use std::collections::{HashSet, BTreeMap}; use std::collections::btree_map::Entry; use std::ffi::{OsString, OsStr}; use std::io; use std::os::linux::fs::MetadataExt; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf, Component}; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use std::time::{UNIX_EPOCH, SystemTime}; use crate::devices::virtio_9p::{ directory::{Directory, P9DirEntry}, file::{P9File, Qid, P9_QTDIR, P9_QTFILE}, filesystem::{FileSystemOps, FsTouch, FileSystem}, pdu::PduParser, }; use crate::devices::virtio_9p::file::Buffer; #[derive(Clone)] struct NodeData { name: OsString, qid: Qid, size: u64, mode: u32, inode: u32, } impl NodeData { fn name_str(&self) -> &str { .expect("SyntheticFS: unable to convert name to &str") } fn dtype(&self) -> u8 { if self.qid.is_dir() { libc::DT_DIR } else { libc::DT_REG } } } #[derive(Clone)] enum Node { File(PathBuf, NodeData), MemoryFile(Buffer<&'static [u8]>, NodeData), Dir(BTreeMap, NodeData), } impl Node { fn new_dir(name: &OsStr, mode: u32, inode: u32) -> Node { let mode = mode | libc::S_IFDIR; let data = NodeData::new(name, P9_QTDIR, 0, mode, inode); let entries= BTreeMap::new(); Node::Dir(entries, data) } fn new_file>(name: S, mode: u32, inode: u32, size: u64, local: &Path) -> Node { let mode = mode | libc::S_IFREG; let data = NodeData::new(name, P9_QTFILE, size, mode, inode); let local = local.to_path_buf(); Node::File(local, data) } fn new_memory_file>(name: S, mode: u32, inode: u32, size: u64, bytes: &'static [u8]) -> Node { let mode = mode | libc::S_IFREG; let data = NodeData::new(name, P9_QTFILE, size, mode, inode); let buffer = Buffer::new(bytes); Node::MemoryFile(buffer, data) } fn node_data(&self) -> &NodeData { match self { Node::Dir(_, data) => data, Node::File(_, data) => data, Node::MemoryFile(_, data) => data, } } fn qid(&self) -> Qid { self.node_data().qid } fn write_stat(&self, pp: &mut PduParser) -> io::Result<()> { self.node_data().write_stat(pp) } fn create_directory_entry(&self, offset: u64) -> P9DirEntry { let data = self.node_data(); P9DirEntry::new(data.qid, offset, data.dtype(), data.name_str()) } fn entries(&self) -> Option<&BTreeMap> { match self { Node::Dir(entries, ..) => Some(entries), _ => None, } } fn entries_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut BTreeMap> { match self { Node::Dir(entries, ..) => Some(entries), _ => None, } } fn descend(&self, name: &OsStr) -> io::Result<&Node> { self.entries() .ok_or(rawerr(libc::ENOTDIR)) .and_then(|entries| entries.get(name) .ok_or(rawerr(libc::ENOENT))) } fn descend_mut(&mut self, name: &OsStr) -> io::Result<&mut Node> { self.entries_mut() .ok_or(rawerr(libc::ENOTDIR)) .and_then(|entries| entries.get_mut(name) .ok_or(rawerr(libc::ENOENT))) } fn mkdir(&mut self, names: &[&OsStr], mode: u32, inodes: &mut Inodes) -> io::Result<()> { if !names.is_empty() { let entries = self.entries_mut().ok_or(rawerr(libc::ENOTDIR))?; match entries.entry(names[0].to_os_string()) { Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => { entry.get_mut().mkdir(&names[1..], mode, inodes)?; } Entry::Vacant(entry) => { let inode = inodes.next_inode(); let mut node = Node::new_dir(names[0], mode, inode); node.mkdir(&names[1..], mode, inodes)?; entry.insert(node); } } } Ok(()) } fn populate_directory(&self) -> io::Result { match self { Node::Dir(nodes, ..) => { let mut offset = 0; let mut directory = Directory::new(); for node in nodes.values() { let entry = node.create_directory_entry(offset); offset = entry.offset(); directory.push_entry(entry); } return Ok(directory) }, _ => return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOTDIR)), } } } impl NodeData { fn new>(name: S, qtype: u8, size: u64, mode: u32, inode: u32) -> Self { NodeData { name: name.into(), qid: Self::create_qid(qtype, inode), size, mode, inode, } } fn create_qid(qtype: u8, inode: u32) -> Qid { let qid_version = Self::generate_qid_version(inode); let qid_path = inode as u64; Qid::new(qtype, qid_version, qid_path) } fn generate_qid_version(inode: u32) -> u32 { match SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(v) => v.as_millis() as