/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include #include #include "meta-background-private.h" #include "cogl-utils.h" enum { CHANGED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; typedef struct _MetaBackgroundMonitor MetaBackgroundMonitor; struct _MetaBackgroundMonitor { gboolean dirty; CoglTexture *texture; CoglOffscreen *fbo; }; struct _MetaBackgroundPrivate { MetaScreen *screen; MetaBackgroundMonitor *monitors; int n_monitors; GDesktopBackgroundStyle style; GDesktopBackgroundShading shading_direction; ClutterColor color; ClutterColor second_color; GFile *file1; MetaBackgroundImage *background_image1; GFile *file2; MetaBackgroundImage *background_image2; CoglTexture *color_texture; CoglTexture *wallpaper_texture; float blend_factor; guint wallpaper_allocation_failed : 1; }; enum { PROP_META_SCREEN = 1, PROP_MONITOR, }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (MetaBackground, meta_background, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static GSList *all_backgrounds = NULL; static void free_fbos (MetaBackground *self) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; int i; for (i = 0; i < priv->n_monitors; i++) { MetaBackgroundMonitor *monitor = &priv->monitors[i]; if (monitor->fbo) { cogl_object_unref (monitor->fbo); monitor->fbo = NULL; } if (monitor->texture) { cogl_object_unref (monitor->texture); monitor->texture = NULL; } } } static void free_color_texture (MetaBackground *self) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; if (priv->color_texture != NULL) { cogl_object_unref (priv->color_texture); priv->color_texture = NULL; } } static void free_wallpaper_texture (MetaBackground *self) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; if (priv->wallpaper_texture != NULL) { cogl_object_unref (priv->wallpaper_texture); priv->wallpaper_texture = NULL; } priv->wallpaper_allocation_failed = FALSE; } static void on_monitors_changed (MetaScreen *screen, MetaBackground *self) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; free_fbos (self); g_free (priv->monitors); priv->monitors = NULL; priv->n_monitors = 0; if (priv->screen) { int i; priv->n_monitors = meta_screen_get_n_monitors (screen); priv->monitors = g_new0 (MetaBackgroundMonitor, priv->n_monitors); for (i = 0; i < priv->n_monitors; i++) priv->monitors[i].dirty = TRUE; } } static void set_screen (MetaBackground *self, MetaScreen *screen) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; if (priv->screen != NULL) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->screen, (gpointer)on_monitors_changed, self); } priv->screen = screen; if (priv->screen != NULL) { g_signal_connect (priv->screen, "monitors-changed", G_CALLBACK (on_monitors_changed), self); } on_monitors_changed (priv->screen, self); } static void meta_background_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { switch (prop_id) { case PROP_META_SCREEN: set_screen (META_BACKGROUND (object), g_value_get_object (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void meta_background_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = META_BACKGROUND (object)->priv; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_META_SCREEN: g_value_set_object (value, priv->screen); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static gboolean need_prerender (MetaBackground *self) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; CoglTexture *texture1 = priv->background_image1 ? meta_background_image_get_texture (priv->background_image1) : NULL; CoglTexture *texture2 = priv->background_image2 ? meta_background_image_get_texture (priv->background_image2) : NULL; if (texture1 == NULL && texture2 == NULL) return FALSE; if (texture2 == NULL && priv->style == G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_WALLPAPER) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static void mark_changed (MetaBackground *self) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; int i; if (!need_prerender (self)) free_fbos (self); for (i = 0; i < priv->n_monitors; i++) priv->monitors[i].dirty = TRUE; g_signal_emit (self, signals[CHANGED], 0); } static void on_background_loaded (MetaBackgroundImage *image, MetaBackground *self) { mark_changed (self); } static gboolean file_equal0 (GFile *file1, GFile *file2) { if (file1 == file2) return TRUE; if ((file1 == NULL) || (file2 == NULL)) return FALSE; return g_file_equal (file1, file2); } static void set_file (MetaBackground *self, GFile **filep, MetaBackgroundImage **imagep, GFile *file) { if (!file_equal0 (*filep, file)) { g_clear_object (filep); if (*imagep) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (*imagep, (gpointer)on_background_loaded, self); g_object_unref (*imagep); *imagep = NULL; } if (file) { MetaBackgroundImageCache *cache = meta_background_image_cache_get_default (); *filep = g_object_ref (file); *imagep = meta_background_image_cache_load (cache, file); g_signal_connect (*imagep, "loaded", G_CALLBACK (on_background_loaded), self); } } } static void meta_background_dispose (GObject *object) { MetaBackground *self = META_BACKGROUND (object); MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; free_color_texture (self); free_wallpaper_texture (self); set_file (self, &priv->file1, &priv->background_image1, NULL); set_file (self, &priv->file2, &priv->background_image2, NULL); set_screen (self, NULL); G_OBJECT_CLASS (meta_background_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void meta_background_finalize (GObject *object) { all_backgrounds = g_slist_remove (all_backgrounds, object); G_OBJECT_CLASS (meta_background_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void meta_background_class_init (MetaBackgroundClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GParamSpec *param_spec; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (MetaBackgroundPrivate)); object_class->dispose = meta_background_dispose; object_class->finalize = meta_background_finalize; object_class->set_property = meta_background_set_property; object_class->get_property = meta_background_get_property; signals[CHANGED] = g_signal_new ("changed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); param_spec = g_param_spec_object ("meta-screen", "MetaScreen", "MetaScreen", META_TYPE_SCREEN, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_META_SCREEN, param_spec); } static void meta_background_init (MetaBackground *self) { self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (self, META_TYPE_BACKGROUND, MetaBackgroundPrivate); all_backgrounds = g_slist_prepend (all_backgrounds, self); } static void set_texture_area_from_monitor_area (cairo_rectangle_int_t *monitor_area, cairo_rectangle_int_t *texture_area) { texture_area->x = 0; texture_area->y = 0; texture_area->width = monitor_area->width; texture_area->height = monitor_area->height; } static void get_texture_area (MetaBackground *self, cairo_rectangle_int_t *monitor_rect, CoglTexture *texture, cairo_rectangle_int_t *texture_area) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; cairo_rectangle_int_t image_area; int screen_width, screen_height; float texture_width, texture_height; float monitor_x_scale, monitor_y_scale; texture_width = cogl_texture_get_width (texture); texture_height = cogl_texture_get_height (texture); switch (priv->style) { case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_STRETCHED: default: /* paint region is whole actor, and the texture * is scaled disproportionately to fit the actor */ set_texture_area_from_monitor_area (monitor_rect, texture_area); break; case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_WALLPAPER: meta_screen_get_size (priv->screen, &screen_width, &screen_height); /* Start off by centering a tile in the middle of the * total screen area. */ image_area.x = (screen_width - texture_width) / 2.0; image_area.y = (screen_height - texture_height) / 2.0; image_area.width = texture_width; image_area.height = texture_height; /* Translate into the coordinate system of the particular monitor */ image_area.x -= monitor_rect->x; image_area.y -= monitor_rect->y; *texture_area = image_area; break; case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_CENTERED: /* paint region is the original image size centered in the actor, * and the texture is scaled to the original image size */ image_area.width = texture_width; image_area.height = texture_height; image_area.x = monitor_rect->width / 2 - image_area.width / 2; image_area.y = monitor_rect->height / 2 - image_area.height / 2; *texture_area = image_area; break; case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_SCALED: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_ZOOM: /* paint region is the actor size in one dimension, and centered and * scaled by proportional amount in the other dimension. * * SCALED forces the centered dimension to fit on screen. * ZOOM forces the centered dimension to grow off screen */ monitor_x_scale = monitor_rect->width / texture_width; monitor_y_scale = monitor_rect->height / texture_height; if ((priv->style == G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_SCALED && (monitor_x_scale < monitor_y_scale)) || (priv->style == G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_ZOOM && (monitor_x_scale > monitor_y_scale))) { /* Fill image to exactly fit actor horizontally */ image_area.width = monitor_rect->width; image_area.height = texture_height * monitor_x_scale; /* Position image centered vertically in actor */ image_area.x = 0; image_area.y = monitor_rect->height / 2 - image_area.height / 2; } else { /* Scale image to exactly fit actor vertically */ image_area.width = texture_width * monitor_y_scale; image_area.height = monitor_rect->height; /* Position image centered horizontally in actor */ image_area.x = monitor_rect->width / 2 - image_area.width / 2; image_area.y = 0; } *texture_area = image_area; break; case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_SPANNED: { /* paint region is the union of all monitors, with the origin * of the region set to align with monitor associated with the background. */ meta_screen_get_size (priv->screen, &screen_width, &screen_height); /* unclipped texture area is whole screen */ image_area.width = screen_width; image_area.height = screen_height; /* But make (0,0) line up with the appropriate monitor */ image_area.x = -monitor_rect->x; image_area.y = -monitor_rect->y; *texture_area = image_area; break; } } } static void draw_texture (MetaBackground *self, CoglFramebuffer *framebuffer, CoglPipeline *pipeline, CoglTexture *texture, cairo_rectangle_int_t *monitor_area) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; cairo_rectangle_int_t texture_area; get_texture_area (self, monitor_area, texture, &texture_area); switch (priv->style) { case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_STRETCHED: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_WALLPAPER: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_ZOOM: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_SPANNED: /* Draw the entire monitor */ cogl_framebuffer_draw_textured_rectangle (framebuffer, pipeline, 0, 0, monitor_area->width, monitor_area->height, - texture_area.x / (float)texture_area.width, - texture_area.y / (float)texture_area.height, (monitor_area->width - texture_area.x) / (float)texture_area.width, (monitor_area->height - texture_area.y) / (float)texture_area.height); /* Draw just the texture */ break; case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_CENTERED: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_SCALED: cogl_framebuffer_draw_textured_rectangle (framebuffer, pipeline, texture_area.x, texture_area.y, texture_area.x + texture_area.width, texture_area.y + texture_area.height, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0); case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_NONE: break; default: g_return_if_reached(); } } static void ensure_color_texture (MetaBackground *self) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; if (priv->color_texture == NULL) { ClutterBackend *backend = clutter_get_default_backend (); CoglContext *ctx = clutter_backend_get_cogl_context (backend); uint8_t pixels[6]; int width, height; if (priv->shading_direction == G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_SHADING_SOLID) { width = 1; height = 1; pixels[0] = priv->color.red; pixels[1] = priv->color.green; pixels[2] = priv->color.blue; } else { switch (priv->shading_direction) { case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_SHADING_VERTICAL: width = 1; height = 2; break; case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_SHADING_HORIZONTAL: width = 2; height = 1; break; default: g_return_if_reached (); } pixels[0] = priv->color.red; pixels[1] = priv->color.green; pixels[2] = priv->color.blue; pixels[3] = priv->second_color.red; pixels[4] = priv->second_color.green; pixels[5] = priv->second_color.blue; } priv->color_texture = COGL_TEXTURE (cogl_texture_2d_new_from_data (ctx, width, height, COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888, width * 3, pixels, NULL)); } } typedef enum { PIPELINE_REPLACE, PIPELINE_ADD, PIPELINE_OVER_REVERSE, } PipelineType; static CoglPipeline * create_pipeline (PipelineType type) { const char * const blend_strings[3] = { [PIPELINE_REPLACE] = "RGBA = ADD (SRC_COLOR, 0)", [PIPELINE_ADD] = "RGBA = ADD (SRC_COLOR, DST_COLOR)", [PIPELINE_OVER_REVERSE] = "RGBA = ADD (SRC_COLOR * (1 - DST_COLOR[A]), DST_COLOR)", }; static CoglPipeline *templates[3]; if (templates[type] == NULL) { templates[type] = meta_create_texture_pipeline (NULL); cogl_pipeline_set_blend (templates[type], blend_strings[type], NULL); } return cogl_pipeline_copy (templates[type]); } static gboolean texture_has_alpha (CoglTexture *texture) { if (!texture) return FALSE; switch (cogl_texture_get_components (texture)) { case