Robert Bragg 85a26ea785 texture: fix cogl_texture_get_components prototype
This fixes the cogl_texture_get_components() prototype to have a return
type of CoglTextureComponents instead of CoglBool which was probably a
copy and paste error.

(cherry picked from commit 55b09f8a939db71ee5ff41afa0ed08cbe937a4ec)
2014-01-13 19:10:27 +00:00

470 lines
15 KiB

* Cogl
* An object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
* Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009,2010 Intel Corporation.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
#if !defined(__COGL_H_INSIDE__) && !defined(COGL_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <cogl/cogl.h> can be included directly."
#ifndef __COGL_TEXTURE_H__
#define __COGL_TEXTURE_H__
/* We forward declare the CoglTexture type here to avoid some circular
* dependency issues with the following headers.
#ifdef __COGL_H_INSIDE__
/* For the public C api we typedef interface types as void to avoid needing
* lots of casting in code and instead we will rely on runtime type checking
* for these objects. */
typedef void CoglTexture;
typedef struct _CoglTexture CoglTexture;
#define COGL_TEXTURE(X) ((CoglTexture *)X)
#include <cogl/cogl-types.h>
#include <cogl/cogl-macros.h>
#include <cogl/cogl-defines.h>
#include <cogl/cogl-pixel-buffer.h>
#include <cogl/cogl-bitmap.h>
* SECTION:cogl-texture
* @short_description: Functions for creating and manipulating textures
* Cogl allows creating and manipulating textures using a uniform
* API that tries to hide all the various complexities of creating,
* loading and manipulating textures.
* #CoglError domain for texture errors.
* Since: 2.0
* Stability: Unstable
#define COGL_TEXTURE_ERROR (cogl_texture_error_quark ())
* CoglTextureError:
* @COGL_TEXTURE_ERROR_SIZE: Unsupported size
* Error codes that can be thrown when allocating textures.
* Since: 2.0
* Stability: Unstable
typedef enum {
} CoglTextureError;
* CoglTextureType:
* @COGL_TEXTURE_TYPE_2D: A #CoglTexture2D
* @COGL_TEXTURE_TYPE_3D: A #CoglTexture3D
* Constants representing the underlying hardware texture type of a
* #CoglTexture.
* Stability: unstable
* Since: 1.10
typedef enum {
} CoglTextureType;
uint32_t cogl_texture_error_quark (void);
* cogl_is_texture:
* @object: A #CoglObject pointer
* Gets whether the given object references a texture object.
* Return value: %TRUE if the @object references a texture, and
* %FALSE otherwise
cogl_is_texture (void *object);
typedef enum _CoglTextureComponents
} CoglTextureComponents;
* cogl_texture_set_components:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* Affects the internal storage format for this texture by
* determinging what components will be required for sampling later.
* This api affects how data is uploaded to the GPU since unused
* components can potentially be discarded from source data.
* By default the required components are automatically determined
* using the format of the source data that is first uploaded to
* the given @texture.
cogl_texture_set_components (CoglTexture *texture,
CoglTextureComponents components);
* cogl_texture_get_components:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* Queries what components the given @texture stores internally as set
* via cogl_texture_set_components().
* By default the required components are automatically determined
* using the format of the source data that is first uploaded to
* the given @texture.
cogl_texture_get_components (CoglTexture *texture);
* cogl_texture_set_premultiplied:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* @premultiplied: Whether any internally stored red, green or blue
* components are pre-multiplied by an alpha
* component.
* Affects the internal storage format for this texture by determining
* whether red, green and blue color components should be stored as
* pre-multiplied alpha values.
* This api affects how data is uploaded to the GPU since Cogl will
* convert source data to have premultiplied or unpremultiplied
* components according to this state.
