This option to GCC makes it give a warning whenever a global function is defined without a declaration. This should catch cases were we've defined a function but forgot to put it in a header. In that case it is either only used within one file so we should make it static or we should declare it in a header. The following changes where made to fix problems: • Some functions were made static • cogl-path.h (the one containing the 1.0 API) was split into two files, one defining the functions and one defining the enums so that cogl-path.c can include the enum and function declarations from the 2.0 API as well as the function declarations from the 1.0 API. • cogl2-clip-state has been removed. This only had one experimental function called cogl_clip_push_from_path but as this is unstable we might as well remove it favour of the equivalent cogl_framebuffer_* API. • The GLX, SDL and WGL winsys's now have a private header to define their get_vtable function instead of directly declaring in the C file where it is called. • All places that were calling COGL_OBJECT_DEFINE need to have the cogl_is_whatever function declared so these have been added either as a public function or in a private header. • Some files that were not including the header containing their function declarations have been fixed to do so. • Any unused error quark functions have been removed. If we later want them we should add them back one by one and add a declaration for them in a header. • _cogl_is_framebuffer has been renamed to cogl_is_framebuffer and made a public function with a declaration in cogl-framebuffer.h • Similarly for CoglOnscreen. • cogl_vdraw_indexed_attributes is called cogl_framebuffer_vdraw_indexed_attributes in the header. The definition has been changed to match the header. • cogl_index_buffer_allocate has been removed. This had no declaration and I'm not sure what it's supposed to do. • CoglJournal has been changed to use the internal CoglObject macro so that it won't define an exported cogl_is_journal symbol. • The _cogl_blah_pointer_from_handle functions have been removed. CoglHandle isn't used much anymore anyway and in the few places where it is used I think it's safe to just use the implicit cast from void* to the right type. • The test-utils.h header for the conformance tests explicitly disables the -Wmissing-declaration option using a pragma because all of the tests declare their main function without a header. Any mistakes relating to missing declarations aren't really important for the tests. • cogl_quaternion_init_from_quaternion and init_from_matrix have been given declarations in cogl-quaternion.h Reviewed-by: Robert Bragg <robert@linux.intel.com>
1108 lines
36 KiB
1108 lines
36 KiB
* Cogl
* An object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
* Copyright (C) 2010 Intel Corporation.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Authors:
* Neil Roberts <neil@linux.intel.com>
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "cogl-util.h"
#include "cogl-context-private.h"
#include "cogl-pipeline-private.h"
#include "cogl-pipeline-opengl-private.h"
#include "cogl-offscreen.h"
#include "cogl-internal.h"
#include "cogl-context-private.h"
#include "cogl-handle.h"
#include "cogl-program-private.h"
#include "cogl-pipeline-fragend-glsl-private.h"
#include "cogl-pipeline-vertend-glsl-private.h"
#include "cogl-pipeline-cache.h"
#include "cogl-pipeline-state-private.h"
#include "cogl-attribute-private.h"
#include "cogl-framebuffer-private.h"
#include "cogl-pipeline-progend-glsl-private.h"
/* These are used to generalise updating some uniforms that are
required when building for GLES2 */
typedef void (* UpdateUniformFunc) (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int uniform_location,
void *getter_func);
static void update_float_uniform (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int uniform_location,
void *getter_func);
typedef struct
const char *uniform_name;
void *getter_func;
UpdateUniformFunc update_func;
CoglPipelineState change;
} BuiltinUniformData;
