/* source code taken from gtk+-2.22.1/gdk/quartz/gdkeventloop-quartz.c  */
/* Clutter -  An OpenGL based 'interactive canvas' library.
 * OSX backend - event loop
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Imendio AB
 * Copyright (C) 2011  Crystalnix <vgachkaylo@crystalnix.com>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"

#include "clutter-osx.h"
#include "clutter-stage-osx.h"

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "clutter-debug.h"
#include "clutter-private.h"

 * This file implementations integration between the GLib main loop and
 * the native system of the Core Foundation run loop and Cocoa event
 * handling. There are basically two different cases that we need to
 * handle: either the GLib main loop is in control (the application
 * has called gtk_main(), or is otherwise iterating the main loop), or
 * CFRunLoop is in control (we are in a modal operation such as window
 * resizing or drag-and-drop.)
 * When the GLib main loop is in control we integrate in native event
 * handling in two ways: first we add a GSource that handles checking
 * whether there are native events available, translating native events
 * to clutter events, and dispatching GDK events. Second we replace the
 * "poll function" of the GLib main loop with our own version that knows
 * how to wait for both the file descriptors and timeouts that GLib is
 * interested in and also for incoming native events.
 * When CFRunLoop is in control, we integrate in GLib main loop handling
 * by adding a "run loop observer" that gives us notification at various
 * points in the run loop cycle. We map these points onto the corresponding
 * stages of the GLib main loop (prepare, check, dispatch), and make the
 * appropriate calls into GLib.
 * Both cases share a single problem: the OS X API's don't allow us to
 * wait simultaneously for file descriptors and for events. So when we
 * need to do a blocking wait that includes file descriptor activity, we
 * push the actual work of calling select() to a helper thread (the
 * "select thread") and wait for native events in the main thread.
 * The main known limitation of this code is that if a callback is triggered
 * via the OS X run loop while we are "polling" (in either case described
 * above), iteration of the GLib main loop is not possible from within
 * that callback. If the programmer tries to do so explicitly, then they
 * will get a warning from GLib "main loop already active in another thread".

/******* State for run loop iteration *******/

/* Count of number of times we've gotten an "Entry" notification for
 * our run loop observer.
static int current_loop_level = 0;

/* Run loop level at which we acquired ownership of the GLib main
 * loop. See note in run_loop_entry(). -1 means that we don't have
 * ownership
static int acquired_loop_level = -1;

/* Between run_loop_before_waiting() and run_loop_after_waiting();
 * whether we we need to call select_thread_collect_poll()
static gboolean run_loop_polling_async = FALSE;

/* Between run_loop_before_waiting() and run_loop_after_waiting();
 * max_prioritiy to pass to g_main_loop_check()
static gint run_loop_max_priority;

/* Timer that we've added to wake up the run loop when a GLib timeout
static CFRunLoopTimerRef run_loop_timer = NULL;

/* These are the file descriptors that are we are polling out of
 * the run loop. (We keep the array around and reuse it to avoid
 * constant allocations.)
static GPollFD *run_loop_pollfds;
static guint run_loop_pollfds_size; /* Allocated size of the array */
static guint run_loop_n_pollfds;    /* Number of file descriptors in the array */

/******* Other global variables *******/

/* Since we count on replacing the GLib main loop poll function as our
 * method of integrating Cocoa event handling into the GLib main loop
 * we need to make sure that the poll function is always called even
 * when there are no file descriptors that need to be polled. To do
 * this, we add a dummy GPollFD to our event source with a file
 * descriptor of '-1'. Then any time that GLib is polling the event
 * source, it will call our poll function.
static GPollFD event_poll_fd;

/* Current NSEvents that we've gotten from Cocoa but haven't yet converted
 * to GdkEvents. We wait until our dispatch() function to do the conversion
 * since the conversion can conceivably cause signals to be emmitted
 * or other things that shouldn't happen inside a poll function.
static GQueue *current_events;

