#include <clutter/clutter.h> #include <cairo/cairo.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "test-conform-common.h" #define MAX_NODES 128 #define FLOAT_FUZZ_AMOUNT 5.0f typedef struct _CallbackData CallbackData; typedef gboolean (* PathTestFunc) (CallbackData *data); static void compare_node (const ClutterPathNode *node, gpointer data_p); struct _CallbackData { ClutterPath *path; guint n_nodes; ClutterPathNode nodes[MAX_NODES]; gboolean nodes_different; guint nodes_found; }; static const char path_desc[] = "M 21 22 " "L 25 26 " "C 29 30 31 32 33 34 " "m 23 24 " "l 27 28 " "c 35 36 37 38 39 40 " "z"; static const ClutterPathNode path_nodes[] = { { CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO, { { 21, 22 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO, { { 25, 26 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO, { { 29, 30 }, { 31, 32 }, { 33, 34 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_REL_MOVE_TO, { { 23, 24 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_REL_LINE_TO, { { 27, 28 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_REL_CURVE_TO, { { 35, 36 }, { 37, 38 }, { 39, 40 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_CLOSE, { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } } } }; static gboolean path_test_add_move_to (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO; node.points[0].x = 1; node.points[0].y = 2; clutter_path_add_move_to (data->path, node.points[0].x, node.points[0].y); data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = node; return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_add_line_to (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO; node.points[0].x = 3; node.points[0].y = 4; clutter_path_add_line_to (data->path, node.points[0].x, node.points[0].y); data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = node; return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_add_curve_to (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO; node.points[0].x = 5; node.points[0].y = 6; node.points[1].x = 7; node.points[1].y = 8; node.points[2].x = 9; node.points[2].y = 10; clutter_path_add_curve_to (data->path, node.points[0].x, node.points[0].y, node.points[1].x, node.points[1].y, node.points[2].x, node.points[2].y); data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = node; return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_add_close (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_CLOSE; clutter_path_add_close (data->path); data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = node; return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_add_rel_move_to (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_REL_MOVE_TO; node.points[0].x = 11; node.points[0].y = 12; clutter_path_add_rel_move_to (data->path, node.points[0].x, node.points[0].y); data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = node; return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_add_rel_line_to (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_REL_LINE_TO; node.points[0].x = 13; node.points[0].y = 14; clutter_path_add_rel_line_to (data->path, node.points[0].x, node.points[0].y); data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = node; return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_add_rel_curve_to (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_REL_CURVE_TO; node.points[0].x = 15; node.points[0].y = 16; node.points[1].x = 17; node.points[1].y = 18; node.points[2].x = 19; node.points[2].y = 20; clutter_path_add_rel_curve_to (data->path, node.points[0].x, node.points[0].y, node.points[1].x, node.points[1].y, node.points[2].x, node.points[2].y); data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = node; return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_add_string (CallbackData *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (path_nodes); i++) data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = path_nodes[i]; clutter_path_add_string (data->path, path_desc); return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_add_node_by_struct (CallbackData *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (path_nodes); i++) { data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = path_nodes[i]; clutter_path_add_node (data->path, path_nodes + i); } return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_get_n_nodes (CallbackData *data) { return clutter_path_get_n_nodes (data->path) == data->n_nodes; } static gboolean path_test_get_node (CallbackData *data) { int i; data->nodes_found = 0; data->nodes_different = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < data->n_nodes; i++) { ClutterPathNode node; clutter_path_get_node (data->path, i, &node); compare_node (&node, data); } return !data->nodes_different; } static gboolean path_test_get_nodes (CallbackData *data) { GSList *list, *node; data->nodes_found = 0; data->nodes_different = FALSE; list = clutter_path_get_nodes (data->path); for (node = list; node; node = node->next) compare_node (node->data, data); g_slist_free (list); return !data->nodes_different && data->nodes_found == data->n_nodes; } static gboolean path_test_insert_beginning (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO; node.points[0].x = 41; node.points[0].y = 42; memmove (data->nodes + 1, data->nodes, data->n_nodes++ * sizeof (ClutterPathNode)); data->nodes[0] = node; clutter_path_insert_node (data->path, 0, &node); return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_insert_end (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO; node.points[0].x = 43; node.points[0].y = 44; data->nodes[data->n_nodes++] = node; clutter_path_insert_node (data->path, -1, &node); return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_insert_middle (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; int pos = data->n_nodes / 2; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO; node.points[0].x = 45; node.points[0].y = 46; memmove (data->nodes + pos + 1, data->nodes + pos, (data->n_nodes - pos) * sizeof (ClutterPathNode)); data->nodes[pos] = node; data->n_nodes++; clutter_path_insert_node (data->path, pos, &node); return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_clear (CallbackData *data) { clutter_path_clear (data->path); data->n_nodes = 0; return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_clear_insert (CallbackData *data) { return path_test_clear (data) && path_test_insert_middle (data); } static gboolean path_test_remove_beginning (CallbackData *data) { memmove (data->nodes, data->nodes + 1, --data->n_nodes * sizeof (ClutterPathNode)); clutter_path_remove_node (data->path, 0); return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_remove_end (CallbackData *data) { clutter_path_remove_node (data->path, --data->n_nodes); return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_remove_middle (CallbackData *data) { int pos = data->n_nodes / 2; memmove (data->nodes + pos, data->nodes + pos + 1, (--data->n_nodes - pos) * sizeof (ClutterPathNode)); clutter_path_remove_node (data->path, pos); return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_remove_only (CallbackData *data) { return path_test_clear (data) && path_test_add_line_to (data) && path_test_remove_beginning (data); } static gboolean path_test_replace (CallbackData *data) { ClutterPathNode node; int pos = data->n_nodes / 2; node.type = CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO; node.points[0].x = 47; node.points[0].y = 48; data->nodes[pos] = node; clutter_path_replace_node (data->path, pos, &node); return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_set_description (CallbackData *data) { data->n_nodes = G_N_ELEMENTS (path_nodes); memcpy (data->nodes, path_nodes, sizeof (path_nodes)); return clutter_path_set_description (data->path, path_desc); } static gboolean path_test_get_description (CallbackData *data) { char *desc1, *desc2; gboolean ret = TRUE; desc1 = clutter_path_get_description (data->path); clutter_path_clear (data->path); if (!clutter_path_set_description (data->path, desc1)) ret = FALSE; desc2 = clutter_path_get_description (data->path); if (strcmp (desc1, desc2)) ret = FALSE; g_free (desc1); g_free (desc2); return ret; } static gboolean path_test_convert_to_cairo_path (CallbackData *data) { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; cairo_path_t *cpath; guint i, j; ClutterKnot path_start = { 0, 0 }, last_point = { 0, 0 }; /* Create a temporary image surface and context to hold the cairo path */ surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 10, 10); cr = cairo_create (surface); /* Convert to a cairo path */ clutter_path_to_cairo_path (data->path, cr); /* Get a copy of the cairo path data */ cpath = cairo_copy_path (cr); /* Convert back to a clutter path */ clutter_path_clear (data->path); clutter_path_add_cairo_path (data->path, cpath); /* The relative nodes will have been converted to absolute so we need to reflect this in the node array for comparison */ for (i = 0; i < data->n_nodes; i++) { switch (data->nodes[i].type) { case CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO: path_start = last_point = data->nodes[i].points[0]; break; case CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO: last_point = data->nodes[i].points[0]; break; case CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO: last_point = data->nodes[i].points[2]; break; case CLUTTER_PATH_REL_MOVE_TO: last_point.x += data->nodes[i].points[0].x; last_point.y += data->nodes[i].points[0].y; data->nodes[i].points[0] = last_point; data->nodes[i].type = CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO; path_start = last_point; break; case CLUTTER_PATH_REL_LINE_TO: last_point.x += data->nodes[i].points[0].x; last_point.y += data->nodes[i].points[0].y; data->nodes[i].points[0] = last_point; data->nodes[i].type = CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO; break; case CLUTTER_PATH_REL_CURVE_TO: for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { data->nodes[i].points[j].x += last_point.x; data->nodes[i].points[j].y += last_point.y; } last_point = data->nodes[i].points[2]; data->nodes[i].type = CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO; break; case CLUTTER_PATH_CLOSE: last_point = path_start; /* Cairo always adds a move to after every close so we need to insert one here */ memmove (data->nodes + i + 2, data->nodes + i + 1, (data->n_nodes - i - 1) * sizeof (ClutterPathNode)); data->nodes[i + 1].type = CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO; data->nodes[i + 1].points[0] = last_point; data->n_nodes++; break; } } /* Free the cairo resources */ cairo_path_destroy (cpath); cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return TRUE; } static