static BuiltinUniformData builtin_uniforms[] =
{ "cogl_point_size_in",
cogl_pipeline_get_point_size, update_float_uniform,
{ "_cogl_alpha_test_ref",
cogl_pipeline_get_alpha_test_reference, update_float_uniform,
#endif /* HAVE_COGL_GLES2 */
const CoglPipelineProgend _cogl_pipeline_glsl_progend;
typedef struct _UnitState
unsigned int dirty_combine_constant:1;
unsigned int dirty_texture_matrix:1;
GLint combine_constant_uniform;
GLint texture_matrix_uniform;
} UnitState;
typedef struct
unsigned int ref_count;
/* Age that the user program had last time we generated a GL
program. If it's different then we need to relink the program */
unsigned int user_program_age;
GLuint program;
/* To allow writing shaders that are portable between GLES 2 and
* OpenGL Cogl prepends a number of boilerplate #defines and
* declarations to user shaders. One of those declarations is an
* array of texture coordinate varyings, but to know how to emit the
* declaration we need to know how many texture coordinate
* attributes are in use. The boilerplate also needs to be changed
* if this changes. */
int n_tex_coord_attribs;
unsigned long dirty_builtin_uniforms;
GLint builtin_uniform_locations[G_N_ELEMENTS (builtin_uniforms)];
GLint modelview_uniform;
GLint projection_uniform;
GLint mvp_uniform;
CoglMatrixStackCache projection_cache;
CoglMatrixStackCache modelview_cache;
/* We need to track the last pipeline that the program was used with
* so know if we need to update all of the uniforms */
CoglPipeline *last_used_for_pipeline;
/* Array of GL uniform locations indexed by Cogl's uniform
location. We are careful only to allocated this array if a custom
uniform is actually set */
GArray *uniform_locations;
/* Array of attribute locations. */
GArray *attribute_locations;
/* The 'flip' uniform is used to flip the geometry upside-down when
the framebuffer requires it only when there are vertex
snippets. Otherwise this is acheived using the projection
matrix */
GLint flip_uniform;
int flushed_flip_state;
UnitState *unit_state;
} CoglPipelineProgramState;
static CoglUserDataKey program_state_key;
static CoglPipelineProgramState *
get_program_state (CoglPipeline *pipeline)
return cogl_object_get_user_data (COGL_OBJECT (pipeline), &program_state_key);
/* Under GLES2 the vertex attribute API needs to query the attribute
numbers because it can't used the fixed function API to set the
builtin attributes. We cache the attributes here because the
progend knows when the program is changed so it can clear the
cache. This should always be called after the pipeline is flushed
so they can assert that the gl program is valid */
/* All attributes names get internally mapped to a global set of
* sequential indices when they are setup which we need to need to
* then be able to map to a GL attribute location once we have
* a linked GLSL program */
_cogl_pipeline_progend_glsl_get_attrib_location (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int name_index)
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state = get_program_state (pipeline);
int *locations;
_COGL_GET_CONTEXT (ctx, -1);
_COGL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (program_state != NULL, -1);
_COGL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (program_state->program != 0, -1);
if (G_UNLIKELY (program_state->attribute_locations == NULL))
program_state->attribute_locations =
g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (int));
if (G_UNLIKELY (program_state->attribute_locations->len <= name_index))
int i = program_state->attribute_locations->len;
g_array_set_size (program_state->attribute_locations, name_index + 1);
for (; i < program_state->attribute_locations->len; i++)
g_array_index (program_state->attribute_locations, int, i)
locations = &g_array_index (program_state->attribute_locations, int, 0);
if (locations[name_index] == ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION_UNKNOWN)
CoglAttributeNameState *name_state =
g_array_index (ctx->attribute_name_index_map,
CoglAttributeNameState *, name_index);
_COGL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (name_state != NULL, 0);