/* The default poll function for GLib; we replace this with our own
 * Cocoa-aware version and then call the old version to do actual
 * file descriptor polling. There's no actual need to chain to the
 * old one; we could reimplement the same functionality from scratch,
 * but since the default implementation does the right thing, why
 * bother.
static GPollFunc old_poll_func = NULL;

/* Reference to the run loop of the main thread. (There is a unique
 * CFRunLoop per thread.)
static CFRunLoopRef main_thread_run_loop;

/* Normally the Cocoa main loop maintains an NSAutoReleasePool and frees
 * it on every iteration. Since we are replacing the main loop we have
 * to provide this functionality ourself. We free and replace the
 * auto-release pool in our sources prepare() function.
static NSAutoreleasePool *autorelease_pool;

/* Flag when we've called nextEventMatchingMask ourself; this triggers
 * a run loop iteration, so we need to detect that and avoid triggering
 * our "run the GLib main looop while the run loop is active machinery.
static gboolean getting_events;

 *********              Select Thread               *********

/* The states in our state machine, see comments in select_thread_func()
 * for descriptiions of each state
typedef enum {
} SelectThreadState;

static const char *const state_names[]  = {

static SelectThreadState select_thread_state = BEFORE_START;

static pthread_t select_thread;
static pthread_mutex_t select_thread_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t select_thread_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;

#define SELECT_THREAD_LOCK() pthread_mutex_lock (&select_thread_mutex)
#define SELECT_THREAD_UNLOCK() pthread_mutex_unlock (&select_thread_mutex)
#define SELECT_THREAD_SIGNAL() pthread_cond_signal (&select_thread_cond)
#define SELECT_THREAD_WAIT() pthread_cond_wait (&select_thread_cond, &select_thread_mutex)

/* These are the file descriptors that the select thread is currently
 * polling.
static GPollFD *current_pollfds;
static guint current_n_pollfds;

/* These are the file descriptors that the select thread should pick
 * up and start polling when it has a chance.
static GPollFD *next_pollfds;
static guint next_n_pollfds;

/* Pipe used to wake up the select thread */
static gint select_thread_wakeup_pipe[2];

/* Run loop source used to wake up the main thread */
static CFRunLoopSourceRef select_main_thread_source;

/* Events */
typedef enum {
} ClutterOSXEventSubType;

static void
select_thread_set_state (SelectThreadState new_state)
  gboolean old_state;

  if (select_thread_state == new_state)

  CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Select thread state: %s => %s\n", state_names[select_thread_state], state_names[new_state]);

  old_state = select_thread_state;
  select_thread_state = new_state;
  if (old_state == WAITING && new_state != WAITING)

static void
signal_main_thread (void)
  CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Waking up main thread\n");

  /* If we are in nextEventMatchingMask, then we need to make sure an
   * event gets queued, otherwise it's enough to simply wake up the
   * main thread run loop
  if (!run_loop_polling_async)
    CFRunLoopSourceSignal (select_main_thread_source);
  if (CFRunLoopIsWaiting (main_thread_run_loop))
    CFRunLoopWakeUp (main_thread_run_loop);

static void *
select_thread_func (void *arg)
  char c;

  while (TRUE)
      switch (select_thread_state)
	  /* The select thread has not been started yet
	  g_assert_not_reached ();
	case WAITING:
	  /* Waiting for a set of file descriptors to be submitted by the main thread
	   *  => POLLING_QUEUED: main thread thread submits a set of file descriptors
	  /* Waiting for a set of file descriptors to be submitted by the main thread
	   *  => POLLING_DESCRIPTORS: select thread picks up the file descriptors to begin polling
	  if (current_pollfds)
	    g_free (current_pollfds);
	  current_pollfds = next_pollfds;
	  current_n_pollfds = next_n_pollfds;

	  next_pollfds = NULL;
	  next_n_pollfds = 0;

	  select_thread_set_state (POLLING_DESCRIPTORS);
	  /* Select thread is currently polling a set of file descriptors, main thread has
	   * began a new iteration with the same set of file descriptors. We don't want to
	   * wake the select thread up and wait for it to restart immediately, but to avoid
	   * a race (described below in select_thread_start_polling()) we need to recheck after
	   * polling completes.
	   * => POLLING_DESCRIPTORS: select completes, main thread rechecks by polling again
	   * => POLLING_QUEUED: main thread submits a new set of file descriptors to be polled
	  select_thread_set_state (POLLING_DESCRIPTORS);

