#!/usr/bin/python # # release-wrangler.py - very basic release system, primarily for # Metacity, might be useful for others. In very early stages of # development. # # Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Thurman # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. import os import posixpath import re import sys import commands import time def report_error(message): print message sys.exit(255) def get_up_to_date(): "First step is always to get up to date." os.system("svn up") # yes, I know this is MY username. I will come back and fix it # later, but for now there is a lot else to do. FIXME your_username = 'Thomas Thurman ' def changelog_and_checkin(filename, message): changelog = open('ChangeLog.tmp', 'w') changelog.write('%s %s\n\n * %s: %s\n\n' % ( time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.gmtime()), your_username, filename, message)) for line in open('ChangeLog').readlines(): changelog.write(line) changelog.close() os.rename('ChangeLog.tmp', 'ChangeLog') if os.system('svn commit -m "%s"' % (message.replace('"','\\"')))!=0: report_error("Could not commit; bailing.") def check_we_are_up_to_date(): changed = [] for line in commands.getoutput('/usr/bin/svn status').split('\n'): if line!='' and (line[0]=='C' or line[0]=='M'): changed.append(line[1:].lstrip()) if changed: report_error('These files are out of date; I can\'t continue until you fix them: ' + \ ', '.join(changed)) def version_numbers(): # FIXME: This is all very metacity-specific. Compare fusa, etc """Okay, read through configure.in and find who and where we are. We also try to figure out where the next micro version number will be; some programs (e.g. Metacity) use a custom numbering scheme, and if they have a list of numbers on the line before the micro version then that will be used. Otherwise we will just increment.""" version = {} previous_line = '' for line in file("configure.in").readlines(): product_name = re.search("^AC_INIT\(\[([^\]]*)\]", line) if product_name: version['name'] = product_name.group(1) version_number = re.search("^m4_define\(\[.*_(.*)_version\], \[(\d+)\]", line) if version_number: version_type = version_number.group(1) version_value = int(version_number.group(2)) version[version_type] = version_value if version_type == 'micro': group_of_digits = re.search("^\#\s*([0-9, ]+)\n$", previous_line) if group_of_digits: versions = [int(x) for x in group_of_digits.group(1).split(',')] if version_value in versions: try: version['micro_next'] = versions[versions.index(version_value)+1] except: report_error("You gave a list of micro version numbers, but we've used them up!") else: report_error("You gave a list of micro version numbers, but the current one wasn't in it! Current is %s and your list is %s" % ( `version_value`, `versions`)) previous_line = line if not 'micro_next' in version: version['micro_next'] = version['micro']+1 version['string'] = '%(major)s.%(minor)s.%(micro)s' % (version) version['filename'] = '%(name)s-%(string)s.tar.gz' % (version) return version def check_file_does_not_exist(version): if os.access(version['filename'], os.F_OK): report_error("Sorry, you already have a file called %s! Please delete it or move it first." % (version['filename'])) def is_date(str): return len(str)>3 and str[4]=='-' def scan_changelog(version): changelog = file("ChangeLog").readlines() # Find the most recent release. release_date = None for line in changelog: if is_date(line): release_date = line[:10] if "Post-release bump to %s.%s.%s." % (version['major'], version['minor'], version['micro']) in line: changelog = changelog[:changelog.index(line)+1] break contributors = {} thanks = '' entries = [] def assumed_surname(name): # might get more complicated later, but for now... return name.split()[-1] def assumed_forename(name): return name.split()[0] bug_re = re.compile('bug \#?(\d+)', re.IGNORECASE) hash_re = re.compile('\#(\d+)') for line in changelog: if is_date(line): line = line[10:].lstrip() line = line[:line.find('<')].rstrip() contributors[assumed_surname(line)] = line entries.append('(%s)' % (assumed_forename(line))) else: match = bug_re.search(line) if not match: match = hash_re.search(line) if match: entries[-1] += ' (#%s)' % (match.group(1)) # FIXME: getting complex enough we should be returning a dictionary return (contributors, changelog, entries, release_date) def wordwrap(str, prefix=''): "Really simple wordwrap" # Ugly hack: # We know that all open brackets are preceded by spaces. # We don't want to split on these spaces. Therefore: str = str.replace(' (','(') result = [''] for word in str.split(): if result[-1]=='': candidate = prefix + word else: candidate = '%s %s' % (result[-1], word) if len(candidate)>80: result.append(prefix+word) else: result[-1] = candidate return '\n'.join(result).replace('(',' (') def favourite_editor(): e = os.environ if e.has_key('VISUAL'): return e['VISUAL'] if e.has_key('EDITOR'): return e['EDITOR'] if os.access('/usr/bin/nano', os.F_OK): return '/usr/bin/nano' report_error("I can't find an editor for you!") def edit_news_entry(version): # FIXME: still needs a lot of tidying up. Translator stuff especially needs to be # factored out into a separate function. (contributors, changelog, entries, release_date) = scan_changelog(version) contributors_list = contributors.keys() contributors_list.sort() thanksline = ', '.join([contributors[x] for x in contributors_list]) thanksline = thanksline.replace(contributors[contributors_list[-1]], 'and '+contributors[contributors_list[-1]]) thanks = '%s\n%s\n\n' % (version['string'], '='*len(version['string'])) thanks += wordwrap('Thanks to %s for improvements in this version.' % (thanksline)) thanks += '\n\n' for line in entries: thanks += ' - xxx %s\n' % (line) # and now pick up the translations. translations = {} language_re = re.compile('\*\s*(.+)\.po') for line in file("po/ChangeLog").readlines(): match = language_re.search(line) if match: translations[match.group(1)] = 1 if is_date(line) and line[:10]