GE_RET( locations[name_index],
ctx, glGetAttribLocation (program_state->program,
name_state->name) );
return locations[name_index];
static void
clear_attribute_cache (CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state)
if (program_state->attribute_locations)
g_array_free (program_state->attribute_locations, TRUE);
program_state->attribute_locations = NULL;
static void
clear_flushed_matrix_stacks (CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state)
_cogl_matrix_stack_destroy_cache (&program_state->projection_cache);
_cogl_matrix_stack_init_cache (&program_state->projection_cache);
_cogl_matrix_stack_destroy_cache (&program_state->modelview_cache);
_cogl_matrix_stack_init_cache (&program_state->modelview_cache);
#endif /* HAVE_COGL_GLES2 */
static CoglPipelineProgramState *
program_state_new (int n_layers)
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state;
program_state = g_slice_new (CoglPipelineProgramState);
program_state->ref_count = 1;
program_state->program = 0;
program_state->n_tex_coord_attribs = 0;
program_state->unit_state = g_new (UnitState, n_layers);
program_state->uniform_locations = NULL;
program_state->attribute_locations = NULL;
_cogl_matrix_stack_init_cache (&program_state->modelview_cache);
_cogl_matrix_stack_init_cache (&program_state->projection_cache);
return program_state;
static void
destroy_program_state (void *user_data,
void *instance)
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state = user_data;
/* If the program state was last used for this pipeline then clear
it so that if same address gets used again for a new pipeline
then we won't think it's the same pipeline and avoid updating the
uniforms */
if (program_state->last_used_for_pipeline == instance)
program_state->last_used_for_pipeline = NULL;
if (--program_state->ref_count == 0)
clear_attribute_cache (program_state);
if (ctx->driver == COGL_DRIVER_GLES2)
_cogl_matrix_stack_destroy_cache (&program_state->projection_cache);
_cogl_matrix_stack_destroy_cache (&program_state->modelview_cache);
if (program_state->program)
GE( ctx, glDeleteProgram (program_state->program) );
g_free (program_state->unit_state);
if (program_state->uniform_locations)
g_array_free (program_state->uniform_locations, TRUE);
g_slice_free (CoglPipelineProgramState, program_state);
static void
set_program_state (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state)
_cogl_object_set_user_data (COGL_OBJECT (pipeline),
static void
dirty_program_state (CoglPipeline *pipeline)
cogl_object_set_user_data (COGL_OBJECT (pipeline),
static void
link_program (GLint gl_program)
GLint link_status;
GE( ctx, glLinkProgram (gl_program) );
GE( ctx, glGetProgramiv (gl_program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &link_status) );
if (!link_status)
GLint log_length;
GLsizei out_log_length;
char *log;
GE( ctx, glGetProgramiv (gl_program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length) );
log = g_malloc (log_length);
GE( ctx, glGetProgramInfoLog (gl_program, log_length,
&out_log_length, log) );
g_warning ("Failed to link GLSL program:\n%.*s\n",
log_length, log);
g_free (log);
typedef struct
int unit;
GLuint gl_program;
gboolean update_all;
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state;
} UpdateUniformsState;
static gboolean
get_uniform_cb (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
void *user_data)
UpdateUniformsState *state = user_data;
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state = state->program_state;
UnitState *unit_state = &program_state->unit_state[state->unit];
GLint uniform_location;
/* We can reuse the source buffer to create the uniform name because
the program has now been linked */
g_string_set_size (ctx->codegen_source_buffer, 0);
g_string_append_printf (ctx->codegen_source_buffer,
"cogl_sampler%i", layer_index);
GE_RET( uniform_location,
ctx, glGetUniformLocation (state->gl_program,
ctx->codegen_source_buffer->str) );
/* We can set the uniform immediately because the samplers are the
unit index not the texture object number so it will never
