A lot of the conformance tests that were just testing Cogl functionality have been ported to be standalone Cogl tests in the Cogl source tree. This patch removes those from Clutter so we don't have to maintain them in two places. Reviewed-by: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi@linux.intel.com>
323 lines
11 KiB
323 lines
11 KiB
include $(top_srcdir)/build/autotools/Makefile.am.silent
noinst_PROGRAMS = test-conformance
# the common sources
common_sources = \
test-conform-common.h \
test-conform-common.c \
test-conform-main.c \
# the unit-specific sources; please: keep all sections in alphabetical order!
units_sources =
# animation tests
units_sources += \
test-animator.c \
test-behaviours.c \
test-score.c \
test-state.c \
test-timeline.c \
test-timeline-interpolate.c \
test-timeline-rewind.c \
# cogl tests
units_sources += \
test-cogl-fixed.c \
test-cogl-materials.c \
test-cogl-viewport.c \
test-cogl-multitexture.c \
test-cogl-npot-texture.c \
test-cogl-object.c \
test-cogl-pixel-buffer.c \
test-cogl-premult.c \
test-cogl-readpixels.c \
test-cogl-texture-get-set-data.c \
test-cogl-texture-mipmaps.c \
test-cogl-texture-pixmap-x11.c \
test-cogl-texture-rectangle.c \
test-cogl-atlas-migration.c \
test-cogl-vertex-buffer-contiguous.c \
test-cogl-vertex-buffer-interleved.c \
test-cogl-vertex-buffer-mutability.c \
# actors tests
units_sources += \
test-actor-graph.c \
test-actor-destroy.c \
test-actor-invariants.c \
test-actor-iter.c \
test-actor-layout.c \
test-actor-size.c \
test-anchors.c \
test-binding-pool.c \
test-clutter-cairo-texture.c \
test-clutter-rectangle.c \
test-clutter-text.c \
test-clutter-texture.c \
test-group.c \
test-offscreen-redirect.c \
test-path.c \
test-paint-opacity.c \
test-pick.c \
test-texture-fbo.c \
test-text-cache.c \
test-shader-effect.c \
# objects tests
units_sources += \
test-clutter-units.c \
test-color.c \
test-model.c \
test-script-parser.c \
# cally tests
units_sources += \
test-cally-text.c \
test_conformance_SOURCES = $(common_sources) $(units_sources)
if OS_WIN32
# For convenience, this provides a way to easily run individual unit tests:
.PHONY: wrappers clean-wrappers
#UNIT_TESTS = `./test-conformance -l -m thorough | $(GREP) '^/'`
wrappers: stamp-test-conformance
stamp-test-conformance: Makefile $(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c
@mkdir -p wrappers
@sed -n \
-e 's/^ \{1,\}TEST_CONFORM_SIMPLE *(.*"\([^",]\{1,\}\)", *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\/conform\1\/\2/p' \
-e 's/^ \{1,\}TEST_CONFORM_SKIP *(.*"\([^",]\{1,\}\)", *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\/conform\1\/\2/p' \
-e 's/^ \{1,\}TEST_CONFORM_TODO *(.*"\([^",]\{1,\}\)", *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\/conform\1\/\2/p' \
$(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c > unit-tests
@chmod +x test-launcher.sh
@( echo "/stamp-test-conformance" ; \
echo "/test-conformance" ; \
echo "*.o" ; \
echo "*.xml" ; \
echo "*.html" ; \
echo ".gitignore" ; \
echo "unit-tests" ; \
echo "/wrappers/" ) > .gitignore
@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
do \
unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \
echo " GEN $$unit"; \
( echo "#!/bin/sh" ; echo "$(abs_builddir)/test-launcher.sh '$$i' \"\$$@\"" ) > $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
( echo "#!/bin/sh" ; echo "exec $(abs_builddir)/test-conformance$(EXEEXT) -p $$i \"\$$@\"" ) > wrappers/$$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
( echo "test-conformance-clutter$(EXEEXT) -p $$i" ) > $(top_builddir)/build/win32/$$unit-clutter.bat ; \
( echo "test-conformance-clutter$(EXEEXT) -p $$i" ) >> $(top_builddir)/build/win32/test-conformance-clutter.bat ; \
chmod +x $$unit$(SHEXT); \
chmod +x wrappers/$$unit$(SHEXT); \
echo "/$$unit$(SHEXT)" >> .gitignore; \
done \
&& echo timestamp > $(@F)
@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
do \
unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \
echo " RM $$unit"; \
rm -f $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
rm -f wrappers/$$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
done \
&& rm -f unit-tests \
&& rm -f $(top_builddir)/build/win32/*.bat \
&& rm -f stamp-test-conformance
# NB: BUILT_SOURCES here a misnomer. We aren't building source, just inserting
# a phony rule that will generate symlink scripts for running individual tests
BUILT_SOURCES = wrappers
-I$(top_srcdir)/ \
-I$(top_srcdir)/clutter \
test_conformance_CPPFLAGS = \
test_conformance_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/clutter/libclutter-@CLUTTER_API_VERSION@.la $(CLUTTER_LIBS)
test_conformance_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic
test: wrappers
@$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) -o test-report.xml
test-verbose: wrappers
@$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) -o test-report.xml --verbose
GTESTER = gtester
GTESTER_REPORT = gtester-report
# XXX: we could prevent the conformance test suite from running
# by simply defining this variable conditionally
TEST_PROGS = test-conformance
.PHONY: test
.PHONY: test-report perf-report full-report
.PHONY: test-report-npot perf-report-npot full-report-npot
