/* * Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Red Hat * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * Written by: * Carlos Garnacho */ #include "config.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBWACOM #include #endif #include "core/meta-pad-action-mapper.h" #include "backends/meta-input-device-private.h" #include "backends/meta-logical-monitor.h" #include "backends/meta-monitor.h" #include "core/display-private.h" typedef struct _PadMappingInfo PadMappingInfo; struct _PadMappingInfo { ClutterInputDevice *device; GSettings *settings; guint *group_modes; }; struct _MetaPadActionMapper { GObject parent_class; GHashTable *pads; ClutterSeat *seat; ClutterVirtualInputDevice *virtual_pad_keyboard; MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager; /* Pad ring/strip emission */ struct { ClutterInputDevice *pad; MetaPadFeatureType feature; guint number; double value; } last_pad_action_info; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (MetaPadActionMapper, meta_pad_action_mapper, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static MetaDisplay * display_from_mapper (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper) { MetaBackend *backend = meta_monitor_manager_get_backend (mapper->monitor_manager); MetaContext *context = meta_backend_get_context (backend); return meta_context_get_display (context); } static void meta_pad_action_mapper_finalize (GObject *object) { MetaPadActionMapper *mapper = META_PAD_ACTION_MAPPER (object); g_hash_table_unref (mapper->pads); g_object_unref (mapper->monitor_manager); g_clear_object (&mapper->virtual_pad_keyboard); G_OBJECT_CLASS (meta_pad_action_mapper_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void meta_pad_action_mapper_class_init (MetaPadActionMapperClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = meta_pad_action_mapper_finalize; } static GSettings * lookup_device_settings (ClutterInputDevice *device) { const char *vendor, *product; GSettings *settings; char *path; vendor = clutter_input_device_get_vendor_id (device); product = clutter_input_device_get_product_id (device); path = g_strdup_printf ("/org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/tablets/%s:%s/", vendor, product); settings = g_settings_new_with_path ("org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.tablet", path); g_free (path); return settings; } static PadMappingInfo * pad_mapping_info_new (ClutterInputDevice *pad) { PadMappingInfo *info; info = g_new0 (PadMappingInfo, 1); info->device = pad; info->settings = lookup_device_settings (pad); info->group_modes = g_new0 (guint, clutter_input_device_get_n_mode_groups (pad)); return info; } static void pad_mapping_info_free (PadMappingInfo *info) { g_object_unref (info->settings); g_free (info->group_modes); g_free (info); } static void device_added (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *device) { PadMappingInfo *info; if ((clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (device) & CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TABLET_PAD) != 0) { info = pad_mapping_info_new (device); g_hash_table_insert (mapper->pads, device, info); } } static void device_removed (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *device) { g_hash_table_remove (mapper->pads, device); } static void meta_pad_action_mapper_init (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper) { g_autoptr (GList) devices = NULL; GList *l; mapper->pads = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) pad_mapping_info_free); mapper->seat = clutter_backend_get_default_seat (clutter_get_default_backend ()); devices = clutter_seat_list_devices (mapper->seat); for (l = devices; l; l = l->next) device_added (mapper, l->data); } MetaPadActionMapper * meta_pad_action_mapper_new (MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager) { MetaPadActionMapper *action_mapper; action_mapper = g_object_new (META_TYPE_PAD_ACTION_MAPPER, NULL); g_set_object (&action_mapper->monitor_manager, monitor_manager); return action_mapper; } static GSettings * get_pad_feature_gsettings (ClutterInputDevice *device, const char *feature, int feature_number, const char *suffix) { GSettings *settings; g_autofree char *path = NULL; const gchar *vendor, *product; char tag; tag = 'A' + feature_number; vendor = clutter_input_device_get_vendor_id (device); product = clutter_input_device_get_product_id (device); path = g_strdup_printf ("/org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/tablets/%s:%s/%s%c%s/", vendor, product, feature, tag, suffix ? suffix : ""); settings = g_settings_new_with_path ("org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.tablet.pad-button", path); return