u32, _ => inode, } } fn write_stat(&self, pp: &mut PduParser) -> io::Result<()> { const P9_STATS_BASIC: u64 = 0x000007ff; pp.w64(P9_STATS_BASIC)?; self.qid.write(pp)?; pp.w32(self.mode)?; pp.w32(0)?; // uid pp.w32(0)?; // gid pp.w64(1)?; // nlink pp.w64(0)?; // rdev pp.w64(self.size)?; // size pp.w64(0)?; // blksize pp.w64(0)?; // blocks pp.w64(0)?; // atime pp.w64(0)?; // atime nsec pp.w64(0)?; // mtime pp.w64(0)?; // mtime nsec pp.w64(0)?; // ctime pp.w64(0)?; // ctime nsec pp.w64(0)?; // btime pp.w64(0)?; // btime nsec pp.w64(0)?; pp.w64(0)?; Ok(()) } } const BASE_INODE: u32 = 1000; #[derive(Clone)] struct Inodes { inodes: HashSet, current_inode: u32, } impl Inodes { fn new() -> Self { Inodes { inodes: HashSet::new(), current_inode: BASE_INODE, } } fn next_inode(&mut self) -> u32 { let mut inode = self.current_inode; while self.inodes.contains(&inode) { inode += 1; } self.inodes.insert(inode); self.current_inode = inode + 1; inode } fn file_inode(&mut self, path: &Path) -> u32 { let meta = match path.symlink_metadata() { Ok(meta) => meta, Err(_) => return self.next_inode(), }; let inode = meta.st_ino() as u32; if self.inodes.contains(&inode) { return self.next_inode(); } self.inodes.insert(inode); inode } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SyntheticFS { paths_added: HashSet, root: Node, inodes: Inodes, euid_root: bool, } impl SyntheticFS { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut inodes = Inodes::new(); let root = Node::new_dir("/".as_ref(), 0o755, inodes.next_inode()); let euid_root = FileSystem::is_euid_root(); SyntheticFS { root, inodes, euid_root, paths_added: HashSet::new(), } } fn node_count(&self) -> usize { self.inodes.inodes.len() } pub fn mkdirs>(&mut self, paths: &[P]) { for p in paths { self.mkdir(p, 0o755); } } pub fn mkdir>(&mut self, path: P, mode: u32) { let path = path.as_ref(); let names = match Self::path_names(path) { Ok(names) => names, Err(_) => { warn!("cannot add directory because path is invalid: {}", path.display()); return; } }; if let Err(e) = self.root.mkdir(&names, mode, &mut self.inodes) { warn!("failed to create directory {}: {}", path.display(), e); } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn add_memory_file, P: AsRef>(&mut self, dirpath: P, filename: S, mode: u32, bytes: &'static [u8]) -> io::Result<()> { let dirpath = dirpath.as_ref(); let filename = filename.into(); self.mkdir(dirpath, 0o755); let inode = self.inodes.next_inode(); let node = self.lookup_mut(dirpath)?; let entries = node.entries_mut().ok_or(rawerr(libc::ENOTDIR))?; entries.insert(OsString::from(filename.clone()), Node::new_memory_file(filename, mode, inode, bytes.len() as u64, bytes)); Ok(()) } pub fn add_file, P: AsRef, Q: AsRef>(&mut self, dirpath: P, filename: S, mode: u32, realpath: Q) { let dirpath = dirpath.as_ref(); let realpath = realpath.as_ref(); let filename = filename.into(); if let Err(e) = self._add_file(dirpath, &filename, mode, realpath) { warn!("error adding file {:?} to {}: {}", filename, dirpath.display(), e); } } pub fn _add_file>(&mut self, dirpath: &Path, filename: S, mode: u32, realpath: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { let filename = filename.into(); self.mkdir(dirpath, 0o755); let inode = self.inodes.file_inode(realpath); let node = self.lookup_mut(dirpath)?; let entries = node.entries_mut().ok_or(rawerr(libc::ENOTDIR))?; let meta = realpath.metadata()?; entries.insert(OsString::from(filename.clone()), Node::new_file(filename, mode, inode, meta.len(), realpath)); Ok(()) } fn parse_ldd_line(line: &str) -> Option { for s in line.split_whitespace().take(3) { if s.starts_with('/') { let path = Path::new(s); if path.exists() { return Some(path.to_path_buf()) } } } None } fn add_path(&mut self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { if let (Some(parent), Some(filename)) = (path.parent(), path.file_name()) { let meta = path.metadata()?; let mode = meta.permissions().mode(); self.add_file(parent, filename, mode, path); } Ok(()) } fn ldd_command() -> io::Result { let ldd = Path::new("/usr/bin/ldd"); let