/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include "backends/meta-screen-cast-area-stream.h" #include "backends/meta-screen-cast-area-stream-src.h" struct _MetaScreenCastAreaStream { MetaScreenCastStream parent; ClutterStage *stage; MetaRectangle area; float scale; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (MetaScreenCastAreaStream, meta_screen_cast_area_stream, META_TYPE_SCREEN_CAST_STREAM) ClutterStage * meta_screen_cast_area_stream_get_stage (MetaScreenCastAreaStream *area_stream) { return area_stream->stage; } MetaRectangle * meta_screen_cast_area_stream_get_area (MetaScreenCastAreaStream *area_stream) { return &area_stream->area; } float meta_screen_cast_area_stream_get_scale (MetaScreenCastAreaStream *area_stream) { return area_stream->scale; } static gboolean calculate_scale (ClutterStage *stage, MetaRectangle *area, float *out_scale) { GList *l; float scale = 0.0; for (l = clutter_stage_peek_stage_views (stage); l; l = l->next) { ClutterStageView *stage_view = l->data; MetaRectangle view_layout; clutter_stage_view_get_layout (stage_view, &view_layout); if (mtk_rectangle_overlap (area, &view_layout)) scale = MAX (clutter_stage_view_get_scale (stage_view), scale); } if (scale == 0.0) return FALSE; *out_scale = scale; return TRUE; } MetaScreenCastAreaStream * meta_screen_cast_area_stream_new (MetaScreenCastSession *session, GDBusConnection *connection, MetaRectangle *area, ClutterStage *stage, MetaScreenCastCursorMode cursor_mode, MetaScreenCastFlag flags, GError **error) { MetaScreenCastAreaStream *area_stream; float scale; if (!calculate_scale (stage, area, &scale)) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "Area is off-screen"); return NULL; } area_stream = g_initable_new (META_TYPE_SCREEN_CAST_AREA_STREAM, NULL, error, "session", session, "connection", connection, "cursor-mode", cursor_mode, "flags", flags, NULL); if (!area_stream) return NULL; area_stream->area = *area; area_stream->scale = scale; area_stream->stage = stage; return area_stream; } static MetaScreenCastStreamSrc * meta_screen_cast_area_stream_create_src (MetaScreenCastStream *stream, GError **error) { MetaScreenCastAreaStream *area_stream = META_SCREEN_CAST_AREA_STREAM (stream); MetaScreenCastAreaStreamSrc *area_stream_src; area_stream_src = meta_screen_cast_area_stream_src_new (area_stream, error); if (!area_stream_src) return NULL; return META_SCREEN_CAST_STREAM_SRC (area_stream_src); } static void meta_screen_cast_area_stream_set_parameters (MetaScreenCastStream *stream, GVariantBuilder *parameters_builder) { MetaScreenCastAreaStream *area_stream = META_SCREEN_CAST_AREA_STREAM (stream); g_variant_builder_add (parameters_builder, "{sv}", "size", g_variant_new ("(ii)", area_stream->area.width, area_stream->area.height)); } static gboolean meta_screen_cast_area_stream_transform_position (MetaScreenCastStream *stream, double stream_x, double stream_y, double *x, double *y) { MetaScreenCastAreaStream *area_stream = META_SCREEN_CAST_AREA_STREAM (stream); *x = area_stream->area.x + (int) roundf (stream_x / area_stream->scale); *y = area_stream->area.y + (int) roundf (stream_y / area_stream->scale); return TRUE; } static void meta_screen_cast_area_stream_init (MetaScreenCastAreaStream *area_stream) { } static void meta_screen_cast_area_stream_class_init (MetaScreenCastAreaStreamClass *klass) { MetaScreenCastStreamClass *stream_class = META_SCREEN_CAST_STREAM_CLASS (klass); stream_class->create_src = meta_screen_cast_area_stream_create_src; stream_class->set_parameters = meta_screen_cast_area_stream_set_parameters; stream_class->transform_position = meta_screen_cast_area_stream_transform_position; }