COGL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS_A: case COGL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS_RGBA: return TRUE; case COGL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS_RG: case COGL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS_RGB: case COGL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS_DEPTH: return FALSE; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static gboolean ensure_wallpaper_texture (MetaBackground *self, CoglTexture *texture) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv = self->priv; if (priv->wallpaper_texture == NULL && !priv->wallpaper_allocation_failed) { int width = cogl_texture_get_width (texture); int height = cogl_texture_get_height (texture); CoglFramebuffer *fbo; CoglError *catch_error = NULL; CoglPipeline *pipeline; priv->wallpaper_texture = meta_create_texture (width, height, COGL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS_RGBA, META_TEXTURE_FLAGS_NONE); fbo = cogl_offscreen_new_with_texture (priv->wallpaper_texture); if (!cogl_framebuffer_allocate (fbo, &catch_error)) { /* This probably means that the size of the wallpapered texture is larger * than the maximum texture size; we treat it as permanent until the * background is changed again. */ cogl_error_free (catch_error); cogl_object_unref (priv->wallpaper_texture); priv->wallpaper_texture = NULL; cogl_object_unref (fbo); priv->wallpaper_allocation_failed = TRUE; return FALSE; } cogl_framebuffer_orthographic (fbo, 0, 0, width, height, -1., 1.); pipeline = create_pipeline (PIPELINE_REPLACE); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_texture (pipeline, 0, texture); cogl_framebuffer_draw_textured_rectangle (fbo, pipeline, 0, 0, width, height, 0., 0., 1., 1.); cogl_object_unref (pipeline); if (texture_has_alpha (texture)) { ensure_color_texture (self); pipeline = create_pipeline (PIPELINE_OVER_REVERSE); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_texture (pipeline, 0, priv->color_texture); cogl_framebuffer_draw_rectangle (fbo, pipeline, 0, 0, width, height); cogl_object_unref (pipeline); } cogl_object_unref (fbo); } return priv->wallpaper_texture != NULL; } static CoglPipelineWrapMode get_wrap_mode (GDesktopBackgroundStyle style) { switch (style) { case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_WALLPAPER: return COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT; case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_NONE: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_STRETCHED: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_CENTERED: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_SCALED: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_ZOOM: case G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_SPANNED: default: return COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; } } CoglTexture * meta_background_get_texture (MetaBackground *self, int monitor_index, cairo_rectangle_int_t *texture_area, CoglPipelineWrapMode *wrap_mode) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv; MetaBackgroundMonitor *monitor; MetaRectangle geometry; cairo_rectangle_int_t monitor_area; CoglTexture *texture1, *texture2; g_return_val_if_fail (META_IS_BACKGROUND (self), NULL); priv = self->priv; g_return_val_if_fail (monitor_index >= 0 && monitor_index < priv->n_monitors, NULL); monitor = &priv->monitors[monitor_index]; meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry (priv->screen, monitor_index, &geometry); monitor_area.x = geometry.x; monitor_area.y = geometry.y; monitor_area.width = geometry.width; monitor_area.height = geometry.height; texture1 = priv->background_image1 ? meta_background_image_get_texture (priv->background_image1) : NULL; texture2 = priv->background_image2 ? meta_background_image_get_texture (priv->background_image2) : NULL; if (texture1 == NULL && texture2 == NULL) { ensure_color_texture (self); if (texture_area) set_texture_area_from_monitor_area (&monitor_area, texture_area); if (wrap_mode) *wrap_mode = COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; return priv->color_texture; } if (texture2 == NULL && priv->style == G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_STYLE_WALLPAPER && priv->shading_direction == G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_SHADING_SOLID && ensure_wallpaper_texture (self, texture1)) { if (texture_area) get_texture_area (self, &monitor_area, priv->wallpaper_texture, texture_area); if (wrap_mode) *wrap_mode = COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_REPEAT; return priv->wallpaper_texture; } if (monitor->dirty) { CoglError *catch_error = NULL; if (monitor->texture == NULL) { monitor->texture = meta_create_texture (monitor_area.width, monitor_area.height, COGL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS_RGBA, META_TEXTURE_FLAGS_NONE); monitor->fbo = cogl_offscreen_new_with_texture (monitor->texture); } if (!cogl_framebuffer_allocate (monitor->fbo, &catch_error)) { /* Texture or framebuffer allocation failed; it's unclear why this happened; * we'll try again the next time this is called. (MetaBackgroundActor * caches the result, so user might be left without a background.) */ cogl_object_unref (monitor->texture); monitor->texture = NULL; cogl_object_unref (monitor->fbo); monitor->fbo = NULL; cogl_error_free (catch_error); return NULL; } cogl_framebuffer_orthographic (monitor->fbo, 0, 0, monitor_area.width, monitor_area.height, -1., 1.); if (texture2 != NULL && priv->blend_factor != 0.0) { CoglPipeline *pipeline = create_pipeline (PIPELINE_REPLACE); cogl_pipeline_set_color4f (pipeline, priv->blend_factor, priv->blend_factor, priv->blend_factor, priv->blend_factor); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_texture (pipeline, 0, texture2); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode (pipeline, 0, get_wrap_mode (priv->style)); draw_texture (self, monitor->fbo, pipeline, texture2, &monitor_area); cogl_object_unref (pipeline); } else { cogl_framebuffer_clear4f (monitor->fbo, COGL_BUFFER_BIT_COLOR, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } if (texture1 != NULL && !(texture2 != NULL && priv->blend_factor == 1.0 && !texture_has_alpha (texture2))) { CoglPipeline *pipeline = create_pipeline (PIPELINE_ADD); cogl_pipeline_set_color4f (pipeline, (1 - priv->blend_factor), (1 - priv->blend_factor), (1 - priv->blend_factor), (1 - priv->blend_factor));; cogl_pipeline_set_layer_texture (pipeline, 0, texture1); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_wrap_mode (pipeline, 0, get_wrap_mode (priv->style)); draw_texture (self, monitor->fbo, pipeline, texture1, &monitor_area); cogl_object_unref (pipeline); } if (!((texture2 != NULL && priv->blend_factor == 1.0 && !texture_has_alpha (texture2)) || (texture1 != NULL && !texture_has_alpha (texture1)))) { CoglPipeline *pipeline = create_pipeline (PIPELINE_OVER_REVERSE); ensure_color_texture (self); cogl_pipeline_set_layer_texture (pipeline, 0, priv->color_texture); cogl_framebuffer_draw_rectangle (monitor->fbo, pipeline, 0, 0, monitor_area.width, monitor_area.height); cogl_object_unref (pipeline); } monitor->dirty = FALSE; } if (texture_area) set_texture_area_from_monitor_area (&monitor_area, texture_area); if (wrap_mode) *wrap_mode = COGL_PIPELINE_WRAP_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; return monitor->texture; } MetaBackground * meta_background_new (MetaScreen *screen) { return g_object_new (META_TYPE_BACKGROUND, "meta-screen", screen, NULL); } void meta_background_set_color (MetaBackground *self, ClutterColor *color) { ClutterColor dummy = { 0 }; g_return_if_fail (META_IS_BACKGROUND (self)); g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); meta_background_set_gradient (self, G_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_SHADING_SOLID, color, &dummy); } void meta_background_set_gradient (MetaBackground *self, GDesktopBackgroundShading shading_direction, ClutterColor *color, ClutterColor *second_color) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (META_IS_BACKGROUND (self)); g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); g_return_if_fail (second_color != NULL); priv = self->priv; priv->shading_direction = shading_direction; priv->color = *color; priv->second_color = *second_color; free_color_texture (self); free_wallpaper_texture (self); mark_changed (self); } void meta_background_set_file (MetaBackground *self, GFile *file, GDesktopBackgroundStyle style) { g_return_if_fail (META_IS_BACKGROUND (self)); meta_background_set_blend (self, file, NULL, 0.0, style); } void meta_background_set_blend (MetaBackground *self, GFile *file1, GFile *file2, double blend_factor, GDesktopBackgroundStyle style) { MetaBackgroundPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (META_IS_BACKGROUND (self)); g_return_if_fail (blend_factor >= 0.0 && blend_factor <= 1.0); priv = self->priv; set_file (self, &priv->file1, &priv->background_image1, file1); set_file (self, &priv->file2, &priv->background_image2, file2); priv->blend_factor = blend_factor; priv->style = style; free_wallpaper_texture (self); mark_changed (self); } void meta_background_refresh_all (void) { GSList *l; for (l = all_backgrounds; l; l = l->next) mark_changed (l->data); }