/* * Cogl * * A Low Level GPU Graphics and Utilities API * * Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "cogl-config.h" #include #include #include "cogl-pango-display-list.h" #include "cogl-pango-pipeline-cache.h" #include "cogl/cogl-context-private.h" typedef enum { COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TEXTURE, COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_RECTANGLE, COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TRAPEZOID } CoglPangoDisplayListNodeType; typedef struct _CoglPangoDisplayListNode CoglPangoDisplayListNode; typedef struct _CoglPangoDisplayListRectangle CoglPangoDisplayListRectangle; struct _CoglPangoDisplayList { gboolean color_override; CoglColor color; GSList *nodes; GSList *last_node; CoglPangoPipelineCache *pipeline_cache; }; /* This matches the format expected by cogl_rectangles_with_texture_coords */ struct _CoglPangoDisplayListRectangle { float x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2; float s_1, t_1, s_2, t_2; }; struct _CoglPangoDisplayListNode { CoglPangoDisplayListNodeType type; gboolean color_override; CoglColor color; CoglPipeline *pipeline; union { struct { /* The texture to render these coords from */ CoglTexture *texture; /* Array of rectangles in the format expected by cogl_rectangles_with_texture_coords */ GArray *rectangles; /* A primitive representing those vertices */ CoglPrimitive *primitive; guint has_color : 1; } texture; struct { float x_1, y_1; float x_2, y_2; } rectangle; struct { CoglPrimitive *primitive; } trapezoid; } d; }; CoglPangoDisplayList * _cogl_pango_display_list_new (CoglPangoPipelineCache *pipeline_cache) { CoglPangoDisplayList *dl = g_slice_new0 (CoglPangoDisplayList); dl->pipeline_cache = pipeline_cache; return dl; } static void _cogl_pango_display_list_append_node (CoglPangoDisplayList *dl, CoglPangoDisplayListNode *node) { if (dl->last_node) dl->last_node = dl->last_node->next = g_slist_prepend (NULL, node); else dl->last_node = dl->nodes = g_slist_prepend (NULL, node); } void _cogl_pango_display_list_set_color_override (CoglPangoDisplayList *dl, const CoglColor *color) { dl->color_override = TRUE; dl->color = *color; } void _cogl_pango_display_list_remove_color_override (CoglPangoDisplayList *dl) { dl->color_override = FALSE; } void _cogl_pango_display_list_add_texture (CoglPangoDisplayList *dl, CoglTexture *texture, float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2, float tx_1, float ty_1, float tx_2, float ty_2) { CoglPangoDisplayListNode *node; CoglPangoDisplayListRectangle *rectangle; /* Add to the last node if it is a texture node with the same target texture */ if (dl->last_node && (node = dl->last_node->data)->type == COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TEXTURE && node->d.texture.texture == texture && (dl->color_override ? (node->color_override && cogl_color_equal (&dl->color, &node->color)) : !node->color_override)) { /* Get rid of the vertex buffer so that it will be recreated */ if (node->d.texture.primitive != NULL) { cogl_object_unref (node->d.texture.primitive); node->d.texture.primitive = NULL; } } else { /* Otherwise create a new node */ node = g_slice_new (CoglPangoDisplayListNode); node->type = COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TEXTURE; node->color_override = dl->color_override; node->color = dl->color; node->pipeline = NULL; node->d.texture.texture = cogl_object_ref (texture); node->d.texture.rectangles = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (CoglPangoDisplayListRectangle)); node->d.texture.primitive = NULL; _cogl_pango_display_list_append_node (dl, node); } g_array_set_size (node->d.texture.rectangles, node->d.texture.rectangles->len + 1); rectangle = &g_array_index (node->d.texture.rectangles, CoglPangoDisplayListRectangle, node->d.texture.rectangles->len - 1); rectangle->x_1 = x_1; rectangle->y_1 = y_1; rectangle->x_2 = x_2; rectangle->y_2 = y_2; rectangle->s_1 = tx_1; rectangle->t_1 = ty_1; rectangle->s_2 = tx_2; rectangle->t_2 = ty_2; } void _cogl_pango_display_list_add_rectangle (CoglPangoDisplayList *dl, float x_1, float y_1, float x_2, float y_2) { CoglPangoDisplayListNode *node = g_slice_new (CoglPangoDisplayListNode); node->type = COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_RECTANGLE; node->color_override = dl->color_override; node->color = dl->color; node->d.rectangle.x_1 = x_1; node->d.rectangle.y_1 = y_1; node->d.rectangle.x_2 = x_2; node->d.rectangle.y_2 = y_2; node->pipeline = NULL; _cogl_pango_display_list_append_node (dl, node); } void _cogl_pango_display_list_add_trapezoid (CoglPangoDisplayList *dl, float y_1, float x_11, float x_21, float y_2, float x_12, float x_22) { CoglContext *ctx = dl->pipeline_cache->ctx; CoglPangoDisplayListNode *node = g_slice_new (CoglPangoDisplayListNode); CoglVertexP2 vertices[4] = { { x_11, y_1 }, { x_12, y_2 }, { x_22, y_2 }, { x_21, y_1 } }; node->type = COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TRAPEZOID; node->color_override = dl->color_override; node->color = dl->color; node->pipeline = NULL; node->d.trapezoid.primitive = cogl_primitive_new_p2 (ctx, COGL_VERTICES_MODE_TRIANGLE_FAN, 4, vertices); _cogl_pango_display_list_append_node (dl, node); } static void emit_rectangles_through_journal (CoglFramebuffer *fb, CoglPipeline *pipeline, CoglPangoDisplayListNode *node) { const float *rectangles = (const float *)node->d.texture.rectangles->data; cogl_framebuffer_draw_textured_rectangles (fb, pipeline, rectangles, node->d.texture.rectangles->len); } static void emit_vertex_buffer_geometry (CoglFramebuffer *fb, CoglPipeline *pipeline, CoglPangoDisplayListNode *node) { CoglContext *ctx = fb->context; /* It's expensive to go through the Cogl journal for large runs * of text in part because the journal transforms the quads in software * to avoid changing the modelview matrix. So for larger runs of text * we load the vertices into a VBO, and this has the added advantage * that if the text doesn't change from frame to frame the VBO can * be re-used avoiding the repeated cost of validating the data and * mapping it into the GPU... */ if (node->d.texture.primitive == NULL) { CoglAttributeBuffer *buffer; CoglVertexP2T2 *verts, *v; int n_verts; gboolean allocated = FALSE; CoglAttribute *attributes[2]; CoglPrimitive *prim; CoglIndices *indices; int i; n_verts = node->d.texture.rectangles->len * 4; buffer = cogl_attribute_buffer_new_with_size (ctx, n_verts * sizeof (CoglVertexP2T2)); if ((verts = cogl_buffer_map (COGL_BUFFER (buffer), COGL_BUFFER_ACCESS_WRITE, COGL_BUFFER_MAP_HINT_DISCARD)) == NULL) { verts = g_new (CoglVertexP2T2, n_verts); allocated = TRUE; } v = verts; /* Copy the rectangles into the buffer and expand into four vertices instead of just two */ for (i = 0; i < node->d.texture.rectangles->len; i++) { const CoglPangoDisplayListRectangle *rectangle = &g_array_index (node->d.texture.rectangles, CoglPangoDisplayListRectangle, i); v->x = rectangle->x_1; v->y = rectangle->y_1; v->s = rectangle->s_1; v->t = rectangle->t_1; v++; v->x = rectangle->x_1; v->y = rectangle->y_2; v->s = rectangle->s_1; v->t = rectangle->t_2; v++; v->x = rectangle->x_2; v->y = rectangle->y_2; v->s = rectangle->s_2; v->t = rectangle->t_2; v++; v->x = rectangle->x_2; v->y = rectangle->y_1; v->s = rectangle->s_2; v->t = rectangle->t_1; v++; } if (allocated) { cogl_buffer_set_data (COGL_BUFFER (buffer), 0, /* offset */ verts, sizeof (CoglVertexP2T2) * n_verts); g_free (verts); } else cogl_buffer_unmap (COGL_BUFFER (buffer)); attributes[0] = cogl_attribute_new (buffer, "cogl_position_in", sizeof (CoglVertexP2T2), G_STRUCT_OFFSET (CoglVertexP2T2, x), 