* For example if you create a texture via
* cogl_texture_2d_new_with_size() and then upload data via
* cogl_texture_set_data() passing a source format of
* %COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 then Cogl will internally multiply the
* red, green and blue components of the source data by the alpha
* component, for each pixel so that the internally stored data has
* pre-multiplied alpha components. If you instead upload data that
* already has pre-multiplied components by passing
* %COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888_PRE as the source format to
* cogl_texture_set_data() then the data can be uploaded without being
* converted.
* By default the @premultipled state is @TRUE.
cogl_texture_set_premultiplied (CoglTexture *texture,
CoglBool premultiplied);
* cogl_texture_get_premultiplied:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* Queries the pre-multiplied alpha status for internally stored red,
* green and blue components for the given @texture as set by
* cogl_texture_set_premultiplied().
* By default the pre-multipled state is @TRUE.
* Return value: %TRUE if red, green and blue components are
* internally stored pre-multiplied by the alpha
* value or %FALSE if not.
cogl_texture_get_premultiplied (CoglTexture *texture);
* cogl_texture_get_width:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* Queries the width of a cogl texture.
* Return value: the width of the GPU side texture in pixels
unsigned int
cogl_texture_get_width (CoglTexture *texture);
* cogl_texture_get_height:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* Queries the height of a cogl texture.
* Return value: the height of the GPU side texture in pixels
unsigned int
cogl_texture_get_height (CoglTexture *texture);
* cogl_texture_get_max_waste:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* Queries the maximum wasted (unused) pixels in one dimension of a GPU side
* texture.
* Return value: the maximum waste
cogl_texture_get_max_waste (CoglTexture *texture);
* cogl_texture_is_sliced:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* Queries if a texture is sliced (stored as multiple GPU side tecture
* objects).
* Return value: %TRUE if the texture is sliced, %FALSE if the texture
* is stored as a single GPU texture
cogl_texture_is_sliced (CoglTexture *texture);
* cogl_texture_get_gl_texture:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* @out_gl_handle: (out) (allow-none): pointer to return location for the
* textures GL handle, or %NULL.
* @out_gl_target: (out) (allow-none): pointer to return location for the
* GL target type, or %NULL.
* Queries the GL handles for a GPU side texture through its #CoglTexture.
* If the texture is spliced the data for the first sub texture will be
* queried.
* Return value: %TRUE if the handle was successfully retrieved, %FALSE
* if the handle was invalid
cogl_texture_get_gl_texture (CoglTexture *texture,
unsigned int *out_gl_handle,
unsigned int *out_gl_target);
* cogl_texture_get_data:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer.
* @format: the #CoglPixelFormat to store the texture as.
* @rowstride: the rowstride of @data in bytes or pass 0 to calculate
* from the bytes-per-pixel of @format multiplied by the
* @texture width.
* @data: memory location to write the @texture's contents, or %NULL
* to only query the data size through the return value.
* Copies the pixel data from a cogl texture to system memory.
* <note>Don't pass the value of cogl_texture_get_rowstride() as the
* @rowstride argument, the rowstride should be the rowstride you
* want for the destination @data buffer not the rowstride of the
* source texture</note>
* Return value: the size of the texture data in bytes
cogl_texture_get_data (CoglTexture *texture,
CoglPixelFormat format,
unsigned int rowstride,
uint8_t *data);
* cogl_texture_set_region:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture.
* @src_x: upper left coordinate to use from source data.
* @src_y: upper left coordinate to use from source data.
* @dst_x: upper left destination horizontal coordinate.
* @dst_y: upper left destination vertical coordinate.
* @dst_width: width of destination region to write. (Must be less
* than or equal to @width)
* @dst_height: height of destination region to write. (Must be less
* than or equal to @height)
* @width: width of source data buffer.
* @height: height of source data buffer.
* @format: the #CoglPixelFormat used in the source buffer.
* @rowstride: rowstride of source buffer (computed from width if none
* specified)
* @data: the actual pixel data.
* Sets the pixels in a rectangular subregion of @texture from an in-memory
* buffer containing pixel data.