	  /* In the process of polling the file descriptors
	   *  => WAITING: polling completes when a file descriptor becomes active
	   *  => POLLING_QUEUED: main thread submits a new set of file descriptors to be polled
	   *  => POLLING_RESTART: main thread begins a new iteration with the same set file descriptors
	  old_poll_func (current_pollfds, current_n_pollfds, -1);

	  read (select_thread_wakeup_pipe[0], &c, 1);

	  if (select_thread_state == POLLING_DESCRIPTORS)
	      signal_main_thread ();
	      select_thread_set_state (WAITING);

static void 
got_fd_activity (void *info)
  NSEvent *event;

  /* Post a message so we'll break out of the message loop */
  event = [NSEvent otherEventWithType: NSApplicationDefined
	                     location: NSZeroPoint
	                modifierFlags: 0
	                    timestamp: 0
	                 windowNumber: 0
	                      context: nil
                        subtype: CLUTTER_OSX_EVENT_SUBTYPE_EVENTLOOP
	                        data1: 0 
	                        data2: 0];

  [NSApp postEvent:event atStart:YES];

static void
select_thread_start (void)
  CFRunLoopSourceContext source_context = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, got_fd_activity };

  g_return_if_fail (select_thread_state == BEFORE_START);
  pipe (select_thread_wakeup_pipe);
  fcntl (select_thread_wakeup_pipe[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);

  select_main_thread_source = CFRunLoopSourceCreate (NULL, 0, &source_context);
  CFRunLoopAddSource (main_thread_run_loop, select_main_thread_source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

  select_thread_state = WAITING;
  while (TRUE)
      if (pthread_create (&select_thread, NULL, select_thread_func, NULL) == 0)

      g_warning ("Failed to create select thread, sleeping and trying again");
      sleep (1);

static void
dump_poll_result (GPollFD *ufds,
		  guint    nfds)
  gint i;

  for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++)
      if (ufds[i].fd >= 0 && ufds[i].revents)
	  g_print (" %d:", ufds[i].fd);
	  if (ufds[i].revents & G_IO_IN)
	    g_print (" in");
	  if (ufds[i].revents & G_IO_OUT)
	    g_print (" out");
	  if (ufds[i].revents & G_IO_PRI)
	    g_print (" pri");
	  g_print ("\n");

pollfds_equal (GPollFD *old_pollfds,
	       guint    old_n_pollfds,
	       GPollFD *new_pollfds,
	       guint    new_n_pollfds)
  gint i;
  if (old_n_pollfds != new_n_pollfds)
    return FALSE;

  for (i = 0; i < old_n_pollfds; i++)
      if (old_pollfds[i].fd != new_pollfds[i].fd ||
	  old_pollfds[i].events != new_pollfds[i].events)
	return FALSE;

  return TRUE;

/* Begins a polling operation with the specified GPollFD array; the 
 * timeout is used only to tell if the polling operation is blocking
 * or non-blocking.
 * Return value:
 *  -1: No file descriptors ready, began asynchronous poll
 *   0: No file descriptors ready, asynchronous poll not needed
 * > 0: Number of file descriptors ready
static gint
select_thread_start_poll (GPollFD *ufds,
			  guint    nfds,			  gint     timeout)
  gint n_ready;
  gboolean have_new_pollfds = FALSE;
  gint poll_fd_index = -1;
  gint i;

  for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++)
    if (ufds[i].fd == -1)
	poll_fd_index = i;
  if (nfds == 0 ||
      (nfds == 1 && poll_fd_index >= 0))
      CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Nothing to poll\n");
      return 0;