ldso = Path::new("/usr/lib/"); if ldd.exists() { Ok(Command::new(ldd)) } else if ldso.exists() { let mut cmd = Command::new(ldso); cmd.arg("--list"); Ok(cmd) } else { Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "No ldd binary found")) } } pub fn add_library_dependencies>(&mut self, execpath: P) -> io::Result<()> { let execpath = execpath.as_ref(); let mut cmd = Self::ldd_command()?; let out = cmd .arg(execpath.as_os_str()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .output()?; let s = String::from_utf8(out.stdout).expect(""); for line in s.lines() { if let Some(path) = Self::parse_ldd_line(line) { if !self.paths_added.contains(&path) { self.add_path(&path)?; self.paths_added.insert(path); } } } Ok(()) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn add_executable, Q: AsRef>(&mut self, dirpath: P, filename: &str, realpath: Q) -> io::Result<()> { let realpath = realpath.as_ref(); self.add_library_dependencies(realpath)?; self.add_file(dirpath, filename, 0o755, realpath); Ok(()) } fn lookup(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<&Node> { let mut current = &self.root; for name in Self::path_names(path)? { current = current.descend(name)?; } Ok(current) } fn lookup_mut(&mut self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<&mut Node> { let mut current = &mut self.root; for name in Self::path_names(path)? { current = current.descend_mut(name)?; } Ok(current) } fn path_names(path: &Path) -> io::Result> { if !path.is_absolute() { return syserr(libc::EINVAL) } Ok(path.components().flat_map(|c| match c { Component::Normal(name) => Some(name), _ => None, }).collect()) } } impl FileSystemOps for SyntheticFS { fn read_qid(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result { let node = self.lookup(path)?; Ok(node.qid()) } fn write_stat(&self, path: &Path, pp: &mut PduParser) -> io::Result<()> { let node = self.lookup(path)?; node.write_stat(pp) } fn open(&self, path: &Path, flags: u32) -> io::Result { match self.lookup(path)? { Node::File(local, _) => { // XXX filter flags let file = FileSystem::open_with_flags(local, flags, self.euid_root)?; Ok(P9File::from_file(file)) }, Node::Dir(..) => { Ok(P9File::new_not_a_file()) }, Node::MemoryFile(buffer,..) => { Ok(P9File::from_buffer(buffer.clone())) } } } fn create(&self, _path: &Path, _flags: u32, _mode: u32) -> io::Result { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn write_statfs(&self, _path: &Path, pp: &mut PduParser) -> io::Result<()> { //notify!("write_statfs({})", path.display()); let f_files = self.node_count() as u64; pp.w32(0xABCD)?; // f_type pp.w32(512)?; // f_bsize pp.w64(0)?; // f_blocks pp.w64(0)?; // f_bfree pp.w64(0)?; // f_bavail pp.w64(f_files)?; // f_files pp.w64(0)?; // f_ffree pp.w64(0)?; // pp.w32(4096)?; // f_namelen Ok(()) } fn chown(&self, _path: &Path, _uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn set_mode(&self, _path: &Path, _mode: u32) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn touch(&self, _path: &Path, _which: FsTouch, _tv: (u64, u64)) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn truncate(&self, _path: &Path, _size: u64) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn readlink(&self, _path: &Path) -> io::Result { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn symlink(&self, _target: &Path, _linkpath: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn link(&self, _target: &Path, _newpath: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn rename(&self, _from: &Path, _to: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn remove_file(&self, _path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn remove_dir(&self, _path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn create_dir(&self, _path: &Path, _mode: u32) -> io::Result<()> { syserr(libc::EROFS) } fn readdir_populate(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result { let node = self.lookup(path)?; node.populate_directory() } } fn rawerr(errno: i32) -> io::Error { io::Error::from_raw_os_error(errno) } fn syserr(errno: i32) -> io::Result { Err(rawerr(errno)) }