zaura_shell.release for destructor naming.