settings; } static GSettings * lookup_pad_button_settings (ClutterInputDevice *device, int button) { return get_pad_feature_gsettings (device, "button", button, NULL); } static GSettings * lookup_pad_feature_settings (ClutterInputDevice *device, MetaPadFeatureType feature, guint number, MetaPadDirection direction, int mode) { g_autofree char *suffix = NULL; const char *feature_type, *detail_type; switch (feature) { case META_PAD_FEATURE_RING: g_assert (direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_CW || direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_CCW); feature_type = "ring"; detail_type = (direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_CW) ? "cw" : "ccw"; break; case META_PAD_FEATURE_STRIP: g_assert (direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_UP || direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_DOWN); feature_type = "strip"; detail_type = (direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_UP) ? "up" : "down"; break; default: return NULL; } if (mode >= 0) suffix = g_strdup_printf ("-%s-mode-%d", detail_type, mode); else suffix = g_strdup_printf ("-%s", detail_type); return get_pad_feature_gsettings (device, feature_type, number, suffix); } static GDesktopPadButtonAction meta_pad_action_mapper_get_button_action (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *pad, guint button) { GDesktopPadButtonAction action; GSettings *settings; g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_PAD_ACTION_MAPPER (mapper), G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_NONE); g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_INPUT_DEVICE (pad), G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_NONE); settings = lookup_pad_button_settings (pad, button); action = g_settings_get_enum (settings, "action"); g_object_unref (settings); return action; } static gboolean cycle_logical_monitors (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, gboolean skip_all_monitors, MetaLogicalMonitor *current_logical_monitor, MetaLogicalMonitor **next_logical_monitor) { MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = mapper->monitor_manager; GList *logical_monitors; /* We cycle between: * - the span of all monitors (current_output = NULL), only for * non-integrated devices. * - each monitor individually. */ logical_monitors = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitors (monitor_manager); if (!current_logical_monitor) { *next_logical_monitor = logical_monitors->data; } else { GList *l; l = g_list_find (logical_monitors, current_logical_monitor); if (l->next) *next_logical_monitor = l->next->data; else if (skip_all_monitors) *next_logical_monitor = logical_monitors->data; else *next_logical_monitor = NULL; } return TRUE; } static MetaMonitor * logical_monitor_find_monitor (MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor, const char *vendor, const char *product, const char *serial) { GList *monitors; GList *l; monitors = meta_logical_monitor_get_monitors (logical_monitor); for (l = monitors; l; l = l->next) { MetaMonitor *monitor = l->data; if (g_strcmp0 (meta_monitor_get_vendor (monitor), vendor) == 0 && g_strcmp0 (meta_monitor_get_product (monitor), product) == 0 && g_strcmp0 (meta_monitor_get_serial (monitor), serial) == 0) return monitor; } return NULL; } static void meta_pad_action_mapper_find_monitor (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, GSettings *settings, ClutterInputDevice *device, MetaMonitor **out_monitor, MetaLogicalMonitor **out_logical_monitor) { MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager; MetaMonitor *monitor; guint n_values; GList *logical_monitors; GList *l; char **edid; edid = g_settings_get_strv (settings, "output"); n_values = g_strv_length (edid); if (n_values != 3) { g_warning ("EDID configuration for device '%s' " "is incorrect, must have 3 values", clutter_input_device_get_device_name (device)); goto out; } if (!*edid[0] && !*edid[1] && !*edid[2]) goto out; monitor_manager = mapper->monitor_manager; logical_monitors = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitors (monitor_manager); for (l = logical_monitors; l; l = l->next) { MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor = l->data; monitor = logical_monitor_find_monitor (logical_monitor, edid[0], edid[1], edid[2]); if (monitor) { if (out_monitor) *out_monitor = monitor; if (out_logical_monitor) *out_logical_monitor = logical_monitor; break; } } out: g_strfreev (edid); } static void meta_pad_action_mapper_cycle_tablet_output (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *device) { PadMappingInfo *info; MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor = NULL; const char *edid[4] = { 0 }, *pretty_name = NULL; gboolean is_integrated_device = FALSE; #ifdef HAVE_LIBWACOM WacomDevice *wacom_device; #endif g_return_if_fail (META_IS_PAD_ACTION_MAPPER (mapper)); g_return_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_INPUT_DEVICE (device)); g_return_if_fail ((clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (device) & (CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TABLET_TOOL | CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TABLET_PAD)) != 0); info = g_hash_table_lookup (mapper->pads, device); g_return_if_fail (info != NULL); #ifdef HAVE_LIBWACOM wacom_device = meta_input_device_get_wacom_device (META_INPUT_DEVICE (device)); if (wacom_device) { pretty_name = libwacom_get_name (wacom_device); is_integrated_device = libwacom_get_integration_flags (wacom_device) != WACOM_DEVICE_INTEGRATED_NONE; } #endif meta_pad_action_mapper_find_monitor (mapper, info->settings, device, NULL, &logical_monitor); if (!cycle_logical_monitors (mapper, is_integrated_device, logical_monitor, &logical_monitor)) return; if (logical_monitor) { MetaMonitor *monitor; const char *vendor; const char *product; const char *serial; /* Pick an arbitrary monitor in the logical monitor to represent it. */ monitor = meta_logical_monitor_get_monitors (logical_monitor)->data; vendor = meta_monitor_get_vendor (monitor); product = meta_monitor_get_product (monitor); serial = meta_monitor_get_serial (monitor); edid[0] = vendor ? vendor : ""; edid[1] = product ? product : ""; edid[2] = serial ? serial : ""; } else { edid[0] = ""; edid[1] = ""; edid[2] = ""; } g_settings_set_strv (info->settings, "output", edid); meta_display_show_tablet_mapping_notification (display_from_mapper (mapper), device, pretty_name); } gboolean meta_pad_action_mapper_is_button_grabbed (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *pad, guint button) { g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_PAD_ACTION_MAPPER (mapper), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_INPUT_DEVICE (pad), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail ((clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (pad) & CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TABLET_PAD) != 0, FALSE); return (meta_pad_action_mapper_get_button_action (mapper, pad, button) != G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_NONE); } static void emulate_modifiers (ClutterVirtualInputDevice *device, ClutterModifierType mods, ClutterKeyState state) { guint i; struct { ClutterModifierType mod; guint keyval; } mod_map[] = { { CLUTTER_SHIFT_MASK, CLUTTER_KEY_Shift_L }, { CLUTTER_CONTROL_MASK, CLUTTER_KEY_Control_L }, { CLUTTER_MOD1_MASK, CLUTTER_KEY_Alt_L }, { CLUTTER_META_MASK, CLUTTER_KEY_Meta_L } }; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (mod_map); i++) { if ((mods & mod_map[i].mod) == 0) continue; clutter_virtual_input_device_notify_keyval (device, clutter_get_current_event_time (), mod_map[i].keyval, state); } } static void meta_pad_action_mapper_emulate_keybinding (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, const char *accel, gboolean is_press) { ClutterKeyState state; MetaKeyCombo combo = { 0 }; if (!accel || !*accel) return; if (!meta_parse_accelerator (accel, &combo)) { g_warning ("\"%s\" is not a valid accelerator", accel); return; } if (!mapper->virtual_pad_keyboard) { ClutterBackend *backend; ClutterSeat *seat; backend = clutter_get_default_backend (); seat = clutter_backend_get_default_seat (backend); mapper->virtual_pad_keyboard = clutter_seat_create_virtual_device (seat, CLUTTER_KEYBOARD_DEVICE); } state = is_press ? CLUTTER_KEY_STATE_PRESSED : CLUTTER_KEY_STATE_RELEASED; if (is_press) emulate_modifiers (mapper->virtual_pad_keyboard, combo.modifiers, state); clutter_virtual_input_device_notify_keyval (mapper->virtual_pad_keyboard, clutter_get_current_event_time (), combo.keysym, state); if (!is_press) emulate_modifiers (mapper->virtual_pad_keyboard, combo.modifiers, state); } static gboolean meta_pad_action_mapper_handle_button (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *pad, const ClutterEvent *event) { GDesktopPadButtonAction action; int group, n_modes = 0; gboolean is_press; GSettings *settings; char *accel; uint32_t button, mode; g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_PAD_ACTION_MAPPER (mapper), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (clutter_event_type (event) == CLUTTER_PAD_BUTTON_PRESS || clutter_event_type (event) == CLUTTER_PAD_BUTTON_RELEASE, FALSE); clutter_event_get_pad_details (event, &button, &mode, NULL, NULL); group = clutter_input_device_get_mode_switch_button_group (pad, button); is_press = clutter_event_type (event) == CLUTTER_PAD_BUTTON_PRESS; if (group >= 0) n_modes = clutter_input_device_get_group_n_modes (pad, group); if (is_press && n_modes > 0) { const char *pretty_name = NULL; PadMappingInfo *info; #ifdef HAVE_LIBWACOM WacomDevice *wacom_device; #endif info = g_hash_table_lookup (mapper->pads, pad); #ifdef HAVE_LIBWACOM wacom_device = meta_input_device_get_wacom_device (META_INPUT_DEVICE (pad)); if (wacom_device) pretty_name = libwacom_get_name (wacom_device); #endif meta_display_notify_pad_group_switch (display_from_mapper (mapper), pad, pretty_name, group, mode, n_modes); info->group_modes[group] = mode; } action = meta_pad_action_mapper_get_button_action (mapper, pad, button); switch (action) { case G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_SWITCH_MONITOR: if (is_press) meta_pad_action_mapper_cycle_tablet_output (mapper, pad); return TRUE; case G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_HELP: if (is_press) meta_display_request_pad_osd (display_from_mapper (mapper), pad, FALSE); return TRUE; case G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_KEYBINDING: settings = lookup_pad_button_settings (pad, button); accel = g_settings_get_string (settings, "keybinding"); meta_pad_action_mapper_emulate_keybinding (mapper, accel, is_press); g_object_unref (settings); g_free (accel); return TRUE; case G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_NONE: default: return FALSE; } } static gboolean meta_pad_action_mapper_get_action_direction (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, const ClutterEvent *event, MetaPadDirection *direction) { ClutterInputDevice *pad = clutter_event_get_device (event); MetaPadFeatureType pad_feature; gboolean has_direction = FALSE; MetaPadDirection inc_dir, dec_dir; uint32_t number; double value; gboolean detect_wraparound = FALSE; switch (clutter_event_type (event)) { case CLUTTER_PAD_RING: pad_feature = META_PAD_FEATURE_RING; clutter_event_get_pad_details (event, &number, NULL, NULL, &value); inc_dir = META_PAD_DIRECTION_CW; dec_dir = META_PAD_DIRECTION_CCW; detect_wraparound = TRUE; break; case CLUTTER_PAD_STRIP: pad_feature = META_PAD_FEATURE_STRIP; clutter_event_get_pad_details (event, &number, NULL, NULL, &value); inc_dir = META_PAD_DIRECTION_DOWN; dec_dir = META_PAD_DIRECTION_UP; break; default: return FALSE; } if (mapper->last_pad_action_info.pad == pad && mapper->last_pad_action_info.feature == pad_feature && mapper->last_pad_action_info.number == number && value >= 0 && mapper->last_pad_action_info.value >= 0) { double delta = value - mapper->last_pad_action_info.value; if (detect_wraparound) { if (delta < -180.0) delta += 360; else if (delta > 180.0) delta -= 360; } *direction = delta > 0 ? inc_dir : dec_dir; has_direction = TRUE; } mapper->last_pad_action_info.pad = pad; mapper->last_pad_action_info.feature = pad_feature; mapper->last_pad_action_info.number = number; mapper->last_pad_action_info.value = value; return has_direction; } static gboolean meta_pad_action_mapper_handle_action (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *pad, const ClutterEvent *event, MetaPadFeatureType feature, guint number, guint mode) { MetaPadDirection direction; g_autoptr (GSettings) settings1 = NULL, settings2 = NULL; g_autofree char *accel1 = NULL, *accel2 = NULL; gboolean handled; if (feature == META_PAD_FEATURE_RING) { settings1 = lookup_pad_feature_settings (pad, feature, number, META_PAD_DIRECTION_CW, mode); settings2 = lookup_pad_feature_settings (pad, feature, number, META_PAD_DIRECTION_CCW, mode); } else if (feature == META_PAD_FEATURE_STRIP) { settings1 = lookup_pad_feature_settings (pad, feature, number, META_PAD_DIRECTION_UP, mode); settings2 = lookup_pad_feature_settings (pad, feature, number, META_PAD_DIRECTION_DOWN, mode); } else { return FALSE; } accel1 = g_settings_get_string (settings1, "keybinding"); accel2 = g_settings_get_string (settings2, "keybinding"); handled = ((accel1 && *accel1) || (accel2 && *accel2)); if (meta_pad_action_mapper_get_action_direction (mapper, event, &direction)) { const gchar *accel = NULL; if (direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_UP || direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_CW) accel = accel1; else if (direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_DOWN || direction == META_PAD_DIRECTION_CCW) accel = accel2; if (accel && *accel) { meta_pad_action_mapper_emulate_keybinding (mapper, accel, TRUE); meta_pad_action_mapper_emulate_keybinding (mapper, accel, FALSE); } } return handled; } gboolean meta_pad_action_mapper_handle_event (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, const ClutterEvent *event) { ClutterInputDevice *pad; uint32_t number, mode; pad = clutter_event_get_source_device ((ClutterEvent *) event); switch (clutter_event_type (event)) { case CLUTTER_PAD_BUTTON_PRESS: case CLUTTER_PAD_BUTTON_RELEASE: return meta_pad_action_mapper_handle_button (mapper, pad, event); case CLUTTER_PAD_RING: clutter_event_get_pad_details (event, &number, &mode, NULL, NULL); return meta_pad_action_mapper_handle_action (mapper, pad, event, META_PAD_FEATURE_RING, number, mode); case CLUTTER_PAD_STRIP: clutter_event_get_pad_details (event, &number, &mode, NULL, NULL); return meta_pad_action_mapper_handle_action (mapper, pad, event, META_PAD_FEATURE_STRIP, number, mode); case CLUTTER_DEVICE_ADDED: device_added (mapper, clutter_event_get_source_device (event)); break; case CLUTTER_DEVICE_REMOVED: device_removed (mapper, clutter_event_get_source_device (event)); break; default: break; } return CLUTTER_EVENT_PROPAGATE; } static char * meta_pad_action_mapper_get_ring_label (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *pad, int number, unsigned int mode, MetaPadDirection direction) { g_autoptr (GSettings) settings = NULL; g_autofree char *action = NULL; if (direction != META_PAD_DIRECTION_CW && direction != META_PAD_DIRECTION_CCW) return NULL; settings = lookup_pad_feature_settings (pad, META_PAD_FEATURE_RING, number, direction, mode); /* We only allow keybinding actions with those */ action = g_settings_get_string (settings, "keybinding"); if (action && *action) return g_steal_pointer (&action); return NULL; } static char * meta_pad_action_mapper_get_strip_label (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *pad, int number, unsigned int mode, MetaPadDirection direction) { g_autoptr (GSettings) settings = NULL; g_autofree char *action = NULL; if (direction != META_PAD_DIRECTION_UP && direction != META_PAD_DIRECTION_DOWN) return NULL; settings = lookup_pad_feature_settings (pad, META_PAD_FEATURE_STRIP, number, direction, mode); /* We only allow keybinding actions with those */ action = g_settings_get_string (settings, "keybinding"); if (action && *action) return g_steal_pointer (&action); return NULL; } char * meta_pad_action_mapper_get_button_label (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *pad, int button) { GDesktopPadButtonAction action; int group; g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_PAD_ACTION_MAPPER (mapper), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (CLUTTER_IS_INPUT_DEVICE (pad), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail ((clutter_input_device_get_capabilities (pad) & CLUTTER_INPUT_CAPABILITY_TABLET_PAD) != 0, NULL); group = clutter_input_device_get_mode_switch_button_group (pad, button); if (group >= 0) { /* TRANSLATORS: This string refers to a button that switches between * different modes. */ return g_strdup_printf (_("Mode Switch (Group %d)"), group); } action = meta_pad_action_mapper_get_button_action (mapper, pad, button); switch (action) { case G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_KEYBINDING: { GSettings *settings; char *accel; settings = lookup_pad_button_settings (pad, button); accel = g_settings_get_string (settings, "keybinding"); g_object_unref (settings); return accel; } case G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_SWITCH_MONITOR: /* TRANSLATORS: This string refers to an action, cycles drawing tablets' * mapping through the available outputs. */ return g_strdup (_("Switch monitor")); case G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_HELP: return g_strdup (_("Show on-screen help")); case G_DESKTOP_PAD_BUTTON_ACTION_NONE: default: return NULL; } } static guint get_current_pad_mode (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *pad, MetaPadFeatureType feature, guint number) { PadMappingInfo *info; guint group = 0, n_groups; info = g_hash_table_lookup (mapper->pads, pad); n_groups = clutter_input_device_get_n_mode_groups (pad); if (!info->group_modes || n_groups == 0) return 0; if (feature == META_PAD_FEATURE_RING || feature == META_PAD_FEATURE_STRIP) { /* Assume features are evenly distributed in groups */ group = number % n_groups; } return info->group_modes[group]; } char * meta_pad_action_mapper_get_feature_label (MetaPadActionMapper *mapper, ClutterInputDevice *pad, MetaPadFeatureType feature, MetaPadDirection direction, int number) { unsigned int mode; switch (feature) { case META_PAD_FEATURE_RING: mode = get_current_pad_mode (mapper, pad, feature, number); return meta_pad_action_mapper_get_ring_label (mapper, pad, number, mode, direction); case META_PAD_FEATURE_STRIP: mode = get_current_pad_mode (mapper, pad, feature, number); return meta_pad_action_mapper_get_strip_label (mapper, pad, number, mode, direction); } return NULL; }