change. Unfortunately GL won't let us use a constant instead of a
uniform */
if (uniform_location != -1)
GE( ctx, glUniform1i (uniform_location, state->unit) );
g_string_set_size (ctx->codegen_source_buffer, 0);
g_string_append_printf (ctx->codegen_source_buffer,
"_cogl_layer_constant_%i", layer_index);
GE_RET( uniform_location,
ctx, glGetUniformLocation (state->gl_program,
ctx->codegen_source_buffer->str) );
unit_state->combine_constant_uniform = uniform_location;
if (ctx->driver == COGL_DRIVER_GLES2)
g_string_set_size (ctx->codegen_source_buffer, 0);
g_string_append_printf (ctx->codegen_source_buffer,
"cogl_texture_matrix[%i]", state->unit);
GE_RET( uniform_location,
ctx, glGetUniformLocation (state->gl_program,
ctx->codegen_source_buffer->str) );
unit_state->texture_matrix_uniform = uniform_location;
return TRUE;
static gboolean
update_constants_cb (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int layer_index,
void *user_data)
UpdateUniformsState *state = user_data;
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state = state->program_state;
UnitState *unit_state = &program_state->unit_state[state->unit++];
if (unit_state->combine_constant_uniform != -1 &&
(state->update_all || unit_state->dirty_combine_constant))
float constant[4];
_cogl_pipeline_get_layer_combine_constant (pipeline,
GE (ctx, glUniform4fv (unit_state->combine_constant_uniform,
1, constant));
unit_state->dirty_combine_constant = FALSE;
if (ctx->driver == COGL_DRIVER_GLES2 &&
unit_state->texture_matrix_uniform != -1 &&
(state->update_all || unit_state->dirty_texture_matrix))
const CoglMatrix *matrix;
const float *array;
matrix = _cogl_pipeline_get_layer_matrix (pipeline, layer_index);
array = cogl_matrix_get_array (matrix);
GE (ctx, glUniformMatrix4fv (unit_state->texture_matrix_uniform,
1, FALSE, array));
unit_state->dirty_texture_matrix = FALSE;
#endif /* HAVE_COGL_GLES2 */
return TRUE;
static void
update_builtin_uniforms (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
GLuint gl_program,
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state)
int i;
if (program_state->dirty_builtin_uniforms == 0)
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (builtin_uniforms); i++)
if ((program_state->dirty_builtin_uniforms & (1 << i)) &&
program_state->builtin_uniform_locations[i] != -1)
builtin_uniforms[i].update_func (pipeline,
program_state->dirty_builtin_uniforms = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_COGL_GLES2 */
typedef struct
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state;
unsigned long *uniform_differences;
int n_differences;
CoglContext *ctx;
const CoglBoxedValue *values;
int value_index;
} FlushUniformsClosure;
static gboolean
flush_uniform_cb (int uniform_num, void *user_data)
FlushUniformsClosure *data = user_data;
if (COGL_FLAGS_GET (data->uniform_differences, uniform_num))
GArray *uniform_locations;
GLint uniform_location;
if (data->program_state->uniform_locations == NULL)
data->program_state->uniform_locations =
g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GLint));
uniform_locations = data->program_state->uniform_locations;
if (uniform_locations->len <= uniform_num)
unsigned int old_len = uniform_locations->len;
g_array_set_size (uniform_locations, uniform_num + 1);
while (old_len <= uniform_num)
g_array_index (uniform_locations, GLint, old_len) =
uniform_location = g_array_index (uniform_locations, GLint, uniform_num);
if (uniform_location == UNIFORM_LOCATION_UNKNOWN)
const char *uniform_name =
g_ptr_array_index (data->ctx->uniform_names, uniform_num);
uniform_location =
data->ctx->glGetUniformLocation (data->program_state->program,
g_array_index (uniform_locations, GLint, uniform_num) =
if (uniform_location != -1)
_cogl_boxed_value_set_uniform (data->ctx,
data->values + data->value_index);
COGL_FLAGS_SET (data->uniform_differences, uniform_num, FALSE);
return data->n_differences > 0;
static void
_cogl_pipeline_progend_glsl_flush_uniforms (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
CoglPipelineProgramState *
GLuint gl_program,
