// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/shared_memory.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "brillo/syslog_logging.h" constexpr char kBgColorFlag[] = "bgcolor"; constexpr char kWidthFlag[] = "width"; constexpr char kHeightFlag[] = "height"; constexpr char kTitleFlag[] = "title"; struct demo_data { uint32_t bgcolor; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; std::string title; int scale; struct wl_compositor* compositor; struct wl_shell* shell; struct wl_shm* shm; struct wl_surface* surface; struct wl_shell_surface* shell_surface; struct wl_buffer* buffer; struct wl_callback* callback; struct wl_callback_listener* callback_listener; struct wl_output* output; struct wl_output_listener* output_listener; struct wl_keyboard_listener* keyboard_listener; void* shm_ptr; bool done; }; void keyboard_keymap(void* data, struct wl_keyboard* keyboard, uint32_t format, int32_t fd, uint32_t size) {} void keyboard_enter(void* data, struct wl_keyboard* keyboard, uint32_t serial, struct wl_surface* surface, struct wl_array* keys) {} void keyboard_leave(void* data, struct wl_keyboard* keyboard, uint32_t serial, struct wl_surface* surface) {} void keyboard_key(void* data, struct wl_keyboard* keyboard, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, uint32_t key, uint32_t state) { struct demo_data* data_ptr = reinterpret_cast(data); // Key pressed. if (state == 1) { LOG(INFO) << "wayland_demo application detected keypress"; data_ptr->done = true; } } void keyboard_modifiers(void* data, struct wl_keyboard* keyboard, uint32_t serial, uint32_t mods_depressed, uint32_t mods_latched, uint32_t mods_locked, uint32_t group) {} void keyboard_repeat_info(void* data, struct wl_keyboard* keyboard, int32_t rate, int32_t delay) {} void demo_registry_listener(void* data, struct wl_registry* registry, uint32_t id, const char* interface, uint32_t version) { struct demo_data* data_ptr = reinterpret_cast(data); if (!strcmp("wl_compositor", interface)) { data_ptr->compositor = reinterpret_cast( wl_registry_bind(registry, id, &wl_compositor_interface, version)); } else if (!strcmp("wl_shell", interface)) { data_ptr->shell = reinterpret_cast( wl_registry_bind(registry, id, &wl_shell_interface, version)); } else if (!strcmp("wl_shm", interface)) { data_ptr->shm = reinterpret_cast( wl_registry_bind(registry, id, &wl_shm_interface, version)); } else if (!strcmp("wl_output", interface)) { data_ptr->output = reinterpret_cast( wl_registry_bind(registry, id, &wl_output_interface, version)); wl_output_add_listener(data_ptr->output, data_ptr->output_listener, data_ptr); } else if (!strcmp("wl_seat", interface)) { struct wl_seat* seat = reinterpret_cast( wl_registry_bind(registry, id, &wl_seat_interface, version)); wl_keyboard_add_listener(wl_seat_get_keyboard(seat), data_ptr->keyboard_listener, data_ptr); } } void demo_registry_remover(void* data, struct wl_registry* registry, uint32_t id) {} void shell_surface_ping(void* data, struct wl_shell_surface* shell_surface, uint32_t serial) { wl_shell_surface_pong(shell_surface, serial); } void shell_surface_configure(void* data, struct wl_shell_surface* shell_surface, uint32_t edges, int32_t width, int32_t height) {} void shell_surface_popup_done(void* data, struct wl_shell_surface* shell_surface) {} void demo_draw(void* data, struct wl_callback* callback, uint32_t time) { struct demo_data* data_ptr = reinterpret_cast(data); wl_callback_destroy(data_ptr->callback); wl_surface_damage(data_ptr->surface, 0, 0, data_ptr->width, data_ptr->height); uint32_t* surface_data = reinterpret_cast(data_ptr->shm_ptr); for (int i = 0; i < data_ptr->width * data_ptr->height; ++i) { surface_data[i] = data_ptr->bgcolor; } data_ptr->callback = wl_surface_frame(data_ptr->surface); wl_surface_attach(data_ptr->surface, data_ptr->buffer, 0, 0); wl_callback_add_listener(data_ptr->callback, data_ptr->callback_listener, data_ptr); wl_surface_commit(data_ptr->surface); } void output_geometry(void* data, struct wl_output* output, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t physical_width, int32_t physical_height, int32_t subpixel, const char* make, const char* model, int32_t transform) {} void output_mode(void* data, struct wl_output* output, uint32_t flags, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t refresh) { struct demo_data* data_ptr = reinterpret_cast(data); if (data_ptr->width == 0) { data_ptr->width = width; if (data_ptr->scale != 0) { data_ptr->width /= data_ptr->scale; } } if (data_ptr->height == 0) { data_ptr->height = height; if (data_ptr->scale != 0) { data_ptr->height /= data_ptr->scale; } } } void output_done(void* data, struct wl_output* output) {} void output_scale(void* data, struct wl_output* output, int32_t factor) { struct demo_data* data_ptr = reinterpret_cast(data); data_ptr->scale = factor; if (data_ptr->width != 0) { data_ptr->width /= factor; } if (data_ptr->height != 0) { data_ptr->height /= factor; } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { brillo::InitLog(brillo::kLogToSyslog); LOG(INFO) << "Starting wayland_demo application"; base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv); base::CommandLine* cl = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); struct demo_data data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); data.done = false; data.bgcolor = 0x3388DD; if (cl->HasSwitch(kBgColorFlag)) { data.bgcolor = strtoul(cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(kBgColorFlag).c_str(), nullptr, 0); } if (cl->HasSwitch(kWidthFlag)) { if (!base::StringToUint(cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(kWidthFlag), &data.width)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid width parameter passed"; return -1; } } if (cl->HasSwitch(kHeightFlag)) { if (!base::StringToUint(cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(kHeightFlag), &data.height)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid height parameter passed"; return -1; } } data.title = "wayland_demo"; if (cl->HasSwitch(kTitleFlag)) { data.title = cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(kTitleFlag); } struct wl_display* display = wl_display_connect(nullptr); if (!display) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed connecting to display"; return -1; } struct wl_output_listener output_listener = {output_geometry, output_mode, output_done, output_scale}; data.output_listener = &output_listener; struct wl_registry_listener registry_listener = { demo_registry_listener, demo_registry_remover, }; struct wl_keyboard_listener keyboard_listener = { keyboard_keymap, keyboard_enter, keyboard_leave, keyboard_key, keyboard_modifiers, keyboard_repeat_info}; data.keyboard_listener = &keyboard_listener; struct wl_registry* registry = wl_display_get_registry(display); wl_registry_add_listener(registry, ®istry_listener, &data); wl_display_dispatch(display); wl_display_roundtrip(display); if (!data.compositor) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find compositor"; return -1; } if (!data.output) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get output"; return -1; } // Do another roundtrip to ensure we get the wl_output callbacks. wl_display_roundtrip(display); data.surface = wl_compositor_create_surface(data.compositor); if (!data.surface) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed creating surface"; return -1; } if (!data.shell) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed getting shell"; return -1; } data.shell_surface = wl_shell_get_shell_surface(data.shell, data.surface); if (!data.shell_surface) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed getting shell surface"; return -1; } const struct wl_shell_surface_listener shell_surface_listener = { shell_surface_ping, shell_surface_configure, shell_surface_popup_done}; wl_shell_surface_add_listener(data.shell_surface, &shell_surface_listener, nullptr); wl_shell_surface_set_toplevel(data.shell_surface); wl_shell_surface_set_class(data.shell_surface, data.title.c_str()); wl_shell_surface_set_title(data.shell_surface, data.title.c_str()); data.callback = wl_surface_frame(data.surface); struct wl_callback_listener callback_listener = {demo_draw}; data.callback_listener = &callback_listener; wl_callback_add_listener(data.callback, data.callback_listener, &data); if (!data.shm) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed getting shared memory"; return -1; } size_t stride = data.width * 4 /* 32bpp */; size_t shm_size = stride * data.height; base::SharedMemory shared_mem; shared_mem.CreateAndMapAnonymous(shm_size); data.shm_ptr = shared_mem.memory(); struct wl_shm_pool* pool = wl_shm_create_pool(data.shm, shared_mem.handle().fd, shm_size); data.buffer = wl_shm_pool_create_buffer(pool, 0, data.width, data.height, stride, WL_SHM_FORMAT_XRGB8888); wl_shm_pool_destroy(pool); wl_surface_attach(data.surface, data.buffer, 0, 0); wl_surface_commit(data.surface); demo_draw(&data, nullptr, 0); LOG(INFO) << "wayland_demo application displaying, waiting for keypress"; do { } while (wl_display_dispatch(display) != -1 && !data.done); wl_display_disconnect(display); LOG(INFO) << "wayland_demo application exiting"; return 0; }