# test-report: run tests and generate report
# perf-report: run tests with -m perf and generate report
# full-report: like test-report: with -m perf and -m slow
test-report perf-report full-report: ${TEST_PROGS}
@test -z "${TEST_PROGS}" || { \
export GTESTER_LOGDIR=`mktemp -d "$(srcdir)/.testlogs-XXXXXX"` ; \
if test -d "$(top_srcdir)/.git"; then \
export REVISION="`git describe`" ; \
else \
fi ; \
export TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z` ; \
case $@ in \
test-report) test_options="-k";; \
perf-report) test_options="-k -m=perf";; \
full-report) test_options="-k -m=perf -m=slow";; \
esac ; \
$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) \
--verbose \
$$test_options \
-o `mktemp "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR/log-XXXXXX"` ; \
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' > $@.xml ; \
echo '<report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo '<info>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <package>$(PACKAGE)</package>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <version>$(VERSION)</version>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <revision>$$REVISION</revision>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <date>$$TIMESTAMP</date>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</info>' >> $@.xml ; \
for lf in `ls -L "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/.` ; do \
sed '1,1s/^<?xml\b[^>?]*?>//' <"$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/"$$lf" >> $@.xml ; \
done ; \
echo >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
${GTESTER_REPORT} --version 2>/dev/null 1>&2 ; test "$$?" != 0 || ${GTESTER_REPORT} $@.xml >$@.html ; \
rm -rf "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR" ; \
# same as above, but with a wrapper that forcibly disables non-power of
# two textures
test-report-npot perf-report-npot full-report-npot: ${TEST_PROGS}
@test -z "${TEST_PROGS}" || { \
export COGL_DEBUG="$COGL_DEBUG,disable-npot-textures"; \
export GTESTER_LOGDIR=`mktemp -d "$(srcdir)/.testlogs-XXXXXX"` ; \
if test -d "$(top_srcdir)/.git"; then \
export REVISION="`git describe`" ; \
else \
fi ; \
export TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z` ; \
case $@ in \
test-report-npot) test_options="-k";; \
perf-report-npot) test_options="-k -m=perf";; \
full-report-npot) test_options="-k -m=perf -m=slow";; \
esac ; \
$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh \
./test-conformance$(EXEEXT) \
--verbose \
$$test_options \
-o `mktemp "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR/log-XXXXXX"` ; \
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' > $@.xml ; \
echo '<report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo '<info>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <package>$(PACKAGE)</package>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo ' <version>$(VERSION)</version>' >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <revision>$$REVISION</revision>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo " <date>$$TIMESTAMP</date>" >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</info>' >> $@.xml ; \
for lf in `ls -L "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/.` ; do \
sed '1,1s/^<?xml\b[^>?]*?>//' <"$$GTESTER_LOGDIR"/"$$lf" >> $@.xml ; \
done ; \
echo >> $@.xml ; \
echo '</report-collection>' >> $@.xml ; \
${GTESTER_REPORT} --version 2>/dev/null 1>&2 ; test "$$?" != 0 || ${GTESTER_REPORT} $@.xml >$@.html ; \
rm -rf "$$GTESTER_LOGDIR" ; \
test-report.xml \
perf-report.xml \
full-report.xml \
test-report-npot.xml \
perf-report-npot.xml \
test-report.html \
perf-report.html \
full-report.html \
test-report-npot.html \
perf-report-npot.html \
EXTRA_DIST = ADDING_NEW_TESTS test-launcher.sh.in run-tests.sh
DISTCLEANFILES = test-launcher.sh .gitignore
dist-hook: $(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcproj $(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj $(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj.filters
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcprojin
@for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <File RelativePath="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \
;; \
esac; \
done > testconformance.sourcefiles
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcprojin >$@
rm -f testconformance.sourcefiles
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxprojin
@for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \
;; \
esac; \
done >testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxprojin >$@
rm -f testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj.filters: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj.filtersin
@for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'"><Filter>Sources</Filter></ClCompile>' \
;; \
esac; \
done > testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters
$(CPP) -P - < $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj.filtersin > $@
rm -f testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters
# Let the VS9/VS10 Project files be cleared out before they are re-expanded...
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-clutter.vcproj \
$(top_builddir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-clutter.vcxproj \
# we override the clean-generic target to clean up the wrappers so
# we cannot use CLEANFILES
clean-generic: clean-wrappers