gboolean program_changed)
CoglPipelineUniformsState *uniforms_state;
FlushUniformsClosure data;
int n_uniform_longs;
if (pipeline->differences & COGL_PIPELINE_STATE_UNIFORMS)
uniforms_state = &pipeline->big_state->uniforms_state;
uniforms_state = NULL;
data.program_state = program_state;
data.ctx = ctx;
n_uniform_longs = COGL_FLAGS_N_LONGS_FOR_SIZE (ctx->n_uniform_names);
data.uniform_differences = g_newa (unsigned long, n_uniform_longs);
/* Try to find a common ancestor for the values that were already
flushed on the pipeline that this program state was last used for
so we can avoid flushing those */
if (program_changed || program_state->last_used_for_pipeline == NULL)
if (program_changed)
/* The program has changed so all of the uniform locations
are invalid */
if (program_state->uniform_locations)
g_array_set_size (program_state->uniform_locations, 0);
/* We need to flush everything so mark all of the uniforms as
dirty */
memset (data.uniform_differences, 0xff,
n_uniform_longs * sizeof (unsigned long));
data.n_differences = G_MAXINT;
else if (program_state->last_used_for_pipeline)
int i;
memset (data.uniform_differences, 0,
n_uniform_longs * sizeof (unsigned long));
/* We need to be sure to flush any uniforms that have changed
since the last flush */
if (uniforms_state)
_cogl_bitmask_set_flags (&uniforms_state->changed_mask,
/* Count the number of differences. This is so we can stop early
when we've flushed all of them */
data.n_differences = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n_uniform_longs; i++)
data.n_differences +=
_cogl_util_popcountl (data.uniform_differences[i]);
while (pipeline && data.n_differences > 0)
if (pipeline->differences & COGL_PIPELINE_STATE_UNIFORMS)
const CoglPipelineUniformsState *parent_uniforms_state =
data.values = parent_uniforms_state->override_values;
data.value_index = 0;
_cogl_bitmask_foreach (&parent_uniforms_state->override_mask,
pipeline = _cogl_pipeline_get_parent (pipeline);
if (uniforms_state)
_cogl_bitmask_clear_all (&uniforms_state->changed_mask);
static void
_cogl_pipeline_progend_glsl_end (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
unsigned long pipelines_difference,
int n_tex_coord_attribs)
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state;
GLuint gl_program;
gboolean program_changed = FALSE;
UpdateUniformsState state;
CoglProgram *user_program;
CoglPipeline *template_pipeline = NULL;
/* If neither of the glsl fragend or vertends are used then we don't
need to do anything */
if (pipeline->fragend != COGL_PIPELINE_FRAGEND_GLSL &&
pipeline->vertend != COGL_PIPELINE_VERTEND_GLSL)
program_state = get_program_state (pipeline);
user_program = cogl_pipeline_get_user_program (pipeline);
if (program_state == NULL)
CoglPipeline *authority;
/* Get the authority for anything affecting program state. This
should include both fragment codegen state and vertex codegen
state */
authority = _cogl_pipeline_find_equivalent_parent
_cogl_pipeline_get_state_for_fragment_codegen (ctx)) &
_cogl_pipeline_get_layer_state_for_fragment_codegen (ctx) |
program_state = get_program_state (authority);
if (program_state == NULL)
/* Check if there is already a similar cached pipeline whose
program state we can share */
template_pipeline =
_cogl_pipeline_cache_get_combined_template (ctx->pipeline_cache,
program_state = get_program_state (template_pipeline);
if (program_state)
= program_state_new (cogl_pipeline_get_n_layers (authority));
set_program_state (authority, program_state);
if (template_pipeline)
set_program_state (template_pipeline, program_state);
if (authority != pipeline)
set_program_state (pipeline, program_state);
/* If the program has changed since the last link then we do
* need to relink
* Also if the number of texture coordinate attributes in use has
* changed, then delete the program so we can prepend a new
* _cogl_tex_coord[] varying array declaration. */
if ((program_state->program && user_program &&
user_program->age != program_state->user_program_age) ||
(ctx->driver == COGL_DRIVER_GLES2 &&
n_tex_coord_attribs != program_state->n_tex_coord_attribs))
