The current recommendation for pipelines is that once they have been used for painting then they should be considered immutable. If you want to modify a pipeline you should instead make a copy and unref the original pipeline. Internally we try to check whether the modified copy replaces all of the properties of the parent and prune a redundant ancestor hierarchy. Pruning the hierarchy is particularly important if the pipelines contain textures because otherwise the textures may be leaked when the parent pipeline keeps a reference to it. This test verifies that usage pattern by creating a chain of pipeline copies each with their own replacement texture. Some user data is then set on the textures with a callback so that we can verify that once the original pipelines are destroyed then the textures are also destroyed. The test is currently failing because Cogl doesn't correctly prune ancestory for layer state authority. Reviewed-by: Robert Bragg <robert@linux.intel.com> (cherry picked from commit 3fbec92acb90008492eb125025f92b42d6e07930)
193 lines
5.7 KiB
193 lines
5.7 KiB
include $(top_srcdir)/build/autotools/Makefile.am.silent
noinst_PROGRAMS = test-conformance
common_sources = \
test-utils.h \
test-utils.c \
test-conform-main.c \
unported_test_sources = \
test-fixed.c \
test-materials.c \
test-viewport.c \
test-multitexture.c \
test-npot-texture.c \
test-object.c \
test-readpixels.c \
test-texture-mipmaps.c \
test-texture-pixmap-x11.c \
test-texture-rectangle.c \
test-vertex-buffer-contiguous.c \
test-vertex-buffer-interleved.c \
test-vertex-buffer-mutability.c \
test_sources = \
test-atlas-migration.c \
test-bitmask.c \
test-blend-strings.c \
test-depth-test.c \
test-color-mask.c \
test-backface-culling.c \
test-just-vertex-shader.c \
test-path.c \
test-pipeline-user-matrix.c \
test-pipeline-uniforms.c \
test-pixel-buffer.c \
test-premult.c \
test-snippets.c \
test-wrap-modes.c \
test-sub-texture.c \
test-custom-attributes.c \
test-offscreen.c \
test-primitive.c \
test-texture-3d.c \
test-sparse-pipeline.c \
test-read-texture-formats.c \
test-write-texture-formats.c \
test-point-size.c \
test-point-sprite.c \
test-no-gl-header.c \
test-version.c \
test-gles2-context.c \
test-euler-quaternion.c \
test-layer-remove.c \
test-alpha-test.c \
test-map-buffer-range.c \
test-npot-texture.c \
test-alpha-textures.c \
test-wrap-rectangle-textures.c \
test-texture-get-set-data.c \
test-framebuffer-get-bits.c \
test-primitive-and-journal.c \
test-copy-replace-texture.c \
test_conformance_SOURCES = $(common_sources) $(test_sources)
if OS_WIN32
# For convenience, this provides a way to easily run individual unit tests:
.PHONY: wrappers clean-wrappers
wrappers: stamp-test-conformance
stamp-test-conformance: Makefile $(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c
@mkdir -p wrappers
@sed -n -e 's/^ \{1,\}ADD_TEST *( *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\{1,\}\).*/\1/p' $(srcdir)/test-conform-main.c > unit-tests
@chmod +x test-launcher.sh
@( echo "/stamp-test-conformance" ; \
echo "/test-conformance$(EXEEXT)" ; \
echo "*.o" ; \
echo ".gitignore" ; \
echo "unit-tests" ; ) > .gitignore
@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
do \
unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \
echo " GEN $$unit"; \
( echo "#!/bin/sh" ; echo "$(abs_builddir)/test-launcher.sh '$$i' \"\$$@\"" ) > $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
chmod +x $$unit$(SHEXT); \
echo "/$$unit$(SHEXT)" >> .gitignore; \
done \
&& echo timestamp > $(@F)
@for i in `cat unit-tests`; \
do \
unit=`basename $$i | sed -e s/_/-/g`; \
echo " RM $$unit"; \
rm -f $$unit$(SHEXT) ; \
done \
&& rm -f unit-tests \
&& rm -f stamp-test-conformance
# NB: BUILT_SOURCES here a misnomer. We aren't building source, just inserting
# a phony rule that will generate symlink scripts for running individual tests
BUILT_SOURCES = wrappers
# The include of the $(buildir)/cogl directory here is to make it so
# that tests that directly include Cogl source code for whitebox
# testing (such as test-bitmask) will still compile
-I$(top_srcdir) \
AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_builddir)/deps/glib
-DTESTS_DATADIR=\""$(top_srcdir)/tests/data"\" \
test_conformance_CFLAGS = -g3 -O0 $(COGL_DEP_CFLAGS) $(COGL_EXTRA_CFLAGS)
test_conformance_LDADD = $(COGL_DEP_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/cogl/libcogl.la
test_conformance_LDADD += $(top_builddir)/deps/glib/libglib.la
test_conformance_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic
test: wrappers
@$(top_srcdir)/tests/conform/run-tests.sh $(abs_builddir)/config.env
# XXX: we could prevent the conformance test suite from running
# by simply defining this variable conditionally
TEST_PROGS = test-conformance
.PHONY: test
EXTRA_DIST = test-launcher.sh.in run-tests.sh
DISTCLEANFILES = test-launcher.sh .gitignore
dist-hook: ../../build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcproj ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj ../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filters
../../build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcprojin
for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <File RelativePath="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \
;; \
esac; \
done >testconformance.sourcefiles
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcprojin >$@
rm testconformance.sourcefiles
../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxprojin
for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'" />' \
;; \
esac; \
done >testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxprojin >$@
rm testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles
../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filters: $(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filtersin
for F in $(test_conformance_SOURCES); do \
case $$F in \
*.c) echo ' <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\conform\'$$F'"><Filter>Sources</Filter></ClCompile>' \
;; \
esac; \
done >testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters
$(CPP) -P - <$(top_srcdir)/build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj.filtersin >$@
rm testconformance.vs10.sourcefiles.filters
# Let the VS9/VS10 Project files be cleared out before they are re-expanded...
DISTCLEANFILES += ../../build/win32/vs9/test-conformance-cogl.vcproj \
../../build/win32/vs10/test-conformance-cogl.vcxproj \
# we override the clean-generic target to clean up the wrappers so
# we cannot use CLEANFILES
clean-generic: clean-wrappers
$(QUIET_RM)rm -f .log