  /* If we went immediately to an async poll, then we might decide to
   * dispatch idle functions when higher priority file descriptor sources
   * are ready to be dispatched. So we always need to first check
   * check synchronously with a timeout of zero, and only when no
   * sources are immediately ready, go to the asynchronous poll.
   * Of course, if the timeout passed in is 0, then the synchronous
   * check is sufficient and we never need to do the asynchronous poll.
  n_ready = old_poll_func (ufds, nfds, 0);
  if (n_ready > 0 || timeout == 0)
      if (CLUTTER_HAS_DEBUG(EVENTLOOP) && n_ready > 0)
	  g_print ("EventLoop: Found ready file descriptors before waiting\n");
	  dump_poll_result (ufds, nfds);
      return n_ready;

  if (select_thread_state == BEFORE_START)
      select_thread_start ();
  if (select_thread_state == POLLING_QUEUED)
      /* If the select thread hasn't picked up the set of file descriptors yet
       * then we can simply replace an old stale set with a new set.
      if (!pollfds_equal (ufds, nfds, next_pollfds, next_n_pollfds - 1))
	  g_free (next_pollfds);
	  next_pollfds = NULL;
	  next_n_pollfds = 0;
	  have_new_pollfds = TRUE;
  else if (select_thread_state == POLLING_RESTART || select_thread_state == POLLING_DESCRIPTORS)
      /* If we are already in the process of polling the right set of file descriptors,
       * there's no need for us to immediately force the select thread to stop polling
       * and then restart again. And avoiding doing so increases the efficiency considerably
       * in the common case where we have a set of basically inactive file descriptors that
       * stay unchanged present as we process many events.
       * However, we have to be careful that we don't hit the following race condition
       *  Select Thread              Main Thread
       *  -----------------          ---------------
       *  Polling Completes
       *                             Reads data or otherwise changes file descriptor state
       *                             Checks if polling is current
       *                             Does nothing (*)
       *                             Releases lock
       *  Acquires lock
       *  Marks polling as complete
       *  Wakes main thread
       *                             Receives old stale file descriptor state
       * To avoid this, when the new set of poll descriptors is the same as the current
       * one, we transition to the POLLING_RESTART stage at the point marked (*). When
       * the select thread wakes up from the poll because a file descriptor is active, if
       * the state is POLLING_RESTART it immediately begins polling same the file descriptor
       * set again. This normally will just return the same set of active file descriptors
       * as the first time, but in sequence described above will properly update the
       * file descriptor state.
       * Special case: this RESTART logic is not needed if the only FD is the internal GLib
       * "wakeup pipe" that is presented when threads are initialized.
       * P.S.: The harm in the above sequence is mostly that sources can be signalled
       *   as ready when they are no longer ready. This may prompt a blocking read
       *   from a file descriptor that hangs.
      if (!pollfds_equal (ufds, nfds, current_pollfds, current_n_pollfds - 1))
	have_new_pollfds = TRUE;
	  if (!((nfds == 1 && poll_fd_index < 0) ||
		(nfds == 2 && poll_fd_index >= 0)))
	    select_thread_set_state (POLLING_RESTART);
    have_new_pollfds = TRUE;

  if (have_new_pollfds)
      CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Submitting a new set of file descriptor to the select thread\n");
      g_assert (next_pollfds == NULL);
      next_n_pollfds = nfds + 1;
      next_pollfds = g_new (GPollFD, nfds + 1);
      memcpy (next_pollfds, ufds, nfds * sizeof (GPollFD));
      next_pollfds[nfds].fd = select_thread_wakeup_pipe[0];
      next_pollfds[nfds].events = G_IO_IN;
      if (select_thread_state != POLLING_QUEUED && select_thread_state != WAITING)
	  if (select_thread_wakeup_pipe[1])
	      char c = 'A';
	      write (select_thread_wakeup_pipe[1], &c, 1);
      select_thread_set_state (POLLING_QUEUED);

  return -1;

