# Enorces he code style of Mutter (based on GNU) code_width = 80 # indent using tabs output_tab_size = 2 indent_columns = output_tab_size indent_with_tabs = 0 indent_brace = 2 # indent case indent_switch_case = 0 # indent_case_brace = 0 # newlines newlines = lf nl_after_semicolon = true nl_start_of_file = remove nl_end_of_file = force nl_end_of_file_min = 1 # spaces sp_return_paren = force # "return (1);" vs "return(1);" sp_sizeof_paren = force # "sizeof (int)" vs "sizeof(int)" sp_assign = force sp_arith = force sp_bool = force sp_compare = force sp_after_comma = force sp_case_label = force sp_else_brace = force sp_brace_else = force sp_func_call_paren = force # "foo (" vs "foo(" sp_func_proto_paren = force # "int foo ();" vs "int foo();" sp_before_ptr_star = force sp_after_ptr_star_qualifier = force # "const char * const" vs. "const char *const" sp_after_ptr_star = remove sp_between_ptr_star = remove # "**var" vs "* *var" sp_inside_paren = remove # "( 1 )" vs "(1)" sp_inside_fparen = remove # "( 1 )" vs "(1)" - functions sp_inside_sparen = remove # "( 1 )" vs "(1)" - if/for/etc sp_after_cast = force # "(int) a" vs "(int)a" sp_func_call_user_paren = remove # For gettext, "_()" vs. "_ ()" set func_call_user _ N_ C_ # Needed for sp_after_cast sp_before_semi = remove sp_paren_paren = remove # Space between (( and )) eat_blanks_before_close_brace = true eat_blanks_after_open_brace = true # Style for curly braces nl_assign_brace = add nl_enum_brace = add nl_union_brace = add nl_struct_brace = add nl_class_brace = add nl_do_brace = add nl_if_brace = add nl_for_brace = add nl_else_brace = add nl_elseif_brace = add nl_while_brace = add nl_switch_brace = add nl_fcall_brace = add nl_fdef_brace = add nl_brace_else = add nl_brace_while = add nl_case_colon_brace = add nl_after_brace_open = true # Function calls and parameters nl_func_paren = remove nl_func_def_paren = remove nl_func_decl_start = remove nl_func_def_start = remove nl_func_decl_args = ignore nl_func_def_args = ignore nl_func_decl_args_multi_line = force nl_func_def_args_multi_line = force nl_func_decl_end = remove nl_func_def_end = remove # Code modifying options (non-whitespace) mod_full_brace_function = force mod_remove_extra_semicolon = true # Align align_func_params = true align_single_line_func = true align_var_def_star_style = 2 # one liners nl_func_leave_one_liners = true nl_enum_leave_one_liners = true nl_assign_leave_one_liners = true # Comments cmt_cpp_to_c = true # "/* */" vs. "//" cmt_convert_tab_to_spaces = true #cmt_reflow_mode = 2 # Full reflow (seems doesn't work quite well, it doesn't reorder the comments) cmt_width = 80 # Line width cmt_star_cont = true # Whether to put a star on subsequent comment lines cmt_sp_after_star_cont = 1 # The number of spaces to insert after the star on subsequent comment lines cmt_c_nl_start = false # false/true cmt_c_nl_end = true # false/true # For multi-line comments with a '*' lead, remove leading spaces if the first and last lines of # the comment are the same length. Default=True cmt_multi_check_last = false # Encoding utf8_bom = remove utf8_force = true