This option to GCC makes it give a warning whenever a global function is defined without a declaration. This should catch cases were we've defined a function but forgot to put it in a header. In that case it is either only used within one file so we should make it static or we should declare it in a header. The following changes where made to fix problems: • Some functions were made static • cogl-path.h (the one containing the 1.0 API) was split into two files, one defining the functions and one defining the enums so that cogl-path.c can include the enum and function declarations from the 2.0 API as well as the function declarations from the 1.0 API. • cogl2-clip-state has been removed. This only had one experimental function called cogl_clip_push_from_path but as this is unstable we might as well remove it favour of the equivalent cogl_framebuffer_* API. • The GLX, SDL and WGL winsys's now have a private header to define their get_vtable function instead of directly declaring in the C file where it is called. • All places that were calling COGL_OBJECT_DEFINE need to have the cogl_is_whatever function declared so these have been added either as a public function or in a private header. • Some files that were not including the header containing their function declarations have been fixed to do so. • Any unused error quark functions have been removed. If we later want them we should add them back one by one and add a declaration for them in a header. • _cogl_is_framebuffer has been renamed to cogl_is_framebuffer and made a public function with a declaration in cogl-framebuffer.h • Similarly for CoglOnscreen. • cogl_vdraw_indexed_attributes is called cogl_framebuffer_vdraw_indexed_attributes in the header. The definition has been changed to match the header. • cogl_index_buffer_allocate has been removed. This had no declaration and I'm not sure what it's supposed to do. • CoglJournal has been changed to use the internal CoglObject macro so that it won't define an exported cogl_is_journal symbol. • The _cogl_blah_pointer_from_handle functions have been removed. CoglHandle isn't used much anymore anyway and in the few places where it is used I think it's safe to just use the implicit cast from void* to the right type. • The test-utils.h header for the conformance tests explicitly disables the -Wmissing-declaration option using a pragma because all of the tests declare their main function without a header. Any mistakes relating to missing declarations aren't really important for the tests. • cogl_quaternion_init_from_quaternion and init_from_matrix have been given declarations in cogl-quaternion.h Reviewed-by: Robert Bragg <robert@linux.intel.com>
292 lines
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292 lines
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* Cogl
* An object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
* Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010 Intel Corporation.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Authors:
* Robert Bragg <robert@linux.intel.com>
#include <glib.h>
#include "cogl-types.h"
#include "cogl-object.h"
#include "cogl-debug.h"
/* For compatability until all components have been converted */
typedef struct _CoglObjectClass CoglHandleClass;
typedef struct _CoglObject CoglHandleObject;
/* XXX: sadly we didn't fully consider when we copied the cairo API
* for _set_user_data that the callback doesn't get a pointer to the
* instance which is desired in most cases. This means you tend to end
* up creating micro allocations for the private data just so you can
* pair up the data of interest with the original instance for
* identification when it is later destroyed.
* Internally we use a small hack to avoid needing these micro
* allocations by actually passing the instance as a second argument
* to the callback */
typedef void (*CoglUserDataDestroyInternalCallback) (void *user_data,
void *instance);
typedef struct _CoglObjectClass
const char *name;
void *virt_free;
void *virt_unref;
} CoglObjectClass;
typedef struct
CoglUserDataKey *key;
void *user_data;
CoglUserDataDestroyInternalCallback destroy;
} CoglUserDataEntry;
/* All Cogl objects inherit from this base object by adding a member:
* CoglObject _parent;
* at the top of its main structure. This structure is initialized
* when you call _cogl_#type_name#_object_new (new_object);
struct _CoglObject
CoglObjectClass *klass;
CoglUserDataEntry user_data_entry[
GArray *user_data_array;
int n_user_data_entries;
unsigned int ref_count;
/* Helper macro to encapsulate the common code for COGL reference
counted objects */
#define _COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG_NEW(type_name, obj) \
COGL_NOTE (HANDLE, "COGL " G_STRINGIFY (type_name) " NEW %p %i", \