/* End an asynchronous polling operation started with
 * select_thread_collect_poll(). This must be called if and only if
 * select_thread_start_poll() return -1. The GPollFD array passed
 * in must be identical to the one passed to select_thread_start_poll().
 * The results of the poll are written into the GPollFD array passed in.
 * Return Value: number of file descriptors ready
static int
select_thread_collect_poll (GPollFD *ufds, guint nfds)
  gint i;
  gint n_ready = 0;

  if (select_thread_state == WAITING) /* The poll completed */
      for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++)
	  if (ufds[i].fd == -1)
	  g_assert (ufds[i].fd == current_pollfds[i].fd);
	  g_assert (ufds[i].events == current_pollfds[i].events);

	  if (current_pollfds[i].revents)
	      ufds[i].revents = current_pollfds[i].revents;
      if (_gdk_debug_flags & GDK_DEBUG_EVENTLOOP)
	  g_print ("EventLoop: Found ready file descriptors after waiting\n");
	  dump_poll_result (ufds, nfds);


  return n_ready;

 *********             Main Loop Source             *********

_clutter_osx_event_loop_check_pending (void)
  return current_events && current_events->head;

_clutter_osx_event_loop_get_pending (void)
  NSEvent *event = NULL;

  if (current_events)
    event = g_queue_pop_tail (current_events);

  return event;

_clutter_osx_event_loop_release_event (NSEvent *event)
  [event release];

static gboolean
clutter_event_prepare (GSource *source,
		   gint    *timeout)
  gboolean retval;

  _clutter_threads_acquire_lock ();
  *timeout = -1;

  retval = (clutter_events_pending () || _clutter_osx_event_loop_check_pending ());

  _clutter_threads_release_lock ();

  return retval;

static gboolean
clutter_event_check (GSource *source)
  gboolean retval;

  _clutter_threads_acquire_lock ();

  /* XXX: This check isn't right it won't handle a recursive GLib main
   * loop run within an outer CFRunLoop run. Such loops will pile up
   * memory. Fixing this requires setting a flag *only* when we call
   * g_main_context_check() from within the run loop iteraton code,
   * and also maintaining our own stack of run loops... allocating and
   * releasing NSAutoReleasePools not properly nested with CFRunLoop
   * runs seems to cause problems.
  if (current_loop_level == 0)
      if (autorelease_pool)
	[autorelease_pool release];
      autorelease_pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
  retval = (clutter_events_pending () || _clutter_osx_event_loop_check_pending ());

  _clutter_threads_release_lock ();

  return retval;

static gboolean
clutter_event_dispatch (GSource     *source,
		    GSourceFunc  callback,
		    gpointer     user_data)
  NSEvent *nsevent;
  ClutterEvent *event;

  _clutter_threads_acquire_lock ();

  nsevent = _clutter_osx_event_loop_get_pending ();
  if (nsevent)
      _clutter_threads_release_lock ();

      [NSApp sendEvent:nsevent];

      _clutter_threads_acquire_lock ();

      _clutter_osx_event_loop_release_event (nsevent);
  event = clutter_event_get ();

  if (event)
      /* forward the event into clutter for emission etc. */
      clutter_do_event (event);
      clutter_event_free (event);

