/* * shaped texture * * An actor to draw a texture clipped to a list of rectangles * * Authored By Neil Roberts * * Copyright (C) 2008 Intel Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "mutter-shaped-texture.h" #include #include #include static void mutter_shaped_texture_dispose (GObject *object); static void mutter_shaped_texture_finalize (GObject *object); static void mutter_shaped_texture_paint (ClutterActor *actor); static void mutter_shaped_texture_pick (ClutterActor *actor, const ClutterColor *color); static void mutter_shaped_texture_dirty_mask (MutterShapedTexture *stex); #ifdef HAVE_GLX_TEXTURE_PIXMAP G_DEFINE_TYPE (MutterShapedTexture, mutter_shaped_texture, CLUTTER_GLX_TYPE_TEXTURE_PIXMAP); #else /* HAVE_GLX_TEXTURE_PIXMAP */ G_DEFINE_TYPE (MutterShapedTexture, mutter_shaped_texture, CLUTTER_X11_TYPE_TEXTURE_PIXMAP); #endif /* HAVE_GLX_TEXTURE_PIXMAP */ #define MUTTER_SHAPED_TEXTURE_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((obj), MUTTER_TYPE_SHAPED_TEXTURE, \ MutterShapedTexturePrivate)) struct _MutterShapedTexturePrivate { CoglHandle mask_texture; CoglHandle material; #if 1 /* see workaround comment in mutter_shaped_texture_paint */ CoglHandle material_workaround; #endif guint mask_width, mask_height; GArray *rectangles; }; static void mutter_shaped_texture_class_init (MutterShapedTextureClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; ClutterActorClass *actor_class = (ClutterActorClass *) klass; gobject_class->dispose = mutter_shaped_texture_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = mutter_shaped_texture_finalize; actor_class->paint = mutter_shaped_texture_paint; actor_class->pick = mutter_shaped_texture_pick; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (MutterShapedTexturePrivate)); } static void mutter_shaped_texture_init (MutterShapedTexture *self) { MutterShapedTexturePrivate *priv; priv = self->priv = MUTTER_SHAPED_TEXTURE_GET_PRIVATE (self); priv->rectangles = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (XRectangle)); priv->mask_texture = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE; } static void mutter_shaped_texture_dispose (GObject *object) { MutterShapedTexture *self = (MutterShapedTexture *) object; MutterShapedTexturePrivate *priv = self->priv; mutter_shaped_texture_dirty_mask (self); if (priv->material != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { cogl_material_unref (priv->material); priv->material = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE; } #if 1 /* see comment in mutter_shaped_texture_paint */ if (priv->material_workaround != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { cogl_material_unref (priv->material_workaround); priv->material_workaround = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE; } #endif G_OBJECT_CLASS (mutter_shaped_texture_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void mutter_shaped_texture_finalize (GObject *object) { MutterShapedTexture *self = (MutterShapedTexture *) object; MutterShapedTexturePrivate *priv = self->priv; g_array_free (priv->rectangles, TRUE); G_OBJECT_CLASS (mutter_shaped_texture_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void mutter_shaped_texture_dirty_mask (MutterShapedTexture *stex) { MutterShapedTexturePrivate *priv = stex->priv; if (priv->mask_texture != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { GLuint mask_gl_tex; GLenum mask_gl_target; cogl_texture_get_gl_texture (priv->mask_texture, &mask_gl_tex, &mask_gl_target); if (mask_gl_target == CGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) glDeleteTextures (1, &mask_gl_tex); cogl_texture_unref (priv->mask_texture); priv->mask_texture = COGL_INVALID_HANDLE; } } static void mutter_shaped_texture_ensure_mask (MutterShapedTexture *stex) { MutterShapedTexturePrivate *priv = stex->priv; CoglHandle paint_tex; guint tex_width, tex_height; paint_tex = clutter_texture_get_cogl_texture (CLUTTER_TEXTURE (stex)); if (paint_tex == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) return; tex_width = cogl_texture_get_width (paint_tex); tex_height = cogl_texture_get_height (paint_tex); /* If the mask texture we have was created for a different size then recreate it */ if (priv->mask_texture != COGL_INVALID_HANDLE && (priv->mask_width != tex_width || priv->mask_height != tex_height)) mutter_shaped_texture_dirty_mask (stex); /* If we don't have a mask texture yet then create one */ if (priv->mask_texture == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { guchar *mask_data; const XRectangle *rect; GLenum paint_gl_target; /* Create data for an empty image */ mask_data = g_malloc0 (tex_width * tex_height); /* Cut out a hole for each rectangle */ for (rect = (XRectangle *) priv->rectangles->data + priv->rectangles->len; rect-- > (XRectangle *) priv->rectangles->data;) { gint x1 = rect->x, x2 = x1 + rect->width; gint y1 = rect->y, y2 = y1 + rect->height; guchar *p; /* Clip the rectangle to the size of the texture */ x1 = CLAMP (x1, 0, (gint) tex_width - 1); x2 = CLAMP (x2, x1, (gint) tex_width); y1 = CLAMP (y1, 0, (gint) tex_height - 1); y2 = CLAMP (y2, y1, (gint) tex_height); /* Fill the rectangle */ for (p = mask_data + y1 * tex_width + x1; y1 < y2; y1++, p += tex_width) memset (p, 255, x2 - x1); } cogl_texture_get_gl_texture (paint_tex, NULL, &paint_gl_target); if (paint_gl_target == CGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) { GLuint tex; glGenTextures (1, &tex); glBindTexture (CGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, tex); glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, tex_width); glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0); glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0); glTexImage2D (CGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0, GL_ALPHA, tex_width, tex_height, 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, mask_data); priv->mask_texture = cogl_texture_new_from_foreign (tex, CGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, tex_width, tex_height, 0, 0, COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_A_8); } else priv->mask_texture = cogl_texture_new_from_data (tex_width, tex_height, COGL_TEXTURE_NONE, COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_A_8, COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_ANY, tex_width, mask_data); g_free (mask_data); priv->mask_width = tex_width; priv->mask_height = tex_height; } } static void mutter_shaped_texture_paint (ClutterActor *actor) { MutterShapedTexture *stex = (MutterShapedTexture *) actor; MutterShapedTexturePrivate *priv = stex->priv; CoglHandle paint_tex; guint tex_width, tex_height; ClutterActorBox alloc; CoglHandle material; #if 1 /* please see comment below about workaround */ guint depth; #endif if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (CLUTTER_ACTOR (stex))) clutter_actor_realize (CLUTTER_ACTOR (stex)); paint_tex = clutter_texture_get_cogl_texture (CLUTTER_TEXTURE (stex)); tex_width = cogl_texture_get_width (paint_tex); tex_height = cogl_texture_get_height (paint_tex); if (tex_width == 0 || tex_width == 0) /* no contents yet */ return; /* If there are no rectangles fallback to the regular paint method */ if (priv->rectangles->len < 1) { CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (mutter_shaped_texture_parent_class) ->paint (actor); return; } if (paint_tex == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) return; mutter_shaped_texture_ensure_mask (stex); if (priv->material == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { priv->material = cogl_material_new (); cogl_material_set_layer_combine (priv->material, 1, "RGBA = MODULATE (PREVIOUS, TEXTURE[A])", NULL); } material = priv->material; #if 1 /* This was added as a workaround. It seems that with the intel * drivers when multi-texturing using an RGB TFP texture, the * texture is actually setup internally as an RGBA texture, where * the alpha channel is mostly 0.0 so you only see a shimmer of the * window. This workaround forcibly defines the alpha channel as * 1.0. Maybe there is some clutter/cogl state that is interacting * with this that is being overlooked, but for now this seems to * work. */ g_object_get (stex, "pixmap-depth", &depth, NULL); if (depth == 24) { if (priv->material_workaround == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) { material = priv->material_workaround = cogl_material_new (); cogl_material_set_layer_combine (material, 0, "RGB = MODULATE (TEXTURE, PREVIOUS)" "A = REPLACE (PREVIOUS)", NULL); cogl_material_set_layer_combine (material, 1, "RGBA = MODULATE (PREVIOUS, TEXTURE[A])", NULL); } material = priv->material_workaround; } #endif cogl_material_set_layer (material, 0, paint_tex); cogl_material_set_layer (material, 1, priv->mask_texture); { CoglColor color; guchar opacity = clutter_actor_get_paint_opacity (actor); cogl_color_set_from_4ub (&color, opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity); cogl_material_set_color (material, &color); } cogl_set_source (material); clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (actor, &alloc); cogl_rectangle (0, 0, alloc.x2 - alloc.x1, alloc.y2 - alloc.y1); } static void mutter_shaped_texture_pick (ClutterActor *actor, const ClutterColor *color) { MutterShapedTexture *stex = (MutterShapedTexture *) actor; MutterShapedTexturePrivate *priv = stex->priv; /* If there are no rectangles then use the regular pick */ if (priv->rectangles->len < 1) CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (mutter_shaped_texture_parent_class) ->pick (actor, color); else if (clutter_actor_should_pick_paint (actor)) { CoglHandle paint_tex; ClutterActorBox alloc; guint tex_width, tex_height; paint_tex = clutter_texture_get_cogl_texture (CLUTTER_TEXTURE (stex)); if (paint_tex == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) return; tex_width = cogl_texture_get_width (paint_tex); tex_height = cogl_texture_get_height (paint_tex); if (tex_width == 0 || tex_width == 0) /* no contents yet */ return; mutter_shaped_texture_ensure_mask (stex); cogl_set_source_color4ub (color->red, color->green, color->blue, color->alpha); clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (actor, &alloc); /* Paint the mask rectangle in the given color */ cogl_set_source_texture (priv->mask_texture); cogl_rectangle_with_texture_coords (0, 0, alloc.x2 - alloc.x1, alloc.y2 - alloc.y1, 0, 0, 1, 1); } } ClutterActor * mutter_shaped_texture_new (void) { ClutterActor *self = g_object_new (MUTTER_TYPE_SHAPED_TEXTURE, NULL); return self; } void mutter_shaped_texture_clear_rectangles (MutterShapedTexture *stex) { MutterShapedTexturePrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (MUTTER_IS_SHAPED_TEXTURE (stex)); priv = stex->priv; g_array_set_size (priv->rectangles, 0); mutter_shaped_texture_dirty_mask (stex); clutter_actor_queue_redraw (CLUTTER_ACTOR (stex)); } void mutter_shaped_texture_add_rectangle (MutterShapedTexture *stex, const XRectangle *rect) { g_return_if_fail (MUTTER_IS_SHAPED_TEXTURE (stex)); mutter_shaped_texture_add_rectangles (stex, 1, rect); } void mutter_shaped_texture_add_rectangles (MutterShapedTexture *stex, size_t num_rects, const XRectangle *rects) { MutterShapedTexturePrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (MUTTER_IS_SHAPED_TEXTURE (stex)); priv = stex->priv; g_array_append_vals (priv->rectangles, rects, num_rects); mutter_shaped_texture_dirty_mask (stex); clutter_actor_queue_redraw (CLUTTER_ACTOR (stex)); }