(obj), (obj)->ref_count)
#define _COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG_REF(type_name, object) G_STMT_START { \
CoglObject *__obj = (CoglObject *)object; \
(__obj)->klass->name, \
(__obj), (__obj)->ref_count); } G_STMT_END
#define _COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG_UNREF(type_name, object) G_STMT_START { \
CoglObject *__obj = (CoglObject *)object; \
(__obj)->klass->name, \
(__obj), (__obj)->ref_count - 1); } G_STMT_END
(obj)->klass->name, (obj))
#else /* !COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG */
#define _COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG_NEW(type_name, obj)
#define _COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG_REF(type_name, obj)
#define _COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG_UNREF(type_name, obj)
#endif /* COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG */
/* For temporary compatability */
#define COGL_OBJECT_COMMON_DEFINE_WITH_CODE(TypeName, type_name, code) \
CoglObjectClass _cogl_##type_name##_class; \
static unsigned long _cogl_object_##type_name##_count; \
static inline void \
_cogl_object_##type_name##_inc (void) \
{ \
_cogl_object_##type_name##_count++; \
} \
static inline void \
_cogl_object_##type_name##_dec (void) \
{ \
_cogl_object_##type_name##_count--; \
} \
static void \
_cogl_object_##type_name##_indirect_free (CoglObject *obj) \
{ \
_cogl_##type_name##_free ((Cogl##TypeName *) obj); \
_cogl_object_##type_name##_dec (); \
} \
static Cogl##TypeName * \
_cogl_##type_name##_object_new (Cogl##TypeName *new_obj) \
{ \
CoglObject *obj = (CoglObject *)&new_obj->_parent; \
obj->ref_count = 0; \
cogl_object_ref (obj); \
obj->n_user_data_entries = 0; \
obj->user_data_array = NULL; \
obj->klass = &_cogl_##type_name##_class; \
if (!obj->klass->virt_free) \
{ \
_cogl_object_##type_name##_count = 0; \
if (_cogl_debug_instances == NULL) \
_cogl_debug_instances = \
g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); \
obj->klass->virt_free = \
_cogl_object_##type_name##_indirect_free; \
obj->klass->virt_unref = \
_cogl_object_default_unref; \
obj->klass->name = "Cogl"#TypeName, \
g_hash_table_insert (_cogl_debug_instances, \
(void *) obj->klass->name, \
&_cogl_object_##type_name##_count); \
{ code; } \
} \
_cogl_object_##type_name##_inc (); \
_COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG_NEW (TypeName, obj); \
return new_obj; \
#define COGL_OBJECT_DEFINE_WITH_CODE(TypeName, type_name, code) \
COGL_OBJECT_COMMON_DEFINE_WITH_CODE(TypeName, type_name, code) \
gboolean \
cogl_is_##type_name (void *object) \
{ \
CoglObject *obj = object; \
if (object == NULL) \
return FALSE; \
return obj->klass == &_cogl_##type_name##_class; \
#define COGL_OBJECT_INTERNAL_DEFINE_WITH_CODE(TypeName, type_name, code) \
COGL_OBJECT_COMMON_DEFINE_WITH_CODE(TypeName, type_name, code) \
gboolean \
_cogl_is_##type_name (void *object) \
{ \
CoglObject *obj = object; \
if (object == NULL) \
return FALSE; \
return obj->klass == &_cogl_##type_name##_class; \
cogl_##type_name##_ref (void *object) \
{ \
if (!cogl_is_##type_name (object)) \
return NULL; \
_COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG_REF (TypeName, object); \
cogl_handle_ref (object); \
return object; \
} \
cogl_##type_name##_unref (void *object) \
{ \
if (!cogl_is_##type_name (object)) \
{ \
g_warning (G_STRINGIFY (cogl_##type_name##_unref) \
": Ignoring unref of Cogl handle " \
"due to type mismatch"); \
return; \
} \
_COGL_OBJECT_DEBUG_UNREF (TypeName, object); \
cogl_handle_unref (object); \
#define COGL_OBJECT_DEFINE(TypeName, type_name) \
COGL_OBJECT_DEFINE_WITH_CODE (TypeName, type_name, (void) 0)
#define COGL_OBJECT_INTERNAL_DEFINE(TypeName, type_name) \
COGL_OBJECT_INTERNAL_DEFINE_WITH_CODE (TypeName, type_name, (void) 0)
/* For temporary compatability */
#define COGL_HANDLE_INTERNAL_DEFINE_WITH_CODE(TypeName, type_name, code) \
static Cogl##TypeName * \
_cogl_##type_name##_handle_new (CoglHandle handle) \
{ \
return _cogl_##type_name##_object_new (handle); \
#define COGL_HANDLE_DEFINE_WITH_CODE(TypeName, type_name, code) \
COGL_OBJECT_DEFINE_WITH_CODE (TypeName, type_name, code) \
static Cogl##TypeName * \
_cogl_##type_name##_handle_new (CoglHandle handle) \
{ \
return _cogl_##type_name##_object_new (handle); \
#define COGL_HANDLE_INTERNAL_DEFINE(TypeName, type_name) \
COGL_HANDLE_INTERNAL_DEFINE_WITH_CODE (TypeName, type_name, (void) 0)
#define COGL_HANDLE_DEFINE(TypeName, type_name) \
COGL_HANDLE_DEFINE_WITH_CODE (TypeName, type_name, (void) 0)
_cogl_object_set_user_data (CoglObject *object,
CoglUserDataKey *key,
void *user_data,
CoglUserDataDestroyInternalCallback destroy);
_cogl_object_default_unref (void *obj);
#endif /* __COGL_OBJECT_PRIVATE_H */