  _clutter_threads_release_lock ();

  return TRUE;

static GSourceFuncs event_funcs = {

 *********             Our Poll Function            *********

static gint
poll_func (GPollFD *ufds,
	   guint    nfds,
	   gint     timeout_)
  NSEvent *event;
  NSDate *limit_date;
  gint n_ready;

  n_ready = select_thread_start_poll (ufds, nfds, timeout_);
  if (n_ready > 0)
    timeout_ = 0;

  if (timeout_ == -1)
    limit_date = [NSDate distantFuture];
  else if (timeout_ == 0)
    limit_date = [NSDate distantPast];
    limit_date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:timeout_/1000.0];

  getting_events = TRUE;
  event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask
	                     untilDate: limit_date
	                        inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode
                               dequeue: YES];
  getting_events = FALSE;

  if (n_ready < 0)
    n_ready = select_thread_collect_poll (ufds, nfds);
  if (event &&
      [event type] == NSApplicationDefined &&
      /* Just used to wake us up; if an event and a FD arrived at the same
       * time; could have come from a previous iteration in some cases,
       * but the spurious wake up is harmless if a little inefficient.
      event = NULL;

  if (event) 
      if (!current_events)
        current_events = g_queue_new ();
      g_queue_push_head (current_events, [event retain]);

  return n_ready;

 *********  Running the main loop out of CFRunLoop  *********

/* Wrapper around g_main_context_query() that handles reallocating
 * run_loop_pollfds up to the proper size
static gint
query_main_context (GMainContext *context,
		    int           max_priority,
		    int          *timeout)
  gint nfds;
  if (!run_loop_pollfds)
      run_loop_pollfds_size = RUN_LOOP_POLLFDS_INITIAL_SIZE;
      run_loop_pollfds = g_new (GPollFD, run_loop_pollfds_size);

  while ((nfds = g_main_context_query (context, max_priority, timeout,
				       run_loop_pollfds_size)) > run_loop_pollfds_size)
      g_free (run_loop_pollfds);
      run_loop_pollfds_size = nfds;
      run_loop_pollfds = g_new (GPollFD, nfds);

  return nfds;

static void
run_loop_entry (void)

  if (acquired_loop_level == -1)
      if (g_main_context_acquire (NULL))
	  CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Beginning tracking run loop activity\n");
	  acquired_loop_level = current_loop_level;
	  /* If we fail to acquire the main context, that means someone is iterating
	   * the main context in a different thread; we simply wait until this loop
	   * exits and then try again at next entry. In general, iterating the loop
	   * from a different thread is rare: it is only possible when GDK threading
	   * is initialized and is not frequently used even then. So, we hope that
	   * having GLib main loop iteration blocked in the combination of that and
	   * a native modal operation is a minimal problem. We could imagine using a
	   * thread that does g_main_context_wait() and then wakes us back up, but
	   * the gain doesn't seem worth the complexity.
	  CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Can't acquire main loop; skipping tracking run loop activity\n");

static void
run_loop_before_timers (void)

static void
run_loop_before_sources (void)
  GMainContext *context = g_main_context_default ();
  gint max_priority;
  gint nfds;

  /* Before we let the CFRunLoop process sources, we want to check if there
   * are any pending GLib main loop sources more urgent than
   * G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT that need to be dispatched. (We consider all activity
   * from the CFRunLoop to have a priority of G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT.) If no
   * sources are processed by the CFRunLoop, then processing will continue
   * on to the BeforeWaiting stage where we check for lower priority sources.
  g_main_context_prepare (context, &max_priority); 
  max_priority = MIN (max_priority, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);

  /* We ignore the timeout that query_main_context () returns since we'll
   * always query again before waiting.
  nfds = query_main_context (context, max_priority, NULL);

  if (nfds)
    old_poll_func (run_loop_pollfds, nfds, 0);
  if (g_main_context_check (context, max_priority, run_loop_pollfds, nfds))
      CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Dispatching high priority sources\n");
      g_main_context_dispatch (context);

static void
dummy_timer_callback (CFRunLoopTimerRef  timer,
		      void              *info)
  /* Nothing; won't normally even be called */

static void
run_loop_before_waiting (void)
  GMainContext *context = g_main_context_default ();
  gint timeout;
  gint n_ready;