* <note>The region set can't be larger than the source @data</note>
* Return value: %TRUE if the subregion upload was successful, and
* %FALSE otherwise
cogl_texture_set_region (CoglTexture *texture,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int dst_x,
int dst_y,
unsigned int dst_width,
unsigned int dst_height,
int width,
int height,
CoglPixelFormat format,
unsigned int rowstride,
const uint8_t *data);
* cogl_texture_set_data:
* @texture a #CoglTexture.
* @format: the #CoglPixelFormat used in the source @data buffer.
* @rowstride: rowstride of the source @data buffer (computed from
* the texture width and @format if it equals 0)
* @data: the source data, pointing to the first top-left pixel to set
* @level: The mipmap level to update (Normally 0 for the largest,
* base texture)
* @error: A #CoglError to return exceptional errors
* Sets all the pixels for a given mipmap @level by copying the pixel
* data pointed to by the @data argument into the given @texture.
* @data should point to the first pixel to copy corresponding
* to the top left of the mipmap @level being set.
* If @rowstride equals 0 then it will be automatically calculated
* from the width of the mipmap level and the bytes-per-pixel for the
* given @format.
* A mipmap @level of 0 corresponds to the largest, base image of a
* texture and @level 1 is half the width and height of level 0. If
* dividing any dimension of the previous level by two results in a
* fraction then round the number down (floor()), but clamp to 1
* something like this:
* |[
* next_width = MAX (1, floor (prev_width));
* ]|
* You can determine the number of mipmap levels for a given texture
* like this:
* |[
* n_levels = 1 + floor (log2 (max_dimension));
* ]|
* Where %max_dimension is the larger of cogl_texture_get_width() and
* cogl_texture_get_height().
* It is an error to pass a @level number >= the number of levels that
* @texture can have according to the above calculation.
* <note>Since the storage for a #CoglTexture is allocated lazily then
* if the given @texture has not previously been allocated then this
* api can return %FALSE and throw an exceptional @error if there is
* not enough memory to allocate storage for @texture.</note>
* Return value: %TRUE if the data upload was successful, and
* %FALSE otherwise
cogl_texture_set_data (CoglTexture *texture,
CoglPixelFormat format,
int rowstride,
const uint8_t *data,
int level,
CoglError **error);
* cogl_texture_set_region_from_bitmap:
* @texture: a #CoglTexture pointer
* @src_x: upper left coordinate to use from the source bitmap.
* @src_y: upper left coordinate to use from the source bitmap
* @dst_x: upper left destination horizontal coordinate.
* @dst_y: upper left destination vertical coordinate.
* @dst_width: width of destination region to write. (Must be less
* than or equal to the bitmap width)
* @dst_height: height of destination region to write. (Must be less
* than or equal to the bitmap height)
* @bitmap: The source bitmap to read from
* Copies a specified source region from @bitmap to the position
* (@src_x, @src_y) of the given destination texture @handle.
* <note>The region updated can't be larger than the source
* bitmap</note>
* Return value: %TRUE if the subregion upload was successful, and
* %FALSE otherwise
* Since: 1.8
* Stability: unstable
cogl_texture_set_region_from_bitmap (CoglTexture *texture,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int dst_x,
int dst_y,
unsigned int dst_width,
unsigned int dst_height,
CoglBitmap *bitmap);
* cogl_texture_allocate:
* @texture: A #CoglTexture
* @error: A #CoglError to return exceptional errors or %NULL
* Explicitly allocates the storage for the given @texture which
* allows you to be sure that there is enough memory for the
* texture and if not then the error can be handled gracefully.
* <note>Normally applications don't need to use this api directly
* since the texture will be implicitly allocated when data is set on
* the texture, or if the texture is attached to a #CoglOffscreen
* framebuffer and rendered too.</note>
* Return value: %TRUE if the texture was successfully allocated,
* otherwise %FALSE and @error will be updated if it
* wasn't %NULL.
cogl_texture_allocate (CoglTexture *texture,
CoglError **error);
#endif /* __COGL_TEXTURE_H__ */