#include "cltr-photo-grid.h" #include "cltr-private.h" /* TODO - image cache !! - change idle_cb to timeouts, reduce tearing + inc interactivity on image load - Split events into seperate file ( break up ctrl.c ) - offset zoom a little to give border around picture grid - figure out highlighting selected cell - tape on pictures ? - tidy this code here + document ! - fix threads, lower priority ? */ #define ANIM_FPS 60 #define FPS_TO_TIMEOUT(t) (1000/(t)) struct CltrPhotoGridCell { Pixbuf *pixb; float angle; CltrTexture *texture; gint anim_step; CltrPhotoGridCellState state; }; struct CltrPhotoGrid { CltrWidget widget; gchar *img_path; int n_rows; int n_cols; int row_offset; /* where is the first visible row. */ int cell_width; int cell_height; GList *cells_tail; GList *cell_active; /* animation / zoom etc stuff */ /* current anim frame position */ int anim_n_steps, anim_step; /* start / end points for animations */ float zoom_min, zoom_max, zoom_step; float view_min_x, view_max_x, view_min_y, view_max_y; float scroll_dist; /* Values calucated from above for setting up the GL tranforms and 'view' */ float paint_trans_x, paint_trans_y, paint_zoom; int paint_start_y; GList *paint_cell_item; CltrPhotoGridState state; }; static void cltr_photo_grid_paint(CltrWidget *widget); static gboolean cltr_photo_grid_handle_xevent (CltrWidget *widget, XEvent *xev); static void cltr_photo_grid_show(CltrWidget *widget); static void cltr_photo_grid_update_visual_state(CltrPhotoGrid *grid); /* this likely shouldn'y go here */ static GMutex *Mutex_GRID = NULL; static void cltr_photo_grid_handle_xkeyevent(CltrPhotoGrid *grid, XKeyEvent *xkeyev) { KeySym kc; kc = XKeycodeToKeysym(xkeyev->display, xkeyev->keycode, 0); switch (kc) { case XK_Left: case XK_KP_Left: cltr_photo_grid_navigate(grid, CLTR_WEST); break; case XK_Up: case XK_KP_Up: cltr_photo_grid_navigate(grid, CLTR_NORTH); break; case XK_Right: case XK_KP_Right: cltr_photo_grid_navigate(grid, CLTR_EAST); break; case XK_Down: case XK_KP_Down: cltr_photo_grid_navigate(grid, CLTR_SOUTH); break; case XK_Return: cltr_photo_grid_activate_cell(grid); break; default: CLTR_DBG("unhandled keysym"); } } static gboolean cltr_photo_grid_handle_xevent (CltrWidget *widget, XEvent *xev) { CltrPhotoGrid* grid = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID(widget); switch (xev->type) { case KeyPress: CLTR_DBG("KeyPress"); cltr_photo_grid_handle_xkeyevent(grid, &xev->xkey); break; } return TRUE; } CltrPhotoGridCell* cltr_photo_grid_cell_new(CltrPhotoGrid *grid, Pixbuf *pixb, const gchar *filename) { CltrPhotoGridCell *cell = NULL; int maxw = grid->widget.width, maxh = grid->widget.height; int neww = 0, newh = 0; cell = g_malloc0(sizeof(CltrPhotoGridCell)); if (pixb->width > pixb->height) /* landscape */ { if (pixb->width > maxw) { neww = maxw; newh = (neww * pixb->height) / pixb->width; } } else /* portrait */ { if (pixb->height > maxh) { newh = maxh; neww = (newh * pixb->width) / pixb->height; } } if (neww || newh) { cell->pixb = pixbuf_scale_down(pixb, neww, newh); pixbuf_unref(pixb); } else cell->pixb = pixb; CLTR_DBG ("loaded %s at %ix%i", filename, neww, newh); cell->angle = 6.0 - (rand()%12); cell->anim_step = 15; cell->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_CELL_STATE_APPEARING; return cell; } void cltr_photo_grid_append_cell(CltrPhotoGrid *grid, CltrPhotoGridCell *cell) { grid->cells_tail = g_list_append(grid->cells_tail, cell); } /* relative */ static void ctrl_photo_grid_cell_to_coords(CltrPhotoGrid *grid, GList *cell, int *x, int *y) { int idx; idx = g_list_position(grid->cells_tail, cell); *y = idx / grid->n_cols; *x = idx % grid->n_cols; CLTR_DBG("idx: %i x: %i, y: %i", idx, *x , *y); } static void ctrl_photo_grid_get_zoomed_coords(CltrPhotoGrid *grid, int x, int y, float *tx, float *ty) { /* * figure out translate co-ords for the cell at x,y to get translated * so its centered for glScale to zoom in on it. */ *tx = (float)grid->cell_width * (grid->zoom_max) * x * -1.0; *ty = (float)grid->cell_height * (grid->zoom_max) * y * -1.0; } static gboolean cell_is_offscreen(CltrPhotoGrid *grid, GList *cell, CltrDirection *where) { int idx; idx = g_list_position(grid->cells_tail, cell); CLTR_DBG("idx %i, rows*cols %i", idx, grid->n_cols * grid->n_rows); if (idx < (grid->row_offset * grid->n_cols)) { if (where) *where = CLTR_NORTH; return TRUE; /* scroll up */ } if (idx >= ((grid->row_offset * grid->n_cols)+(grid->n_cols * grid->n_rows))) { if (where) *where = CLTR_SOUTH; return TRUE; /* scroll down */ } return FALSE; } gboolean cltr_photo_grid_idle_cb(gpointer data) { CltrPhotoGrid *grid = (CltrPhotoGrid *)data; cltr_photo_grid_update_visual_state(grid); cltr_widget_queue_paint(CLTR_WIDGET(grid)); switch(grid->state) { case CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_LOADING: case CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_LOAD_COMPLETE: case CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOM_IN: case CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOM_OUT: case CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED_MOVE: case CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_SCROLLED_MOVE: return TRUE; case CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED: case CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_BROWSE: default: return FALSE; /* no need for rapid updates now */ } } void cltr_photo_grid_navigate(CltrPhotoGrid *grid, CltrDirection direction) { GList *cell_orig = grid->cell_active; switch (direction) { case CLTR_SOUTH: if (g_list_nth(grid->cell_active, grid->n_cols)) grid->cell_active = g_list_nth(grid->cell_active, grid->n_cols); break; case CLTR_NORTH: if (g_list_nth_prev(grid->cell_active, grid->n_cols)) grid->cell_active = g_list_nth_prev(grid->cell_active, grid->n_cols); break; case CLTR_EAST: if (g_list_next(grid->cell_active)) grid->cell_active = g_list_next(grid->cell_active); break; case CLTR_WEST: if (g_list_previous(grid->cell_active)) grid->cell_active = g_list_previous(grid->cell_active); break; } if (cell_orig != grid->cell_active) /* we've moved */ { int x, y; float zoom = grid->zoom_min; CltrDirection where; if (cell_is_offscreen(grid, grid->cell_active, &where)) { GList *cell_item = NULL; cell_item = g_list_nth(grid->cells_tail, grid->n_cols * grid->row_offset); if (grid->state != CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED) grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_SCROLLED_MOVE; /* scroll */ if (where == CLTR_NORTH) { /* up */ grid->scroll_dist = grid->cell_height; grid->row_offset--; } else { grid->scroll_dist = - grid->cell_height; grid->row_offset++; } if (grid->state != CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED) g_timeout_add(FPS_TO_TIMEOUT(ANIM_FPS), cltr_photo_grid_idle_cb, grid); } if (grid->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED) { grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED_MOVE; grid->view_min_x = grid->view_max_x; grid->view_min_y = grid->view_max_y ; grid->anim_step = 0; zoom = grid->zoom_max; g_timeout_add(FPS_TO_TIMEOUT(ANIM_FPS), cltr_photo_grid_idle_cb, grid); } ctrl_photo_grid_cell_to_coords(grid, grid->cell_active, &x, &y); ctrl_photo_grid_get_zoomed_coords(grid, x, y, &grid->view_max_x, &grid->view_max_y); CLTR_DBG("x: %f, y: %f", grid->view_max_x , grid->view_max_y); cltr_widget_queue_paint(CLTR_WIDGET(grid)); } } void /* bleh badly named */ cltr_photo_grid_activate_cell(CltrPhotoGrid *grid) { if (grid->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_BROWSE) { grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOM_IN; g_timeout_add(FPS_TO_TIMEOUT(ANIM_FPS), cltr_photo_grid_idle_cb, grid); } else if (grid->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED) { grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOM_OUT; /* reset - zoomed moving will have reset */ grid->view_min_x = 0.0; grid->view_min_y = 0.0; /*- (grid->row_offset * grid->cell_height);*/ g_timeout_add(FPS_TO_TIMEOUT(ANIM_FPS), cltr_photo_grid_idle_cb, grid); } } gpointer cltr_photo_grid_populate(gpointer data) { CltrPhotoGrid *grid = (CltrPhotoGrid *)data; GDir *dir; GError *error; const gchar *entry = NULL; gchar *fullpath = NULL; int n_pixb = 0, i =0; ClutterFont *font = NULL; PixbufPixel font_col = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; font = font_new("Sans Bold 96"); if ((dir = g_dir_open (grid->img_path, 0, &error)) == NULL) { /* handle this much better */ fprintf(stderr, "failed to open '%s'\n", grid->img_path); return NULL; } while ((entry = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) { if (!strcasecmp(&entry[strlen(entry)-4], ".png") || !strcasecmp(&entry[strlen(entry)-4], ".jpg") || !strcasecmp(&entry[strlen(entry)-5], ".jpeg")) n_pixb++; } CLTR_DBG("estamited %i pixb's\n", n_pixb); g_dir_rewind (dir); while ((entry = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) { Pixbuf *pixb = NULL; fullpath = g_strconcat(grid->img_path, "/", entry, NULL); pixb = pixbuf_new_from_file(fullpath); if (pixb) { CltrPhotoGridCell *cell; gchar buf[24]; cell = cltr_photo_grid_cell_new(grid, pixb, entry); g_snprintf(&buf[0], 24, "%i", i); font_draw(font, cell->pixb, buf, 10, 10, &font_col); g_mutex_lock(Mutex_GRID); cell->texture = cltr_texture_new(cell->pixb); g_mutex_unlock(Mutex_GRID); cltr_photo_grid_append_cell(grid, cell); i++; } g_free(fullpath); } g_dir_close (dir); g_mutex_lock(Mutex_GRID); grid->cell_active = g_list_first(grid->cells_tail); grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_LOAD_COMPLETE; g_mutex_unlock(Mutex_GRID); cltr_widget_queue_paint(CLTR_WIDGET(grid)); return NULL; } static void cltr_photo_grid_update_visual_state(CltrPhotoGrid *grid) { int view_x_diff = grid->view_max_x - grid->view_min_x; int view_y_diff = grid->view_max_y - grid->view_min_y; int zoom_diff = grid->zoom_max - grid->zoom_min; int row_offset_h = grid->row_offset * grid->cell_height; /* Default states ( zoomed out ) */ grid->paint_zoom = grid->zoom_min; grid->paint_trans_x = grid->view_min_x; grid->paint_trans_y = grid->view_min_y - row_offset_h; grid->paint_start_y = row_offset_h; grid->paint_cell_item = g_list_nth(grid->cells_tail, grid->n_cols * grid->row_offset); if (grid->state != CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_BROWSE && grid->state != CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_LOADING && grid->state != CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_LOAD_COMPLETE) { float scroll_min_y_offset = (float)(row_offset_h); /* Assume zoomed in */ grid->paint_zoom = grid->zoom_max; grid->paint_trans_x = grid->view_max_x; grid->paint_trans_y = grid->view_max_y; if (grid->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOM_IN) { grid->anim_step++; /* Are we zoomed all the way in > */ if (grid->anim_step >= grid->anim_n_steps) { grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED; grid->anim_step = 0; } else { float f = (float)grid->anim_step/grid->anim_n_steps; scroll_min_y_offset *= grid->zoom_max; grid->paint_zoom = grid->zoom_min + (zoom_diff * f); grid->paint_trans_x = view_x_diff * f; grid->paint_trans_y = (view_y_diff + scroll_min_y_offset) * f; grid->paint_start_y = 0; } } else if (grid->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOM_OUT) { grid->anim_step++; if (grid->anim_step >= grid->anim_n_steps) { grid->paint_zoom = grid->zoom_min; grid->anim_step = 0; grid->paint_trans_x = grid->view_min_x; grid->paint_trans_y = grid->view_min_y - scroll_min_y_offset; grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_BROWSE; } else { float f = (float)(grid->anim_n_steps - grid->anim_step ) / grid->anim_n_steps; scroll_min_y_offset *= grid->zoom_max; grid->paint_zoom = grid->zoom_min + (zoom_diff * f); grid->paint_trans_x = view_x_diff * f; grid->paint_trans_y = (view_y_diff + scroll_min_y_offset) * f; grid->paint_start_y = 0; } } else if (grid->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED_MOVE) { grid->anim_step++; if (grid->anim_step >= grid->anim_n_steps) { grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_ZOOMED; grid->anim_step = 0; } else { float f = (float)grid->anim_step/grid->anim_n_steps; grid->paint_trans_x = grid->view_min_x + (view_x_diff * f); grid->paint_trans_y = grid->view_min_y + (view_y_diff * f); } } else if (grid->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_SCROLLED_MOVE) { grid->paint_zoom = grid->zoom_min; grid->paint_trans_x = grid->view_min_x; grid->paint_trans_y = grid->view_min_y - row_offset_h; grid->anim_step++; if (grid->anim_step >= (grid->anim_n_steps/4)) { grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_BROWSE; grid->anim_step = 0; grid->paint_zoom = grid->zoom_min; } else { float f = (float)grid->anim_step / (grid->anim_n_steps/4); grid->paint_trans_y += (grid->scroll_dist * f); if (grid->scroll_dist > 0) /* up */ { grid->paint_start_y = (grid->row_offset-1) * grid->cell_height; } else /* down */ { grid->paint_cell_item = g_list_nth(grid->cells_tail, grid->n_cols * (grid->row_offset-1)); } } } } } static void cltr_photo_grid_paint(CltrWidget *widget) { int x = 0, y = 0, rows = 0, cols = 0, i =0; GList *cell_item; CltrWindow *win = CLTR_WINDOW(widget->parent); CltrPhotoGrid *grid = (CltrPhotoGrid *)widget; rows = grid->n_rows+1; CLTR_MARK(); glPushMatrix(); if (grid->cells_tail == NULL) { /* No pictures to paint yet */ CltrWindow *win = CLTR_WINDOW(grid->widget.parent); glColor3f(0.6, 0.6, 0.62); glRecti(0, 0, widget->width, widget->height); glPopMatrix(); return; } /* * Using GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH with 'regular' alpha blends causes ugly seems * in the textures and texture tile borders. We therefore do this 'saturate' * trick painting front -> back. * * see http://blog.metawrap.com/blog/PermaLink.aspx?guid=db82f92e-9fc8-4635-b3e5-e37a1ca6ee0a * for more info * * Note bg must be glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) to work. * Is there a better way.? * - multisample ? */ glEnable(GL_BLEND); glHint(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST); /* needed */ glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE,GL_ONE); glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); /* values from cltr_photo_grid_update_visual_state() */ cell_item = grid->paint_cell_item; y = grid->paint_start_y; glTranslatef (grid->paint_trans_x, grid->paint_trans_y, 0.0); glScalef (grid->paint_zoom, grid->paint_zoom, 0.0); while (rows--) { cols = grid->n_cols; x = 0; while (cols--) { CltrPhotoGridCell *cell = (CltrPhotoGridCell *)cell_item->data; Pixbuf *pixb = NULL; int x1, x2, y1, y2, thumb_w, thumb_h; int ns_border, ew_border; pixb = cell->pixb; thumb_w = (pixb->width / grid->n_cols); thumb_h = (pixb->height / grid->n_rows); if (cell->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_CELL_STATE_APPEARING) { cell->anim_step -= 4; if (cell->anim_step <= 0) { cell->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_CELL_STATE_STATIC; } else { thumb_w = thumb_w + cell->anim_step; thumb_h = thumb_h + cell->anim_step; } /* set