This option to GCC makes it give a warning whenever a global function is defined without a declaration. This should catch cases were we've defined a function but forgot to put it in a header. In that case it is either only used within one file so we should make it static or we should declare it in a header. The following changes where made to fix problems: • Some functions were made static • cogl-path.h (the one containing the 1.0 API) was split into two files, one defining the functions and one defining the enums so that cogl-path.c can include the enum and function declarations from the 2.0 API as well as the function declarations from the 1.0 API. • cogl2-clip-state has been removed. This only had one experimental function called cogl_clip_push_from_path but as this is unstable we might as well remove it favour of the equivalent cogl_framebuffer_* API. • The GLX, SDL and WGL winsys's now have a private header to define their get_vtable function instead of directly declaring in the C file where it is called. • All places that were calling COGL_OBJECT_DEFINE need to have the cogl_is_whatever function declared so these have been added either as a public function or in a private header. • Some files that were not including the header containing their function declarations have been fixed to do so. • Any unused error quark functions have been removed. If we later want them we should add them back one by one and add a declaration for them in a header. • _cogl_is_framebuffer has been renamed to cogl_is_framebuffer and made a public function with a declaration in cogl-framebuffer.h • Similarly for CoglOnscreen. • cogl_vdraw_indexed_attributes is called cogl_framebuffer_vdraw_indexed_attributes in the header. The definition has been changed to match the header. • cogl_index_buffer_allocate has been removed. This had no declaration and I'm not sure what it's supposed to do. • CoglJournal has been changed to use the internal CoglObject macro so that it won't define an exported cogl_is_journal symbol. • The _cogl_blah_pointer_from_handle functions have been removed. CoglHandle isn't used much anymore anyway and in the few places where it is used I think it's safe to just use the implicit cast from void* to the right type. • The test-utils.h header for the conformance tests explicitly disables the -Wmissing-declaration option using a pragma because all of the tests declare their main function without a header. Any mistakes relating to missing declarations aren't really important for the tests. • cogl_quaternion_init_from_quaternion and init_from_matrix have been given declarations in cogl-quaternion.h Reviewed-by: Robert Bragg <robert@linux.intel.com>
Outline of test categories: The conform/ tests: ------------------- These tests should be non-interactive unit-tests that verify a single feature is behaving as documented. See conform/ADDING_NEW_TESTS for more details. Although it may seem a bit awkward; all the tests are built into a single binary because it makes building the tests *much* faster by avoiding lots of linking. Each test has a wrapper script generated though so running the individual tests should be convenient enough. Running the wrapper script will also print out for convenience how you could run the test under gdb or valgrind like this for example: NOTE: For debugging purposes, you can run this single test as follows: $ libtool --mode=execute \ gdb --eval-command="b test_cogl_depth_test" \ --args ./test-conformance -p /conform/cogl/test_cogl_depth_test or: $ env G_SLICE=always-malloc \ libtool --mode=execute \ valgrind ./test-conformance -p /conform/cogl/test_cogl_depth_test By default the conformance tests are run offscreen. This makes the tests run much faster and they also don't interfere with other work you may want to do by constantly stealing focus. CoglOnscreen framebuffers obviously don't get tested this way so it's important that the tests also get run onscreen every once in a while, especially if changes are being made to CoglFramebuffer related code. Onscreen testing can be enabled by setting COGL_TEST_ONSCREEN=1 in your environment. The micro-bench/ tests: ----------------------- These should be focused performance tests, ideally testing a single metric. Please never forget that these tests are synthetic and if you are using them then you understand what metric is being tested. They probably don't reflect any real world application loads and the intention is that you use these tests once you have already determined the crux of your problem and need focused feedback that your changes are indeed improving matters. There is no exit status requirements for these tests, but they should give clear feedback as to their performance. If the framerate is the feedback metric, then the test should forcibly enable FPS debugging. The data/ directory: -------------------- This contains optional data (like images) that can be referenced by a test. Misc notes: ----------- • All tests should ideally include a detailed description in the source explaining exactly what the test is for, how the test was designed to work, and possibly a rationale for the approach taken for testing. • When running tests under Valgrind, you should follow the instructions available here: http://live.gnome.org/Valgrind and also use the suppression file available inside the data/ directory.