2, /* n_components */ COGL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT); attributes[1] = cogl_attribute_new (buffer, "cogl_tex_coord0_in", sizeof (CoglVertexP2T2), G_STRUCT_OFFSET (CoglVertexP2T2, s), 2, /* n_components */ COGL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT); prim = cogl_primitive_new_with_attributes (COGL_VERTICES_MODE_TRIANGLES, n_verts, attributes, 2 /* n_attributes */); indices = cogl_get_rectangle_indices (ctx, node->d.texture.rectangles->len); cogl_primitive_set_indices (prim, indices, node->d.texture.rectangles->len * 6); node->d.texture.primitive = prim; cogl_object_unref (buffer); cogl_object_unref (attributes[0]); cogl_object_unref (attributes[1]); } cogl_primitive_draw (node->d.texture.primitive, fb, pipeline); } static void _cogl_framebuffer_draw_display_list_texture (CoglFramebuffer *fb, CoglPipeline *pipeline, CoglPangoDisplayListNode *node) { /* For small runs of text like icon labels, we can get better performance * going through the Cogl journal since text may then be batched together * with other geometry. */ /* FIXME: 25 is a number I plucked out of thin air; it would be good * to determine this empirically! */ if (node->d.texture.rectangles->len < 25) emit_rectangles_through_journal (fb, pipeline, node); else emit_vertex_buffer_geometry (fb, pipeline, node); } void _cogl_pango_display_list_render (CoglFramebuffer *fb, CoglPangoDisplayList *dl, const CoglColor *color) { GSList *l; for (l = dl->nodes; l; l = l->next) { CoglPangoDisplayListNode *node = l->data; CoglColor draw_color; if (node->pipeline == NULL) { if (node->type == COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TEXTURE) node->pipeline = _cogl_pango_pipeline_cache_get (dl->pipeline_cache, node->d.texture.texture); else node->pipeline = _cogl_pango_pipeline_cache_get (dl->pipeline_cache, NULL); } if (node->color_override) /* Use the override color but preserve the alpha from the draw color */ cogl_color_init_from_4ub (&draw_color, cogl_color_get_red_byte (&node->color), cogl_color_get_green_byte (&node->color), cogl_color_get_blue_byte (&node->color), (cogl_color_get_alpha_byte (&node->color) * cogl_color_get_alpha_byte (color) / 255)); else draw_color = *color; cogl_color_premultiply (&draw_color); cogl_pipeline_set_color (node->pipeline, &draw_color); switch (node->type) { case COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TEXTURE: _cogl_framebuffer_draw_display_list_texture (fb, node->pipeline, node); break; case COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_RECTANGLE: cogl_framebuffer_draw_rectangle (fb, node->pipeline, node->d.rectangle.x_1, node->d.rectangle.y_1, node->d.rectangle.x_2, node->d.rectangle.y_2); break; case COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TRAPEZOID: cogl_framebuffer_draw_primitive (fb, node->pipeline, node->d.trapezoid.primitive); break; } } } static void _cogl_pango_display_list_node_free (CoglPangoDisplayListNode *node) { if (node->type == COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TEXTURE) { g_array_free (node->d.texture.rectangles, TRUE); if (node->d.texture.texture != NULL) cogl_object_unref (node->d.texture.texture); if (node->d.texture.primitive != NULL) cogl_object_unref (node->d.texture.primitive); } else if (node->type == COGL_PANGO_DISPLAY_LIST_TRAPEZOID) cogl_object_unref (node->d.trapezoid.primitive); if (node->pipeline) cogl_object_unref (node->pipeline); g_slice_free (CoglPangoDisplayListNode, node); } void _cogl_pango_display_list_clear (CoglPangoDisplayList *dl) { g_slist_free_full (dl->nodes, (GDestroyNotify) _cogl_pango_display_list_node_free); dl->nodes = NULL; dl->last_node = NULL; } void _cogl_pango_display_list_free (CoglPangoDisplayList *dl) { _cogl_pango_display_list_clear (dl); g_slice_free (CoglPangoDisplayList, dl); }