color here for developing effect * only fully develop when all picts loaded ? * blur texture too ? */ /* glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5); */ cell->anim_step = 0; } ew_border = thumb_w/8; ns_border = thumb_h/8; thumb_w -= (2 * ew_border); thumb_h -= (2 * ns_border); x1 = x + ((grid->cell_width - thumb_w)/2); y1 = y + ((grid->cell_height - thumb_h)/2); x2 = x1 + thumb_w; y2 = y1 + thumb_h; glPushMatrix(); /* Translate origin to rotation point ( photo center ) */ glTranslatef( x1 + ((x2-x1)/2), y1 + ((y2-y1)/2), 0.0); if (cell->state != CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_CELL_STATE_APPEARING) /* Rotate around Z axis */ glRotatef ( cell->angle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); g_mutex_lock(Mutex_GRID); cltr_texture_render_to_gl_quad(cell->texture, -(thumb_w/2), -(thumb_h/2), (thumb_w/2), (thumb_h/2)); g_mutex_unlock(Mutex_GRID); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if (cell_item == grid->cell_active && grid->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_BROWSE) glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); else glColor4f(0.9, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0); /* Draw with origin in center of photo */ /* glRecti(-(thumb_w/2)-4, -(thumb_h/2)-4, (thumb_w/2)+4, (thumb_h/2)+ns_border); */ cltr_glu_rounded_rect(-(thumb_w/2)-4, -(thumb_h/2)-4, (thumb_w/2)+4, (thumb_h/2)+ns_border, thumb_w/40, NULL); glColor4f(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5); cltr_glu_rounded_rect(-(thumb_w/2)-4, -(thumb_h/2)-4+1, (thumb_w/2)+4, (thumb_h/2)+ns_border+1, thumb_w/40, NULL); glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPopMatrix(); cell_item = g_list_next(cell_item); if (!cell_item) goto finish; x += grid->cell_width; i++; } y += grid->cell_height; } finish: glPopMatrix(); /* finally paint background */ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glColor3f(0.6, 0.6, 0.62); glRecti(0, 0, widget->width, widget->height); g_mutex_lock(Mutex_GRID); /* Hack, so final item get painted via threaded load */ if (grid->state == CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_LOAD_COMPLETE) grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_BROWSE; g_mutex_unlock(Mutex_GRID); /* reset */ glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } static void cltr_photo_grid_show(CltrWidget *widget) { CltrPhotoGrid *grid = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID(widget); GThread *loader_thread; grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_LOADING; loader_thread = g_thread_create (cltr_photo_grid_populate, (gpointer)grid, TRUE, NULL); g_timeout_add(FPS_TO_TIMEOUT(20), cltr_photo_grid_idle_cb, grid); cltr_widget_queue_paint(widget); } CltrWidget* cltr_photo_grid_new(int width, int height, int n_cols, int n_rows, const gchar *img_path) { CltrPhotoGrid *grid = NULL; grid = g_malloc0(sizeof(CltrPhotoGrid)); grid->widget.width = width; grid->widget.height = height; grid->widget.show = cltr_photo_grid_show; grid->widget.paint = cltr_photo_grid_paint; grid->widget.xevent_handler = cltr_photo_grid_handle_xevent; grid->img_path = strdup(img_path); grid->n_cols = n_cols; grid->n_rows = n_rows; grid->cell_width = grid->widget.width / n_cols; grid->cell_height = grid->widget.height / n_rows; grid->state = CLTR_PHOTO_GRID_STATE_LOADING; grid->anim_n_steps = 20; /* value needs to be calced dep on rows */ grid->anim_step = 0; /* Default 'browse view' */ grid->zoom_min = 1.0; grid->view_min_x = (grid->widget.width - (grid->zoom_min * grid->widget.width))/2.0; grid->view_min_y = 0.0; /* Assmes cols == rows */ grid->zoom_max = /* 1.0 + */ (float) (n_rows * 1.0); // - 0.3; grid->row_offset = 0; Mutex_GRID = g_mutex_new(); return CLTR_WIDGET(grid); }