#include #include #include "test-declarations.h" #include "test-utils.h" #define LONG_ARRAY_SIZE 128 typedef struct _TestState { CoglPipeline *pipeline_red; CoglPipeline *pipeline_green; CoglPipeline *pipeline_blue; CoglPipeline *matrix_pipeline; CoglPipeline *vector_pipeline; CoglPipeline *int_pipeline; CoglPipeline *long_pipeline; int long_uniform_locations[LONG_ARRAY_SIZE]; } TestState; static const char color_source[] = "uniform float red, green, blue;\n" "\n" "void\n" "main ()\n" "{\n" " cogl_color_out = vec4 (red, green, blue, 1.0);\n" "}\n"; static const char matrix_source[] = "uniform mat4 matrix_array[4];\n" "\n" "void\n" "main ()\n" "{\n" " vec4 color = vec4 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n" " int i;\n" "\n" " for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)\n" " color = matrix_array[i] * color;\n" "\n" " cogl_color_out = color;\n" "}\n"; static const char vector_source[] = "uniform vec4 vector_array[2];\n" "uniform vec3 short_vector;\n" "\n" "void\n" "main ()\n" "{\n" " cogl_color_out = (vector_array[0] +\n" " vector_array[1] +\n" " vec4 (short_vector, 1.0));\n" "}\n"; static const char int_source[] = "uniform ivec4 vector_array[2];\n" "uniform int single_value;\n" "\n" "void\n" "main ()\n" "{\n" " cogl_color_out = (vec4 (vector_array[0]) +\n" " vec4 (vector_array[1]) +\n" " vec4 (float (single_value), 0.0, 0.0, 255.0)) / 255.0;\n" "}\n"; static const char long_source[] = "uniform int long_array[" G_STRINGIFY (LONG_ARRAY_SIZE) "];\n" "const int last_index = " G_STRINGIFY (LONG_ARRAY_SIZE) " - 1;\n" "\n" "void\n" "main ()\n" "{\n" " cogl_color_out = vec4 (float (long_array[last_index]), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n" "}\n"; static CoglPipeline * create_pipeline_for_shader (TestState *state, const char *shader_source) { CoglPipeline *pipeline; CoglHandle shader; CoglHandle program; pipeline = cogl_pipeline_new (test_ctx); shader = cogl_create_shader (COGL_SHADER_TYPE_FRAGMENT); cogl_shader_source (shader, shader_source); program = cogl_create_program (); cogl_program_attach_shader (program, shader); cogl_pipeline_set_user_program (pipeline, program); cogl_object_unref (shader); cogl_object_unref (program); return pipeline; } static void init_state (TestState *state) { int uniform_location; state->pipeline_red = create_pipeline_for_shader (state, color_source); uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (state->pipeline_red, "red"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_1f (state->pipeline_red, uniform_location, 1.0f); uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (state->pipeline_red, "green"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_1f (state->pipeline_red, uniform_location, 0.0f); uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (state->pipeline_red, "blue"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_1f (state->pipeline_red, uniform_location, 0.0f); state->pipeline_green = cogl_pipeline_copy (state->pipeline_red); uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (state->pipeline_green, "green"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_1f (state->pipeline_green, uniform_location, 1.0f); state->pipeline_blue = cogl_pipeline_copy (state->pipeline_red); uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (state->pipeline_blue, "blue"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_1f (state->pipeline_blue, uniform_location, 1.0f); state->matrix_pipeline = create_pipeline_for_shader (state, matrix_source); state->vector_pipeline = create_pipeline_for_shader (state, vector_source); state->int_pipeline = create_pipeline_for_shader (state, int_source); state->long_pipeline = NULL; } static void init_long_pipeline_state (TestState *state) { int i; state->long_pipeline = create_pipeline_for_shader (state, long_source); /* This tries to lookup a large number of uniform names to make sure that the bitmask of overridden uniforms flows over the size of a single long so that it has to resort to allocating it */ for (i = 0; i < LONG_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { char *uniform_name = g_strdup_printf ("long_array[%i]", i); state->long_uniform_locations[i] = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (state->long_pipeline, uniform_name); g_free (uniform_name); } } static void destroy_state (TestState *state) { cogl_object_unref (state->pipeline_red); cogl_object_unref (state->pipeline_green); cogl_object_unref (state->pipeline_blue); cogl_object_unref (state->matrix_pipeline); cogl_object_unref (state->vector_pipeline); cogl_object_unref (state->int_pipeline); if (state->long_pipeline) cogl_object_unref (state->long_pipeline); } static void paint_pipeline (CoglPipeline *pipeline, int pos) { cogl_framebuffer_draw_rectangle (test_fb, pipeline, pos * 10, 0, pos * 10 + 10, 10); } static void paint_color_pipelines (TestState *state) { CoglPipeline *temp_pipeline; int uniform_location; int i; /* Paint with the first pipeline that sets the uniforms to bright red */ paint_pipeline (state->pipeline_red, 0); /* Paint with the two other pipelines. These inherit from the red pipeline and only override one other component. The values for the two other components should be inherited from the red pipeline. */ paint_pipeline (state->pipeline_green, 1); paint_pipeline (state->pipeline_blue, 2); /* Try modifying a single pipeline for multiple rectangles */ temp_pipeline = cogl_pipeline_copy (state->pipeline_green); uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (temp_pipeline, "green"); for (i = 0; i <= 8; i++) { cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_1f (temp_pipeline, uniform_location, i / 8.0f); paint_pipeline (temp_pipeline, i + 3); } cogl_object_unref (temp_pipeline); } static void paint_matrix_pipeline (CoglPipeline *pipeline) { CoglMatrix matrices[4]; float matrix_floats[16 * 4]; int uniform_location; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) cogl_matrix_init_identity (matrices + i); /* Use the first matrix to make the color red */ cogl_matrix_translate (matrices + 0, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); /* Rotate the vertex so that it ends up green */ cogl_matrix_rotate (matrices + 1, 90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* Scale the vertex so it ends up halved */ cogl_matrix_scale (matrices + 2, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); /* Add a blue component in the final matrix. The final matrix is uploaded as transposed so we need to transpose first to cancel that out */ cogl_matrix_translate (matrices + 3, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); cogl_matrix_transpose (matrices + 3); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) memcpy (matrix_floats + i * 16, cogl_matrix_get_array (matrices + i), sizeof (float) * 16); /* Set the first three matrices as transposed */ uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (pipeline, "matrix_array"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_matrix (pipeline, uniform_location, 4, /* dimensions */ 3, /* count */ FALSE, /* not transposed */ matrix_floats); /* Set the last matrix as untransposed */ uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (pipeline, "matrix_array[3]"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_matrix (pipeline, uniform_location, 4, /* dimensions */ 1, /* count */ TRUE, /* transposed */ matrix_floats + 16 * 3); paint_pipeline (pipeline, 12); } static void paint_vector_pipeline (CoglPipeline *pipeline) { float vector_array_values[] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; float short_vector_values[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; int uniform_location; uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (pipeline, "vector_array"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_float (pipeline, uniform_location, 4, /* n_components */ 2, /* count */ vector_array_values); uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (pipeline, "short_vector"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_float (pipeline, uniform_location, 3, /* n_components */ 1, /* count */ short_vector_values); paint_pipeline (pipeline, 13); } static void paint_int_pipeline (CoglPipeline *pipeline) { int vector_array_values[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00 }; int single_value = 0x80; int uniform_location; uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (pipeline, "vector_array"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_int (pipeline, uniform_location, 4, /* n_components */ 2, /* count */ vector_array_values); uniform_location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (pipeline, "single_value"); cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_1i (pipeline, uniform_location, single_value); paint_pipeline (pipeline, 14); } static void paint_long_pipeline (TestState *state) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LONG_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { int location = state->long_uniform_locations[i]; cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_1i (state->long_pipeline, location, i == LONG_ARRAY_SIZE - 1); } paint_pipeline (state->long_pipeline, 15); } static void paint (TestState *state) { cogl_framebuffer_clear4f (test_fb, COGL_BUFFER_BIT_COLOR, 0, 0, 0, 1); paint_color_pipelines (state); paint_matrix_pipeline (state->matrix_pipeline); paint_vector_pipeline (state->vector_pipeline); paint_int_pipeline (state->int_pipeline); } static void check_pos (int pos, uint32_t color) { test_utils_check_pixel (test_fb, pos * 10 + 5, 5, color); } static void validate_result (void) { int i; check_pos (0, 0xff0000ff); check_pos (1, 0xffff00ff); check_pos (2, 0xff00ffff); for (i = 0; i <= 8; i++) { int green_value = i / 8.0f * 255.0f + 0.5f; check_pos (i + 3, 0xff0000ff + (green_value << 16)); } check_pos (12, 0x0080ffff); check_pos (13, 0xffffffff); check_pos (14, 0x80ffffff); } static void validate_long_pipeline_result (void) { check_pos (15, 0xff0000ff); } void test_pipeline_uniforms (void) { TestState state; init_state (&state); cogl_framebuffer_orthographic (test_fb, 0, 0, cogl_framebuffer_get_width (test_fb), cogl_framebuffer_get_height (test_fb), -1, 100); paint (&state); validate_result (); /* Try the test again after querying the location of a large number of uniforms. This should verify that the bitmasks still work even if they have to allocate a separate array to store the bits */ init_long_pipeline_state (&state); paint (&state); paint_long_pipeline (&state); validate_result (); validate_long_pipeline_result (); destroy_state (&state); if (cogl_test_verbose ()) g_print ("OK\n"); }