  /* At this point, the CFRunLoop is ready to wait. We start a GMain loop
   * iteration by calling the check() and query() stages. We start a
   * poll, and if it doesn't complete immediately we let the run loop
   * go ahead and sleep. Before doing that, if there was a timeout from
   * GLib, we set up a CFRunLoopTimer to wake us up.
  g_main_context_prepare (context, &run_loop_max_priority); 
  run_loop_n_pollfds = query_main_context (context, run_loop_max_priority, &timeout);

  n_ready = select_thread_start_poll (run_loop_pollfds, run_loop_n_pollfds, timeout);

  if (n_ready > 0 || timeout == 0)
      /* We have stuff to do, no sleeping allowed! */
      CFRunLoopWakeUp (main_thread_run_loop);
  else if (timeout > 0)
      /* We need to get the run loop to break out of it's wait when our timeout
       * expires. We do this by adding a dummy timer that we'll remove immediately
       * after the wait wakes up.
      CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Adding timer to wake us up in %d milliseconds\n", timeout);
      run_loop_timer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate (NULL, /* allocator */
					     CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent () + timeout / 1000.,
					     0, /* interval (0=does not repeat) */
					     0, /* flags */
					     0, /* order (priority) */

      CFRunLoopAddTimer (main_thread_run_loop, run_loop_timer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
  run_loop_polling_async = n_ready < 0;

static void
run_loop_after_waiting (void)
  GMainContext *context = g_main_context_default ();

  /* After sleeping, we finish of the GMain loop iteratin started in before_waiting()
   * by doing the check() and dispatch() stages.

  if (run_loop_timer)
      CFRunLoopRemoveTimer (main_thread_run_loop, run_loop_timer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
      CFRelease (run_loop_timer);
      run_loop_timer = NULL;
  if (run_loop_polling_async)
      select_thread_collect_poll (run_loop_pollfds, run_loop_n_pollfds);
      run_loop_polling_async = FALSE;
  if (g_main_context_check (context, run_loop_max_priority, run_loop_pollfds, run_loop_n_pollfds))
      CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Dispatching after waiting\n");
      g_main_context_dispatch (context);

static void
run_loop_exit (void)
  g_return_if_fail (current_loop_level > 0);

  if (current_loop_level == acquired_loop_level)
      g_main_context_release (NULL);
      acquired_loop_level = -1;
      CLUTTER_NOTE (EVENTLOOP, "EventLoop: Ended tracking run loop activity\n");

static void
run_loop_observer_callback (CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
			    CFRunLoopActivity    activity,
			    void                *info)
  if (getting_events) /* Activity we triggered */
  switch (activity)
    case kCFRunLoopEntry:
      run_loop_entry ();
    case kCFRunLoopBeforeTimers:
      run_loop_before_timers ();
    case kCFRunLoopBeforeSources:
      run_loop_before_sources ();
    case kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting:
      run_loop_before_waiting ();
    case kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting:
      run_loop_after_waiting ();
    case kCFRunLoopExit:
      run_loop_exit ();


_clutter_osx_event_loop_init (void)
  GSource *source;
  CFRunLoopObserverRef observer;

  g_assert (old_poll_func == NULL);

  /* Hook into the GLib main loop */

  event_poll_fd.events = G_IO_IN;
  event_poll_fd.fd = -1;

  source = g_source_new (&event_funcs, sizeof (GSource));
  g_source_set_name (source, "Clutter OS X event source"); 
  g_source_add_poll (source, &event_poll_fd);
  g_source_set_priority (source, CLUTTER_PRIORITY_EVENTS);
  g_source_set_can_recurse (source, TRUE);
  g_source_attach (source, NULL);

  old_poll_func = g_main_context_get_poll_func (NULL);
  g_main_context_set_poll_func (NULL, poll_func);
  /* Hook into the the CFRunLoop for the main thread */

  main_thread_run_loop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent ();

  observer = CFRunLoopObserverCreate (NULL, /* default allocator */
				      true, /* repeats: not one-shot */
				      0, /* order (priority) */
  CFRunLoopAddObserver (main_thread_run_loop, observer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
  /* Initialize our autorelease pool */

  autorelease_pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];