GE( ctx, glDeleteProgram (program_state->program) );
program_state->program = 0;
if (program_state->program == 0)
GLuint backend_shader;
GSList *l;
GE_RET( program_state->program, ctx, glCreateProgram () );
/* Attach all of the shader from the user program */
if (user_program)
for (l = user_program->attached_shaders; l; l = l->next)
CoglShader *shader = l->data;
_cogl_shader_compile_real (shader, n_tex_coord_attribs);
g_assert (shader->language == COGL_SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL);
GE( ctx, glAttachShader (program_state->program,
shader->gl_handle) );
program_state->user_program_age = user_program->age;
/* Attach any shaders from the GLSL backends */
if (pipeline->fragend == COGL_PIPELINE_FRAGEND_GLSL &&
(backend_shader = _cogl_pipeline_fragend_glsl_get_shader (pipeline)))
GE( ctx, glAttachShader (program_state->program, backend_shader) );
if (pipeline->vertend == COGL_PIPELINE_VERTEND_GLSL &&
(backend_shader = _cogl_pipeline_vertend_glsl_get_shader (pipeline)))
GE( ctx, glAttachShader (program_state->program, backend_shader) );
link_program (program_state->program);
program_changed = TRUE;
program_state->n_tex_coord_attribs = n_tex_coord_attribs;
gl_program = program_state->program;
if (pipeline->fragend == COGL_PIPELINE_FRAGEND_GLSL)
_cogl_use_fragment_program (gl_program, COGL_PIPELINE_PROGRAM_TYPE_GLSL);
if (pipeline->vertend == COGL_PIPELINE_VERTEND_GLSL)
_cogl_use_vertex_program (gl_program, COGL_PIPELINE_PROGRAM_TYPE_GLSL);
state.unit = 0;
state.gl_program = gl_program;
state.program_state = program_state;
if (program_changed)
cogl_pipeline_foreach_layer (pipeline,
clear_attribute_cache (program_state);
GE_RET (program_state->flip_uniform,
ctx, glGetUniformLocation (gl_program, "_cogl_flip_vector"));
program_state->flushed_flip_state = -1;
state.unit = 0;
state.update_all = (program_changed ||
program_state->last_used_for_pipeline != pipeline);
cogl_pipeline_foreach_layer (pipeline,
if (ctx->driver == COGL_DRIVER_GLES2)
if (program_changed)
int i;
clear_flushed_matrix_stacks (program_state);
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (builtin_uniforms); i++)
GE_RET( program_state->builtin_uniform_locations[i], ctx,
glGetUniformLocation (gl_program,
builtin_uniforms[i].uniform_name) );
GE_RET( program_state->modelview_uniform, ctx,
glGetUniformLocation (gl_program,
"cogl_modelview_matrix") );
GE_RET( program_state->projection_uniform, ctx,
glGetUniformLocation (gl_program,
"cogl_projection_matrix") );
GE_RET( program_state->mvp_uniform, ctx,
glGetUniformLocation (gl_program,
"cogl_modelview_projection_matrix") );
if (program_changed ||
program_state->last_used_for_pipeline != pipeline)
program_state->dirty_builtin_uniforms = ~(unsigned long) 0;
update_builtin_uniforms (pipeline, gl_program, program_state);
_cogl_pipeline_progend_glsl_flush_uniforms (pipeline,
if (user_program)
_cogl_program_flush_uniforms (user_program,
/* We need to track the last pipeline that the program was used with
* so know if we need to update all of the uniforms */
program_state->last_used_for_pipeline = pipeline;
static void
_cogl_pipeline_progend_glsl_pre_change_notify (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
CoglPipelineState change,
const CoglColor *new_color)
if ((change & _cogl_pipeline_get_state_for_fragment_codegen (ctx)))
dirty_program_state (pipeline);
else if (ctx->driver == COGL_DRIVER_GLES2)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (builtin_uniforms); i++)
if ((change & builtin_uniforms[i].change))
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state
= get_program_state (pipeline);
if (program_state)
program_state->dirty_builtin_uniforms |= 1 << i;
#endif /* HAVE_COGL_GLES2 */
/* NB: layers are considered immutable once they have any dependants
* so although multiple pipelines can end up depending on a single
* static layer, we can guarantee that if a layer is being *changed*
* then it can only have one pipeline depending on it.
* XXX: Don't forget this is *pre* change, we can't read the new value
* yet!
