Emmanuele Bassi
Overview Clutter is a GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich, graphical user interfaces. Clutter works by manipulating a scene-graph of 2D surfaces, or 'actors', inside a 3D space. #ClutterActor is the base class for such surfaces. All #ClutterActors can be positioned, scaled and rotated in 3D space. In addition, other properties can be set, such as 2D clipping, children and opacity. Tranforms applied to a parent actor also apply to any children. Actors are also able to receive events. Subclasses of #ClutterActor include #ClutterStage, #ClutterTexture, #ClutterLabel, #ClutterRectangle, #ClutterEntry and #ClutterGroup. #ClutterActors are added to a parent, transformed and then made visible. #ClutterStage is the top level #ClutterActor - it's the representation of a window, or framebuffer. It is created automatically when Clutter is initialised. #ClutterStage is a #ClutterGroup, a class implementing the #ClutterCointainer interface. #ClutterTimelines provide the basis for Clutter's animation utilities. Multiple timelines can be synchronised using #ClutterScore, and #ClutterBehaviour and #ClutterEffect allow for the creation of animation effects such as transitions. Clutter further contains a number of utilities, including; #ClutterScript - for loading 'UI definition' files formatted in JSON, #ClutterShader - a class for applying GPU shaders to actors, #ClutterModel - a utility class for MVC list type implementations, and fixed point math utilities.