gboolean float_fuzzy_equals (float fa, float fb) { return fabs (fa - fb) <= FLOAT_FUZZ_AMOUNT; } static void set_triangle_path (CallbackData *data) { /* Triangular shaped path hitting (0,0), (64,64) and (128,0) in four parts. The two curves are actually straight lines */ static const ClutterPathNode nodes[] = { { CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO, { { 0, 0 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO, { { 32, 32 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO, { { 40, 40 }, { 56, 56 }, { 64, 64 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_REL_CURVE_TO, { { 8, -8 }, { 24, -24 }, { 32, -32 } } }, { CLUTTER_PATH_REL_LINE_TO, { { 32, -32 } } } }; gint i; clutter_path_clear (data->path); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (nodes); i++) clutter_path_add_node (data->path, nodes + i); memcpy (data->nodes, nodes, sizeof (nodes)); data->n_nodes = G_N_ELEMENTS (nodes); } static gboolean path_test_get_position (CallbackData *data) { static const float values[] = { 0.125f, 16.0f, 16.0f, 0.375f, 48.0f, 48.0f, 0.625f, 80.0f, 48.0f, 0.875f, 112.0f, 16.0f }; gint i; set_triangle_path (data); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (values); i += 3) { ClutterKnot pos; clutter_path_get_position (data->path, values[i], &pos); if (!float_fuzzy_equals (values[i + 1], pos.x) || !float_fuzzy_equals (values[i + 2], pos.y)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean path_test_get_length (CallbackData *data) { const float actual_length /* sqrt(64**2 + 64**2) * 2 */ = 181.019336f; guint approx_length; set_triangle_path (data); g_object_get (data->path, "length", &approx_length, NULL); /* Allow 15% margin of error */ return fabs (approx_length - actual_length) / actual_length <= 0.15f; } static gboolean path_test_boxed_type (CallbackData *data) { gboolean ret = TRUE; GSList *nodes, *l; GValue value; nodes = clutter_path_get_nodes (data->path); memset (&value, 0, sizeof (value)); for (l = nodes; l; l = l->next) { g_value_init (&value, CLUTTER_TYPE_PATH_NODE); g_value_set_boxed (&value, l->data); if (!clutter_path_node_equal (l->data, g_value_get_boxed (&value))) ret = FALSE; g_value_unset (&value); } g_slist_free (nodes); return ret; } static const struct { const char *desc; PathTestFunc func; } path_tests[] = { { "Add line to", path_test_add_line_to }, { "Add move to", path_test_add_move_to }, { "Add curve to", path_test_add_curve_to }, { "Add close", path_test_add_close }, { "Add relative line to", path_test_add_rel_line_to }, { "Add relative move to", path_test_add_rel_move_to }, { "Add relative curve to", path_test_add_rel_curve_to }, { "Add string", path_test_add_string }, { "Add node by struct", path_test_add_node_by_struct }, { "Get number of nodes", path_test_get_n_nodes }, { "Get a node", path_test_get_node }, { "Get all nodes", path_test_get_nodes }, { "Insert at beginning", path_test_insert_beginning }, { "Insert at end", path_test_insert_end }, { "Insert at middle", path_test_insert_middle }, { "Add after insert", path_test_add_line_to }, { "Clear then insert", path_test_clear_insert }, { "Add string again", path_test_add_string }, { "Remove from beginning", path_test_remove_beginning }, { "Remove from end", path_test_remove_end }, { "Remove from middle", path_test_remove_middle }, { "Add after remove", path_test_add_line_to }, { "Remove only node", path_test_remove_only }, { "Add after remove again", path_test_add_line_to }, { "Replace a node", path_test_replace }, { "Set description", path_test_set_description }, { "Get description", path_test_get_description }, { "Convert to cairo path and back", path_test_convert_to_cairo_path }, { "Clear", path_test_clear }, { "Get position", path_test_get_position }, { "Check node boxed type", path_test_boxed_type }, { "Get length", path_test_get_length } }; static void compare_node (const ClutterPathNode *node, gpointer data_p) { CallbackData *data = data_p; if (data->nodes_found >= data->n_nodes) data->nodes_different = TRUE; else { guint n_points = 0, i; const ClutterPathNode *onode = data->nodes + data->nodes_found; if (node->type != onode->type) data->nodes_different = TRUE; switch (node->type & ~CLUTTER_PATH_RELATIVE) { case CLUTTER_PATH_MOVE_TO: n_points = 1; break; case CLUTTER_PATH_LINE_TO: n_points = 1; break; case CLUTTER_PATH_CURVE_TO: n_points = 3; break; case CLUTTER_PATH_CLOSE: n_points = 0; break; default: data->nodes_different = TRUE; break; } for (i = 0; i < n_points; i++) if (node->points[i].x != onode->points[i].x || node->points[i].y != onode->points[i].y) { data->nodes_different = TRUE; break; } } data->nodes_found++; } static gboolean compare_nodes (CallbackData *data) { data->nodes_different = FALSE; data->nodes_found = 0; clutter_path_foreach (data->path, compare_node, data); return !data->nodes_different && data->nodes_found == data->n_nodes; } void test_path (TestConformSimpleFixture *fixture, gconstpointer _data) { CallbackData data; gint i; memset (&data, 0, sizeof (data)); data.path = clutter_path_new (); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (path_tests); i++) { gboolean succeeded; if (g_test_verbose ()) g_print ("%s... ", path_tests[i].desc); succeeded = path_tests[i].func (&data) && compare_nodes (&data); if (g_test_verbose ()) g_print ("%s\n", succeeded ? "ok" : "FAIL"); g_assert (succeeded); } g_object_unref (data.path); }