static void
_cogl_pipeline_progend_glsl_layer_pre_change_notify (
CoglPipeline *owner,
CoglPipelineLayer *layer,
CoglPipelineLayerState change)
if ((change & _cogl_pipeline_get_state_for_fragment_codegen (ctx)))
dirty_program_state (owner);
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state = get_program_state (owner);
if (program_state)
int unit_index = _cogl_pipeline_layer_get_unit_index (layer);
program_state->unit_state[unit_index].dirty_combine_constant = TRUE;
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state = get_program_state (owner);
if (program_state)
int unit_index = _cogl_pipeline_layer_get_unit_index (layer);
program_state->unit_state[unit_index].dirty_texture_matrix = TRUE;
static void
_cogl_pipeline_progend_glsl_pre_paint (CoglPipeline *pipeline)
gboolean needs_flip;
CoglMatrixStack *projection_stack;
CoglMatrixStack *modelview_stack;
CoglPipelineProgramState *program_state;
if (pipeline->vertend != COGL_PIPELINE_VERTEND_GLSL)
program_state = get_program_state (pipeline);
projection_stack = ctx->current_projection_stack;
modelview_stack = ctx->current_modelview_stack;
/* An initial pipeline is flushed while creating the context. At
this point there are no matrices selected so we can't do
anything */
if (modelview_stack == NULL || projection_stack == NULL)
needs_flip = cogl_is_offscreen (ctx->current_draw_buffer);
if (ctx->driver == COGL_DRIVER_GLES2)
gboolean modelview_changed;
gboolean projection_changed;
gboolean need_modelview;
gboolean need_projection;
CoglMatrix modelview, projection;
projection_changed =
_cogl_matrix_stack_check_and_update_cache (projection_stack,
needs_flip &&
flip_uniform == -1);
modelview_changed =
_cogl_matrix_stack_check_and_update_cache (modelview_stack,
/* never flip modelview */
if (modelview_changed || projection_changed)
if (program_state->mvp_uniform != -1)
need_modelview = need_projection = TRUE;
need_projection = (program_state->projection_uniform != -1 &&
need_modelview = (program_state->modelview_uniform != -1 &&
if (need_modelview)
_cogl_matrix_stack_get (modelview_stack, &modelview);
if (need_projection)
if (needs_flip && program_state->flip_uniform == -1)
CoglMatrix tmp_matrix;
_cogl_matrix_stack_get (projection_stack, &tmp_matrix);
cogl_matrix_multiply (&projection,
_cogl_matrix_stack_get (projection_stack, &projection);
if (projection_changed && program_state->projection_uniform != -1)
GE (ctx, glUniformMatrix4fv (program_state->projection_uniform,
1, /* count */
FALSE, /* transpose */
cogl_matrix_get_array (&projection)));
if (modelview_changed && program_state->modelview_uniform != -1)
GE (ctx, glUniformMatrix4fv (program_state->modelview_uniform,
1, /* count */
FALSE, /* transpose */
cogl_matrix_get_array (&modelview)));
if (program_state->mvp_uniform != -1)
/* The journal usually uses an identity matrix for the
modelview so we can optimise this common case by
avoiding the matrix multiplication */
if (_cogl_matrix_stack_has_identity_flag (modelview_stack))
GE (ctx,
glUniformMatrix4fv (program_state->mvp_uniform,
1, /* count */
FALSE, /* transpose */
cogl_matrix_get_array (&projection)));
CoglMatrix combined;
cogl_matrix_multiply (&combined,
GE (ctx,
glUniformMatrix4fv (program_state->mvp_uniform,
1, /* count */
FALSE, /* transpose */
cogl_matrix_get_array (&combined)));
gboolean disable_flip;
/* If there are vertex snippets, then we'll disable flipping the
geometry via the matrix and use the flip vertex instead */
disable_flip = program_state->flip_uniform != -1;
_cogl_matrix_stack_flush_to_gl_builtins (ctx,
_cogl_matrix_stack_flush_to_gl_builtins (ctx,
if (program_state->flip_uniform != -1
&& program_state->flushed_flip_state != needs_flip)
static const float do_flip[4] = { 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
static const float dont_flip[4] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
GE( ctx, glUniform4fv (program_state->flip_uniform,
1, /* count */
needs_flip ? do_flip : dont_flip) );
program_state->flushed_flip_state = needs_flip;
static void
update_float_uniform (CoglPipeline *pipeline,
int uniform_location,
void *getter_func)
float (* float_getter_func) (CoglPipeline *) = getter_func;
float value;
value = float_getter_func (pipeline);
GE( ctx, glUniform1f (uniform_location, value) );
const CoglPipelineProgend _cogl_pipeline_glsl_progend =