How to add new units to the Clutter Conformance test suite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the new unit is not logically part of an existing file, you should create a new source file and add it to the build. The built files are listed in the template. Please, respect the sections already available there. When creating a new file, you should include "test-conform-common.h", as well as and . Each new test unit should be contained in a function named following this pattern: void
_ (void) { } For instance: void actor_allocation_changes (void) { /* test allocation changes */ } void rectangle_border (void) { /* test ClutterRectangle's border property */ } After adding the test unit, edit test-conform-main.c and add the unit to the list of tests, by using one of these three macros: • TEST_CONFORM_SIMPLE (path, function_name); @path is the unit path in the suite, and it's used to generate the executable wrapper for running the unit as a stand-alone binary and for the HTML report. @function_name is the name of the function containing the newly added test unit. This is the simple form of test unit, and it will always be run. • TEST_CONFORM_SKIP (condition, path, function_name); @condition is used to decide whether to run the unit or not. This macro will check @condition on start, and if it evaluates to TRUE then the @function_name will be called and the unit executed; otherwise the test will automatically succeed. • TEST_CONFORM_TODO (path, function_name); This macro will execute @function_name and will succeed if the unit fails. This macro should be used for tests that are known to fail. Notes: • Do not call clutter_init() in your units; initialization is handled by the conformance test suite itself. • All units are invoked in a new process, to prevent clobbering the state.