/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #pragma once #include #include "tests/meta-monitor-manager-test.h" #include "tests/meta-test-utils.h" #include "backends/meta-crtc.h" #include "backends/meta-monitor.h" #include "backends/meta-output.h" #define MAX_N_MODES 25 #define MAX_N_OUTPUTS 10 #define MAX_N_CRTCS 10 #define MAX_N_MONITORS 10 #define MAX_N_LOGICAL_MONITORS 10 #define MAX_N_SCALES 20 /* * The following structures are used to define test cases. * * Each test case consists of a test case setup and a test case expectaction. * and a expected result, consisting * of an array of monitors, logical monitors and a screen size. * * TEST CASE SETUP: * * A test case setup consists of an array of modes, an array of outputs and an * array of CRTCs. * * A mode has a width and height in pixels, and a refresh rate in updates per * second. * * An output has an array of available modes, and a preferred mode. Modes are * defined as indices into the modes array of the test case setup. * * It also has CRTc and an array of possible CRTCs. Crtcs are defined as indices * into the CRTC array. The CRTC value -1 means no CRTC. * * It also has various meta data, such as physical dimension, tile info and * scale. * * A CRTC only has a current mode. A mode is defined as an index into the modes * array. * * * TEST CASE EXPECTS: * * A test case expects consists of an array of monitors, an array of logical * monitors, a output and crtc count, and a screen width. * * A monitor represents a physical monitor (such as an external monitor, or a * laptop panel etc). A monitor consists of an array of outputs, defined by * indices into the setup output array, an array of monitor modes, and the * current mode, defined by an index into the monitor modes array, and the * physical dimensions. * * A logical monitor represents a region of the total screen area. It contains * the expected layout and a scale. */ typedef enum _MonitorTestFlag { MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NONE, MONITOR_TEST_FLAG_NO_STORED } MonitorTestFlag; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseMode { int width; int height; float refresh_rate; MetaCrtcModeFlag flags; } MonitorTestCaseMode; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseOutput { int crtc; int modes[MAX_N_MODES]; int n_modes; int preferred_mode; int possible_crtcs[MAX_N_CRTCS]; int n_possible_crtcs; int width_mm; int height_mm; MetaTileInfo tile_info; float scale; gboolean is_laptop_panel; gboolean is_underscanning; unsigned int max_bpc; const char *serial; MetaMonitorTransform panel_orientation_transform; gboolean hotplug_mode; int suggested_x; int suggested_y; gboolean has_edid_info; MetaEdidInfo edid_info; } MonitorTestCaseOutput; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseCrtc { int current_mode; gboolean disable_gamma_lut; } MonitorTestCaseCrtc; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseSetup { MonitorTestCaseMode modes[MAX_N_MODES]; int n_modes; MonitorTestCaseOutput outputs[MAX_N_OUTPUTS]; int n_outputs; MonitorTestCaseCrtc crtcs[MAX_N_CRTCS]; int n_crtcs; } MonitorTestCaseSetup; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseMonitorCrtcMode { uint64_t output; int crtc_mode; } MetaTestCaseMonitorCrtcMode; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseMonitorMode { int width; int height; float refresh_rate; int n_scales; float scales[MAX_N_SCALES]; MetaCrtcModeFlag flags; MetaTestCaseMonitorCrtcMode crtc_modes[MAX_N_CRTCS]; } MetaMonitorTestCaseMonitorMode; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseMonitor { uint64_t outputs[MAX_N_OUTPUTS]; int n_outputs; MetaMonitorTestCaseMonitorMode modes[MAX_N_MODES]; int n_modes; int current_mode; int width_mm; int height_mm; gboolean is_underscanning; unsigned int max_bpc; } MonitorTestCaseMonitor; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor { MetaRectangle layout; float scale; int monitors[MAX_N_MONITORS]; int n_monitors; MetaMonitorTransform transform; } MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseCrtcExpect { MetaMonitorTransform transform; int current_mode; float x; float y; } MonitorTestCaseCrtcExpect; typedef struct _MonitorTestCaseExpect { MonitorTestCaseMonitor monitors[MAX_N_MONITORS]; int n_monitors; MonitorTestCaseLogicalMonitor logical_monitors[MAX_N_LOGICAL_MONITORS]; int n_logical_monitors; int primary_logical_monitor; int n_outputs; MonitorTestCaseCrtcExpect crtcs[MAX_N_CRTCS]; int n_crtcs; int n_tiled_monitors; int screen_width; int screen_height; } MonitorTestCaseExpect; typedef struct _MonitorTestCase { MonitorTestCaseSetup setup; MonitorTestCaseExpect expect; } MonitorTestCase; META_EXPORT MetaGpu * meta_test_get_gpu (MetaBackend *backend); META_EXPORT void meta_set_custom_monitor_config (MetaContext *context, const char *filename); META_EXPORT void meta_set_custom_monitor_system_config (MetaContext *context, const char *filename); META_EXPORT char * meta_read_file (const char *file_path); META_EXPORT void meta_check_monitor_configuration (MetaContext *context, MonitorTestCaseExpect *expect); META_EXPORT void meta_check_monitor_scales (MetaContext *context, MonitorTestCaseExpect *expect, MetaMonitorScalesConstraint scales_constraints); META_EXPORT MetaMonitorTestSetup * meta_create_monitor_test_setup (MetaBackend *backend, MonitorTestCaseSetup *setup, MonitorTestFlag flags); META_EXPORT const char * meta_orientation_to_string (MetaOrientation orientation); META_EXPORT void meta_wait_for_orientation (MetaOrientationManager *orientation_manager, MetaOrientation orientation, unsigned int *times_signalled_out); META_EXPORT void meta_wait_for_possible_orientation_change (MetaOrientationManager *orientation_manager, unsigned int *times_signalled_out);